Personality CharacteristicSome of you might have read the book, Erotic Pows of D&Sers

What are your D&S Personality characteristics?

  • Assertive in everyday life - being dominant is a natural extension of my nature

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Assertive in everyday life - being submissive is an erotic release and/or counterbalance

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • Passive in everyday life - being submissve is a good complement to my personal style

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Passive in everyday life - being dominant allows me to release my suppressed power

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Assertive in everyday life - I am switch

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • Passive in everyday life - I am a switch

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
Re: Great idea! Sounds like a good book!

DRxBlue said:
i stopped running for buses a long time ago.

Exactly, and me too.

I don't let myself get worked up about stupid shit anymore.

Last week when I was picking my girls up from preschool, the mom ahead of me had a fit that somebody else had signed her daughter out.

I pointed out that it was probably just a mistake by a parent in a hurry.

Her daughter was there. Nobody had taken her.

It was simply about the fucking signature in the wrong box.

I was getting a little irritated because I was waiting for her to finish so I could sign my kids out.

She wouldn't let it go. I'm not kidding.

After I stopped listening to her rant, she took the pages out of the book to report it to somebody in charge.

When you start to prioritize problems, they all take perspective.
Assertive in everyday life - being dominant is a natural extension of my nature

So far it's you and me Ebony :)

Re: agreeing with Luvsub

Artful's dream said:
... KNOW my basic nature esp when it comes to my Master both erotically and other ways is passive/submissive ,,no doubt about it..and I love that He accepts me as I am..:rose:

I'm curious and I'll probably get flamed for this, but Dream, I've twice seen you reprimand your Master for mild flirting in this forum since I've been here (which isn't long).

How do you reconcile that with your submissive nature?
Re: Great idea! Sounds like a good book!

I'm an "A" type, but I don't run for them either. But I way well chase you with one if you piss me off!

DRxBlue said:
In daily life, i tend to be less confrontational. i'm sorta the type "B" person. i stopped running for buses a long time ago.
i would still run FROM a bus, especially if it was being driven by an irate Monster no matter WHAT his number.

(d'ya think i'm CRAZY?) Blue (Don't answer that!)
Assertive in everyday life - I am switch

But both the first two assertive catagories sum up my feelings.
Aren't you still on the farm chasing turkeys with a backpack of compressed air and an impact wrench?

DRxBlue said:
i would still run FROM a bus, especially if it was being driven by an irate Monster no matter WHAT his number.

(d'ya think i'm CRAZY?) Blue (Don't answer that!)
Assertive in everyday life - being submissive is an erotic release and/or counterbala

I'd have to say that I'm aggressive but not overly so...that is to say, I won't let anyone run over me and I get things done that need to be done without prompting because I have no choice. Being a single parent definitely gives me no room to shirk my duties. I have to admit that I'm most happiest when I make someone else happy...I feel pleasure doing for others and recieving praise. My greatest wish would be to extend this further into my life.

So far the largest group are submissive balancers, people who are assertive in their everyday lives and are submissve as a balance to that.

I figures this was the largest group.

Any comments?
Re: Re: Personality Characteristics of D&Sers

Ebonyfire said:

Don't be shy, I wil go first.

I am assertive in everyday life and being dominant is an extension of my nature.


I am assertive in everyday life and being dominant is an extension of My nature.
I am assertive to the point of being intimidatingly controlling in my work life. Of course, I'm also submissive to the point of being a doormat in my personal (non-intimate) life.

My students always say on my evaluations that I'm very laid back. My coworkers say I'm a Take Charge/Take No Prisoners type.

I would never back down from an argument that I really believed in, and haven't--even when I've been afraid for my *life* in fighting for, say, the protection of my sister. I tend to not confront friends and family members who treat me badly or use me like a servant.

People tend to think I'm very assertive in my real life, and I'm good at creating that impression. In reality, it's not that clear-cut.

I'm Switch, through and through and through again.
RisiaSkye said:
I am assertive to the point of being intimidatingly controlling in my work life. Of course, I'm also submissive to the point of being a doormat in my personal (non-intimate) life.

My students always say on my evaluations that I'm very laid back. My coworkers say I'm a Take Charge/Take No Prisoners type.

