Poetic imagery 101 exercise you mind.


Kal-el, son of Jor-el, has moved on.
To the horizons of Lana, Lois or another steed.
Still, some things could be improved on --
Faster than a speeding bullet, indeed.

This is wonderful. I think inspiration is one of your superpowers.
Re: How's this for a start?

MyOpinion said:
We all do have our shorter-coming
You think you have me fair?
stop your judgmental humph’r-ing
you’ve not the whole affair,
It needs some gentle stroker-ing
So let it have some air!

Good start. What will the other stanzas be filled with?

Not everyone will like the -ing rhymes. Is there another way to do the same thing without them?

2nd stanza: Notice how each of your lines gets longer? Edit them to stay closer to the same length, your meter will improve.

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His self-satisfied smirk,
"What a conceited jerk",

mentally comparing him to Hulk.

Now there was a man with a tool,
no padding pieces needed to fool,

just a solid natural bulk.

There must be ten layers there
lining his lycra underwear,

in a futile attempt to impress.

Even if I was interested enough to try
there is no way THAT will ever fly.

This wonder woman needs more, not less.

Man of steel, my ass..
sorry mate, I think i'll pass.