Personal Jesus' (aka Your Own Lit Top Ten)

neonurotic said:
Sorry. Can't pick just 10 and these are not in order of pref.
avalanche by Icingsugar

Taking up Space by Maria2394

Lifer by vampiredust

The Nightingale by Angeline

rhetoric by 4degrees

House Arrest by OhMissScarlett

A Gallery Of Poems by champange1982
- These poems are now gone, I see.

Bullet by Aurora Black

To Borrow a Supernova by Liar
To Be An Envelope by Liar

from my pillow by annaswirls

Missing by gauchecritic​

Thank goodness you mentioned Carrie - I was about to explode! There are too many poems for me to mention but I love finding out what others chose.
Tristesse2 said:
Thank goodness you mentioned Carrie - I was about to explode! There are too many poems for me to mention but I love finding out what others chose.
If I could still find it, I'd have definitely mentioned my favourite "Ham Sandwich". Thanks for the fanning neo' and 'tess, I was content to be grouped with "so many other talented poets" but your mentions are nice to have as well. :rose: :heart: :kiss:
MyNecroticSnail said:
Hmmm, looks a little varied. And good. Don't you think, Eve?
Where's the list?

Okay. :rolleyes: Here's 7:

Dopey's Lament Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/23/06

Goliath said Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/26/06

MIP's Poetic Moment Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/10/06

MIP- if then zen Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/03/06

MIP~Little Pig Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/04/06

My crayon box has many colors Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/03/06

~~Haiku Ribber~~ Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 05/26/06
EVE: Are you coming back to 30/30? Come on....

I hate lists. The whole thing makes me cranky and yet I am strangly drawn to them. I can't look away :rolleyes: I do not have a good enough memory to make them after the fact. I remember pieces of poems without remembering who wrote them, or the titles. :)

But you are RIGHT there are damn fine poems here, and this is a good way to point them out. It has been interesting reading poems on people's lists!

I remember eagle eyes had one about kissing cousins that I love, but I think it was in a thread. oh oh and one about dead plants for sale half price for anyone who can bring them back to life.

I love denishale's work-- my favorite was his poem to SP- it was so genuine, straight on and hard hitting.

Maria's poem Feeding the Summer Solstice I loved so much I read it in church and so many of hers have touched me

flyguy had one about the 1,2,3's of seduction that was right on, s but I think that was in a forum and that one about driving in the car looking at the people in the other car but that one is gone and Pat had that one about some girl's legs wrapped around his neck that was hot. There was one he submitted right when he became RainMan... I will have to go look it up.

Love 1201's stuff and the one about watching discovery channel on a giant tv was genius

Neonurotic's BackDoor Man I was hooked instantly.

Calli and Dusty Star kick ass. I will go back and dig one up.

PoetBoy had one that changed my mind forever about anal sex.
Minervous: dropping her daughter off at UCLA
Tzara: damn near all of them could make the list
SaraCrew: something about buttons on a sweater
Eve had the ladybug egg and I loved KittinshJane the moment I saw her first poem.
I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite of 2rivers, oxalis, sveltwalker, smithpeter et al. I am thinking of reviving that mirror thread because I am suffering without my fix for so long.

Oh and HippieDude and Liar of course, God I hate lists! :cool:

WickedEve said:
Oh, that list. :)
No one ever notices when I disappear for a few days. I've had a cold. I even screwed up my 30/30 and have to start over.
Okay, list.
I know something by jthserra will be on it. He's one of my favorites.
Any poem by Angeline or Pat should be on any good list.
Lots of others poets I like. Annaswirls, smithpeter, maria...
I'd rather list my top ten poets than top ten poems.
Can I do that?
My nose is running and so am I.
later. :D
Last edited:
annaswirls said:
flyguy had one ... about driving in the car looking at the people in the other car but that one is gone ....
Oh lordy, Anna-- that was the very first poem I ever wrote! I sincerely hope I've written better stuff since! But thank you, and thanks, too, for reminding me about Denis Hale. He had lots of good stuff here, but "Wingman Must Hang in the Penalty Box" was amazing.

Too bad he's taken almost everything down. :eek:
flyguy69 said:
Oh lordy, Anna-- that was the very first poem I ever wrote! I sincerely hope I've written better stuff since! But thank you, and thanks, too, for reminding me about Denis Hale. He had lots of good stuff here, but "Wingman Must Hang in the Penalty Box" was amazing.

Too bad he's taken almost everything down. :eek:

Surely you have written better things, but it is still a favorite, I guess you always remember your first fly guy :) besides it was so up front, put out there, you could feel the honesty, who cares about "better" anyway :) The sport's bra one was memorable too, and the Target Shopping oh and the one about venetian blinds and your daugher.

Damn it flyguy why don't you start posting your poems in New Poems again :eek:
flyguy69 said:
Oh lordy, Anna-- that was the very first poem I ever wrote! I sincerely hope I've written better stuff since! But thank you, and thanks, too, for reminding me about Denis Hale. He had lots of good stuff here, but "Wingman Must Hang in the Penalty Box" was amazing.

