Poetry in Progress ~ construction zone

Target Infidelity

She came from out of the blue, well,
out of Shoes, really, her caged possessions
before her. A near-collision of hearts
and carts as I turned to see if toddler summer
was on clearance, yet. Tires squealed
their surprise at her hair-flip appearance
as we froze in headlight smiles.

Hi, haven’t seen you for awhile

We stammered through cart contents
as if bath towels could wipe my eyes
from the freckle between her breasts.
Shopping lists and kids’ schedules steamed
between us, forcing us closer to hide
the adulterous mist. Spouses clacked
on plastic handles till their objections
were muffled in our pockets. She squared

her shoulders when she laughed to prove
how clever I was; I showed her my very best
hair-brush eyes. Her cart moved like fingers
across my belly; casual circles that belied
an ardent purpose. I held mine in a bedroom
press, pinned before my taut thighs. We convinced

the clock to wait;

we’re almost there

give us one more moment

but the hands sprung free and we apologized
for appointments and spoiling meat before
tearing free of that warm gravity. We turned
and grined at end-cap displays of barrettes
and gloves.

Say hi to Steve,

I called after her, but I meant

Thanks for the quickie.
Very nice one, Flyguy, I really liked all the shopping images in this, put me right smack in the middle of Super Wal-mart. I love everything right up until the very last word, quickie. It doesn't seem to fit right to me. I can't really think of any suggestions right now but I think if you found another bedroom image, or a different way of thanking her it wouldn't sound quite so harsh. Ug, it's too early for this - thanks for the moment, Fly.
Re: Prankers Pond

Tathagata said:
...Wands of over ripe catonine tails
swords that realease a cloud of elven defender
when struck against denim armor
and the smell
dank and slime
where creatures live we are afraid to catch
but must try anyway
like reaching for death...
I love the jumble of images here, Tath; it wonderfully recreates a boy's brain wandering through forest and attic and empty lot. I am puzzled by the sudden shift to cynicism at the end, though. It strikes me as either unwarrented or incomplete.

I relived some of my favorite memories with this one!
Re: Re: Prankers Pond

flyguy69 said:
I love the jumble of images here, Tath; it wonderfully recreates a boy's brain wandering through forest and attic and empty lot. I am puzzled by the sudden shift to cynicism at the end, though. It strikes me as either unwarrented or incomplete.

I relived some of my favorite memories with this one!

It's not that the Irish are cynical.
It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect
for everything and everybody.
•Brendan Behan

still a work in progress my friend
it will either be expanded or deleted
I Want To Be Your Man

you make me wish I were a man
with long fingers for unbuttoning your secrets
and parts for driving myself into you
deep enough to feel the soft ends

you make me wish I was a man
wide chest for head resting,
tucking your hair behind your ears
safe sleeping on heart sounds

I crave the opiate of your breath
that has brought strong men trembling
for you attentions. I want to feed
and feast upon your addictions.

You my always untouchable
unknowable, crossing legs and fingers and wires
I want to be the man who sees you
Unedited, no modesty blur, focused, mine.
Re: I Want To Be Your Man

annaswirls said:
you make me wish I were a man
with long fingers for unbuttoning your secrets
and parts for driving myself into you
deep enough to feel the soft ends
Oooh, make me your bitch, anna!

This is very good, though I think the "parts for driving" bit is not as strong as the rest of the poem.
Re: I Want To Be Your Man

annaswirls said:
you make me wish I were a man
with long fingers for unbuttoning your secrets
and parts for driving myself into you
deep enough to feel the soft ends

you make me wish I was a man
wide chest for head resting,
tucking your hair behind your ears
safe sleeping on heart sounds

I crave the opiate of your breath
that has brought strong men trembling
for you attentions. I want to feed
and feast upon your addictions.

You my always untouchable
unknowable, crossing legs and fingers and wires
I want to be the man who sees you
Unedited, no modesty blur, focused, mine.

You ever have dreams where you're a man about to have sex with a woman? I do, never get to go All The Way, dammit. That's what your poem reminded me of, other than the feelings of dissapointed over poorly ending dreams I really enjoyed the read! :devil:
Orion's arrow

Orion on air,stalks in bright moonlight
bow pulled taught, arrow poised
feathers brushed back, aimed
point in purpose, his prey

illuminated, stilled by nighttime's chill
stands snorting clouds of life
unaware the fate which flies his way

Death is silent and swift, this archer
merciful, strikes sharp through heart
knees buckle, head bows to earth
as the heavens watch, cast silver shadows
and call his spirit home

She dances 'mongst the ashes,
cries she cannot breathe.
Deathly foam upon her lips,
corpse's smile in her eyes,
butterflies sipping from her palms;
a dervish for a prize.
Decomposed cheribum in the candy store
she protests against the rules.
Knows inside she's a regal queen
imposed upon by fools.
Mall Land

Colors unnatural anywhere
but here, in the nature of steel
trees and polycarbonate skies,
festoon this teeming pond of flesh
and festive sex-toy shoppers.

Collegiate allegiance pulled taut
across her tits, she sifts
the mall for blister-pack
orgasms that start in her purse
and finish in her trembling
knees. On a bench by Starbucks

she spreads herself
for awestruck lovers, reveals
the ½ priced trickle still flowing
from between her legs.
Their jealous tongues touch
her cum-slick wallet, smear
latte foam on quivering lips.

