Poetry in Progress ~ construction zone

Vilanelle Fevier

Snow's heavy silence crushing ground
beyond the pane. My eyes inspect
an empty landscape falling down
to nothing, quiet as the sound
my fingers tapping glass reflect:
snow's heavy silence crushing ground.
There ice meets Sun, and both surround
the shadow of my cold aspect.
An empty landscape falling down
on barren trees, their branches frowned
with weight, drooping curves direct
snow's heavy silence crushing ground.
My palm's etched imprint frosted, found
a perfect still life, it and I connect
an empty landscape falling down.
Angeline said:
Vilanelle Fevier

Snow's heavy silence crushing ground
beyond the pane. My eyes inspect
an empty landscape falling down
to nothing, quiet as the sound
my fingers tapping glass reflect:
snow's heavy silence crushing ground.
There ice meets Sun, and both surround
the shadow of my cold aspect.
An empty landscape falling down
on barren trees, their branches frowned
with weight, drooping curves direct
snow's heavy silence crushing ground.
My palm's etched imprint frosted, found
a perfect still life, it and I connect
an empty landscape falling down.

Simply beautiful...:rose:
Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
The darkness arranges itself into streets
that in a story, or a dream, might lead
somewhere. One could stand a long while,
expecting the night to include him, but when
you realize you are waiting for something
to happen that cannot happen, you walk,

until you see the dim lights of your own
house, the familiar pattern of windows,
still thinking you could be anyone out there
in the dark, until you step inside. What will
happen would not happen with you there,
the way the dirt is not shoveled in until

family has gone. Is it wrong to imagine that
in a life this or that should not have occurred?
Or to perceive oneself magical, searching
for lost simplicity even as you part with faith?
The toothless talk of apples, postpone death
by living, by suffering, by striving to recognize

that which lays them open to pain, by allowing
those small affirmations of dignity. In thought,
wishes come true. How easy it is to resurrect
a summer leaf, to multiply sunshine, to take
dead winter roses and make a bouquet. Once,
you gave her back, and kept holding that place

she had been. Truth is never only what we want
to believe, but still there should be something
on a desk you could offer as proof. How beautiful
she looks in that picture you never took, with no
worry of god, knowing she could forgive herself
when the time came. You did not think of it then

as something you would one day be trying
to remember. Of course, this could be a dream,
pausing to look back at you, rubbing sleep
from its eyes, wondering how it got inside you,
amazed it could end up so very far from home.
Things are different now, you say, as if that were

not always true. But time is still, only you move.
Somewhere, on that distant street, a piano note
freezes, stiff and searching, and you hear the melody
it chases. The song of another false dawn, here
for you to relearn your shadow. It requires longing
for a time when nothing important has happened

yet, requires you forget you never loved her more
than that moment you hated her. Even now, lies
sound as much like the truth as anything you
can recall. Summer’s job is done, and it has
an easy drop. It knows, like autumn knows, that
whatever has to be said cannot be said in green.


hi Patrick.

Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
good morning. :)

you and tath both feeling ill?

what's up in new england, red sox hangover? :D


*I* have a cold.

(he's probably hung over though)

Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
good morning. :)

you and tath both feeling ill?

what's up in new england, red sox hangover? :D


She gave me her cold

wasn't suppose to tell huh??

I got some kind of flu thing
I battled it with alcohol last night though
I think I won
Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
She gave me her cold

wasn't suppose to tell huh??

I got some kind of flu thing
I battled it with alcohol last night though
I think I won

i told you yesterday you can't get a cold from a digital kiss. unless you have a digital cold.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Angeline said:
i told you yesterday you can't get a cold from a digital kiss. unless you have a digital cold.


maybe I have a virus then
; )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Angeline said:
i told you yesterday you can't get a cold from a digital kiss. unless you have a digital cold.


what text book did you dig that out of?

i thought that was true too, but it happens so often, it's stretching the concept of conincidence. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
maybe I have a virus then
; )

you got the fever. lol. you know, the one Springsteen sings about (a song that makes me swoon, btw).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
She gave me her cold

wasn't suppose to tell huh??

I got some kind of flu thing
I battled it with alcohol last night though
I think I won

make sure to thank the spirits.

where does Pedro go now? :confused:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Angeline said:
you got the fever. lol. you know, the one Springsteen sings about (a song that makes me swoon, btw).

Do people still swoon??
; )
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
make sure to thank the spirits.

where does Pedro go now? :confused:

Oh I always do

good question...
I think he should retire...
go out on top..
otherwise..I think the sox might offer him less than what he wants..he's past his peak
I'd love to see him as a middle relief guy

the only other team that could afford him would be the yanks..
if he goes there..we'd never forgive him
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
Oh I always do

good question...
I think he should retire...
go out on top..
otherwise..I think the sox might offer him less than what he wants..he's past his peak
I'd love to see him as a middle relief guy

the only other team that could afford him would be the yanks..
if he goes there..we'd never forgive him

Steinbrenner's ass is burning up his seat now, for sure.

he'll make an offer, just for spite. he's still better than anyone they have now.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
Steinbrenner's ass is burning up his seat now, for sure.

he'll make an offer, just for spite. he's still better than anyone they have now.

I'm surprised we haven't heard anything yet
but now that's it's all over I'm sure he'll roar

btw...next year..when they raise the flag and hand out rings...the visiting team..will be the Yanks
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
I'm surprised we haven't heard anything yet
but now that's it's all over I'm sure he'll roar

btw...next year..when they raise the flag and hand out rings...the visiting team..will be the Yanks

he surely will roar. he can't not roar. he doesn't understand humility, or the class of timely silence.

i wonder if you Bostonians know how many New Yorkers are really happy for you?

i am. ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:
he surely will roar. he can't not roar. he doesn't understand humility, or the class of timely silence.

i wonder if you Bostonians know how many New Yorkers are really happy for you?

i am. ;)

Thank you brother

I have heard of many who are and who were rooting for the Sox too.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Tathagata said:
Do people still swoon??
; )

Well, you didn't know this but when I was an English major in college (a few hundred years ago), my specialty was 19th c. literature. So I have official "vapors" credentials.

See? Here I am--about to swoon.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

Angeline said:
Well, you didn't know this but when I was an English major in college (a few hundred years ago), my specialty was 19th c. literature. So I have official "vapors" credentials.

See? Here I am--about to swoon.



i can't figure out whether that's a queen's cane, an egg beater, or a riding crop in your hand, as you're swooning? :)

solve the mystery for me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Relearning Our Shadows

PatCarrington said:

i can't figure out whether that's a queen's cane, an egg beater, or a riding crop in your hand, as you're swooning? :)

solve the mystery for me.

it's a feather duster. too much cleaning makes me swoon, too.

