
My Erotic Trail said:
If you read two poems by a poet...or even three...are you going to say, "This is not up to your usual form?" Not unless you have read that poet for quite awhile will I you something to that affest...<grin 'New Poet?' I think not...
If he is not a new poet then.... so what?
Christina O. Leigh said:
I remember Brinnie reading my poetry and commenting by putting links to really scary looking buttholes.
LOL That's hysterical.
My Erotic Trail said:
If you read two poems by a poet...or even three...are you going to say, "This is not up to your usual form?" Not unless you have read that poet for quite awhile will you mention something to that affect...<grin 'New Poet?' I think not...

Okies, I understand what you're saying now. TRM was new and this comment was said.

For me, I probably wouldn't say that, but I'm not going to attack anyone for it. You know, if you really think about it, not every poet sticks to the same style/form all the time. "Most" like to play around and try new things. It's how we grow not to mention fun.

Off to write a sonnet. I will be up all night. This is going to be so much fun. Oi!
My Erotic Trail said:
If you read two poems by a poet...or even three...are you going to say, "This is not up to your usual form?" Not unless you have read that poet for quite awhile will you mention something to that affect...<grin 'New Poet?' I think not...
Maybe he's new as a poster but not as a reader? Maybe he's an old poet with a new name? (And what if he is? Does that matter?) Maybe he just checked out sack's older poems? They are there, you know, just a click or two away.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you are one paranoid individual sometimes. :rolleyes:
Christina O. Leigh said:
1.) Whatcha laughing at? :confused:

2.) You did notice other "not so happy" remarks made on this poem besides TRM, didn't you?

3.) I know the rules about not putting links there, but why do I see links saying "Your poem has been mentioned in the new poem reviews"?? It's still the same. A link is a link, right? Maybe someone could PM instead, but when it comes to "new poem reviews", it seems not to be a problem?? I guess if you want to be nice, it's okay, but other than that, it's not?? I remember Brinnie reading my poetry and commenting by putting links to really scary looking buttholes.

I don't think your suppose to put links in for any reason...not even the New Poems Reviews, it has always been; send the link by feedback. It even states do not post links.

comments were by;

ANON << defends poet
ANON <<< offers the link <rollseye

I was told several times that it (the comment section) was for comments on the poems only and now those that told me this say it is okay (?)

My Erotic Trail said:
I don't think your suppose to put links in for any reason...not even the New Poems Reviews, it has always been; send the link by feedback. It even states do not post links.

comments were by;

ANON << defends poet
ANON <<< offers the link <rollseye

I was told several times that it (the comment section) was for comments on the poems only and now those that told me this say it is okay (?)

Which poem has a link? And what is the link to? Another lit poem or off the lit site?
Liar said:
Maybe he's new as a poster but not as a reader? Maybe he's an old poet with a new name? (And what if he is? Does that matter?) Maybe he just checked out sack's older poems? They are there, you know, just a click or two away.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you are one paranoid individual sometimes. :rolleyes:

well liar we can twist it to be what ever you want it to be!

I wouldn't say pogo stick, I'd say observant <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
actually Eve, I didn't even try the link, it said ...

Copy and paste this into your browser
12/27/05 by Anonymous 96789

Come join the fun, wannabe!


and the link is invalid at that....
It doesn't work. And I don't know if there is a problem with posting Literotica links at literotica. :confused:
Liar said:
Maybe he's new as a poster but not as a reader? Maybe he's an old poet with a new name? (And what if he is? Does that matter?) Maybe he just checked out sack's older poems? They are there, you know, just a click or two away.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you are one paranoid individual sometimes. :rolleyes:
Liar, I think Your Neurotic Trail is implying the second position that you posit. I believe he beat this horse to death when TheRainMan first appeared, and even claimed at the time that he knew he was. - I don't really care, but whoever he is he can surely write!
My Erotic Trail said:
well liar we can twist it to be what ever you want it to be!

I wouldn't say pogo stick, I'd say observant <grin
Or we can twist it to be whatever YOU want it to be.

Observant of what exactly? I am not the one twisting things here. All I'm saying is that there are many explanations and that you are jumping to conclusions. That seems to be a hobby of yours.

