
TheRainMan said:
To accurately detail the flaws in your thinking, in your writing, and especially in your character would require a document thicker than the tax code.

This really needs to stop. This is the kind of talk that happens on the General Board. I promised myself yesterday to never go back again because of this reason. Let's not do it on the poetry board. If you want to fight, maybe take it to PM or the General Board. It really isn't going to change things. Many are just set in their ways. Just agree to disagree.

Christina O. Leigh said:
This really needs to stop. This is the kind of talk that happens on the General Board. I promised myself yesterday to never go back again because of this reason. Let's not do it on the poetry board. If you want to fight, maybe take it to PM or the General Board. It really isn't going to change things. Many are just set in their ways. Just agree to disagree.


You are most certainly correct, Christina.

As anyone who reads these boards can attest to (and I see you do read them), this person jumped on me the first day I arrived, and continues to do so, without cause. I rarely fire back, since everyone else does that, obviously seeing the same things in him that I do.

Please accept my apologies. I am not usually one of temper.

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I see that not only has her poetry been removed, her stories are no longer listed. I really do wonder if she understands plagiarism. She may believe that borrowing lines and making a few changes is enough to call it her own work. She did have copyright notices on her work, so I guess she did believe the poems and stories were hers.
WickedEve said:
I see that not only has her poetry been removed, her stories are no longer listed. I really do wonder if she understands plagiarism. She may believe that borrowing lines and making a few changes is enough to call it her own work. She did have copyright notices on her work, so I guess she did believe the poems and stories were hers.

Someone pointed out in this thread that her stories were plagiarized as well.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, as they say. Is it?

TheRainMan said:
Someone pointed out in this thread that her stories were plagiarized as well.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, as they say. Is it?

No it isn't.
I detest plagiarism. I've had my own personal sites since 1999, and I am currently putting the finishing touches on eve's habit, which has been closed for quite awhile. I have added to the site information about plagiarism and fair use. I know many people just don't seem to get it. I put too many hours into my photos, art, and poetry, and I certainly don't want anyone using any of my work without my permission.
TheRainMan said:
You are most certainly correct, Christina.

As anyone who reads these boards can attest to (and I see you do read them), this person jumped on me the first day I arrived, and continues to do so, without cause. I rarely fire back, since everyone else does that, obviously seeing the same things in him that I do.

Please accept my apologies. I am not usually one of temper.


No worries. I'm not one to hold grudges. That's my daddy. God Bless him. I understand your frustrations about the person who plagiarized. I surely wouldn't want it to happen to me. I'd probably freak out completely. But I highly doubt anyone is going to copy or change around my poetry. It's dark and ugly, but hey, you never know. I have some of them published, so it *could* happen. Obviously, someone liked them. Oh, yippy! Erm, one site turned me down the other day because they said my poems seemed "too personal". That was a major ouch, but we'll have this.

If you feel jumped on by any poet here, don't bother responding. It'll just grow and get much worse. I'm sure you know how that goes. I think you're an excellent poet, and I believe Art is too. Not every poem am I going to like, but you know who's our worst critic, don't you? It's ourselves.

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My Erotic Trail said:
I am intrigued by how the wheel turns...

double tragedy now defined <grin...

harassment is not in the same league as theft...<I agree
feel better?

Notice how the 'oval' wheel spins and each spoke has to take a stroke <bigrin> at that which does not totally agree with the direction it rolls? Or is it a direction needed for site hairs are raised and need a direction to release its ....thoughts < of these days I'll have that bulls eye removed off my ass.

I'm calling Lee Ho Fooks and report you for plagiarizing their grammatically incorrect fortune cookies
Tathagata said:
I'm calling Lee Ho Fooks and report you for plagiarizing their grammatically incorrect fortune cookies

Is that the same Le HO Fooks who appears in Zevon?

:nana: ;)
It's interesting that it was caught at all... there is a lot of plagarism that goes on that no one ever notices... she probably thought we all weren't well-read enough to catch it... I'm shocked that she used such well-known poets... might as well plagarize Maya Angelou while you're at it! :x

I feel sad for writers like this... what underlies this kind of thing is simply a lack of self-worth, and an overwhelming self-doubt... of course, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and often, when we are fledgling writers, we write this way... I spent years as a teenager imitating Stephen King :) but we all have to fly from the nest on our own eventually... perhaps this will be her push... and I hope, her lesson :rolleyes:
I just started to read today's poems.

An anonymous reader noticed the very first poem was plagiarized from the lyrics of a country song (unless Gary Allen has decided to start posting his lyrics at Literotica...I somehow am skeptical about that).

This poem: Right Where I Need To Be by secret_neo

Here's a link to the song: Gary Allen

...fuckin' ridiculous.
Damn... a near simultaneous post in two different threads. Great minds thinking alike?
TheRainMan said:
I just started to read today's poems.

An anonymous reader noticed the very first poem was plagiarized from the lyrics of a country song (unless Gary Allen has decided to start posting his lyrics at Literotica...I somehow am skeptical about that).

This poem: Right Where I Need To Be by secret_neo

Here's a link to the song: Gary Allen

...fuckin' ridiculous.
I don't understand this. I can understand why students plagiarize, though I of course don't approve of it--they are looking to improve a grade, finish a course without working very hard, something concrete.

Why someone wants to plagiarize a submission, and a poetry submission at that, on a porn site where the only "reward" is maybe a few "gosh, that's really good" comments from some pseudonymous fellow board commentators is completely beyond me.

Don't these people have real friends?

Weird. Sad.