
Zaudika said:
Its very disappointing.
I've considered trying again, maybe in another few months just to make sure that everything is for sure healed completely. But I'm pretty much afraid that the same thing will happen again. Especially since I've always had problems with my piercings.
It's my favorite piercing on a man or a woman, and it drives me crazy not to be able to have them myself.

The other piercing I've really want is a "Christina" piercing.

Link: http://www.bme.freeq.com/pierce/10-female/other/christ1.jpg

but I've also heard that again.. its a deep and difficult to heal piercing.

I can see how it would be.

I know that many male piercings take a long time to heal too.

I understand your disapointment.
Eeeek! Zaudikia, you're brave... I could never get one of those.... eeeek I say!!!!
watergirl said:
Eeeek! Zaudikia, you're brave... I could never get one of those.... eeeek I say!!!!

The pain from one of those piercings isn't supposed to be much more, if not less intense as a nipple piercing.. so as far as that goes, I'm all good. I actually enjoyed the sensation of having my nipples pierced. The pain was pretty extreme, but the rush was amazing. :D
I have 9 rong scrotal ladder, all stretched to 2 ga. They fell good. I have never had a problem with any of them.
My wife has 6 inner labia, a hood and a triangle piercings. Never any troubel.
All piercings we done by top piercers. All of the piercings are between 6 and 14 years old.
piercing take place?


Did you get pierced this weekend and if so, how did it go?
Did it!

Hey guys... I just got back from the shop. I ended up getting my nipples pierced, cuase my clit was too small and deep set to support a hood piercing. I was totally freaked out, because my Dom made me watch while he got a Prince Albert... I almost fainted, I swear. I actually almost started hyperventillating when I got in the chair for them to check and see if I could do the hood piercing. We ended up leaving the room, and then went back and asked them to do my nipples. God it hurt... I almost chickened out on the second one, but I didnt want to be lopsided. I got these cute rings w/ little purple balls... I might let him take some pics to show ya'll. I am still kinda in shock... I can't believe I actually got my nips pierced. lol
happy with mine

I have both nips, a navel and a hood(triangle) piercing. I am a fast healer and was having my nipples sucked(not recommend) within a week. But then again I have not so very sensitive nips and the whole motivation was physical not decorative. So the pain/pleasure was acute for the first 3 weeks and VERY enjoyable. And I have often thought about getting them done again to experience that again.(that was 4 years ago). I had my hood done 2 years ago, after some research. I am a fan of BME. and read thru the articles. I was concerned about potential scarring and loss of sensation with clitoral rings, and as it turned out the piercer said my anatomy wasnt the best for one anyway. The prob with my hood was that I had to learn to masturbate all over again, having little self control, was jilling off within the first 24 hours.Hard and frustrating to change technique after 20 years of daily DYI.
My advice is to do research, find an experienced genital piercer, and take at least 1000mg of Vit.E daily for the week leading up to and then for a month after. And for breast feeding......Your piercing should not go throught the aeriola tissue at the base of the nipple, this is where the ducts are.And if you have big breasts you should have a low small gauge , as the weight does increase migration occurences.
Zaudika said:
The pain from one of those piercings isn't supposed to be much more, if not less intense as a nipple piercing.. so as far as that goes, I'm all good. I actually enjoyed the sensation of having my nipples pierced. The pain was pretty extreme, but the rush was amazing. :D

Omg... you aren't joking. It had to be one of the most intesnse experiances I have ever had... and I am not just talking about the pain. It was, all in all, an AWESOME experiances I have ever had.
This will be a bit of a ramble, but oh well.

The orginal plan was for me and my Dom to each get a genital piercing... he was getting a prince albert, I was going to have my hood pierced. He has had a piercing before, a fenum, I think it was called, so he was not really that nervous, but I was pretty scared. I asked my cousin to go with us, because if it can be pierced, I think she has pierced it.
They did his first, and He made me watch... which only made me more scared, because it bled a lot, and the pain was intense enough that he let out a short scream. This, from a man who likes pain, was not reassuring, let me tell you.

When it was my turn, the piercer said that my clit was too deepset to allow for a hood piercing to heal... so he called in another piercer for a second opinion, and then another, because he wanted to be sure that there was no way to give what I wanted. (should that be THOUGHT I wanted?)
So there I was, skirt around waist, with three men pulling, plucking, and examining my most private area, while two other women looked on. Let me tell you, this was Not my idea of a comfort zone, never having had more than one man see any portion of me naked at one time, much less be poking and prodding.