I read the poems on Lit for six months, yes half a year, before I registered and started posting my own. So don't snicker it off as implausible.

But hey, why don't we (drumroll please) ask TheRainMan himself? yaaaay!

Hey TRM, had you read a bunch of sack's older poems when you made that comment?
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WickedEve said:
It doesn't work. And I don't know if there is a problem with posting Literotica links at literotica. :confused:

when you click submit a comment
the comment page appears and this is what it says...

Title: Vast Night Peers
by Thundergiver

Thank you for taking the time to leave a public comment on this submission. All comments posted through this form will be viewable by all Literotica visitors. If you are looking for the private feedback form, it is here. Do not post URLs or emal addresses in your public comments. Any off topic messages, personal attacks, or other similar stuff will be removed. The author and webmaster reserve the right to remove any comment for any reason. Thank you again for taking the time to leave feedback for the author of this submission!

Title of your comment: *
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Liar said:
Maybe he's new as a poster but not as a reader? Maybe he's an old poet with a new name? (And what if he is? Does that matter?) Maybe he just checked out sack's older poems? They are there, you know, just a click or two away.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, you are one paranoid individual sometimes. :rolleyes:

Maybe s/he is an old poet with a new name? Well, I didn't think about that either and I should've. saldne needs to shake Christina's brain or Christina needs to shake saldne's brain. Wait, I killed saldne. Wait, I killed many. Wait...I have a confession. I'm Britney Spears. No, I'm Lucille Ball. Yes, I like her better. Many people say I act like her from the show (surely, not real life). Why did she have to die?!!!!!!

Fuckahme! I need to go write. This is getting ridickulous! <shuts up> for a while, anyway. :D
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My Erotic Trail said:
when you click submit a comment
the comment page appears and this is what it says...

Title: Vast Night Peers
by Thundergiver

Thank you for taking the time to leave a public comment on this submission. All comments posted through this form will be viewable by all Literotica visitors. If you are looking for the private feedback form, it is here. Do not post URLs or emal addresses in your public comments. Any off topic messages, personal attacks, or other similar stuff will be removed. The author and webmaster reserve the right to remove any comment for any reason. Thank you again for taking the time to leave feedback for the author of this submission!

Title of your comment: *
Yep, I think it's intentional. Or unserious authors would start to spam the Public Comments with things like "If you liked this story, here is an even better one" and a link to their own story.

I've seen that happen on another site. It was a pain in the ass, and in the end, they flushed out aöll comments and installed a url blocker.
Liar said:
Or we can twist it to be whatever YOU want it to be.

Observant of what exactly? I am not the one twisting things here. All I'm saying is that there are many explanations and that you are jumping to conclusions. That seems to be a hobby of yours.

I read the poems on Lit for six months, yes half a year, before I registered and started posting my own. So don't snicker it off as implausible.

But hey, why don't we (drumroll please) ask TheRainMan himself? yaaaay!

Hey TRM, had you read a bunch of sack's older poems when you made that comment?

Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.

Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.
TheRainMan said:
Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.
Thanks, just wanted to close that silly case and get it out of the way. :)
Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.
I second that, with bells on.
Liar said:
I read the poems on Lit for six months, yes half a year, before I registered and started posting my own. So don't snicker it off as implausible.
I was here for months back in 2001 before I registered. At that time I didn't even know abou the board. The only reason I registered was so I could post a story. Actually, my Master and I registered as Manjaro_Eve before I used WickedEve. Anyway, I read stories and sent emails. I didn't feel like a newbie when I registered. I was already familiar with lit and some of the writers.
TheRainMan said:
Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.

Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.
TheRainMan said:
Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.

Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.

Thanks Q~

I am just shaking in my boots guys...

TRM > Liar ...<grin
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TheRainMan said:
Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.

Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.
I completely agree- It's infuriating to find this happening. And I found sources for three other poems, without working up a sweat. Just type in three or four words of the most telling phrase in the work- thundergiver's poem will show up, and generally speaking, someone else's piece will show too. A great deal of it seems to come from and two works are lifted from an author G.Gregory.
My Erotic Trail said:
I am just shaking in my boots guys...
Mkay? :confused:

Far from my intention, but whatever floats your boat bro, go right ahead. :)
Stella_Omega said:
I completely agree- It's infuriating to find this happening. And I found sources for three other poems, without working up a sweat. Just type in three or four words of the most telling phrase in the work- thundergiver's poem will show up, and generally speaking, someone else's piece will show too. A great deal of it seems to come from and two works are lifted from an author G.Gregory.

Well, if you type in any of mine, it wouldn't happen. No one writes like me or is even half as crazy. :kiss:

I gave up on my sonnet. I have writers block. I want to punch a wall!
Let me liken this debate to something I actually do know something about (and, yes, Mr. Tail/Tale/Trail, I do have credentials in this area): science.

If you fudge your numbers in a scientific publication or publish results you know you've tweaked, it's all over for you. It doesn't matter if you have published 500 journal articles and all of them are rock solid. People don't believe you. At best, they will start on trying to replicate your research. At worst (usually meaning something like your only significant research is that which is called into question), they will just discard it from the canon and get on with life. You will never, never, have an opportunity to work in the scientific community again. You just won't, however sorry you might be and express yourself to be.

Plagiarism is the equivalent in the literary community. You copy somebody's work and you are toast. Dead. It is the unforgivable sin.

There is an interesting comment by "Anonymous" (whom Mr. Tail/Tale/Trail seems always to assume is the "critic" who just wants to mess with these innocent people's minds):
Good Work
12/27/05 by Anonymous
Since I know the writer , and Her Piece "The Masked of the Betrayed" and the orignal copyright date , please get your facts Straight!!!!!!!​
The curious comment here is "I know...the original copyight date...".

Yeah, yeah. Dunbar is out of copyright. So that makes it OK to rip off his poem? Au contraire, mon ami. If I try and print a poem that is just a minor reshuffling of Beowulf, that don't make it not plagiarism.

What, in fact, I think this whole episode points out is that TheRainMan is actually looking at a poster's other poems before commenting on new poems. An admirable trait. Having myself read Thundergiver's latest, I don't know why he felt he wanted to go back and read anything else of hers. After reading "Vast Night Peers," I certainly didn't. But he has so far seemed to be very generous of his time and comments on people's poems. I know, Mr. Tail/Tale/Trail, that you consider anything other than a comment like "super write!" is an abominination, but there are some of us who appreciate comments.

TheRainMan said:
Not that it makes a difference, since Plagiarism and not Mr. Erotic Trail's obvious paranoia is the topic under discussion, but I have been reading the poetry here off and on for over a year before deciding to contribute some writing to this website.

Plagiarism - that is the point here. And it is obvious that everyone agrees this writer is a plagiarist, since other poems of hers have apparently been discovered as well, if I read right. Even if that last statement is not accurate, the poem I started the thread with is an obvious theft.

I can not tolerate plagiarism. No real writer should, nor should they remain quiet about it.

I do not support plagiarism either, It was the 'tan-trum' (not tolerate) methods took that I thought should be addressed as well. To place three
<neg> comments in the comment section then make a thread about it, rather than feed back and PM to site opertors and 'anon' adding a link to this site
<simply 'SHOWS' A charactor> rather than fixes the problem, then as expected as sun shine <grin> things grew from a vine from the past torns.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes...
but I like to dance with my boots on <grin
Tzara said:
Mr. Tail/Tale/Trail, I do have credentials in this area): science.

...and that has what to do with poetry and critics?

I know, Mr. Tail/Tale/Trail, that you consider anything other than a comment like "super write!" is an abominination, but there are some of us who appreciate comments.


Mr. Tazara

you listen with your ears and your mind ... and if your memory is good, you'll not recall hearing that from me, but those who leave negative comments from sore emotions rather than an objective eye, is possible to tell the difference 'sheeesh''' <grin>.. I do not want such a comment do you? Eve leaves the best comments <in my book> ..emotion-less, simple and direct,

and leaves only one "I'm a critic" comment, not three badgering comments on a poem that is not the plagarism poem, I would be content with just one "NEGATIVE" comment showing his point. But then the build up...

...well your looking at its TRAIL <grin
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