
Try dropping these key phrases into Google;

From "Even The Wind Knows"; "Phantom to love once expressed"
from "Depth" "Gentle like the horizon touching the earth"
"fading Moonlight"; "unrelenting torment by being lovers in spirit only"
"my eyes" "drop of love magnified" (or, indeed, almost anything- this one is purloined nearly whole and butchered with random and meaningless punctuation)
"time" "fear not my passing said the sunset to the moon"- Note- this poem seems to be exactly verbatim, and is credited to a woman- it could very well be thundergivers actual, original work- and if that's true, it's not a bad job of it!That line alone is awesome :)
"untouched" "ultimate act of sharing forces"
"window in Time" "Guilt has been a regular visitor"

I haven't bothered with the prose; someone else can if they like, I need to wash my hands.
My Erotic Trail said:
I do not support plagiarism either, It was the 'tan-trum' (not tolerate) methods took that I thought should be addressed as well. To place three
<neg> comments in the comment section then make a thread about it, rather than feed back and PM to site opertors and 'anon' adding a link to this site
<simply 'SHOWS' A charactor> rather than fixes the problem, then as expected as sun shine <grin> things grew from a vine from the past torns.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes...
but I like to dance with my boots on <grin

Art, if people don't want negative comments they need to deselect the comments option when they submit a poem. Once you make a poem public by submitting it you run the risk of hearing "I don't like it" or even "Your poetry sucks" as much as you are likely to be praised for your efforts. Who here doesn't understand that?

Personally, I think it's an act of courage to say you don't like a poem and put your name on it. The cowardly thing is to simply troll the poem by making an anonymous negative comment and/or give it an anonymous low score.

And I honestly don't understand how you can equate someone not liking a poem--and being honest enough to publically admit it--with plagiarizing. They're not even in the same ball park. One is an opinion, the other is lying, cheating. They're two completely different things. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. When did cheating become an entitlement?

You're in law enforcement and you don't see there's a difference between an opinion (whether you agree with it or not) and stealing? :confused:

I hope you're not a judge.

I'm not trying to attack you, really I'm not, but you're not making any sense on this one. That's my opinion.
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Christina O. Leigh said:
Well, if you type in any of mine, it wouldn't happen. No one writes like me or is even half as crazy. :kiss:

I gave up on my sonnet. I have writers block. I want to punch a wall!
nooooo, don't give up!
I am in the same position- come join me in wall-punching... but we will write to form, we will!
Angeline said:
Art, if people don't want negative comments they need to deselect the comments option when they submit a poem. Once you make a poem public by submitting it you run the risk of hearing "I don't like it" or even "Your poetry sucks" as much as you are likely to be praised for your efforts. Who here doesn't understand that?

Personally, I think it's an act of courage to say you don't like a poem and put your name on it. The cowardly thing is to simply troll the poem by making an anonymous negative comment and/or give it an anonymous low score.

And I honestly don't understand how you can equate someone not liking a poem--and being honest enough to publically admit it--with plagiarizing. They're not even in the same ball park. One is an opinion, the other is lying, cheating. They're two completely different things. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. When did cheating become an entitlement?

You're in law enforcement and you don't see there's a difference between an opinion (whether you agree with it or not) and stealing? :confused:

I hope you're not a judge.

I'm not trying to attack you, really I'm not, but you're not making any sense on this one. That's my opinion.

I have stated it ten times and will state it again...

as I told eve way back when this started...

I am not supporting or defending this poet for the act accused...

my comment way back then...

was 'how' a poem not related was attacked also...making this a double tragedy...

thanks grass hopper...perhaps that needed said AGAIN...

My Erotic Trail said:
well liar we can twist it to be what ever you want it to be!


oh darling, it is always so much more interesting when you twist it to be whatever You want it to be! <grin>

and don't worry about your brain, I have heard it is not size that matters, or maybe that was another organ <grin>

Also, please try to get your rules straight, Mr. Lawman.

I do believe that the powers that be do not want external links to other sites/paysites.... etc.

