Perks' E Discussion Thread

How is replying to a sticky thread where the poems are listed on the FRONT PAGE, going to lose the poems?

they'll still be on the front page, they don't magically disappear.

And if stating how I feel, or what I want from my "moderator" is treating you "wrong" then I don't want to be right. Either you have an open ear, and mind, or you're just on a power trip. You can hear me without getting your panties in a knot and don't have to agree with me. I'm fine with that. But making double threads on all the latest topics is even more convoluted than how we're doing it.

This is a poetry "discussion" forum, not just a poetry list forum. If it were, we could just go to the daily lists. IF you want to make it easy for the newbies, then direct them on how to use the system and find things, don't tell the people who've been here for awhile they can't discuss and make human connections within the scope of poetry discussion, that's completely dictatorial.

The way we're headed it's going to end up being like "personals" and "the playground" except it will be "poetry forum" and "poetry discussion". This division is ridiculous.

You can think I'm attacking you personally, and maybe I am if you're making all the decisions for "the poets", but it's not you, Eve, it's the choices you're making. It's not the one sticky thread it's the locked sticky thread about poetry, not the rules, it's the "let's not discuss anything but poetry in this thread", it's the "this thread is too long, let's start a new one where we have all these rules". This poetry thing is hard enough without taking the human element from the discussions. It's not fucking school, it's a forum of friends. I've always considered you one, and still do, but I've got to ask myself "what the fuck is going on here?"
I mean you said yourself the other night, that you had been stagnant, removing humanity from poetry discussion isn't the answer. Remember, we've got to fill ourselves up to be able to pour out, sugah.

Maybe I'm a little heated about this, I'm concerned. I know I am completely antagonistic, but please don't let that get in the way of you hearing what I'm trying to say.

Maybe some people don't think I have the right to say anything, because I come and go as I please, but I will anyway, especially for something I care about.

Hey there Ms, RuffleSlut. I sure have missed you. And you go ahead and say what you like, as if you need anyone's permission. Periodically, newbies pop in, poop up the place then leave and think they have added something to what used to be a pretty decent place to learn and express ones self. Now it's basically attention-whoreville. Hpwever, I do like the E thread because it reminds me that I once had a load of those little greenies and I wish I could get them back simply because they made me feel good, like someone noticed....

Personally, I NEED you, you inspire me. I don't like the division either, but hey, majority doesn't always rule, look what happened to Al Gore.... and at least there is an ignore button, except some of them you cannot ignore, which sucks, because you are exposed to every bit of drivel and useless piece if twitter crap that anyone feels like posting. And most of it isn't even interesting! Just egocentric, lol.

Take care Sweetie, keep writing! This place suffered when you left.

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Hey there Ms, RuffleSlut. I sure have missed you. And you go ahead and say what you like, as if you need anyone's permission. Periodically, newbies pop in, poop up the place then leave and think they have added something to what used to be a pretty decent place to learn and express ones self. Now it's basically attention-whoreville. Hpwever, I do like the E thread because it reminds me that I once had a load of those little greenies and I wish I could get them back simply because they made me feel good, like someone noticed....

Personally, I NEED you, you inspire me. I don't like the division either, but hey, majority doesn't always rule, look what happened to Al Gore.... and at least there is an ignore button, except some of them you cannot ignore, which sucks, because you are exposed to every bit of drivel and useless piece if twitter crap that anyone feels like posting. And most of it isn't even interesting! Just egocentric, lol.

Take care Sweetie, keep writing! This place suffered when you left.

you think so? how strange

perhaps getting back to writing something worth writing might help you overcome this perspective you've adopted. and no-one forces you to read a post, even if the ignore function won't work on it.
you think so? how strange

perhaps getting back to writing something worth writing might help you overcome this perspective you've adopted. and no-one forces you to read a post, even if the ignore function won't work on it.

Dear Chippy,

"strange" is very subjective, don't you think? My post was not aimed at you, not anyone in particular. Please don't feel that just because you are a "mod" you must respond to everything everyone posts.
And I, like anyone else here, has the right to post whatever I like, as long as it hurts no one. Did I hurt YOU? I sincerely apologize. Sometimes a thicker skin helps around here, ya know, and sometimes it takes YEARS to grow one....

Have a chipper day!!

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and, by the way, I don't post everything I write here, because no one reads anymore, except the groupies.

