
tassie said:
ok kids are we sitting comfortably? apparently this is not such a rare reaction...

the piercing itself went fine. a couple of days later, a swelling like a small rubber tyre appeared just below the head, apparently this is due to chafing after the foreskin is rolled back for too long. however we were off to my parents for easter break so couldnt do much about it.

after 2 days this had started to swell considerably to the point that the slightest movement was causing him agony. we went to my parents doctor who said it would go down with anti histamine (by the way this doctor was very old and hadnt seen many of these, he seemed more interested in the number of moles he had!)

By the time tuesday came round (piercing was done on the wednesday before) he was in absolute agony. luckily we were home by then and he went to our own doctor who sent him immediatly to the a&e (er for my american readers!) telling him that was the worse spanish collar hed ever seen.

the doctor at the a&e offered two choices. slit the foreskin up both sides, no sex for six months and circumcision afterwards. or, squeeze the lymph back in with his bare hands.

his doctor then grabbed his penis with both hands and squeezed the little ring of lymph back into his penis, ben passed out and then all was back to normal.

one day off work, piercing perfectly healthy and very nice.

I have NO idea how he could have avoided it though...

Hey boss I cant come to work today, I had to get my dick lymph squeezed.
Ebonyfire said:


what kind of design are you leaning toward?

Well if it's on my arm, it would be some kind of band, or ring, or tribal band type thing, but I'd like some kind of symbol right in the middle of it... right over the middle of my bicep (on the outside side of my arm). What that symbol will be... is anyone's guess.

I wasn't going to do it until I reach my new goal... which is to keep riding my bike until I'm down to my ideal weight... then I can show off my new tattoo in my first triathalon :)

PBW "Poking me softly..."
cymbidia said:

(No brands on this body, thanks. They look cool for about three days - then they begin to spread out into final form - a shapeless mass of scar tissue. Ooooh, yeh. Sexy!)

Really? I kind of have a thing about brands. Don't have one but I have been thinking about it seriously. I think it's a texture thing. Just as I was starting to feel all warm and tingly about REALLY getting a brand you go and post that!

P. B. Walker said:

Well if it's on my arm, it would be some kind of band, or ring, or tribal band type thing, but I'd like some kind of symbol right in the middle of it... right over the middle of my bicep (on the outside side of my arm). What that symbol will be... is anyone's guess.

I wasn't going to do it until I reach my new goal... which is to keep riding my bike until I'm down to my ideal weight... then I can show off my new tattoo in my first triathalon :)

PBW "Poking me softly..."

You will need cheerleaders. when you enter your triathlon.
Rah! Rah!

Minout said:
Really? I kind of have a thing about brands. Don't have one but I have been thinking about it seriously. I think it's a texture thing. Just as I was starting to feel all warm and tingly about REALLY getting a brand you go and post that!
Ummm, errr, geee...what i meant was that i dont think i'd want a brand.

Actually, fire play freaks me right out and to be honest, i'm not overly fond of hot wax, either. I'm a nut for needles but hot stuff does bad things to my head.

You, however, might go somewhere really nice on the business end of a brand, Minout. In truth, we haven't had any first hand reports of BDSM brandings here, not since the very beginning of the thread that spawned this forum. It would be interesting to have one of us do it - then tell us about it. It's how we all learn, right?

(Was that a facile enough recovery? ;) )
cymbidia said:

(Was that a facile enough recovery? ;) )

Almost, I think that I'm still feeling a little heady from that gas you have here though.

BTW, I said I was *starting* to feel all warm and tingly. Don't go signing me up as the guinea pig. Not tonight at least. I have to go now I think I left the stove on....

Minout said:
Almost, I think that I'm still feeling a little heady from that gas you have here though.
Oh! Was i hogging it?
Here, have a little hit...um, bit.

"Stove on".
C'mon back. Let's talk placement and strikes and overall design and location and whether or not you like the smell of cooking human flesh...
MzChrista said:

Hey boss I cant come to work today, I had to get my dick lymph squeezed.

Why do I keep thinking orange juice.

Low pulp, medium pulp and high pulp!

Eb lol
cymbidia said:
Oh! Was i hogging it?
Here, have a little hit...um, bit.

"Stove on".
C'mon back. Let's talk placement and strikes and overall design and location and whether or not you like the smell of cooking human flesh...

Mmmmm cooking. Mmmmmmm flesh. Mmmmmmm human. Wait strike that last one. What the hell is in that thing you gave me anyway. It wasn't *brown* was it? It is late and I'm feeling a little vulnerable. I wouldn't want to succomb to the *adopting a hypnotist type voice* "Be the guinea piiiiiggggg. Get the brannnnnd. Tuuuurrrrnnnnn the stooooooovvvvve back onnnnnnnn. Pooooossssttttt sommmmmmme piiiccccttttuuuuurrrrreessssss" vibes. I will return when I am feeling stronger.

use your powers for good Cymbidia

cymbidia said:
Oh! Was i hogging it?
Here, have a little hit...um, bit.

"Stove on".
C'mon back. Let's talk placement and strikes and overall design and location and whether or not you like the smell of cooking human flesh...

There's a famous branding mind fuck scene I've heard described.
The submissive is told she is to be branded, and is tied down near a glowing habachi grill and blindfolded.
After a suitable build up of tension the dom pressed an ice cube against the subs ass while simultaneously dropping a steak onto the grill to create the sizzling sound, and smell of roasting meat.
I don't know if anyone has actually done this, but the story has been making the rounds for years.
Minout said:
Mmmmm cooking. Mmmmmmm flesh. Mmmmmmm human. Wait strike that last one. What the hell is in that thing you gave me anyway. It wasn't *brown* was it? It is late and I'm feeling a little vulnerable. I wouldn't want to succomb to the *adopting a hypnotist type voice* "Be the guinea piiiiiggggg. Get the brannnnnd. Tuuuurrrrnnnnn the stooooooovvvvve back onnnnnnnn. Pooooossssttttt sommmmmmme piiiccccttttuuuuurrrrreessssss" vibes. I will return when I am feeling stronger.

Hey guys!
S/He's funny!
S/He's smart and s/he's funny!

Can we keep her/him?

Now if someone will hold him/her, i'll flip her/him over and we can find out if s/he's a boy or a girl...ready? Mind the burned, um, branded bits on his/her tummy...and legs...and back...and butt...

I guess branding can be fun.

Woooohooo! Looks like there's gonna be one more playing for the Masochists at the annual forum softball game!
James Blandings said:
There's a famous branding mind fuck scene I've heard described.
The submissive is told she is to be branded, and is tied down near a glowing habachi grill and blindfolded.
After a suitable build up of tension the dom pressed an ice cube against the subs ass while simultaneously dropping a steak onto the grill to create the sizzling sound, and smell of roasting meat.
I don't know if anyone has actually done this, but the story has been making the rounds for years.
I'm pretty sure that story is in Screw The Roses, James. I know it's in one of my books, if not that one. I've giggled over that scenario, quite frankly, but if i was the bound, blindflded sub, i'd probably pee all over myself with fright as it was happening.

No no no no!
That's not the kind of piss play i like.
James Blandings said:

There's a famous branding mind fuck scene I've heard described.
The submissive is told she is to be branded, and is tied down near a glowing habachi grill and blindfolded.
After a suitable build up of tension the dom pressed an ice cube against the subs ass while simultaneously dropping a steak onto the grill to create the sizzling sound, and smell of roasting meat.
I don't know if anyone has actually done this, but the story has been making the rounds for years.

Wow, just wow.

Cym, you keep up the piercing end of things. Hot wax and fire definitely intrigue me, but i don't think i'll be the branding guinea pig.
cymbidia said:

Hey guys!
S/He's funny!
S/He's smart and s/he's funny!

Can we keep her/him?

Now if someone will hold him/her, i'll flip her/him over and we can find out if s/he's a boy or a girl...ready? Mind the burned, um, branded bits on his/her tummy...and legs...and back...and butt...

I guess branding can be fun.

Sneaking in to enlighten the crowd voluntarily cause the other way just seems too scary- she's a girl. I think. I'm actually a little wary of looking just in case a troupe of marauding BDSMer's broke into my house last night while I was feeling vulnerable turned on the stove and ransacked my kitchen looking for weapons, I mean implements of destruction. No, that's not quite right either, I guess I must mean toys. But aren't toys supposed to make you smile and laugh? Oh well, I'll just have to keep reading.


edited to add

Sorry for all the hijacks here. If I have anything more to say about branding I'll start my own thread. Promise. All the folks nervous about branding can safely come back and read about pushing metal into your CLIT again. (They need to provide a smilie with its hands over its eyes cowering behind something for these occasions) Why is it that branding doesn't scare me but that does? Maybe it's because I prefer the tssssss of hot metal on cool flesh to the poooooop of cold metal going through flesh.

Last edited:
Minout said:
Sneaking in to enlighten the crowd voluntarily cause the other way just seems too scary- she's a girl. I think.
Well, then! That's settled. Welcome here, darlin'.
(I usually don't call them "darlin'. Not unless they're really special to me.)
I'm actually a little wary of looking just in case a troupe of marauding BDSMer's broke into my house last night while I was feeling vulnerable turned on the stove and ransacked my kitchen looking for weapons, I mean implements of destruction.
Do you write stories? You know we have stories here, right? Good stories. Hot stories. Erotic stories. Stories much like your little marauding thing. Maybe you should consider turning it into a full-fledged story for the amusement of one-and-all?
If I have anything more to say about branding I'll start my own thread. Promise. All the folks nervous about branding can safely come back and read about pushing metal into your CLIT again.
Heh. There's no sharp thing gonna poke into my clit, babykins, not ever. It's all about that hot pop of sensation through the toughness of my skin, and then through the tender tissue below. It's about the rush of wild endorphins as i gasp and moan and scream while three seconds of hot pain invades my body.

But there's nothing needlish that ever touches my clit.
Oh no!
I'm not big enough to ride that ride.
cymbidia said:
Well, then! That's settled. Welcome here, darlin'.

Thanks, so far, so good.

Do you write stories? You know we have stories here, right? Good stories. Hot stories. Erotic stories. Stories much like your little marauding thing. Maybe you should consider turning it into a full-fledged story for the amusement of one-and-all?

No, I don't write stories (well only the ones I tell to myself when I'm in the shower or trying to balance my cheque book), but who knows. Now that you have me thinking. Maybe a series of short stories about superhero BDSMers. Each with their own particular fetish. Kind of like Mystery Men. Mmmmm know the wheels are turning.

There's no sharp thing gonna poke into my clit, babykins, not ever. It's all about that hot pop of sensation through the toughness of my skin, and then through the tender tissue below. It's about the rush of wild endorphins as i gasp and moan and scream while three seconds of hot pain invades my body.

But there's nothing needlish that ever touches my clit.
Oh no!

Well now that you put it that way... sign me up! searching to no avail for the little sarcastic smilie

I'm not big enough to ride that ride.

Now that I doubt. I bet you ride all the *E* ticket rides. You just strike me as the type. Not me, the ferris wheel is about as *E* ticket as this kitty ever gets. Now if they had the walk over the hot coals ride...