Your sense of right and wrong and who to shun, tsk tsk at, etc is scary. Why do you feel the need to attack someone based upon unsubstantiated claims, circumstantial (at best) evidence, etc. Without even using half of his brain, I am sure, Liar came up with many possibie explanations but you do not care about anything but what you believe to be true. You accused me of being on drugs based on my reactions to your idiotic claims.

I used to think you were annoying and ignorant, but you are dangerous. Not here, but as a human. I cannot believe you have authority in your community. I cannot believe that you work with children. I swear after meeting you here, I will be much more careful with who I trust to even speak to my children. I do not care how wonderful you think people think you are in your good old home town, your thought processes are seriously flawed.

Seriously flawed.
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Anna.... this is what it states

My Erotic Trail.....when you click submit a comment
the comment page appears and this is what it says...

Title: Vast Night Peers
by Thundergiver

Thank you for taking the time to leave a public comment on this submission. All comments posted through this form will be viewable by all Literotica visitors. If you are looking for the private feedback form, it is here. Do not post URLs or emal addresses in your public comments. Any off topic messages, personal attacks, or other similar stuff will be removed. The author and webmaster reserve the right to remove any comment for any reason. Thank you again for taking the time to leave feedback for the author of this submission!

Title of your comment:

LAUGHING ... I was just thinking, "they are coming out of the wood work, WHERE'S ANNA!" he he

If I respond to a call that a man has beat and badgered a woman, he will be dealt with. If he states that she committed plagiarism then she'll be apprehended as well...

as I said this is a double tragedy...

and anna I hope your not just now deciding to beware of whom you place your children with...<we both know better...

you probably say the same thing about our president...

good night lady....
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Okay, it was reported. Let's get back to poetry. This thread, in my opinion, should be deleted. It's going to get out of hand like the last. It'll make Lit poetry forum look like shit. My take...
My Erotic Trail said:
I have stated it ten times and will state it again...

as I told eve way back when this started...

I am not supporting or defending this poet for the act accused...

my comment way back then...

was 'how' a poem not related was attacked also...making this a double tragedy...

thanks grass hopper...perhaps that needed said AGAIN...


Well I went and read Rain Man's comments on both of Thundergiver's poems. I still don't see how you can call it a double tragedy. What I get from it is that TRM was outraged because it's so obvious that the poem is plagiarized. When he tried to get an answer from Thundergiver, she out and out lied about it and insisted it is her own poem. Art, there is NO WAY she wrote that without first reading the Dunbar poem and lifting it--almost word for word.

Maybe it would have been more "proper" for him to comment only in the feedback section of the poem in question, but it's certainly no tragedy and it's certainly not equivalent to stealing someone else's words. If I read something I'm sure is plagiarized I'd be offended, even more so if the plagiarizer, when confronted, continued to lie about it. I'd also want to see the person's other poems because I'd assume that anyone who does that once will likely do it again. I might be so annoyed that I'd mention it in more than one place.

To suggest that his mentioning it in feedback elsewhere (on another poem or here) is equal to plagiarizing (by saying they're equally tragic) is to cloud the real issue, which is you shouldn't steal someone else's poem and you shouldn't, when outed as doing so, keep lying about it. The only thing she has accomplished by that is making a number of people here--me among them--unlikely to believe that anything she writes isn't stolen.

To me it's apples and oranges, two different things entirely.
Angeline said:
Well I went and read Rain Man's comments on both of Thundergiver's poems. I still don't see how you can call it a double tragedy. What I get from it is that TRM was outraged because it's so obvious that the poem is plagiarized. When he tried to get an answer from Thundergiver, she out and out lied about it and insisted it is her own poem. Art, there is NO WAY she wrote that without first reading the Dunbar poem and lifting it--almost word for word.

Maybe it would have been more "proper" for him to comment only in the feedback section of the poem in question, but it's certainly no tragedy and it's certainly not equivalent to stealing someone else's words. If I read something I'm sure is plagiarized I'd be offended, even more so if the plagiarizer, when confronted, continued to lie about it. I'd also want to see the person's other poems because I'd assume that anyone who does that once will likely do it again. I might be so annoyed that I'd mention it in more than one place.