They finally decided that it couldn't be done, and suggested a Christina piercing, but I had been looking for something to produce sensation, not decoration. So I decided to get my nipples done.

He had to leave, as the whole process took longer than expected, so there I was w/ only my cousin, about to bare my breasts to a man who was going shove a huge needle threw them. Then, somehow, he must have hypnotized me or something, because he looked into my eyes, told me to breath and not look away from him, and pierced the first one. The funny thing is, while I know he had to have broken eye contact to pierce me, I don't recall him ever looking away. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt like hell, and I was cursing, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
To make it all even more amazing, he calmed me enough to have the second one done, too, which is a miracle because I am a SERIOUS wuss girl when it comes to pain. I have to be really aroused before I can take pain sedately, and then only because at that point, it doesnt hurt :p
Overall, I would have to say it was great... I am happy w/ my piercings ( I got kinda big rings, w/ little purple beads that look like tigers eye... pics may follow soon) and if I ever get anything else pierced, I will be going to ther same guy.
Wow niteshade, you are much braver than I was.

I went in about February and got just one nip pierced, because I wasn't sure I could do both at once. Glad I made that choice at the time. However, I am going back within the next month or so to get the other one done. Master and I both love the look and I certainly love the sensitivity increase.

I have waited to do this until after I knew I was done having kids. (no more in my future, problem solved) So there is no way that I'd have to worry about breast feeding my babies.

Master went with me for the first one, which was a good thing because I almost bolted out the door when we walked into that shop with 4 really scarey looking (but nice) men sitting there. I know I jumped when the piercer asked if he could help us. I had been instructed that I had to ask them for what I wanted when we got there, because Master assured me it was totally up to me to get this done or not. My only problem now is that Master will not be able to go with me for the next one, so I should probably find a friend around here that I can trust to go with me.

I have not had one single person ever be able to tell that I have a pierced nip. And being that my Master/husband is military and in a higher ranking position, I know that's a really good thing. It is actually kinda fun too, to know that I have that little secret under my clothes. LOL

Congrats on your piercings and sorry that you couldn't get the one you thought you wanted.

Ty Dixi... I only got the second one done at that time for 2 reasons...

1) I was pretty sure if I didn't to it then it wouldn't get done....

2) I didn't want to be lopsided.

LOL... the things we do for fashion.
*Just a friendly little bump*

Oh and I went two nights ago and got myself evened up. ;)

Was very pleased that this time I was not scared at all, and just savored the experience. Also this time it has not been as sore afterward as the first one was.

So how about you ladies all start a shared thread of it on the Am Pics board & link it here? :D
Re: Re: Piercing

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Nipples have the longest healing time of all the piercings--4 months minimum is the recommended time.

i know this is off topic but it's driving me crazy...

unless my doctor and piercer misinformed me, the longest healing time of ALL piercings is the navel ring. It's supposed to take six months to two years to heal. That's a good deal more than four months, let me tell you. Mine never got around to the healing stage and had to be removed.

sorry for the mini hijack(sp?) it was just getting on my nerves >.<

on topic: has anybody who's not into massive amounts of pain gotten theirs done and not screamed bloody murder? just curious, you know.
er actually what i've heard (and lived) is the cartalage is the worst to heal... i got mine done 4 years ago and it still gets sore.

I think a lot of it depends ont he body... i'm sure the belly button is a pain to heal due to pants and other clothing being on top of it... the body folding at that point sometimes... the fact that the skin can be toot aught there and reject... etc... everyone's different... healing time (not the average healing time) but a real healing time is based on the piercer/piercer's skills and knowlage, the wuality of jewelry, the placement, and your own body's system...
Re: Re: Re: Piercing

Bondagebunni said:
i know this is off topic but it's driving me crazy...

unless my doctor and piercer misinformed me, the longest healing time of ALL piercings is the navel ring. It's supposed to take six months to two years to heal. That's a good deal more than four months, let me tell you. Mine never got around to the healing stage and had to be removed.

sorry for the mini hijack(sp?) it was just getting on my nerves >.<

on topic: has anybody who's not into massive amounts of pain gotten theirs done and not screamed bloody murder? just curious, you know.

