Poetry Monkeys

I remember Wisp of a Chimp. I still love it. I feel like a griot. lol. Then Eve wrote...

And Doug's poem is marvelous. The last line is great. That guy sure could make me laugh. Nobody writes like that.
alpha male

What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

the sky
a real fight with blood
hidden time with females from the neighbor tribe
ground that gives under naked feet

hunt discover fear pain
real bugs in her fur


I want to forget that plastic exists
run full speed
mostly I want to bite off your testicles
see what you have done
to us.
annaswirls said:
What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

the sky
a real fight with blood
hidden time with females from the neighbor tribe
ground that gives under naked feet

hunt discover fear pain
real bugs in her fur


I want to forget that plastic exists
run full speed
mostly I want to bite off your testicles
see what you have done
to us.

annaswirls said:
I want to forget that plastic exists
run full speed
mostly I want to bite off your testicles
see what you have done
to us.

awww, don't sugarcoat it. give it to us straight.

Angeline said:

all this talk of blades and biting......you're all from the same tribe, aren't you. :cool:
Angeline said:

I cant believe I got a rose for biting off testicles!

well not myself, you know...

I don't swing that way.

did the guy survive that chimp attack? how brutal.
PatCarrington said:
awww, don't sugarcoat it. give it to us straight.

sugar coat what? the testicles?

all this talk of blades and biting......you're all from the same tribe, aren't you. :cool:

we would tell you but then we would have to...... ummm

I think it would up for discussion, there seem to be a variety of punishmental preferences in the tribe
No monkey business!

Eve I love the new av. Hot yet soft, got a little mystery thing going.

Just remember ladies; its like Delbert sung and co-wrote:

When you make a man into a monkey
That monkey is gonna monkey around :p
my contribution...for what it's worth

Monkey Man
(M. Jagger/K. Richards)

I'm a fleabit peanut monkey
All my friends are junkies
That's not really true

I'm a cold Italian pizza
I could use a lemon squeezer
What you do?

But I've been bit and I've been tossed around
By every she-rat in this town
Have you, babe?

Well, I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey woman too

I was bitten by a boar
I was gouged and I was gored
But I pulled on through

Yes, I'm a sack of broken eggs
I always have an unmade bed
Don't you?
Well, I hope we're not too messianic
Or a trifle too satanic
We love to play the blues

Well I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey, monkey woman too, babe

I'm a monkey
I'm a monkey
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey...

...........do I see a monkey woman out there?
Sitting on a log
waiting for see no and hear no
no inhibitions now
no speech police
time to spill the beans
cleanse the palate
become the proper primate
but the things I could tell you
if you care to cross my palm
with bars of gold
it's a jungle out there
but I can read those drums
thump thump
rumble rumble
anyone care to jungle boogie?
PatCarrington said:
some preliminary questions:

1) are you just a wee bit more perturbed that i argue with you than you let on?

2) do you tremble?

3) do those of the jewish persuasion consider the body a holy temple, or anything reasonably close?

4) you said "Cmere Patrick" a tad too merrily. should that worry me?

5) is this on-the-job training?

......(i think i'm just stalling) :cool:

just make sure there wasn't a mohel in her family
Tathagata said:
just make sure there wasn't a mohel in her family

I don't know what you're talking about. I'm very sweet.

and you can be next

tungtied2u said:
Sitting on a log
waiting for see no and hear no
no inhibitions now
no speech police
time to spill the beans
cleanse the palate
become the proper primate
but the things I could tell you
if you care to cross my palm
with bars of gold
it's a jungle out there
but I can read those drums
thump thump
rumble rumble
anyone care to jungle boogie?

and you, too, my pretty.

How could I forget this?

I thought about posting it on POetry and Lyrics, but since you turned me onto the album, and this thread is monkey specific,.......I offer for your edification..

Monkey To Man
(Elvis Costello)

A long time ago, our point of view
Was broadcast by Mr. Bartholomew
Now the world is full of sorrow and pain
It’s time for us to speak up again

You’re slack and sorry
Such an arrogant brood
The only purpose you serve is to bring us our food
We sit here staring at your pomp and pout
Outside the bars we use for keeping you out

You’ve taken everything that you wanted
Broke it up and plundered it and hunted
Ever since we said it
You went and took the credit
It’s been headed this way since the world began
When a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to Man

Every time that man struggles and fails
He makes up some kind of fairytales
After all of the misery that he has caused
He denies he’s descended from the dinosaurs

Points up to heaven with cathedral spires
All the time indulging in his base desires
Ever since we said it
He went and took the credit
It’s been headed this way since the world began
When a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to Man

Big and useless as he has become
With his crying statues and his flying bomb
Goes ‘round acting like the chosen one
Excuse us if we treat him like our idiot cousin

He hangs up flowers and bells and rhymes
Hoping to hell that someone’s forgiven his crimes
Fills the air with his pride and his praise
He’s big disgrace to our beastly ways

In the fashionable nightclubs and finer precincts
Man uses words to dress up his vile instincts
Ever since we said it
He went and took the credit
It’s been headed this way since the world began
When a vicious creature took the jump from Monkey to Man


by the way.....my sister went and saw him last week....once again at Oakland Paramount......she threw clothing at him.....the exact items to remain unmentioned...... ;)
three cheers for this thread, Angeline
Tath changed his AV
What will it take to change yours?
Isn't that Eve's old Wonderfuck costume?
Why are you hawking that, at best, "Cute fluff" Poet Chick?
twelveoone said:
three cheers for this thread, Angeline
Tath changed his AV
What will it take to change yours?
Isn't that Eve's old Wonderfuck costume?
Why are you hawking that, at best, "Cute fluff" Poet Chick?

I'm glad you like the thread. :)

I did that poetry monkeys thing a few years ago and found it on a disc not too long ago. I always thought it was funny, so I reposted it.

The AV was a joke, mainly for PatC who challenged me to make a superhero Av. And I love my poem Poet Chick; don't particularly care if others don't lol--but you understand we all have different tastes. Also, Poet Chick is one of eagleyez's nicknames for me, so I like using it. And you oughta know by now my Avs change more often than the weather. :D
Angeline said:
I'm glad you like the thread. :)

I did that poetry monkeys thing a few years ago and found it on a disc not too long ago. I always thought it was funny, so I reposted it.

The AV was a joke, mainly for PatC who challenged me to make a superhero Av. And I love my poem Poet Chick; don't particularly care if others don't lol--but you understand we all have different tastes. Also, Poet Chick is one of eagleyez's nicknames for me, so I like using it. And you oughta know by now my Avs change more often than the weather. :D
Two things:
1) Eve wants it back, she said you can keep the lasso, yee-hah, she has other things
2.) the worst you will get is a "cease and desist"
monkey testing

which would you refer?

a) beenie weenie?

b) Banana?

c) ball park frank? (hot dog) laughing >>>not frank in a ball park

D) popcycle?

ehehehe chirp <grin>
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Family Snapshot

Angeline, where did you find that picture of my family? That was at the annual picnic!
Fflow said:
Angeline, where did you find that picture of my family? That was at the annual picnic!

You're not the first person to lay claim to it. :D


I don't know if I posted this yet... If so, please forgive me...

Gerbil and the Monkey Man
By Sander Roscoe Wolff

Gerbil was a handsome lad,
With dark and wavy hair
Orphaned with no mom or dad
And still a happy aire

Helped the young and old alike
A more than half-full glass
Until he met the Monkey Man
Got stuffed up his red ass. :nana: