PG Secret Santa 2022 Edition! πŸŽπŸŽ„

OK Shady, I am gonna out the real you!

I spose Shady will out me........U name it, I tried it........
Oh goodie! I would love to join this year!


Username: Thom_the_gleeman
I’m a: male
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Music Genre: Jazz
Favorite Lit Story Category: BDSM
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: Anastasia1999
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: a personal sexy story, a lovely audio message, making a new friend
Username: Lily13
I’m a:female
Favorite Color: verdigris (blue/green)
Favorite Music Genre: All kinds of music, except most rap
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic Couplings, Humor & Satire, Reluctance
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @Girly_girl @settledseas @Nicefella
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: a clip of your fav movie and why you love it, the funniest gif you’ve ever seen, or a song that means something to you.

@beachbaby179 I can’t post pics from my phone anymore πŸ™„ for some strange reason. So I wouldn’t be able to give pics I took to my match up 😫
Neither can I, so frustrating!
Username: Nicefella
I’m a: Man

Favorite Color: Hunter Green

Favorite Music Genre: Alt Rock

Favorite Lit Story Category:
Erotic Couplings, Consent/Reluctance, BDSM

My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: @Lily13, @PlanetaryNebula

Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive:

Anything with thought to it.
A recording (vocaroo works!) if your voice and sensual!
A song which reminds you of your first love
A movie that made you think about something bigger than you.
Okay, I think I have managed to clear the way. I have not participated in a couple of years. In the past I have written a story as a gift.

Username: TANSTAAFL58

I’m a: male/female/non-binary/more than meets the eye/unicorn/haven't figured it out yet. Just a sec, let me check. Male.

Favorite Color: Plaid. Tartan. Checked. (Fine, be that way, "red")

Favorite Music Genre: Hard rock. Blues. Anything a bit different, off plumb or unusual. (My favourite Christmas Song is "Warm Beer and Cold Women" by Tom Waites)

Favorite Lit Story Category: BDSM, Erotic Couplings, Humour and Satire.

My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: Hmmm... a lot have left or are on a break. Any regular on the Chaos thread will have an idea.

Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: A story. A Picture (erotic or not). Audio recording, or @drobert44 's little friend in the vintage lingerie :ROFLMAO:. My friend (on a break) says "Boobs make everything better" She is wise.
I’m in!
Username: Cyber_Bella
I’m a: female
Favorite Color: blue or purple
Favorite Music Genre: Country
Favorite Lit Story Category: Erotic Couplings
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: I don’t have a bestie on Lit.
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: Art, music, something creativeβ€”recipe, story, voice clip etc.
I know I haven't been around much but this is one of my favorite PG things to do. Take a leap - join in the fun. If you have any questions - what are they? Let me know.
Who or what is PM?
I am unable to provide a gift
Delicious Idea, thanks!!!

Username: cernunnos69, god of nature, lust and fertility
I’m a: Male
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Favorite Music Genre: Folk, Celtic, Sea Shanties
Favorite Lit Story Category: Fetish, BDSM, Exhibitionist & Voyeur
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: I don’t have a bestie on Lit since I just (re)joined
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: 1. Audio clip of your voice talking, storytelling, or singing 2. Photo/video/Story of your Favourite Place in Nature 3. Anything Naughty and Nice!
It's that time of year again, folks! Here we go!

Just a reminder of the rules - please read before signing up!

Sign Up is Now through December 14
You will be PMd your Secret Santa on December 15.
All of the above is assuming I get enough participation. If not, I'll let you know. Either way, you'll get a PM from me on 12/15.
Gifts should be sent by December 25. (Obviously the closer to the holiday, the more fun!)

1 - Please sign up by commenting as such on this thread.
2 - Fill out the Wishlist Form and either post it or PM it to me. This will be sent to your SS to help them with gift ideas.
3 - Please do not sign up if you feel you can't follow through with a gift. If you do sign up and an emergency keeps you from fulfilling your Santa commitment to your SS, please let me know and I will get a helper elf to make sure they have something. I don't want any participants to NOT get a gift. I've been there - it sucks.
4 - Please, please, please only participate if you are not planning a Lit break between now and Christmas.

** The gifts are intended to be electronic, not physical. So think in terms of things you can share through a PM or email. (Music, art, a story or poem, a puzzle, etc)
** Obviously if you PM your gift directly, your identity is revealed. Most people do that. If you want to conceal your identity, you can send your gift through me to remain fully anonymous. If you're going to do that, I need to have it by December 22nd. Thanks!
** All matches will be random and anonymous. So please keep the spirit in which it was intended. Be kind. And no special requests will be granted (like... please arrange for me to get/not get Litsterxxx - because that really fucks up the algorithm).
** When you get your gift, please come post a β€œthank you” and tell us all about it. Half the fun is sharing in your joy!

Happy Holidays! Enjoy!!

**********~~~Wishlist Form~~~**********

I’m a: male/female/non-binary/more than meets the eye/unicorn/haven't figured it out yet
Favorite Color:
Favorite Music Genre:
Favorite Lit Story Category:
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints:
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive:
Sign me up! I dont see the Wishlist Form, however. Old married guy, world traveller, wife not well, combat vet, history of dating sissies and was a gay bottom for one hunk. Am on Lit almost daily, retired, from Midwest.

I do believe I have time ... @beachbaby179 ... if this gets to you too late then please do not pressure yourself to include me in this. (I know I am sending this in at the very last minute.)

At any rate, this looks like a fun idea and event, and i do wish everyone a wonderful gift exchange. (And thank you for hosting this BeachBaby179.)

My form
Username: Darkraven13
I’m a: Female
Favorite Color: I don't think I've had one since HS. If pushed ... perhaps green
Favorite Music Genre: Indie/singer-songwriter ... especially if its acoustic
Favorite Lit Story Category: Romance
My bestie on Lit who can give you hints: There are a lot of nice people on Lit, but I think the one person I am closest to does not come to these forums.
Three types of gifts I would be thrilled to receive: A simple hello and a smile; a poem or story; a favorite song that you like
OK - the randomizer has been applied - I am starting to send out your Secret Santa assignments. There are 29 of you, so it'll take me a while to send each of you a message. Please be patient. I'll add another post when I've sent out the last message.

Let the games begin!

ETA: this is going to be a process. You apparently can't send PM's one right after the other. You need to wait a certain amount of time between them. So the whole copy/paste/edit/send method isn't working the way I had hoped. LOL!
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OK - the randomizer has been applied - I am starting to send out your Secret Santa assignments. There are 29 of you, so it'll take me a while to send each of you a message. Please be patient. I'll add another post when I've sent out the last message.

Let the games begin!

ETA: this is going to be a process. You apparently can't send PM's one right after the other. You need to wait a certain amount of time between them. So the whole copy/paste/edit/send method isn't working the way I had hoped. LOL!
I can be patient!
Further, anything I can do to help?
OK everyone - I think I'm finished. If you're participating, you should have received a private message from me with your assignment. If you did NOT receive something from me, it was definitely an oversight. Contact me and I'll fix it.

Have fun, everyone and please contact me if I can help you in any way.