Personals Anybody?

I posted earlier today that I was in favor of a a BDSM personals section, and I still am. I however do like the idea that others have brought up on making it a subforum of Personals rather than a subfourm of BDSM. I think it makes more sense there.

Also I went to the personals foum as I had not been there in many months, and from what I see maybe the problem is in the organization of that forum; In that there is none. Wading through that horrifing. I think a better overall solution would be a complete reorganization of the Personals section. I think it needs to be broken down into more discrete (and hopfully more managable, and user friendly) sections the way that the forums themselves are. I realize this would be an huge undertaking at lit, but it may be to everyones benefit.

Just a thought,
catalina_francisco said:
Party pooper!!!! :p

Catalina :rose:

Well Wife has been known to make exceptions. :D

Okay back to being serious...Is there a real need for this? I mean I think it is a fine idea but then I don't post personal ad's. I'm just wondering if there are that many people making misguided posts? I see them from time to time but I haven't noticed them being obtrusive or annoying. Maybe you mod's get to them before I notice.

Just a curious thought.
Gets my vote, if I was "in the market " I would much more likely to check out the dedicated bdsm personals than wade through the general one. Its hard enough to track down regional, let alone erotic specific subscribers there. It could even be helpful in arranging munches, or notifying of conventions/workshops etc in your area, but is this overstepping the boundaries do you think?
Limbhugger said:

Okay back to being serious...Is there a real need for this? I mean I think it is a fine idea but then I don't post personal ad's. I'm just wondering if there are that many people making misguided posts? I see them from time to time but I haven't noticed them being obtrusive or annoying. Maybe you mod's get to them before I notice.

Just a curious thought.

Yep, they are plentiful and growing by the week as I have found. I have no personal use for them either but remember how good it was having such places when I was searching for the one who would make it all worthwhile. The set up we have now basically invites those who are serious or not so serious, and realise the wealth of our forum, to try to post against the rules to have their needs met. I can empathise and can't blame them, so figure there is a gap in the system that could be answered for those in need.

Catalina :rose:
M'lady&kitten said:
I posted earlier today that I was in favor of a a BDSM personals section, and I still am. I however do like the idea that others have brought up on making it a subforum of Personals rather than a subfourm of BDSM. I think it makes more sense there.

Also I went to the personals foum as I had not been there in many months, and from what I see maybe the problem is in the organization of that forum; In that there is none. Wading through that horrifing. I think a better overall solution would be a complete reorganization of the Personals section. I think it needs to be broken down into more discrete (and hopfully more managable, and user friendly) sections the way that the forums themselves are. I realize this would be an huge undertaking at lit, but it may be to everyones benefit.

Just a thought,

It does seem to make more sense to make it a sub forum of Personals I agree. We can have a direct link from the forum for easy access. I agree also it will be more effective if organised well. From past experiences it is not the size of a Personals board which creates success stories, but more so it's user friendly organisation. I know the one we met through was very small, and still is, but was much better organised and divided for ease than most of the bigger ones we were part of. Thanks for the input everyone.

Catalina :rose:
Hi landcruisergal

Hi Catalina...

Um, well, I dunno if this thread was started by me, accidently...LOL, I PM'ed poor Catalina & asked baout such - and a copupla days later, this thread pops up -

I'd LIKE to post a "personal ad", but have no desire to offend anyone by doing so -

I'm into wetsuit fetish (you can GUESS what that is by having a squiz (look) at my AV picture...LOL, boy would I LOVE to be that guy!

Which brings me to my point - the number of people at Lit (I have posted nearly 1000 posts at Aussies thread, for example: Aussie thread ), well, they are all nice people...BUT none of 'em seem interested in HOT CHICKS in wetsuits.

There's been a couple of (guys) interested in wetsuit fetish at the Literotica Bar but I'm hetero, though I'd like a BISEXUAL girlfriend.

Ok, my question is - HOW the heck can I communicate this - without annoying others?

Um, also WHERE is the most appropriate spot to place such an ad?

From reading this thread, I'd have to say that there seems not to be any such place (At BDSM, I mean).

What say others?

Where would be the best spot for such an ad?


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Hi landcruisergal
Gets my vote, if I was "in the market "

I wish you were!

I would much more likely to check out the dedicated bdsm personals than wade through the general one.

Yes, true...that "general" stuff can lead one to think: there's NO-ONE out there (i'm beginning to think that!)

Its hard enough to track down regional, let alone erotic specific subscribers there.

yes - try looking , for example, for a hot, bisexual, wetsuit - liking bisexual girl...(woman, whatever)

It could even be helpful in arranging munches

Um...not familiar with that word, sorry.

, or notifying of conventions/workshops etc in your area, but is this overstepping the boundaries do you think?

I think the regional idea is a good one...unless you're the Sultan of Brunei (or Bill Gates) - and can afford International travel at the drop of one's hat - having someon on the other side of the world is interesting, but for all the wrong reasons!

