
cymbidia said:
Eb? That little barbell up on top is...cute. Looks like it's in the metal nursery or something, trying to grow up big and strong like it's big brothers and sisters.

I know. I shudder to think what he's got in there now. I am sure he has gotten larger jewelry by now.

(Is it me ... or does PBW's new AV look as if he is trying hard to hide?)

Those piercings look .... yes, well, interesting, shall we say.
WillowPuss said:
(Is it me ... or does PBW's new AV look as if he is trying hard to hide?)

Mmm... I thought it was a mysterious look. :)

PBW "The eyes are the pathway to the soul"
Excellent news all round Cym - some new piercings, and a new dominant :)

Talk about a fresh start - I hope everything goes well for you ;)
Wonderful news all the way around... I am so happy for you on all fronts...

and about those Texas boys... well I can only speak for myself when I say Himself is a good as they come!
cellis said:
and about those Texas boys... well I can only speak for myself when I say Himself is a good as they come!
Yeh but how long does it take before you can understand everything they say?
I mean, talk about thick accents!

Course, they seem to take to handling rope almost by instinct, i think - and there's that whole "using whips" ability that is kinda innate, perhaps, too. Then there's the gods-given ability with a branding iron...


(No brands on this body, thanks. They look cool for about three days - then they begin to spread out into final form - a shapeless mass of scar tissue. Ooooh, yeh. Sexy!)
cymbidia said:
Yeh but how long does it take before you can understand everything they say?
I mean, talk about thick accents!

Course, they seem to take to handling rope almost by instinct, i think - and there's that whole "using whips" ability that is kinda innate, perhaps, too. Then there's the gods-given ability with a branding iron...


(No brands on this body, thanks. They look cool for about three days - then they begin to spread out into final form - a shapeless mass of scar tissue. Ooooh, yeh. Sexy!)

Well Himself is most proficient with ropes... that I can attest to. Whips, well it is just not our thing, not yet anyway and maybe never.

About the accent... what accent... we don't have accents in Texas. It's those other people who talk funny!

No brands here, either, b... but it is a huge turn on talking about them... by the way.. I just gave Himself a big fat "Marks - Alot" and he can brand me all he wants!
For cym...

I did it! I got a vertical hood piercing today. :D I just couldn't imagine getting that triangle one done, :eek: it sounded too painful..

Yowza.. it's incredible! :D
ive got my nipple pierced willow and it's cool, it really is. it doesnt really hurt cos you're on such a high when it's done (of course being pierced by a very sexy lesbian probably helped!)

my bloke had a prince albert that went very badly wrong. ask me nicely and i'll tell you about it. (on second thoughts, i dont think p b walker would appreciate it!)
lickerish said:
I did it! I got a vertical hood piercing today. :D I just couldn't imagine getting that triangle one done, :eek: it sounded too painful..
Yay, licky! YAAAAAAY!
Hood piercings are way cool and the intensity of the sensations they transmit right into your clit is incredible.

Now magnify that by about 10.
That's a triangle piercing.

And - honestly - the pain is no greater than that which comes from a clit hood pierce. (I've had both. I get to make the comparasion.) The fucking piercing forceps hurt more then the actual pierce, to be honest. And every piercing hurts when it's being done, you know that. But the pain only lasts for a couple seconds and then it's over. Finished. And those lovely endorphins begin flooding your body in direct proportion to the pain. We all like endorphins, don't we? Oh my yes! They're simply wonderful little chemical compounds.

The rest of you wussies, i mean women - you ought to consider a triangle piercing if you're going to be getting poked down there anyway. Really. Really.
Last edited:
Hey cym, I have a question. With a trianlge piercing, is there a chance of damaging the nerves? And also does it work well with a small clit? Mine is tiny.
tassie said:
ive got my nipple pierced willow and it's cool, it really is. it doesnt really hurt cos you're on such a high when it's done (of course being pierced by a very sexy lesbian probably helped!)

my bloke had a prince albert that went very badly wrong. ask me nicely and i'll tell you about it. (on second thoughts, i dont think p b walker would appreciate it!)

Tassie, please share about the PA. It is good information, and might help someone avoid the same problem.


Ebonyfire said:

Tassie, please share about the PA. It is good information, and might help someone avoid the same problem.


I've been asked by the WTO not get a Prince Albert, as it would severely reduce the world supply of shipping grade chain.

Avoiding PA-induced problems is easy....dont let anyone pierce your penis.

Lance "The Common Sense Dickhead" Castor
With any piercing there's a chance of damaging the nerves, darlin'. However, the triangle piercing is an advanced technique. There is a relatively greater chance of damage with this piercing than with many others.

Go to an experienced piercer for this piercing.

Go to a piercer who's not only experienced in genital piercings but also experienced in doing triangle piercings. Ask for refs. Ask to see pics of the triangle piercings s/he's done.