I am such a wuss, it is not even funny... really, it is a running theme in all my threads. I didn't scream... I just said something along the lines of "Holy f-ing s*** that really f-ing hurt am I smoking crack???????"

But, I didn't scream, and I got the other one done. And, would I do it again? Hell yeah. You bet your ass ( or should that be tit?) I would.
dixicritter said:
*Just a friendly little bump*

Oh and I went two nights ago and got myself evened up. ;)

Was very pleased that this time I was not scared at all, and just savored the experience. Also this time it has not been as sore afterward as the first one was.


I am so happy for you Dixi... did you do ok w/o Him there? I know you said you were a little scared to go alone.

Oh, and James? I hate having my picture taken, but I actually have been after N to take some pics of my rings to post here... he just hasn't done it yet.
niteshade said:
Oh, and James? I hate having my picture taken, but I actually have been after N to take some pics of my rings to post here... he just hasn't done it yet.

Keep up the good work ;)
Re: Nipple piercings


You had some questions about a nipple piercing and if you could breast feed still...Check out a site BMEZINE.COM anything and everything you could want to know about piercings of any sort as well as medical questions about piercings. I do believe and I'm not an expert but am pierced that you can still breast feed without a problem with a nipple piercing. But check that site, very good and informative.
niteshade said:
I am so happy for you Dixi... did you do ok w/o Him there? I know you said you were a little scared to go alone.

I did fine, but I took a female friend with me. I still wouldn't go alone, had tried for weeks to make myself get in there but my car just wouldn't turn into the parking lot. LOL

Originally posted by James G 5
So how about you ladies all start a shared thread of it on the Am Pics board & link it here? :D

As of now Master's rules don't allow that. Sowwy. ;)
i am going on friday to see if i can get a hood done, i am also deepset. if it can't be done they better find something down there to stick a hole in ;)

actually if a hood can't be done i will start my "lacing system" which will be no less than 3 rings on each side
ammre said:
er actually what i've heard (and lived) is the cartalage is the worst to heal... i got mine done 4 years ago and it still gets sore.

I think a lot of it depends ont he body... i'm sure the belly button is a pain to heal due to pants and other clothing being on top of it... the body folding at that point sometimes... the fact that the skin can be toot aught there and reject... etc... everyone's different... healing time (not the average healing time) but a real healing time is based on the piercer/piercer's skills and knowlage, the wuality of jewelry, the placement, and your own body's system...

I have had my cartilege pierced over 15 years ago... I know I know I was a trend setter! LOL It still gets sore if I sleep on it wrong...
Although I am not a lady,I would like to answer the question.
I had both of my nipples done in late june,why did I do it,for one I like how they look,I had heard it was painful but worth it in the
long run, so far I am very happy with them-have not really been
able to play with them much yet-they are still healing-we can hardly wait,sometime just wearing a dress shirt is to much to handle-my nipples are rock hard most of the time.
It was painful to have done and a little tender for the first 2 weeks,but as long as I keep them clean I think they will be just
fine,I have heard no rough stuff for 6 to 8 months.would I do it
again,if I had known about it I would have done it when I was
24 instead of 44,when my nipples are hard so is my cock.
I really don't care who knows I have them,I know why I did it,
and what I get out of them,and that is all that really matters,
most of my friends think I went off the deep end,but the only real
way to understand it is to do it.
hey folks,More piercing info... The only piercing I ever had trouble with was my naval, but I guess I was silly to go swimming in a waterhole 3 days after.Switched my captive ring for a banana bar and no probs at all unless I get a decorative urge and put anything cheap with nickel in it,but then again I get that with my ears too. No probs with my 3 cartilage piercings, they're 15 years old too.I Even closed over and repierced them myself a few times.
My man ripped his nipple bar straight thru one day, had to wait 3 months and get it redone. Now he has a cute little horozontal scar. He had a PA for a while but didnt want to wait the time for healing, wouldnt wear a condom over it either, and hell, we hadnt seen each other for 5 months.....I wear his old 6 guage PA ring thru my ear now.He noticed itfor the first time in my ear at dinner at his parents, I have long hair and had tied it back.He also has his tongue pierced and has no fears of cunnilingus at all.And you can get all those wonderful knobbly caps to put on them.mmmmm.
Note re tongues...To pleasure a woman, get it pierced at the front,where dexterity comes into play. to pleasure a man, wear it further to the back.for the friction factor. I have 2.
Love and light. LCG.