I would never back down from an argument that I really believed in, and haven't--even when I've been afraid for my *life* in fighting for, say, the protection of my sister. I tend to not confront friends and family members who treat me badly or use me like a servant.

People tend to think I'm very assertive in my real life, and I'm good at creating that impression. In reality, it's not that clear-cut.

I'm Switch, through and through and through again.

Thanks RS for contributing to this look at our little community.

Thanks to everyone who has shared their information on this thread. The numbers are interresting, don't ya think?

Re: Re: Re: Personality Characteristics of D&Sers

Shadowsdream said:

I am assertive in everyday life and being dominant is an extension of My nature.

I am definitely not surprised at your comment! LOL

I'm a balancing sub. No surprise, I'm sure.

Temporary hijack: Eb, your mailbox is full. Hijack over.
Desdemona said:
I'm a balancing sub. No surprise, I'm sure.

Temporary hijack: Eb, your mailbox is full. Hijack over.

Damn, I just emtied the dang thing! sheesh! I need a slave!


I dont post enough; but when I come across something interesting, like this, its a good opportunity for me.

I posted: Passive in everyday life, being dominant lets me release my supressed power.

I think i'm the only one :) Aren't I unique?

Pretty much, when just going around, I let someone else lead. I dont like making the big decisions about what i'm going to visit in the mall first if i'm with friends. Alot of times when I go to theme parks, i'll follow.

I still dont take crap from people. I may have in the past, but luckily, that much of my nature has changed since school.

I'm a web designer, and I dont have any interest in being a project lead of any kind, so being on the "take orders" side there is what i'm used to.

I'm kind of a switch in that I enjoy having a woman take control of me sometimes, but for the most part I prefer being in control.

Not that I can say so much from personal experience; that virgin tag isn't THAT innaccurate :p But i've been online for a while, and I have an imagination.

This is getting off track, so i'll leave with that being my thoughts and reply. :)

~Detton, professional library troll
Re: Heh

Detton, thanks for posting! You are unique indeed, but I suspect that there are others lurking in the darkness.


Detton said:
I dont post enough; but when I come across something interesting, like this, its a good opportunity for me.

I posted: Passive in everyday life, being dominant lets me release my supressed power.

I think i'm the only one :) Aren't I unique?

Pretty much, when just going around, I let someone else lead. I dont like making the big decisions about what i'm going to visit in the mall first if i'm with friends. Alot of times when I go to theme parks, i'll follow.

I still dont take crap from people. I may have in the past, but luckily, that much of my nature has changed since school.

I'm a web designer, and I dont have any interest in being a project lead of any kind, so being on the "take orders" side there is what i'm used to.

I'm kind of a switch in that I enjoy having a woman take control of me sometimes, but for the most part I prefer being in control.

Not that I can say so much from personal experience; that virgin tag isn't THAT innaccurate :p But i've been online for a while, and I have an imagination.

This is getting off track, so i'll leave with that being my thoughts and reply. :)

~Detton, professional library troll
But I like being unique...

Let them lurk! I want to stay unique :p Maybe somebody will message me out of curiousity. I haven't gotten anything for a while.

~Detton, professional library troll
Re: But I like being unique...

Detton said:
Let them lurk! I want to stay unique :p Maybe somebody will message me out of curiousity. I haven't gotten anything for a while.

~Detton, professional library troll

You are unique whether anyone else posts to that trait or not. but then you already know that.

I am a switch who is generally assertive in outside situations.

It's been a few years since I read Scott's book, but if I recall correctly, she found "balancers" of either type to be the most common personality types. There was some question, I believe, that her data was somewhat skewed because so much of her research involved pro Dommes and their clients. I think it's an interesting way to look at the BDSM population, though.
James Blandings said:
I am a switch who is generally assertive in outside situations.

It's been a few years since I read Scott's book, but if I recall correctly, she found "balancers" of either type to be the most common personality types. There was some question, I believe, that her data was somewhat skewed because so much of her research involved pro Dommes and their clients. I think it's an interesting way to look at the BDSM population, though.

I wondered about that, too. I thought I would see what would hold up on the forum.

I have read in other non D/s books that a complete person strives for balance in their life. I would think that is true. The most effective way I have found to handle life stresses is to be a balanced individual.