Go to bondage.com, to the forums there, to the forums for your geographic area - and ask for recommendations for local piercers.

I know you're way the hell out in the Alaskan boonies, babykins, and you'll probably have to wait until you can find a way into something approximating civilization before you can have this done. Pick a city you'll be going to in the next year and begin to investigate piercers in that place. Email them. Ask about their experience doing triangle piercings. Get ready so that when it's time, all your ducks are in a row.

Small clit?
Me, too.
Itsy bitsy.
My stock line to all new intimate partners was: it's tiny but is supremely sensitive.

My piercer, Adashi, thought differently.
It's an okay size, he told me, you just have a really thick hood over it. He looked over at Tex, a bit hopeful. I could rid of some of that hood for you, if you like.

Circumcision? i squeaked. They both looked back me, framed between my raised and bent naked legs. Can we think about that, talk about that, please? i asked Tex, who grinned.

I guess we'll wait on that, he told Adashi, who grinned back at him.

They think weird stuff is funny.

The moral of this story, bad kitty, is that your clit might not be as small as you think it is. Even if it is small, it's NOT the size of your clit that's the determining factor in getting a triangle piercing, as i understand it, it's the ability of the piercer to grab your clit stem (the bundle of nerves that attach your clit to your pelvis - like a tree trunk attaches the leaves to the roots) so he can stick a needle under the clit stem. THAT'S where the piercing is done, between the clit stem and your pelvis. So the size of your clit doesn't matter - it's the ability to grab that clit stem that makes all the difference.

The websites all say you have to have protruding clit hood and blah blah blah and lips that look like this or that - and a lot of that is based on the ideal, not on the variances that every piercer sees.

Bottom line: you have to go see a piercer, preferably one experienced with triangle piercings, to have a determination done as to your body's suitability for this piercing.
ok kids are we sitting comfortably? apparently this is not such a rare reaction...

the piercing itself went fine. a couple of days later, a swelling like a small rubber tyre appeared just below the head, apparently this is due to chafing after the foreskin is rolled back for too long. however we were off to my parents for easter break so couldnt do much about it.

after 2 days this had started to swell considerably to the point that the slightest movement was causing him agony. we went to my parents doctor who said it would go down with anti histamine (by the way this doctor was very old and hadnt seen many of these, he seemed more interested in the number of moles he had!)

By the time tuesday came round (piercing was done on the wednesday before) he was in absolute agony. luckily we were home by then and he went to our own doctor who sent him immediatly to the a&e (er for my american readers!) telling him that was the worse spanish collar hed ever seen.

the doctor at the a&e offered two choices. slit the foreskin up both sides, no sex for six months and circumcision afterwards. or, squeeze the lymph back in with his bare hands.

his doctor then grabbed his penis with both hands and squeezed the little ring of lymph back into his penis, ben passed out and then all was back to normal.

one day off work, piercing perfectly healthy and very nice.

I have NO idea how he could have avoided it though...
tassie said:
his doctor then grabbed his penis with both hands and squeezed the little ring of lymph back into his penis, ben passed out and then all was back to normal.
Is it unkind of me to still be giggling like a witless thing over this line?
cymbidia said:
Is it unkind of me to still be giggling like a witless thing over this line?

I must say I twitched! I agree though, it just was one of those things. I wonder if some more knowledgable knows what caused it!


Thanks for telling us.

Ebonyfire said:

PBW, when are you gonna get that PA?


Eb <PBW's AssMistress>

Uhhhh not!

I might go for an ear ring someday.. when I hit my midlife crisis. LOL.

I'd much rather get more tattoos.

PBW "I got all the holes I need"
P. B. Walker said:

Uhhhh not!

I might go for an ear ring someday.. when I hit my midlife crisis. LOL.

I'd much rather get more tattoos.

PBW "I got all the holes I need"

How many tattoos do you have? Are there any in interesting places?

Nice to see you back Cym and great discussion about

Making holes in the body. It is truely a mind issue! The pierce is a great thing on its own but the real power is how the pierced person feels (immediately and there after).

The link below has some great Picts and text about this subject. The Female Gallery has a great project with a tattoo for those interested in this too.


Ebonyfire said:

How many tattoos do you have? Are there any in interesting places?


Just one, on my right hip... it's not a super huge tattoo or a very colorful one for that matter. I think I might have posted a pic of it on here.... long, long, long ago. It's more a funny tattoo. LOL.

I want to get a really cool serious tattoo... like on my arm or leg.

Still deciding on a design though.

P. B. Walker said:

Just one, on my right hip... it's not a super huge tattoo or a very colorful one for that matter. I think I might have posted a pic of it on here.... long, long, long ago. It's more a funny tattoo. LOL.

I want to get a really cool serious tattoo... like on my arm or leg.

Still deciding on a design though.



what kind of design are you leaning toward?