Why have you quit writing? Not the responses you expected? Don't give up dearie, quality comes with practice.
I write all the time, for me, to be sent out for publication, and have had success. Maybe you'd give it a whirl and see what the world thinks of your work. Couldn't hurt, huh?

be well,

~~ Maria


If you have any worthwhile crit, on my work, I would LOVE to read it, as anyone can use a new set of eyes, and a new perspective. However, I do not respect the sort of FB that goes like this- it sucks,...blah, blah, give me specifics, that's how you earn respect. I also write as normal jean, ghost_girl, and a few others. I call them "mood alts" so rip into me if you feel like you need to, I promise I won't cry, lol.


my darling, we are trying to change that, and frankly a mere little post of yours caused me to go back and look at another's work, I hope you where contacted. I will pm
Dear Chippy,

"strange" is very subjective, don't you think? My post was not aimed at you, not anyone in particular. Please don't feel that just because you are a "mod" you must respond to everything everyone posts.
And I, like anyone else here, has the right to post whatever I like, as long as it hurts no one. Did I hurt YOU? I sincerely apologize. Sometimes a thicker skin helps around here, ya know, and sometimes it takes YEARS to grow one....

Have a chipper day!!

oh dear :rolleyes:
a) i don't and nor do i
b) you do, but your whinging post seemed to lack the quality of some of your poetry, hence my suggestion
c) nothing you can say to me can hurt me. why on earth should it?
d) my skin is just dandy, thanks

and, by the way, I don't post everything I write here, because no one reads anymore, except the groupies.

Why have you quit writing? Not the responses you expected? Don't give up dearie, quality comes with practice.
I write all the time, for me, to be sent out for publication, and have had success. Maybe you'd give it a whirl and see what the world thinks of your work. Couldn't hurt, huh?

be well,

~~ Maria


If you have any worthwhile crit, on my work, I would LOVE to read it, as anyone can use a new set of eyes, and a new perspective. However, I do not respect the sort of FB that goes like this- it sucks,...blah, blah, give me specifics, that's how you earn respect. I also write as normal jean, ghost_girl, and a few others. I call them "mood alts" so rip into me if you feel like you need to, I promise I won't cry, lol.

again :rolleyes:

a) i doubt if any of us post all we write here
b) i haven't quit writing - an alien notion indeed
c) i take the responses as they come, and don't fret if they don't. i have 'perspective'
d) indeed, practise, practise, practise
e) good for you - my own published material stands alone, and i rarely submit at the moment, looking instead to find something out about my writing by writing rather than subbing. as for the world, my published pieces range from australia to the usa to britain, china, japan and other little places. print, that is. how 'the world' views anything i write as a whole i couldn't possibly say.
f) when i offer my thoughts on a work, they tend to be well-considered, and pretty specific - how detailed will depend upon time. i crit on pieces i feel moved to say something about as time permits.
g) respect is a two-way thing.
h) ripping into people is not my style. never has been. i have no objection to 'mood alts'.
oh dear :rolleyes:
a) i don't and nor do i
b) you do, but your whinging post seemed to lack the quality of some of your poetry, hence my suggestion
c) nothing you can say to me can hurt me. why on earth should it?
d) my skin is just dandy, thanks

again :rolleyes:

a) i doubt if any of us post all we write here
b) i haven't quit writing - an alien notion indeed
c) i take the responses as they come, and don't fret if they don't. i have 'perspective'
d) indeed, practise, practise, practise
e) good for you - my own published material stands alone, and i rarely submit at the moment, looking instead to find something out about my writing by writing rather than subbing. as for the world, my published pieces range from australia to the usa to britain, china, japan and other little places. print, that is. how 'the world' views anything i write as a whole i couldn't possibly say.
f) when i offer my thoughts on a work, they tend to be well-considered, and pretty specific - how detailed will depend upon time. i crit on pieces i feel moved to say something about as time permits.
g) respect is a two-way thing.
h) ripping into people is not my style. never has been. i have no objection to 'mood alts'.

Jeez, Honey, get over yourself. I have much more on my mind, better ways to spend my time than trying t o Hurt you or anyone else. Your self-absorption doesn't deserve a response, yet I gave you one, YAYAy!! YOU win!!!!

Now , YOU go and TRY to write some poetry,

PS, leave me outta your drama. I don't need it nor do I want it and I don't thrive on it like some of the folks here do.

I have just as much right to post on a thread as you do and you will not run me off. Are you sure you aren't bijou?

In case you "hasn't"" figured it out, you're the one I wish I could put on ignore with your wasted words and inane posts. Some people have been around here so long they remember when words actually meant something, they weren't just moronic chatter. Go for it, it is what you do best.
OMFG.. I ressurrected this damned thread from 2004... it was full of shite then and oh my... None of the comments are fresh except the recent gouges clawed off the scars 6 years laid down. I guess it was all still festering.
OMFG.. I ressurrected this damned thread from 2004... it was full of shite then and oh my... None of the comments are fresh except the recent gouges clawed off the scars 6 years laid down. I guess it was all still festering.

meh, a little fresh air helps things stop festering. :)
Jeez, Honey, get over yourself. I have much more on my mind, better ways to spend my time than trying t o Hurt you or anyone else. Your self-absorption doesn't deserve a response, yet I gave you one, YAYAy!! YOU win!!!!

Now , YOU go and TRY to write some poetry,

PS, leave me outta your drama. I don't need it nor do I want it and I don't thrive on it like some of the folks here do.