Beneath the steel squeal
of coaster-car childcare
I snuggle up with notebook
and pen, tuck paper into
the crook of my elbow and ink
those sensitive margin
spaces. I stroke
the way a mistress puts on
lipstick: she who knows
that this one thing
she does better
than anyone else in his life.

But my surety is wasted
on orgy participants that see
my notebook as an open chancre
and grimace at my misfortune.
In a confectious free-for-all, why
would anyone seek meat?

Grateful for neon distraction
their eyes step over
my prostrate form
to answer the clearance bin
siren song.
Re: Mall Land

day-um! It would be quite an event if you and Neo both wound up in the same coffee shop at the same time...

Imagine the hot poetry vibes in that place...

loved this

a little disturbing
in a good way

gosh I hope you were out shopping for my own personal dolphin friend, maybe Eve and I could do a partner poem ode.

it took me two reads to get the half priced trickle, but of course I get it now.... right before asking you to clarify.


are you sure you want to ask the question
why would anyone seek meat?

flyguy69 said:
Colors unnatural anywhere
but here, in the nature of steel
trees and polycarbonate skies,
festoon this teeming pond of flesh
and festive sex-toy shoppers.

Collegiate allegiance pulled taut
across her tits, she sifts
the mall for blister-pack
orgasms that start in her purse
and finish in her trembling
knees. On a bench by Starbucks

she spreads herself
for awestruck lovers, reveals
the ½ priced trickle still flowing
from between her legs.
Their jealous tongues touch
her cum-slick wallet, smear
latte foam on quivering lips.

Beneath the steel squeal
of coaster-car childcare
I snuggle up with notebook
and pen, tuck paper into
the crook of my elbow and ink
those sensitive margin
spaces. I stroke
the way a mistress puts on
lipstick: she who knows
that this one thing
she does better
than anyone else in his life.

But my surety is wasted
on orgy participants that see
my notebook as an open chancre
and grimace at my misfortune.
In a confectious free-for-all, why
would anyone seek meat?

Grateful for neon distraction
their eyes step over
my prostrate form
to answer the clearance bin
siren song.
Hey Fly, I like this version much better. The little bit extra added makes the difference~;)
Re: Re: I Want To Be Your Man

flyguy69 said:
Oooh, make me your bitch, anna!

This is very good, though I think the "parts for driving" bit is not as strong as the rest of the poem.

what do you suggest?
a more detailed description of the parts?
I hesitate using COCK
especially since I (well, the character who is in the poem, not really me eh hem) really literally do not want a cock,
just something to dive into

and no
not a rectal thermometer (What the fuck is up with that)
Any suggestions?

Glosa on Coole Park

But now they drift on the still water
Mysterious, beautiful;
Among what rushes will they build,
By what lake’s edge or pool
Delight men’s eyes, when I awake some day
To find they have flown away?

~ William Butler Yeats, The Wild Swans at Coole

But now they drift on the still water
Where once they rushed in tides,
Silenced by a distant daughter,
A lake’s mistress who abides

Mysterious, beautiful,
Laurel crown and empty hands.
Is this prison? Was she dutiful,
Married to the stands

Among what rushes they will build
Their nests, companionable in pairs,
While she alone, wise and stilled
By moon ennui declares

By what lake’s edge or pool
She might have made her home,
Or known a gentler rule
to keep her safe as starlight’s dome

Delights men’s eyes, When I awake some day
From ancient dreams to find that dawn
Reveals a feather, will I shake away
Sleep from my limbs, and with a yawn

Exhale memories, unfold these wings
In flight, release hope to another day
And soar skyward as hours cling
To find they have flown away?
hello you wonderful poets.
its been a while and ive been working on this poem off and on. i had some wonderful input from Liar and Tathagata months and months ago and though im not a poet i still want to convey my thoughts through this medium... . i still think this misses the mark though... any suggestions?? (very rough and undone as of yet)

Distance(working title)

gossamer clouds
Obscure the sun
Billowing, cottony
impudent Sails
Behind which
Radiant heat prevails

egression by
Fickle draughts
Of nature’s whim
Salty winds

Ocean crashing
Upon the shore
Primal energy

In the wake of your glance
in your moss-green perusal
I can see a thousand years
the past, the future
the present
will be seen tomorrow
colored with the love
only you know how to give

And so it goes—
My love

The horizon between us
holds no awe
no strength
no barrier
that which we can not cross
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had to quick put this somewhere for someday

pregnancy induced insomnia
knees up and open far enough for late night anchorwoman,
hell if I know her name
she fit right between

with her gumball bead necklace
and tickle, plans, we had plans for that necklace

volume down,
don't wake the house as her silent lips moved
down between
below my swollen belly,
lipstick never smeared
off that serious mouth
even to this flirtatious passing of the story down the desk

my fingers bide time while
Mister anchors in wax brings us his '90 business
tech stock this and whatever
he does not want to muss hair or smudge
foundation while nestled deep in my frenzy
so I wait
for her

head back on tapestry sofa
the cat claws pony's tail while I imagine
under the desk, trying to make this Ken
graduates Wharton

break his stride

back to you, barbara
we are ready this time
and muscles contract
tight around fingers womb pulls tight
before someone sings the national anthem
and the two of us snuggled by the wide screen fire

she tells me I am delicious
she tells me he puts cologne
on his balls
we giggle and sleep with fingers in each others mouths