Poetic imagery 101 exercise you mind.

TY, Eve, but I'm a stanza too long. Oh, well...


A Chorus of Droplets

Down, down, down, down…
The deep voices blend into one --
Rushing, hurrying, escaping
To commune in the hush of beaver dreams.

Quickly slashing the crust of time
To furrow our way home,
We're artists and gymnists and dancers, you know
Who sing as we laugh as we swim.

Swim through green depths until
Our chorus rises to cacophonic screams
Of rollercoaster exhileration as we plunge
Down, down, down, down…

- Judo
Oh, JUDO...

That is delicious. "To commune in the hush of beaver dreams." That is simply startlingly lovely.

I am in awe of your writing, JUDO.

Eve... If I have to go, so does JUDO.

Gasping for breath,

By the way, Eve and Cord, I was thinking of something a bit bigger in terms of mountain streams. See attached.

Cordelia said:

That is delicious. "To commune in the hush of beaver dreams." That is simply startlingly lovely.

Thanks, Cords.

So glad you answered this before Smithpeter or Redwave got ahold of it. No telling how the beaver dream might've been interpreted -- one of the joys of poetry.

JUDO said:
By the way, Eve and Cord, I was thinking of something a bit bigger in terms of mountain streams. See attached.

Well, I ain't got any that BIG near the house!
By the way, Eve and Cord, I was thinking of something a bit bigger in terms of mountain streams. See attached.

Isn't that a river?

I live in the desert. I take what flowing water I can get.


I feel bad...

for not paying attention to this thread.

Eve, this is terrific.

gather them after the rain
toss one across the lane
never look, only listen
impact, familiarly plain
That is really fun to say.

One day, I'll write poetry again.

Thin silvern rope
meanders down the slope,
from icy birth
through carven earth.

Verdant lace lined edges,
tumbling from ledges,
murmuring ancient tongues,
to the wide serene ribbon it runs.
Re: I feel bad...

karmadog said:
for not paying attention to this thread.

Eve, this is terrific.

That is really fun to say.

One day, I'll write poetry again.

hee hee, I forgot about this one. I wrote that a year ago!
silken_dreammaid said:
Thin silvern rope
meanders down the slope,
from icy birth
through carven earth.

Verdant lace lined edges,
tumbling from ledges,
murmuring ancient tongues,
to the wide serene ribbon it runs.
Dreammaid, this is simply beautiful. :)
WickedEve said:
I like that!
Wanna try it here?

Use up to 30 words and 2 stanzas describing the sound and color of a mountain stream.
Do not use the following words:

Ground-chilled motion
burbling downward
Short spills
Clumps of moss
Tufts of ferns
Whispering green into movement

While decayed leaves
caught in bramble pockets
layer together
brewing tea.

WickedEve said:

Use up to 30 words and 2 stanzas describing the sound and color of a mountain stream.
Do not use the following words:


down the


Mountain Stream

It slips up sides curving plippity plop
Dances down splashity giggly on rock
Smooth and concentric then raging bright
The sea’s toddler child bubbling sprite
Mountain Stream

Encouraged by gravity,
massive amounts of moisture
slaps its way over undulating earth
and around uneven obstacles
toward a fall.

Hissing mist gathers into glinting
droplets that splatter
and dance with rainbows
on a sheen of surface tension
that threatens to let loose pools
of moody dark depth.
darned fish

Rybka said:

down the



Darned fish needs some discipline!!! :p :D

Fish Plummet

Flip flopping fish
flashing fins
plummeting over rocks
tumbling and lost
on its way
to bruising tidal disaster
or entrapment
in stagnant pool
until Bear
invites it for lunch.

Re: darned fish

Xtaabay said:
Darned fish needs some discipline!!! :p :D

Fish Plummet

Flip flopping fish
flashing fins
plummeting over rocks
tumbling and lost
on its way
to bruising tidal disaster
or entrapment
in stagnant pool
until Bear
invites it for lunch.


Too funny!

I'm surpised a LavaLamp didn't go floating by.

:Abruptly Changing The Subject:

I'm truly amazed at all of the very different, all excellent,
approaches to the same scene.

I'm coming back to this thread for inspiration
the next time my whining surly muse tries to convince
me that everything that can be written, has already
been written.
Re: Re: darned fish

OT said:
Too funny!

I'm surpised a LavaLamp didn't go floating by.


Look a little deeper into the water and I'm sure you'll see one :D

A concrete poem

a single sound played out for miles\_/\_/\_/\_/white washed
rising falling perfectly tuned \_/\_/\_/\_/\_/by the mists thrown
against rocks drops bends\_/\_/\_/\_/\/from bank to bank
casting about for\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/the colors blur as
just the\_/\_/\_/\_/\_or_/\_/\_/\_/muddy lands attempt
right\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/to hold in the forces that
note\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/try to bring everything with it

Cordie - Just south of the Grand Canyon is the Havasu Indian Reservation. You have to drive a ways just to get to the parking lot, then hoist your backpack and camping gear to hike in ten miles. Once there you can camp, and swim at the foot of three different waterfalls. Falls that drop over two hundred feet, at least one of which you have to climb down to the base of in order to enjoy the swiming hole. I highly recommend it.

If, on the other hand, you'd like a swimming hole more easily accessable, let me know, I still remember how to get to a couple of great ones in Sedona.

Re: A concrete poem


What a fine bunch of poems. It is making me thirsty...

HomerPindar said:
Cordie - Just south of the Grand Canyon is the Havasu Indian Reservation. You have to drive a ways just to get to the parking lot, then hoist your backpack and camping gear to hike in ten miles. Once there you can camp, and swim at the foot of three different waterfalls. Falls that drop over two hundred feet, at least one of which you have to climb down to the base of in order to enjoy the swiming hole. I highly recommend it.

If, on the other hand, you'd like a swimming hole more easily accessable, let me know, I still remember how to get to a couple of great ones in Sedona.


Homer, sweetie...

Since I am in Northern Nevada, I think the drive would be a little far. (I can actually see lots of water in a short drive to Tahoe.)

But my point is that around here, any water is a stream, and it talks to us as eloquently as the big stuff.


Re: Re: A concrete poem

Cordelia said:

What a fine bunch of poems. It is making me thirsty...

Homer, sweetie...

Since I am in Northern Nevada, I think the drive would be a little far. (I can actually see lots of water in a short drive to Tahoe.)

But my point is that around here, any water is a stream, and it talks to us as eloquently as the big stuff.



Well, from where your at it would still take less time to drive there than the hike in!

Ok...so maybe that's not an incentive for everyone.


How 'bout this, Opi? In light of our lycra-bound attraction to our comicbook friends this week, draw some inspiration or perspiration from the enclosed front cover outtake.

And keep it personal, okay?

- Judo
Super-Duper Party Pooper

Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound,
Twitch his pecs while grinning lecherously,
Picking up my bar tab might get him crowned,
But lately, his bod's been acting treacherously.

Up in the sky, he's a bird or a plane,
Through brick walls, he can save the day,
But a girl needs more to keep her sane
A bump or a grind in a well-timed way.

More powerful than a locomotive,
His allure first struck me deep.
He seemed to have only one motive --
Pounding me silly to an exhausted sleep.

His origins from the planet Krypton
Might contain the secrets I'm looking for.
His super interest suddenly gone.
I couldn't get a rise, no matter what he'd score.

Kal-el, son of Jor-el, has moved on.
To the horizons of Lana, Lois or another steed.
Still, some things could be improved on --
Faster than a speeding bullet, indeed.

- Judo