
It's not just the acting but the writing that's missing, also the directing, the lughting/production values etc. High-quality creative output of any kind, in any medium, is rare.

Also, the economics don't work. Quality film requires talent with years of training and willing/able to devote lengthy, detailed attention to rewriting, reshooting, recutting etc, all of which need to be compensated well. I'd guess good porn would consume a much larger operating budget than the typical pornflick has available to it-- maybe $100k+ instead of $20k.

A better approach would be to get some aspiring, daring and edgy designer-- of clothes, shoes or jewelry-- to fund the production in exchange for prominently featuring her/his merchandise. Women who watch porn, like women who watch Sex and the City or other girly/lite fare, pay very close attention to clothes, shoes etc. That way lies profitability for quality porn.
To build on poete_maudit's commentary, I recall hearing at some point that some Hollywood director wanted to shoot porn, but with a proper actress, to make something that from the sounds of it I would characterize as a "explicit romance". I've seen some things like that and they appeal to me as much as they did to my girlfriend at the time. With some appropriate camera angles and a careful balancing of "gynecological" and "romantic" shots (you can combine the two, just back the camera off a bit) you'll be fine for appealing to a broad audience.

It seems to me that part of the problem for being properly resourced in terms of lighting equipment and so on, aside from funds, is how they present themselves. It's not hard to spot a porn star, she looks like a diseased tramp. With proper talent - clean, natural women who carry themselves as something other than a arrogant slut, and the same certainly applies to the men - then it should be easier to find the resourcing for an endeavor like that. Take what's done with the "Red Shoe Diaries" and make it slightly more explicit, really.
...I recall hearing at some point that some Hollywood director wanted to shoot porn, but with a proper actress, to make something that from the sounds of it I would characterize as a "explicit romance". I've seen some things like that and they appeal to me as much as they did to my girlfriend at the time. With some appropriate camera angles and a careful balancing of "gynecological" and "romantic" shots (you can combine the two, just back the camera off a bit) you'll be fine for appealing to a broad audience.

Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas present:

Kingdong of the Crystal Wang
Heh. "Bruckheimer presents: EXPLOSIONS AND TITTIES, WHOO."

... don't see how that would be much different, mind you.

Reminds me of that David Cronenberg movie, Crash. Where people derive sexual excitement and pleasure from car crashes. Now, whenever I see slow-mo car crash porn, I think, "wow Cronenberg would really cream himself over this."
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