To suggest that his mentioning it in feedback elsewhere (on another poem or here) is equal to plagiarizing (by saying they're equally tragic) is to cloud the real issue, which is you shouldn't steal someone else's poem and you shouldn't, when outed as doing so, keep lying about it. The only thing she has accomplished by that is making a number of people here--me among them--unlikely to believe that anything she writes isn't stolen.

To me it's apples and oranges, two different things entirely.

I am intrigued by how the wheel turns...

double tragedy now defined <grin...

harassment is not in the same league as theft...<I agree
feel better?

Notice how the 'oval' wheel spins and each spoke has to take a stroke <bigrin> at that which does not totally agree with the direction it rolls? Or is it a direction needed for site hairs are raised and need a direction to release its ....thoughts < of these days I'll have that bulls eye removed off my ass.
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My Erotic Trail said:
I am intrigued by how the wheel turns...

double tragedy now defined <grin...

harassment is not in the same league as theft...<I agree
feel better?

Notice how the 'oval' wheel spins and each spoke has to take a stroke <bigrin at that which does not totally agree with the currents flow? Or is it a direction needed for site hairs are raised and need a direction to release its ....thoughts < of these days I'll have that bulls eye removed off my ass.

Art, I don't disagree because it's you. I disagree because I think you're wrong on this one. If you were to read my collective posts here, you'd find I have no problem stating my position no matter who is on the other side of the argument. I've lost so-called "friends" in my time here because I chose not to go with the flow--no matter what "shape" it took. So much for the clique.

If you have a "bullseye" maybe it's because you choose to take it upon yourself to argue a lot. If lots of people argue with you, it just might be because you're missing the point and those who disagree are trying to explain that to you--granted many without kindness or finesse, but you take a lot of your own pot shots in your veiled way and people respond to that.

I don't have an axe to grind with you and I really don't care who else does or doesn't agree with me. I'm just saying what I think. I think sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes I am, too, and I don't much like it when that happens, but at least I'm willing to admit the possibility and not blame it on "ovals" or the need for "strokes" or some other conspiracy.
Angeline said:
Art, I don't disagree because it's you. I disagree because I think you're wrong on this one. If you were to read my collective posts here, you'd find I have no problem stating my position no matter who is on the other side of the argument. I've lost so-called "friends" in my time here because I chose not to go with the flow--no matter what "shape" it took. So much for the clique.

If you have a "bullseye" maybe it's because you choose to take it upon yourself to argue a lot. If lots of people argue with you, it just might be because you're missing the point and those who disagree are trying to explain that to you--granted many without kindness or finesse, but you take a lot of your own pot shots in your veiled way and people respond to that.

I don't have an axe to grind with you and I really don't care who else does or doesn't agree with me. I'm just saying what I think. I think sometimes you're wrong. Sometimes I am, too, and I don't much like it when that happens, but at least I'm willing to admit the possibility and not blame it on "ovals" or the need for "strokes" or some other conspiracy.

EXCERPT; MY EROTIC TRAIL ...Or is it a direction needed for site hairs are raised and need a direction to release its ....thoughts

Bows (~_~) hUMBLE
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My Erotic Trail said:
EXCERPT; MY EROTIC TRAIL ...Or is it a direction needed for site hairs are raised and need a direction to release its ....thoughts

Bows (~_~) hUMBLE


(Now we can go back to writing poems.) :)
Stella_Omega said:
Try dropping these key phrases into Google;

. . .
"time" "fear not my passing said the sunset to the moon"- Note- this poem seems to be exactly verbatim, and is credited to a woman- it could very well be thundergivers actual, original work- and if that's true, it's not a bad job of it!That line alone is awesome :)
. . .

I haven't bothered with the prose; someone else can if they like, I need to wash my hands.
When that line is Googled you find the poem credited to "Maureen L Reardon". If you then Google her name you will find she is a Literotica member whose biography is very similar to Thundergiver's, so maybe her "time" is her own work. (However, it appears that all her poems have just been removed.)

Maureen L Reardon

Rybka said:
When that line is Googled you find the poem credited to "Maureen L Reardon". If you then Google her name you will find she is a Literotica member whose biography is very similar to Thundergiver's, so maybe her "time" is her own work. (However, it appears that all her poems have just been removed.)

Maureen L Reardon

It's totally possible that she posted her own work twice, under two different handles. Did maureen have poetry at all? I only see the two prose pieces, and I wouldn't know what might have been there previously.
There are literary differences in the two works; Thundergiver has added punctuation and pronouns in- what seems to me- random places. In my view she damages the work considerably, destroying its sense whilst copying its words. But that's neither here nor there...
Oh, well, it's up to the site owners now.
(EDITED TO ADD) well, now I see what you mean- that all of Thundergiver's poems have been removed.
Damn, you know? I want an apology too, but of course that doesn't happen... )
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Just a btw:

"Thundergiver" plagarized another author's work and posted it on another site as well. I know this because the author told me that she'd thought they were friends.

I wouldn't be surprised if all of her things aren't lifted, to be honest.
There is another thing to consider as fallout from this sad display of plagiarism.

I found myself wondering, as I was reading a new contributor's verse, if it was hers or not? Karyn Gardenia has 4 new verses just submitted that seem rather good. And as a consequence of what Thundergiver has done, I find myself wondering if these are her words or words of another. It is unfair that a new person has to face such suspicions because of the actions of another.

It is a sad state that betrayal of trust detracts so from enjoyment.


I tried to send the relevant person a PM about the following, but she has the PM function turned off. So, I will merely list the following recent Lit poem:
I like my body when it is with yours
I like the warm
Under you.
Its sculpted form
The seasoned
Firm-smoothness of it
Muscles better and nerves more.
I like your body
What it does
Its how’s and ways
Like it does under feathery tips
I like kissing this and that of you,
Slowly licking the what it is that comes
Over my parting flesh.
And eyes… fiery love charms looking back
I like what my body does with yours
Raw electric madness
Spilling over
And perhaps the thrill of you quite new​
Then consider this poem, by E. E. Cummings:
i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh . . . . And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you quite so new​
I dunno. Not exactly the same, of course, but pretty similar. Depressingly similar.

God, I hate finding this.
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Did you hit "report problems with this story click here"?

My daughter had a poem published when she was quite young- I think it was sheer geenyuss of course! :rolleyes:
the thrill was lessened when we recognised a Shel Silverstein poem printed on the same page- submitted as an original by a seven-year-old.
It took some calling, yelling, letter-writing to get any action on that one.
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Stella_Omega said:
Did you hit "report problems with this story click here"?
Yeah, I did.

Pretty fucking depressing, though. I like to think that, however incompetent we might be as poets, however derivative and imitative, we are at least trying to say something in our own voice.
Tzara said:
Yeah, I did.

Pretty fucking depressing, though. I like to think that, however incompetent we might be as poets, however derivative and imitative, we are at least trying to say something in our own voice.
And I fight so hard for that voice- I can only place two poems yet. And I'm still not completely happy with either one.
Oh, well, different poems different reasons, I guess.

Your av is driving me to distraction- what a doll he was in his youth! (And what a great album "Love and Theft" is- a master work)
Stella_Omega said:
And I fight so hard for that voice- I can only place two poems yet. And I'm still not completely happy with either one.
Oh, well, different poems different reasons, I guess.

Your av is driving me to distraction- what a doll he was in his youth! (And what a great album "Love and Theft" is- a master work)
Well, he's kinda like me. Doll in youth (well that may be a stretch for meself), extra from Night of the Living Dead as adult.

Ah, tempus fuckit, er, fugit.
Tzara said:
Well, he's kinda like me. Doll in youth (well that may be a stretch for meself), extra from Night of the Living Dead as adult.

Ah, tempus fuckit, er, fugit.
ah well, scars show what you've done in your life.
I want no Dorian Grey's around me- well... sure, why not :)
My Erotic Trail said:
I do not support plagiarism either, It was the 'tan-trum' (not tolerate) methods took that I thought should be addressed as well. To place three
<neg> comments in the comment section then make a thread about it, rather than feed back and PM to site opertors and 'anon' adding a link to this site
<simply 'SHOWS' A charactor> rather than fixes the problem, then as expected as sun shine <grin> things grew from a vine from the past torns.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes...
but I like to dance with my boots on <grin

To accurately detail the flaws in your thinking, in your writing, and especially in your character would require a document thicker than the tax code.