I'd LOVE to run a workshop where bisexual wetsuited girls get to explore their sexuality!
LOL, rest easy OzSteamer. You are not the only one wanting a place for Persoanls which are not in the pure vanilla stakes and it just made sense to me seeing the increase over the last 6 months or so that perhaps if we address the issue we might help some people to find the bliss Master and I have, and help with misplaced ads in threads etc. Hopefully soon it will become more than just a thought...and if I come across any fitting your needs I'll steer them in your direction. :D Maybe you need to venture north to Noosa where the diving is so fine you might be surrounded by the women of your dreams. Dream about that place often now I'm here.

Catalina :rose:


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Hi catalina_francisco

LOL, rest easy OzSteamer.

LOL, not in this (hot) weather...urf..

You are not the only one wanting a place for Persoanls which are not in the pure vanilla stakes

LOL, I dunno why people call it that - Vanilla, especially the type used in cooking, is actually VERY tasty!

and it just made sense to me seeing the increase over the last 6 months or so that perhaps if we address the issue we might help some people to find the bliss Master and I have, and help with misplaced ads in threads etc.

YEAH, I've been there & got no results, too.

Hopefully soon it will become more than just a thought...and if I come across any fitting your needs I'll steer them in your direction. :D

WOOOHOOO!!! Thankee, Catalina!

Maybe you need to venture north to Noosa where the diving is so fine you might be surrounded by the women of your dreams.

LOL, hmmm...I'm more into the surfie style of wetsuit, but, yes, hot DIVER chicks are nice, too...

Dream about that place often now I'm here.

From which I take it you're not AT Noosa?

Catalina :rose:

Thankee for thinking of me, catalina.



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OzSteamer said:
Hi landcruisergal

I'm into wetsuit fetish (you can GUESS what that is by having a squiz (look) at my AV picture...LOL, boy would I LOVE to be that guy!

Um, also WHERE is the most appropriate spot to place such an ad?

Where would be the best spot for such an ad?

Seaworld? Sorry couldn't resist. :)

Here's the link to get you to the personals section. I would say toss it into the BDSM personals as any like minded fetish seeker is more likely to browsing there. Good luck.
Hi Limbhugger

Seaworld? Sorry couldn't resist. :)

Hey, I couldn't resist those wetsuited beauties, EITHER! LOL, have a look at the attachment...methinks she's in rather an EMBARRASING situation!

Here's the link to get you to the personals section. I would say toss it into the BDSM personals as any like minded fetish seeker is more likely to browsing there. Good luck.

Thankee...JUST gone there!!! (typing out the posting & thread right now...)


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well well, my dom wants a 3rd party and where better to advertise I thought? So I am in the market after all.
Let mne add to what Catalina had to say, too, LandCruiserchick - GOOD LUCK...hand any responses so far?

My "personal" has been looked at 62 times, but so far, no responses.
OzSteamer said:
My "personal" has been looked at 62 times, but so far, no responses.

Have you joined any surf clubs? Been to Kirra lately? Gotta get in the right circles to catch your fish blue. LOL. Good luck....keep hangin' ten and something is sure to float to the surface just for you.

Hi catalina_francisco


Have you joined any surf clubs?

No, I try to avoid 'em, they tend to be VERY territorial. Heard of Surf Rage? Well, it's getting to be quite a problem. (Note: I tend to be pretty placid, so I like to AVOID all such things)

Been to Kirra lately?

LOL, I've NEVER been to Kirra, sorry - I can't afford to travel much.

Gotta get in the right circles to catch your fish blue.

Yeah, too true. At THIS arte , I'll be a HUNDRED, LOL!

LOL. Good luck....keep hangin' ten and something is sure to float to the surface just for you.

LOL, no pun intended?


Thankee Catalina...say, is your screen name a reference to certain types of flying boats?
OzSteamer said:

Thankee Catalina...say, is your screen name a reference to certain types of flying boats?

LOL, no it is Francisco's slave name for me. He is Spanish by birth and had visions of his slave before he knew I existed for real, and he named her Catalina.....sooooo when he found me, and found I was the vision slave, Catalina I became.

Ah, you need to find a way to venture north to places like Kirra, Flagstaff Beach, Coolangatta, and Sunshine Beach (on the Sunshine Coast), where the surfing is great and those girls may be hanging out waiting for you. Have fond memories of heading to Sunshine Beach to watch the sun rise over the surf in my youth, then enjoying a beautiful big steak sandwich with the works for breakfast, the juice dripping everywhere.

The pic is Flagstaff Beach (think that is what they renamed it) taken from Point favourite vegeout spot back home, especially when the wind is blowing hard, the rain pouring, and the tourists all heading for home. LOL.

Catalina :rose:
Hi catalina_francisco

URF, what time is it where you are? (it's 10:30 am, on the morning of Jan 26th, here)

LOL, your pic reminds me of the breaches around Newcastle...I walk my dog along 'em.

I'll have to take a few pics for you.