I have just as much right to post on a thread as you do and you will not run me off. Are you sure you aren't bijou?

In case you "hasn't"" figured it out, you're the one I wish I could put on ignore with your wasted words and inane posts. Some people have been around here so long they remember when words actually meant something, they weren't just moronic chatter. Go for it, it is what you do best.

Hey Maria, you've said some nice things to me over the past year for which I am really grateful and I for one would love to see your poems back here--I would read them with avidity.

But please don't attack people like Chip who have kept this place going through what I guess (from what people have written here) has been a particularly thin period into what is now a period of growth.

Chip, like you, has said encouraging things to this particular poet which have been the difference between carrying on and throwing in the towel.

My respect for Chip, both as Mod and Poet, is total--perhaps because she gives respect back. I hope you can reciprocate and become part of this community with your poems again--I would certainly welcome them. :rose::rose:
Oh, btw, speaking as someone who has never seen a green E in his life, who are the E(ditors, I presume) who give out these fractious "E"'s? :D
any comments suggestions, volunteers. does this have value? Ang had a good couple of lines in a thread about enjambment, do you want to add. any dissent? I love dissent, I just what to avoid the loops (I'm guilty too) in the E thread.

Ah ok, I just saw this.

You know I love enjambments for a few reasons:

1. Imo when you run sentences across lines poems sound more natural. If you write a line to be a complete sentence (or an independent clause), your poem will get a sing-songy rhythm to it. And maybe that is one's purpose in a given poem, but usually it's a sign of someone who hasn't written or experimented much. When you do try to run sentences across lines you can do all sorts of interesting word plays, which leads me to reason number~

2. If you use enjambment and choose your end (of one line) and start (of next line) words carefully you can imbue both lines with multiple meanings. Maybe that's just a weird preference of mine, but I always love it when I'm reading and expect to go in one direction and then end up somewhere totally unexpected. And you can accomplish that with good enjambment.

Anyway to me one of the best things about writing poetry is the opportunity to experiment (because imo that's where growth happens) and enjambment is a particularly good way to do that.
Ah ok, I just saw this.

You know I love enjambments for a few reasons:

1. Imo when you run sentences across lines poems sound more natural. If you write a line to be a complete sentence (or an independent clause), your poem will get a sing-songy rhythm to it. And maybe that is one's purpose in a given poem, but usually it's a sign of someone who hasn't written or experimented much. When you do try to run sentences across lines you can do all sorts of interesting word plays, which leads me to reason number~

2. If you use enjambment and choose your end (of one line) and start (of next line) words carefully you can imbue both lines with multiple meanings. Maybe that's just a weird preference of mine, but I always love it when I'm reading and expect to go in one direction and then end up somewhere totally unexpected. And you can accomplish that with good enjambment.

Anyway to me one of the best things about writing poetry is the opportunity to experiment (because imo that's where growth happens) and enjambment is a particularly good way to do that.
Ange, can you stick this in the "E" tools for learning
cut & paste
and thanks, greatly
Ange, can you stick this in the "E" tools for learning
cut & paste
and thanks, greatly

You will have to ask Chipbutty or one of the other mods, my friend. I'm not a mod here anymore and haven't been for a while. I have no more sticking capacity. :eek:

Chip? Can you help the brother out? :D
You will have to ask Chipbutty or one of the other mods, my friend. I'm not a mod here anymore and haven't been for a while. I have no more sticking capacity. :eek:

Chip? Can you help the brother out? :D

i've c&p'd your post there and attached a Do Not Post Here note at the bottom, but are we talking making that thread a sticky? It's certainly a helpful tool for writers here.

well i hope that's what you mean, guys, as i have made my first sticky here...

aren't innuendos grand? :devil:
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i've c&p'd your post there and attached a Do Not Post Here note at the bottom, but are we talking making that thread a sticky? It's certainly a helpful tool for writers here.

well i hope that's what you mean, guys, as i have made my first sticky here...

aren't innuendos grand? :devil:
I don't think it needs a sticky, I was asking for a DO NOT POST STICKER that invited poster would on. I thought we could do a nice compact thread with the E's, in some kind of order:rolleyes: I still haven't figured that one out.
i've c&p'd your post there and attached a Do Not Post Here note at the bottom, but are we talking making that thread a sticky? It's certainly a helpful tool for writers here.

well i hope that's what you mean, guys, as i have made my first sticky here...

aren't innuendos grand? :devil:

I think it's a useful thread to have as a sticky, but I'm fine with it either way. I thought that's what 12 meant, but don't go by me. I've pulled a muscle in my back and am on pain drugs and out of it! (I'd leave it for now and if folks don't want it stuck, they'll let you know.) :)
I think it's a useful thread to have as a sticky, but I'm fine with it either way. I thought that's what 12 meant, but don't go by me. I've pulled a muscle in my back and am on pain drugs and out of it! (I'd leave it for now and if folks don't want it stuck, they'll let you know.) :)
Get well