Poetic imagery 101 exercise you mind.

I'm stoned!

How about a pebble for your thoughts? tee hee

kicked the dirt on the bank
little piece of the world took flight
heard it clearly before it sank

gather them after the rain
toss one across the lane
never look, only listen
impact, familiarly plain

itsy bitsy boulder
toss over my shoulder
into a rusted bucket
black were lightning struck it
wet inside from a storm
inside floats rounded form
((d clapping happily))


Nice. Just a little nudgin' early in the morning(d singing to the song by Diane Reeves).



He's baaaa-aaaack!!!

Happy New Year UP, et al!!!

UP, we've missed the hell out of you! Welcome back! :)

wb UP

Welcome back from me also, and happy new year :)

Thank you

Kat & Dr4ke

Thank you, happy new year indeed. We have quite a few new voices, it is nice to have their energy.

Serene as glass, surface unbroken
fallen object, earths token
Colliding suddenly, the silence shattered
Resulting in my feet, becoming splattered

KatPurrs said:
He's baaaa-aaaack!!!

Happy New Year UP, et al!!!

UP, we've missed the hell out of you! Welcome back! :)


Where the hell have you been anyway? One would have thought that cat had your tongue, or even worse!, your skin the way you have been so silent here lately! *grinz* glad to see you back! Best of New Years to you!

Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling this is going to be an absolutely fabulous year?!?!

Happy New Year everyone!!

Now.. back to the poetry challenge... did anyone ever ~win~ that one? Is there a new challenge to be placed on the block??
Yes, I dug up the bones of a thread that's over a year old but this was a fun thread.

The original post:

Poetic imagery 101 exercise you mind.
Poetic imagery 101
Describe the scene; invite the reader in and try to create a mood. Do not give a narration.
After a few days anyone please nominate a topic and list the taboo words.

The scene:
A pebble or rock hits the water

The requirements
One stanza
20 to 25 words

taboo words

Good luck. Extra points for rhyme.

Anyone want to give it a try or think up a new challenge?
young men compete
with granules of granite
hoping for maximum hops
dry potential skimmers dread
small hands, to wet deaths
are led,
sliding into a sedimentary bed
in the midst of slivers
of reflection's shivers.
After the Skip

Like reverberating whoofers that can waffle and shake it,
The concentric circles motion rocks the pond, not forsake it.
Up and down around they spread alarms like a big house,
In sinusoidal motions playing havoc as they douse...

         ...the shore.


- Judo
I found the hardest part the avoidence of narrative. I had to picture the scene and just describe...

ridges run from falling blocks
then rush back from further shocks

OT, I especially like your "hoping/hops" line.

And from OT's hoping and hops things take a dark turn with dreammaid's slivers and shivers. Very good dreammaid!

Judo your pebbles waffle and shake it and why doesn't that surprise me. Your pebbles would be lively! :)

MyO has liquid graves! So you walked down that same dark path as dreammaid. I remember the first group of these from a year ago and I don't think anyone at that time thought of comparing pebbles going into the water with death. I like that approach.

I remember first trying to do this exercise a year ago -- I've learned a lot since. And once again I'm learning how creative a poet can be. Homer, "ridges run from falling blocks" is very original.

MyO, boulder mush is going to keep you back a year. :D
WickedEve said:
Judo your pebbles waffle and shake it and why doesn't that surprise me. Your pebbles would be lively! :)

My pebbles have their own agenda.

What next? More natural phenomena? I've been thinking of writing a poem to celebrate the sound and color of a mountain stream. How could I go about putting this into a similar pic challenge, Eve? What words to avoid, etc?

- Judo
WickedEve said:
OT, I especially like your "hoping/hops" line.

I remember first trying to do this exercise a year ago -- I've learned a lot since. And once again I'm learning how creative a poet can be. Homer, "ridges run from falling blocks" is very original.

Thanks WE,
I've hit a bit of a dry spell in poetry...hoping an upcoming poetry class will get me kicking in this direction again. If nothing else, I figure it'll keep my works short.

Re: Thank you Eve

MyOpinion said:
Thank you for feedback. I have a few comments and questions to further my education.

Comment 1. Please, call me Opi. It is short and it's sweet and I knew it complete.... Oh, sorry, song just ran through my mind. (it was Darkthought who gave me this nickname when I first posted in Lit).

Question 1. Was my first try a narration? I guess I'm a bit on the confused side on this point of challenge.

Question 2. You made a reference to dreammaid on another thread, what thread was that?

Question 3. A WHOLE year? :eek: Maybe I should have said "boulder smash" instead.
Opi it is. Sorry for the MyO. lol
I don't think your first try was a narration. It sounded like poetry to me. :)
dreammaid? thread? I don't know. Let me go back and read it again... I think you must be talking about my mention of her poem on this thread. :confused:
JUDO said:
My pebbles have their own agenda.

What next? More natural phenomena? I've been thinking of writing a poem to celebrate the sound and color of a mountain stream. How could I go about putting this into a similar pic challenge, Eve? What words to avoid, etc?

- Judo
I like that!
Wanna try it here?

Use up to 30 words and 2 stanzas describing the sound and color of a mountain stream.
Do not use the following words:
it was the picture, Eve...

white edges of miniature surf
ionizing the air
in ear-tickling swallows
of rock-song
narrating a geology
of a sandy afterlife
and salt-to-come

newborn yet
reflecting green stepchildren

Cordelia, that was so good that you are no longer allowed to play with us. Really, go away and take that incredible poem with you before you make the other poems look bad. ;)
WickedEve said:
Cordelia, that was so good that you are no longer allowed to play with us. Really, go away and take that incredible poem with you before you make the other poems look bad. ;)

Um......then start taking bad pictures, Eve.

And, thanks. You guys are great for my poetic chops.

I'll just take my muse and go home, then. :p