poem contest chitter chatter

WickedEve said:
"Write a NEW poem about love, LOVE love that would make Sappho and Eros proud."

Does it have to make them proud?
Can it be about mean love?
A love that broke your heart, so you had to break him kind of love?

oh, I'd like to hear that <grin
does it involve whips, chains and vibrating tape recorders?
i know, i'm practising for the finger triathlon. i won't tell you what else i have to achieve before passing the registration requirements.

and no i'm not in the UK :p
WickedEve said:
Hee hee. Lauren is the only one who voted for "warm woolen mittens." She's such a freak. :D

But don't tell her that I said that.

you know, what the fuck, who has actually SEEN wild geese flying with the moon on their wings, I mean, besides Winged Migration?
WickedEve said:
"Write a NEW poem about love, LOVE love that would make Sappho and Eros proud."

Does it have to make them proud?
Can it be about mean love?
A love that broke your heart, so you had to break him kind of love?

Yes. I will be contacting them directly. If they are not proud, your submission will be returned.

No broken hearts. Unless it all ends good.
WickedEve said:
"Write a NEW poem about love, LOVE love that would make Sappho and Eros proud."

Does it have to make them proud?
Can it be about mean love?
A love that broke your heart, so you had to break him kind of love?

That would be nice. They come easier for me to write. Kind of like pretending I'm Lorraine Bobbit. That's tons of fun. I'm crazy in love and can't write it. I'm never good with this stuff, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I haven't wrote a poem since Thanksgiving. I don't know what the Hell is wrong with me. I'm just stuck!

annaswirls said:
you know, what the fuck, who has actually SEEN wild geese flying with the moon on their wings, I mean, besides Winged Migration?

I really got a chuckle out of that one. Hell, all the voting options cracked me up. I think it was all the cutsey rhyming.
wildsweetone said:
to me it sounds like they want happy happy joy joy stuff and whenever i see that my brain switches and i start thinking murders and blood and guns and knives and stuff.


girl, that is why it is a challenge.

come on you can do this.
pick one thing you love about well, about whoever.

(eh hem, I cannot write love poetry either, this is a good challenge!)

the aquarium

you crush the flakes
... slightly
as you sprinkle them
over the surface
watching to make sure
everyone is fed

and then for a moment
there is no practical reason
for you to still be watching

for a moment then
I catch sight of your sensitive side
and hold it tight against my chest
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annaswirls said:
the aquarium

you crush the flakes
... slightly
as you sprinkle them
over the surface
watching to make sure
everyone is fed

and then for a moment
there is no practical reason
for you to still be watching

for a moment then
I catch sight of your sensitive side
and hold it tight against my chest

"Believe" was a good ending! You changed it!! Another fickle chic. :D
saldne said:
"Believe" was a good ending! You changed it!! Another fickle chic. :D

I cant believe you saw it in the .5 minutes it was up there!

I thought the believe was too corny, god I have love poetry.

until what? I have to think on this one.
annaswirls said:
I cant believe you saw it in the .5 minutes it was up there!

I thought the believe was too corny, god I have love poetry.

until what? I have to think on this one.

Busted. ;)
annaswirls said:
Sounds great to me!

I will send a little chocolate to the runner's up :)

it is not like we have a lot of contests <grin
anna...if you want or need...I'll be the silent partner, since I'm not entering the contest <grin
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that is a lot of dough MET! are you sure?

I would be happy if you could look over things-- like make sure people only click two selections in the primaries, make sure only people who enter the contest vote in finals, etc.

My Erotic Trail said:
I have been giving this some thought


first place 35$ B&N
second 25$ B&N
and third 15$ B&N

Barnes and Nobel gift cards

it is not like we have a lot of contests <grin
anna...if you want or need...I'll be the silent partner, since I'm not entering the contest <grin
annaswirls said:
that is a lot of dough MET! are you sure?

I would be happy if you could look over things-- like make sure people only click two selections in the primaries, make sure only people who enter the contest vote in finals, etc.
That is generous. Maybe you could spread all that out to cover two contests.
Oh, I forgot to ask you something, anna. The av. The expression. What were you thinking when it was taken? I can't quite tell if you're happy or sad. Maybe upset, lost in thought?
annaswirls said:
that is a lot of dough MET! are you sure?

I would be happy if you could look over things-- like make sure people only click two selections in the primaries, make sure only people who enter the contest vote in finals, etc.

Okay, I'll help, how do I do that? <grin
My Erotic Trail said:

25$ first place
15$ second place

and another contest come spring?
That sounds good! :)
Very cool of you to do this, Art.
WickedEve said:
That sounds good! :)
Very cool of you to do this, Art.

well ...remember I was going to do this last year and at the last minute Lit sponsor'd one, and that was a lot of fun, and a lot of good poems come out of it. I really liked the poems displayed with out a name attached. Some were obvious and some had me fooled <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
well ...remember I was going to do this last year and at the last minute Lit sponsor'd one, and that was a lot of fun, and a lot of good poems come out of it. I really liked the poems displayed with out a name attached. Some were obvious and some had me fooled <grin
It may be difficult to do a contest with a prize each month. I think that's what we were shooting for last year, right? Maybe a special contest with a prize every few months. Like you said, next one this spring.
annaswirls said:
girl, that is why it is a challenge.

come on you can do this.
pick one thing you love about well, about whoever.

(eh hem, I cannot write love poetry either, this is a good challenge!)

the aquarium

you crush the flakes
... slightly
as you sprinkle them
over the surface
watching to make sure
everyone is fed

and then for a moment
there is no practical reason
for you to still be watching

for a moment then
I catch sight of your sensitive side
and hold it tight against my chest

i love it with an ending of 'until' - but then i'm an oddball like that.

i think you have to write another one now, and don't put your name to it for the contest.
WickedEve said:
Oh, I forgot to ask you something, anna. The av. The expression. What were you thinking when it was taken? I can't quite tell if you're happy or sad. Maybe upset, lost in thought?

you are observant... thinking... beyond "i cannot believe my mother in law bought me a pink sweater"

I guess I was in a bit of a state of disbelief at what I was about to do a happy sad lost kind of feeling

wildsweetone said:
i love it with an ending of 'until' - but then i'm an oddball like that.

i think you have to write another one now, and don't put your name to it for the contest.

thanks :) I like the until ending too.

I can't enter goosey goose, I am putting the thing together :) Maybe we can have a non-contest thread too.
I saw some confusion and I did not want to present myself as having written the selections on the Contest Thread Poll. Here is the original song by Rodgers and Hammerstein. I seem to have mis-remembered a few words :)

My Favorite Things:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
Sappho and Eros said:
I saw some confusion and I did not want to present myself as having written the selections on the Contest Thread Poll. Here is the original song by Rodgers and Hammerstein. I seem to have mis-remembered a few words :)

My Favorite Things:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Aha! I knew it sounded familiar, but didn't know from where. My honey has this song burned to a CD and was singing it to me one night in his car. Cool! :)
Great News!

WildSweetOne has agreed to help out with the Sappho and Eros contest! :kiss: I am trying to figure out what she can do and still participate in the contest without any eyebrow raising. :rolleyes: I think the only way to rig one of these things is to sneak in and fuck up the other poet's punctuation or line breaks.

I will post more detail soon.

Get writing, love birds!

Do I need to get out the Barry White?

:kiss: :kiss:
annaswirls said:
Great News!

WildSweetOne has agreed to help out with the Sappho and Eros contest! :kiss: I am trying to figure out what she can do and still participate in the contest without any eyebrow raising. :rolleyes: I think the only way to rig one of these things is to sneak in and fuck up the other poet's punctuation or line breaks.

I will post more detail soon.

Get writing, love birds!

Do I need to get out the Barry White?

:kiss: :kiss:

oh fer cryin out loud girl you're quick off the mark. lol i'm not going to enter the contest, you should read your PMs before you make announcements y'know. lol

it's not possible to help out and enter and that's fine with me. gives me a good reason to skive off writing this soppy lovey dovey stuff.