Too bad he's taken almost everything down. :eek:

hey I like your sig line :) Did you get reminded of that by VampireDust's Rain Skull Challenge?
annaswirls said:
hey I like your sig line :) Did you get reminded of that by VampireDust's Rain Skull Challenge?
Yup. Specifically your reference to "Jerry Garcia's box of rain" (really Phil Lesh's)-- one of my Dead favs.
flyguy69 said:
Oh lordy, Anna-- that was the very first poem I ever wrote! I sincerely hope I've written better stuff since! But thank you, and thanks, too, for reminding me about Denis Hale. He had lots of good stuff here, but "Wingman Must Hang in the Penalty Box" was amazing.

Too bad he's taken almost everything down. :eek:
If it's the one I am thinking of, which I only saw as a "golden oldie" kind of thing, there was some line about Cialis that made me spit Coke out the wrong orifice. Not that there is a good orifice from which to spit Coke.

(Note to self: Do not drink carbonated beverages when reading certain poems.)

And yeah. Denis Hale was/is really good.
Tzara said:
If it's the one I am thinking of, which I only saw as a "golden oldie" kind of thing, there was some line about Cialis that made me spit Coke out the wrong orifice. Not that there is a good orifice from which to spit Coke.

(Note to self: Do not drink carbonated beverages when reading certain poems.)

And yeah. Denis Hale was/is really good.
Like any good brother, I'm always happy to tickle your ribs mercilessly as you try to drink pop.
flyguy69 said:
Like any good brother, I'm always happy to tickle your ribs mercilessly as you try to drink pop.
And I am pleased to shower you with half-digested carbonic acid laced with useless calories and FD&C carcinogens.

Welcome back.
Tzara said:
And I am pleased to shower you with half-digested carbonic acid laced with useless calories and FD&C carcinogens.

Welcome back.
Wanna Hertz donut?

(glad to be back, though it's short-lived!)
flyguy69 said:
Wanna Hertz donut?

(glad to be back, though it's short-lived!)
::flyguys are notoriously short-lived. Poor things.. a little flyspotting and then a quick breeding before the buzz at the end.
champagne1982 said:
::flyguys are notoriously short-lived. Poor things.. a little flyspotting and then a quick breeding before the buzz at the end.
How sorry can you feel for a creature that spends it's entire adult life stage screwing?
flyguy69 said:
How sorry can you feel for a creature that spends it's entire adult life stage screwing?
depends on how libidinous the other adult is, I guess.
flyguy69 said:
Wanna Hertz donut?

(glad to be back, though it's short-lived!)
I am just waiting for you to start 30-1 on the 30/30 thread. When you finally get there, I might actually give you a picture of a catamaran or, maybe, a stoat. Your choice.

That Laura poem was touching, and really real. I have backspaced my way through messages like that, both typed and verbal. They are always painful.
WickedEve said:
Okay. :rolleyes: Here's 7:

Dopey's Lament Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/23/06

Goliath said Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/26/06

MIP's Poetic Moment Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/10/06

MIP- if then zen Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/03/06

MIP~Little Pig Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/04/06

My crayon box has many colors Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 04/03/06

~~Haiku Ribber~~ Poem Non-Erotic Poetry 05/26/06
Hey, this is supposed to be serious. Let's see a real list. :nana:
MyNecroticSnail said:
Hey, this is supposed to be serious. Let's see a real list. :nana:
Uh. Stop riding my ass about it.
I know I've read poems that have made me green with envy. I've wanted to steal them and take them off somewhere and pinch them until they cry. I've even saved them. I just don't know where. I'm old and senile and living in a hut with broken dildos.
MyNecroticSnail said:
Hey, this is supposed to be serious. Let's see a real list. :nana:
Oh my, never serious, darlin' ...

If we took half of what was said round here seriously, we'd all be writing drivel. :rolleyes:

Well, maybe it is more serious than I thought. I'll just go and scribble me drivel. ;)
WickedEve said:
Uh. Stop riding my ass about it.
I know I've read poems that have made me green with envy. I've wanted to steal them and take them off somewhere and pinch them until they cry. I've even saved them. I just don't know where. I'm old and senile and living in a hut with broken dildos.
Finish this poem...

She lives in a hut with broken dildos,
keeps stolen poems in a
black book of crime
and pinches them
until they cry.

Or she would,
if memory revealed
where she put it.
Liar said:
Finish this poem...

She lives in a hut with broken dildos,
keeps stolen poems in a
black book of crime
and pinches them
until they cry.

Or she would,
if memory revealed
where she put it.
That's so twisted. I love it. :D
Liar said:
Finish this poem...

She lives in a hut with broken dildos,
keeps stolen poems in a
black book of crime
and pinches them
until they cry.

Or she would,
if memory revealed
where she put it.
She thinks of the mind pit
and poems congealed
in the mud

crying out why?
She raises her hem
up out of the grime
and words shed from books
and a feild of blossoming dildos.