poll: how did you pick your handle?

well i was surfing a board that i frequent one day, a shock site called 4chan (i don't really go there any more because.. well how much can you be shocked till you are desenceitized to it) anyway somone started a "post your genitals" thread to i posted mine (in my sig). then after a while somone responded that they liked it and called me cock-tan.

tan here is the japaneese style of honorific suffix such as sama, chan or kun
Nothing to mine at all.

Is just my initals so is real easy to remember.
Yipes... mine's a tad complicated.

As someone put it earlier in the thread, "way back in my online infancy", I was on AOL, and was using the name KakoiiJaden. Kakoii (or is it Kakkoi?) is japanese for a mix, sort of, of sexy and cute. Jaden was just a name I'd picked up somewhere and really liked. (Of course now it's gotten ridiculously popular.)

Some years later, I was playing an RPG and used Jade as the characters first name, since it sounded stupid to have the 'n' on there with the last name I'd chosen.

Jade has stuck ever since, in some fashion.

Firefly, despite accusations to the contrary, does NOT come from the TV show. :p

It is, instead, taken from the translation of one of my favorite anime characters names. At one point I was attempting to build a website to host a huge-ass pile of images I'd collected from this anime, and needed some sort of name for myself as the web-monkey in charge. I eventually came up with Jade Firefly.

It's been about 6 years, maybe more. The name's stuck.
Because Brandy is my dog's name (I didn't want to use my real name for obvious reasons) and it's kind of a sexy flirty name and 1969 is my birth year. ;)
Mines stating the obvious..Eat Me Baby...

I SOOOOOOO love my pussy being eaten......and like to give head in return :nana:
despite the ego connotations that my nick brings up. It actually started back in jr High school. We were in history studing India and they talked about the leader being the Maha Raja or the Great Raja ... My first name is Roger... Shortly afterwards the name stuck. :)
wrathofkublakhan -- I'm just hoping some may find it clever.

Wrath of Khan is a Star Trek flick and then here is kubla khan and the xanadu thang. So, it's a blend of them both.

I like to make nicks that ppl have to guess at or know something. Breaks the ice in chat rooms, I reckon.
VelvetDarkness is the name of an album by a band called 'Theatre of Tragedy'. It also seemed an appropriate name for me because I'm a submissive and it kinda sums up my take on sex :catroar:

Hello everybody, by the way. 1st post outside the BDSM Talk forum.

*waves like a kid on TV*

Velvet :kiss:
pick handle poll

Iy's obvious! I really do love panties. I don't wear them now. I 62 and been married for 40years. But I adore everything about panties and female underwear
I sleep better during the day than I do at night, and I tend to keep really odd hours and stay up very late.

Hence I am "Nightbird"
For Every Website I Am In At, I Have A Particular Username That Befits It.

I used to be a priest.

Not that I desire to be crucified
but often enough, I get pilloried
for telling the truth.

The propensity for humankind
to deceive is mind-boggling.
Especially about religion.

Which is why I left the priesthood.
I was driving my car with the radio on, and the DJ said something about a guy named Magic Dick. I thought that was really funny, and I wanted to use something mildly suggestive as a handle. ;)
I bet you can figure out why. The truth is I think it's very unimaginative.

And I really thought I had posted here but guess not. :eek:
so_crucify_me said:
I used to be a priest.

Not that I desire to be crucified
but often enough, I get pilloried
for telling the truth.

The propensity for humankind
to deceive is mind-boggling.
Especially about religion.

Which is why I left the priesthood.

A priest. How interesting. Then you might enjoy my 2-part series, Survival. It's based on Genesis 19. I've had feedback from clergy before.
I was brainstorming handles a few years ago and it sounded cool. Like I've said before, it came from two of my favorite rock album titles put together (U2's Achtung Baby and Rush's Fly by Night). I think it represents well the dangerous thoughts I often get that drive me to inspiration. AchtungNight, calling attention to the darkness. And piercing it. :)

When I was young (about 14 or so) I used to hang out with the neighbor girls all the time. One day one of them was sitting on my couch with her arm on the arm rest. I pulled out my dick and put it on her arm. I liked her reaction so I made a bit of a game out of it...My dick would come out of nowhere. Like magic. Abra-kadabra...Abradicks...ABRADIX!

Of course Victor Pollack is not my real name; I have several rather normal sounding pseudonyms although I only use one or two at a time. I made them up by looking through the phonebook and taking a first name from one and a last name from another until I found some that seemed to suite me. I've always been lousy at thinking up nifty, cool (I'm dating myself), brief, and memorable handles. My handles are mundane, my stories a bit more creative.
I had my heart set on using "Tarquin Fintimlimbimlimbim-
whimbimlin Bus Stop Ftang Ftang Olay Biscuit Barrel"

Sorry, I've been watching too much Monty Python and turned into a smart ass.

In truth, I'm a sexology researcher and a professor of human sexuality. Few people remember Masters & Johnson, Alex Comfort, or David Reuben, and I look nothing like dear old Dr. Ruth. Kinsey it was.