poem contest chitter chatter

My Erotic Trail said:
Online Gift Certificates vs Gift Cards

The gift cards are purchased and sent to an address. They have poetry greats such as Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe but we would need to recieve an address to send this.

Online Gift Certificates are sent within moments to an e-mail recipient. With a message of choice.

how do you want it ladies? <grin Barnes and Noble
Since I plan to win this thing (;)) ... Can gift cards be used by us forriners?
Liar said:
Since I plan to win this thing (;)) ... Can gift cards be used by us forriners?

Barnes and Noble, world wide outlets? But a good point, at least online certificates can be used by any who has a computer, which is most lit members <grin
get the email gift certificates, you just give the winner (s) the certificate code. I am doing amazon.com, pretty sure that is international, if not, we will work things out personally... I may have to fly over and deliver something in person, Liar :kiss:
annaswirls said:
"entering yourself" is a bit too much on the porn side or erotica, I think Sappho and Eros would prefer a couples poem although pics of the event would be quite welcome


I think that flyguy just possessed me to say that a shiver sent up my left arm and I could not help myself

so you want an illustrated poem with him (or/and her) standing off to one side watching her pleasure herself?

i shall have to think about that. LOTS!

annaswirls said:
get the email gift certificates, you just give the winner (s) the certificate code. I am doing amazon.com, pretty sure that is international, if not, we will work things out personally... I may have to fly over and deliver something in person, Liar :kiss:

i occasionally buy books through Amazon.com (USA). it works fine, though the exchange rate and the postage can be a tad challenging.
For some reason the only programs that work on my PC right now are Explorer and Outlook Express. That and my baby puppy is coming home on Wed night....

So needless to say, the poems may be a little late on Feb 2 for voting, I can still do it, it will just take longer to do without my Word. I will do my best and maybe convince the Dr. of the house to let me use his PC while this one dies a slow death.
hopefully we'll be allowed a little leeway because of time differences anyway.

sounds like something serious with your pc (i hope it isn't!). shout if you need more help anna, okay?

don't forget to take pics of your baby! :)
Come on y'all.... the time is drawing near...

it's not about winning, it's about looking good...
I mean, it is about playing the game.

:heart: Tomorrow Midnight :heart:
sorry I am posting this on all relevant threads.... :eek:

:D WOW we are getting some great submissions! A wide range of styles, form, free verse and a full spectrum of experience levels! I am very excited!

Please send em in while it is still Feb. 1 somewhere in the world. If you have not yet, please do, off the cuff, to make me (anna) feel better about my eh hem yet to be written love poem for the exhibition heat. I am praying for inspiration.... and quick!
Hello Poets!

What a great showing of poems! Wild Sweet One has them all collected and ready for me to set up the voting threads. I will get them done before dinner time.

If you want to send one in as an exhibition, please do so before 6pm EST (about 7 hours from whatever this post time was)

I will include the exhibition poems in the voting threads, but there will not be an option to vote on them, they will be there to view and enjoy.

Grand total so far: 18 poems, not bad for a sappy love poem contest :)

God I hate Valentines Day

(hey! who said that!?)
My apologies. We somehow missed a poem, and when I went back to make a new thread, I did not select the option to allow multiple votes. I cannot do anything to change the options on a poll, so I had to re-do a new one. grrr.

I have contacted everyone who had already voted and asked them to re-read all of the poems and reconsider their favorites and to vote in the new thread.

I have made my apologies to individuals, but I wanted to say sorry to anyone participating. I think that the results will be valid, it is just that no one needs more confusion in their lives.

I have been completely pre-occupied with the puppy that came to us yesterday evening, and have slept.... um.... as well as can be expected while caring for a puppy who spent her first night away from her sisters. She barks and cries every time I leave the room :eek: poor baby.

I know it is no excuse. Please read and vote if you have not already done so. They are great poems!

I am hoping the Poets can delete the two extra threads and put a sticky on the one that says "This One!"

all the best,
Is it just me, or does the idea of a "poetry contest" akin to a chili cookoff.

No offense to those participants, just a notion laced with cumin and tobasco.

Im no-one to talk, just strikes me as folly.

Pass the red pepper, please.
eagleyez said:
Is it just me, or does the idea of a "poetry contest" akin to a chili cookoff.

No offense to those participants, just a notion laced with cumin and tobasco.

Im no-one to talk, just strikes me as folly.

Pass the red pepper, please.

It's a total nonsense if you see it as anything more than a bit of fun. After all there are no concrete criteria by which to judge one poem being better than another, other than on taste and intuition which are hardly real measurements.

I suppose it is a beauty contest and nothing more.
bogusbrig said:
It's a total nonsense if you see it as anything more than a bit of fun. After all there are no concrete criteria by which to judge one poem being better than another, other than on taste and intuition which are hardly real measurements.

I suppose it is a beauty contest and nothing more.

Fun is the keyword, Mr Brig.

Again, no offense to anyone. :)
eagleyez said:
Is it just me, or does the idea of a "poetry contest" akin to a chili cookoff.

No offense to those participants, just a notion laced with cumin and tobasco.

Im no-one to talk, just strikes me as folly.

Pass the red pepper, please.

mmmm, you make good chili.

you make good everything. come home soon, i miss you.
annaswirls said:
My apologies. We somehow missed a poem, and when I went back to make a new thread, I did not select the option to allow multiple votes. I cannot do anything to change the options on a poll, so I had to re-do a new one. grrr.

I have contacted everyone who had already voted and asked them to re-read all of the poems and reconsider their favorites and to vote in the new thread.

I have made my apologies to individuals, but I wanted to say sorry to anyone participating. I think that the results will be valid, it is just that no one needs more confusion in their lives.

I have been completely pre-occupied with the puppy that came to us yesterday evening, and have slept.... um.... as well as can be expected while caring for a puppy who spent her first night away from her sisters. She barks and cries every time I leave the room :eek: poor baby.

I know it is no excuse. Please read and vote if you have not already done so. They are great poems!

I am hoping the Poets can delete the two extra threads and put a sticky on the one that says "This One!"

all the best,

Do we get to see a picture of the puppy?
Half of the votes are in. Please vote before you go to bed tonight, I will tally them up in the morning.

Sorry I posted the thread under anna, I forgot I was not logged on under the official contest account. :rose:
femininity said:
Do we get to see a picture of the puppy?

absolutely! I am on my way right now to buy myself a new computer,
even though I have yet to pay for the new oil pump in my car or Christmas :rolleyes: