Positive impact of chasing that Red H

She'll be making fun of it, but yeah, it might.
Issue is these troglodytes don't understand parody or satire.

I do get it, but personally don't like the racist tropes being fed more than they already are and that's based on what we know the readership takes out of things like that, which is nothing good no matter of author intent.
Actually, Mary has outlined a Halloween story set in the '50s or '60s, where a black family moves into an exclusive all-white community. And the presence of the lower element causes all hell to break loose. What with the over-sexed subhumans taking over their white neighbors' lives, as the property values plummet, the women become slaves to the power of the BBC, and white men are drawn to the power of black woman and submit to her excited by her angry bitting put-downs and commands.

I'm not sure she'll write it. It's her a hyper-interpretation of all those white fears of the time.
My husband has told me not to write this, even with an Authors note explaining it is satirical. But that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to him. However, I am weighing whether I will or willn't I mean, won't.
This is the pre-title note to the reader.

Author’s note: this story is fiction. It is a satirical look into the fears of American whites of the 1950s and 60s. The story uses racist and misogynistic attitudes (which we can only hope are gone) in many of the people in those days. I present it as a horror story when all the fears of those people come crashing down around them.

The story features a race-flipped sitcom family from the late ‘50s and early ‘60s. I have removed the children from the story even though they were the stars of the comedy. The story begins the day Ward and June Cleaver move into their new home, 211 Pine Street.

A locally based and owned condiment manufacturing company, known as The Salt Mine Condiment Company, has hired Ward. Ward is the General Manager of the company. He is the first black man hired who wasn’t a line worker or loading dock employee.
Just my two cents worth, I'm with your hubby.
This is the pre-title note to the reader.

Author’s note: this story is fiction. It is a satirical look into the fears of American whites of the 1950s and 60s. The story uses racist and misogynistic attitudes (which we can only hope are gone) in many of the people in those days. I present it as a horror story when all the fears of those people come crashing down around them.

The story features a race-flipped sitcom family from the late ‘50s and early ‘60s. I have removed the children from the story even though they were the stars of the comedy. The story begins the day Ward and June Cleaver move into their new home, 211 Pine Street.

A locally based and owned condiment manufacturing company, known as The Salt Mine Condiment Company, has hired Ward. Ward is the General Manager of the company. He is the first black man hired who wasn’t a line worker or loading dock employee.
Just my two cents worth, I'm with your hubby.
Duly noted. But, to my eternal shame, I'm working on it today. It should have been set earlier than 1955, probably around 1946 or 47. Theodore was born several years before the series began. Odd little deal, Wally couldn't say Theodore as a 7-year-old. He said Tweordor, and his parents told him just to call him Beaver because he had only the front two teeth when they gave up on getting Wally to pronounce it correctly. The writer called Theodore the Beaver because it was the nickname of his best friend in WWII. Ain't I just a fountain of knowledge this morning?
I can't find my rolling eyes gif.
Duly noted. But, to my eternal shame, I'm working on it today. It should have been set earlier than 1955, probably around 1946 or 47. Theodore was born several years before the series began. Odd little deal, Wally couldn't say Theodore as a 7-year-old. He said Tweordor, and his parents told him just to call him Beaver because he had only the front two teeth when they gave up on getting Wally to pronounce it correctly. The writer called Theodore the Beaver because it was the nickname of his best friend in WWII. Ain't I just a fountain of knowledge this morning?
Inexperienced authors lean way more to overdoing it with physical description than under doing it. As with most things in the AH, not having the actual text in front of us, we play the probabilities.

Or we write to our personal strengths.

I'm not a visually-oriented person. Take Kate McKinnon vs. Cate Blanchett, or Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Dolph Lundgren. I'm reasonably familiar with them, I could tell the difference, but describe it to a stranger in a way that makes sense to them? I don't think I could give a single useful piece of information on how Cate looks different to Kate, or Dolph to Arnie. Cate feels "sharp" to me in a way that Kate doesn't, Dolph a little "colder" than Arnie by default, but that might not have much to do with how anybody else would understand those words.

If I needed to, I could sit down with photos and focus on the shapes of their faces and talk about who has a pointier chin, whose eyes are closer together, yada yada. But it's not how I work instinctively, and that kind of writing is mostly wasted on me. I'm more likely to pick up on the things that are relevant to a character's role in the story - "beefy dude who hits things", "person whose skin marks them out as a foreigner here", etc. - but even there, I'm more likely to remember the role than the exact physical details that the author used to convey it.

I could write stories with a lot more physical description, and some readers would prefer that. But it'd be a lot of effort for something that doesn't come instinctively, and if I'm spending a lot of effort on something I don't actually care about... I feel like that's just a recipe for blandness. I'm never going to be competitive in that area with the authors who do visualise their characters and get excited by those visuals. Better off working in a style that meshes with how I experience the world, and hoping that some readers will be interested in my world.
I think the goal for physical description is to evoke the most amount of imagery with the least amount of words.

I had a young bartender in a story I described as:
She was younger than me, probably twenty five. Short, her blond hair tucked behind round ears. Freckles and dimples. A quick smile and gray, cynical eyes. She was petite and frenetic, bouncing from order to order. She spoke German but wasn’t. Her accent was a bit off. Maybe British? Not American at least.

I like this description, in that it evoked the thing I wanted, but it had almost no sex or sex adjacent imagery. This is the type of situation where I challenge myself to give the audience more, because (with few exceptions) the audience is expecting sex.
I think the goal for physical description is to evoke the most amount of imagery with the least amount of words.

I had a young bartender in a story I described as:
She was younger than me, probably twenty five. Short, her blond hair tucked behind round ears. Freckles and dimples. A quick smile and gray, cynical eyes. She was petite and frenetic, bouncing from order to order. She spoke German but wasn’t. Her accent was a bit off. Maybe British? Not American at least.

I like this description, in that it evoked the thing I wanted, but it had almost no sex or sex adjacent imagery. This is the type of situation where I challenge myself to give the audience more, because (with few exceptions) the audience is expecting sex.

I take a very different approach, perhaps because my own process as a reader has always been to "cast" characters as actors or other celebrities, or perhaps people I know, sometimes even against the author' description.

I generally give a fairly sparse description of my characters, noting only those features that make them unique or have a bearing on the narrative, and let the reader picture them as they wish.
I take a very different approach, perhaps because my own process as a reader has always been to "cast" characters as actors or other celebrities, or perhaps people I know, sometimes even against the author' description.

I generally give a fairly sparse description of my characters, noting only those features that make them unique or have a bearing on the narrative, and let the reader picture them as they wish.
You know, it’s funny. I’ve only ever “cast” one character in one of my stories, but I simply can’t think of him any other way. Every time I think of Marcus from No Place to Go, he’s Andre Braugher.
Good news, some closed the Rape into Love thread. All's well that ended so, what the fuck ever!
I'm of the opposite opinion, things like that need to stay alive as an example and warning about what kind of cretins are on this site and the type of content supported.

Great example of the "Abuse is King" point.

Also, understand that when a thread like that is closed its often because the longer it goes the more it paints the site in a bad light. Its not about personal attacks,. they'll just remove those.

Closed threads of this nature is the mod covering up the pig with some perfume.
I thought I was satirical, guess I worded it wrong. I thought it was closed to the back and forth becoming belligerent.
I'm of the opposite opinion, things like that need to stay alive as an example and warning about what kind of cretins are on this site and the type of content supported.

Great example of the "Abuse is King" point.

Also, understand that when a thread like that is closed its often because the longer it goes the more it paints the site in a bad light. Its not about personal attacks,. they'll just remove those.

Closed threads of this nature is the mod covering up the pig with some perfume.
I thought I was satirical, guess I worded it wrong. I thought it was closed to the back and forth becoming belligerent.
Well...its hard to detect sarcasm here sometimes.

Due to the nature of the topic its inevitable people will tire of being polite and well spoken because that will get you attacked as much as anything else so eventually they just get aggravated and fire away.

For me personally what grates isn't even the people who can just come out and say "yeah, I'm for it" because its an opinion. The worst is the fence sitters and the ones that deny any of the negative content is question exists here or try to explain away things in real life that is awful and dangerous behavior because deep down they may not think it is, but don't want to be seen as the creep they are....then the next day defend that content and validate it if someone questions why its here, because the only thing they care about is staying on the right side of the site.

But back to my original point, the bickering is an excuse. The longer those things go the worse of a look it is, and that's the real issue.

The Abuse is King thread will close out at some point.
I don't deny the negativity of the portrayal of rape. My personal negative feelings about the site rules is it gives some amount of eroticisms because the victim of rape has to get something out of it. The easiest something to write is enjoyment, this makes the rapes erotic to the reader and blunts the impact to the reader of how terrible rape actually is. I'd father rather be able to write about the terror, aftermath, and recovering following the act, than the act itself. But no one here would read going in if they knew that.

And in the market places of erotica, you can't write that kind of story. I may, at some point, write more stories for the mainstream market where it's a no holds bared system.
Well...its hard to detect sarcasm here sometimes.

Due to the nature of the topic its inevitable people will tire of being polite and well spoken because that will get you attacked as much as anything else so eventually they just get aggravated and fire away.

For me personally what grates isn't even the people who can just come out and say "yeah, I'm for it" because its an opinion. The worst is the fence sitters and the ones that deny any of the negative content is question exists here or try to explain away things in real life that is awful and dangerous behavior because deep down they may not think it is, but don't want to be seen as the creep they are....then the next day defend that content and validate it if someone questions why its here, because the only thing they care about is staying on the right side of the site.

But back to my original point, the bickering is an excuse. The longer those things go the worse of a look it is, and that's the real issue.

The Abuse is King thread will close out at some point.
I don't deny the negativity of the portrayal of rape. My personal negative feelings about the site rules is it gives some amount of eroticisms because the victim of rape has to get something out of it. The easiest something to write is enjoyment, this makes the rapes erotic to the reader and blunts the impact to the reader of how terrible rape actually is. I'd father rather be able to write about the terror, aftermath, and recovering following the act, than the act itself. But no one here would read going in if they knew that.

And in the market places of erotica, you can't write that kind of story. I may, at some point, write more stories for the mainstream market where it's a no holds bared system.

People come here for erotica (mostly), not true crime stories or horror stories. So it makes sense that whatever the subject is it's usually going to be presented erotically.
As people above me in this thread have said, there is a difference between writing the stuff which pleases you and writing what is popular. I would prefer to write things which people give fives because they get where I am coming from, and people who give it ones for the same reason. Unless one is writing to earn a living, why not be honest with yourself,
My own experience is the more emotional ambiguity in the story the less popular it is. A bit of a pity as I like uncertainty in stories.
Yes, I know. At least with Vengeance is Mine, I didn't sugar coat the rape. But you don't have it covered in any detail.
People come here for erotica (mostly), not true crime stories or horror stories. So it makes sense that whatever the subject is it's usually going to be presented erotically.
Yes, I know. At least with Vengeance is Mine, I didn't sugar coat the rape. But you don't have it covered in any detail.
I ask myself these kinds of questions. I'll never read an I/T story because the whole category freaks me out. But then I wrote a dub-con novel. I certainly don't endorse that either.

I think for the dub-con story, I am projecting myself in to the dub-con situation and find elements of it sexy. Hopefully I/T people are the same way, but I'll never know.

Does eventually include a deliberately terrifying non-con scene. I wrote it as terrifying as I knew how then cut away. I had a comment lamenting that I cut away...so in that case I'll take a lower rating.

My favorite piece of writing is the chapter after, where FMC is so devastated she is forced to trust the people around who her love her, and they don't let her down. Probably any sex scene after non-con is wildly unrealistic, but I loved writing a super tender love scene where asking for consent was part of foreplay, and specific things are scary and they work around them with love and patience.
roleplay rape isn't rape, it's roleplay and that has its place.
I ask myself these kinds of questions. I'll never read an I/T story because the whole category freaks me out. But then I wrote a dub-con novel. I certainly don't endorse that either.

I think for the dub-con story, I am projecting myself in to the dub-con situation and find elements of it sexy. Hopefully I/T people are the same way, but I'll never know.

Does eventually include a deliberately terrifying non-con scene. I wrote it as terrifying as I knew how then cut away. I had a comment lamenting that I cut away...so in that case I'll take a lower rating.

My favorite piece of writing is the chapter after, where FMC is so devastated she is forced to trust the people around who her love her, and they don't let her down. Probably any sex scene after non-con is wildly unrealistic, but I loved writing a super tender love scene where asking for consent was part of foreplay, and specific things are scary and they work around them with love and patience.
I don't even know what that red H means and neither does it matter to me. Yes, I do like to know that people like my story, but more often than not I write these to have this story out.

If there is something that matters to me, it's comments. Having a 4.5 rating with over 50 ratings means less to me than that one dude that only wrote "more please". Oh, he'll get more, the story might have ten to twelve chapters and he posted that on the first one.
H = Hot
I don't even know what that red H means and neither does it matter to me. Yes, I do like to know that people like my story, but more often than not I write these to have this story out.

If there is something that matters to me, it's comments. Having a 4.5 rating with over 50 ratings means less to me than that one dude that only wrote "more please". Oh, he'll get more, the story might have ten to twelve chapters and he posted that on the first one.
Yes, I know. At least with Vengeance is Mine, I didn't sugar coat the rape. But you don't have it covered in any detail.
But at least you put it in non erotic(although I'm sure some sick pricks found it and got off on it) so you tried to condemn it not glorify it.

Like BTB stories and their fans do.
I don't even know what that red H means and neither does it matter to me. Yes, I do like to know that people like my story, but more often than not I write these to have this story out.
A score of 4.50 or higher, from at least ten votes.