PG Secret Santa 2022 Edition! πŸŽπŸŽ„

Alright, I'm in. (I apologize in advance to whoever I get, I am sure to disappoint, I am, perhaps, the worst gift giver ever....)

Username: lakesailer_mi
I’m a: male
Favorite Color: Green? I like colors....
Favorite Music Genre: 70's 80's rock metal. But I actually would love to learn about modern rock (I'm old, yeah)
Favorite Lit Story Category: Voyeur &Exhibitionist, Toys & Masturbation, Anal, Romance, and some fetish. (god, I'm blushing).
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: Firebreeze, CascadiaBound, MrTenant, BeachBaby,
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: Anything you create. Honestly, I am pretty easy going and anything you give in earnest participation would be a thrill!
Username: Mrtenant
I’m a: male
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Music Genre: Folk, rock, bluegrass, blues, jazz, metal, classical
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic couplings, Exhibition/Voyeur, bdsm
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints
@cascadiabound @lakesailor @barefootgirl69
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: Story, poem, vocaroo, recipe, comics, classic car, nudes, art, music, personality, creativity, smiles
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Don’t worry @beachbaby179 the penny will drop eventually when he realises there has to be somebody to match up the secret Santa givers with the receivers and that person obviously can’t match themselves to anybody because then their Santa wouldn’t be secret!

Get it now Doofus? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Shuddit Unicorn! Nobody asked you.

ETA. Doofus is a well earned nickname, not an insult, and I’d never actually tell her to Shuddit. She wouldn’t listen anyway.
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Username: Anastasia1999
I’m a: female
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Music Genre: Independent, Alternative, 80ies, Classical, Singer/ Songwriter, Disco!
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic couplings, Exhibition/Voyeur
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @MrsNaughtyCat, @Orchidea73 @AmberLGreen
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: music, art, recipes for food and drinks, travel tips and recommendations, pod cast recommendations, stories, poems, vocaroo messages 😘

great idea. Thank you.
I am going to tag a few people who I think would be fun enough to take part. They might not have the time commitment or even want to be involved but I think they are positive people who would be good gift givers.

@LaisDeMarieDeFrance @gga3737 @Anastasia1999 @cascadiabound @shenglung @UnchainedWordist @cheekygirl75 @PlanetaryNebula @lukeleia @AverageJack @Diosax @Justadesperatewifeandmom @MedicalMuse
Thank you for the call out... I'm not certain I can commit to being able to follow thru, but will think on it the next couple days. It's so fun just reading people's xmas profiles πŸŽ„β€οΈπŸŽ„
Username: Mo Bandy aka the One aka Unabomber aka DJ Prince Harry Rogaine
I’m a: He/Man
Favorite Color: Hot White Heat
Favorite Music Genre: Diarrhea Planet
Favorite Lit Story Category: Whats the story morning glory hole
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: Mr Ugliest Unshaven Drunkard
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: booze, pills, titty bar cash
I'm in!
Username: Shadynz22
Im a : female
Favourite colour/s : purple( any shade) red
Favourite music: anything except rap/ hip hop,
Favourite Lit Catergory: poems erotic or non.
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @Grant55 ,@Mr_Soup , @drobert44
Three types of gift I would enjoy
A song that you think would suit me
A poem written just for me
A voice recording of you
Thank you! 🌷πŸ₯°
OK Shady, I am gonna out the real you!

User name: muddler35
I am: Male
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite music: Lots, but country is my favorite.
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic couplings, Loving wives.
My Bestie on Lit that can give you hints: @AmberLGreen @cheekygirl75 @_Odette_

Three types of gifts I’d be thrilled to receive:

Just a nice introductory Pm
A funny true life story
A snippet of someone singing their favorite song

Merry Christmas!
Username: Lily13
I’m a:female
Favorite Color: verdigris (blue/green)
Favorite Music Genre: All kinds of music, except most rap
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic Couplings, Humor & Satire, Reluctance
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @Girly_girl @settledseas @Nicefella
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: a clip of your fav movie and why you love it, the funniest gif you’ve ever seen, or a song that means something to you.

@beachbaby179 I can’t post pics from my phone anymore πŸ™„ for some strange reason. So I wouldn’t be able to give pics I took to my match up 😫
Username: Lily13
I’m a:female
Favorite Color: verdigris (blue/green)
Favorite Music Genre: All kinds of music, except most rap
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic Couplings, Humor & Satire, Reluctance
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @Girly_girl @settledseas @Nicefella
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: a clip of your fav movie and why you love it, the funniest gif you’ve ever seen, or a song that means something to you.

@beachbaby179 I can’t post pics from my phone anymore πŸ™„ for some strange reason. So I wouldn’t be able to give pics I took to my match up 😫
If pics are what you need to send, we'll figure it out. No worries. I'm a great chief elf... πŸŽ…