Post your drama here.....

Re: A laugh for Eb..... and anyone else who's not seen it

A Desert Rose said:
A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage.

A Blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.
We all looked at each other and another customer asked, "What
is a seven-hundred-ten?"

She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the
engine. I have lost it and need a new one. She replied that this piece had always been there."

He gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw
what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.

He then took her over to another car which had it hood up and
asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"

She pointed and said, "Of course, its right there."

NOW - See attached...

OMFG-I just fell out of my chair! Sis is,...well,...I'm not sure she is gonna recover from that one,...would someone please dial 911 for her? :rose:

(I just KNOW she is unable to do it herself)-LMAO
Ok, my head hurts from reading these damn things, and my stomach hurts from laughing so hard! God, I just love literate people with senses of humor!

Happy Day!
Sorry, this one tickled me too....

A man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and said, "I've lost my wife here in the supermarket.
Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"

The woman looked puzzled. "Why talk to me?" she asked.

"Because every time I talk to a woman with tits like yours, my wife appears out of nowhere"

Here's some drama for you.....

I am meeting a Lit'ster for coffee in about 3 hours..... ~smile~

I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Re: Here's some drama for you.....

A Desert Rose said:
I am meeting a Lit'ster for coffee in about 3 hours..... ~smile~

I will keep you posted on how it goes.

Have fun!

Re: Here's some drama for you.....

I am meeting a Lit'ster for coffee in about 3 hours..... ~smile~
I will keep you posted on how it goes.

Hope all goes well, the only one I Lit'ster I know of from my area is Little Girl, and I have coffee with her several times every day. ;)
Re: Re: Here's some drama for you.....

TheWanderer said:
Hope all goes well, the only one I Lit'ster I know of from my area is Little Girl, and I have coffee with her several times every day. ;)

I would hope so. ;)



The Litster I know that is close to me (2hrs away) is someone I had to let go..:( Anyway.....maybe my luck will change....if all the eligible men from out west move here!!! *wink*
I would hope so.

Now I just have to figure out how to get her to serve[/] the coffee... ;)

...actually, thinking about her stories from her teenage waitressing day, and grab-ass men who got lapfuls of coffee, maybe it's better this way... :D
Coffee date update.....

It was fun. It was interesting. This is a nice person, who did not drink coffee (water) and neither did I (iced tea).

Now every time I see this person's posts, I can see a face and hear a voice to go along with it.

I think we may do this again, sometime..... ~smile~
I guess I cannot create or encourage enough drama from others on this thread. There is just no competing with true "draaaama" that everyone seems to be drawn to like a bad train wreck.... and everyone seems to keep bumping back to the top of the page.

It's sad really that attention keeps going to something so not worth the time and really should be no one's business but the 2 parties involved.

I see there is not stopping it and it was not due to lack of trying on my part...... the train has crashed and most of us apparently can't help but keep going back to see more mangled bodies. So, I wont try to stop it anymore.
Damn...wandered by and read your 710 joke Desert Rose...and the attachment was gone. So now I've missed the punch line.

Can you re-post it? Or maybe it's just cause I'm a blond that I'm not getting it! Someone help me please!!!!!!!!!!
mya said:
Damn...wandered by and read your 710 joke Desert Rose...and the attachment was gone. So now I've missed the punch line.

Can you re-post it? Or maybe it's just cause I'm a blond that I'm not getting it! Someone help me please!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, hon. I will repost it. Give me a couple minutes. ~smile~
Re: A laugh for Eb..... and anyone else who's not seen it

A Desert Rose said:
A few days ago I was having some work done at my local garage.

A Blonde came in and asked for a seven-hundred-ten.
We all looked at each other and another customer asked, "What
is a seven-hundred-ten?"

She replied, "You know, the little piece in the middle of the
engine. I have lost it and need a new one. She replied that this piece had always been there."

He gave her a piece of paper and a pen and asked her to draw
what the piece looked like. She drew a circle and in the middle of it wrote 710.

He then took her over to another car which had it hood up and
asked, "Is there a 710 on this car?"

She pointed and said, "Of course, its right there."

NOW - See attached...
Too funny! And Thanks!

Ahhhhh, much better with the pic! Thank you so much Desert Rose. I'm going to steal your joke too. I loved it and it was well worth the wait!
A Desert Rose said:
I guess I cannot create or encourage enough drama from others on this thread. There is just no competing with true "draaaama" that everyone seems to be drawn to like a bad train wreck.... and everyone seems to keep bumping back to the top of the page.

It's sad really that attention keeps going to something so not worth the time and really should be no one's business but the 2 parties involved.

I see there is not stopping it and it was not due to lack of trying on my part...... the train has crashed and most of us apparently can't help but keep going back to see more mangled bodies. So, I wont try to stop it anymore.

There is no killing these unpleasant threads. Not as long as we have people coming over from the Playground and other sites to educate us scumbags and throw support to their commrade. I have resigned myself that these threads will continue ad nauseum, because people cannot avoid posting to them. They just have to keep answering back.

I for one, will not post to them in any way. If I feel a need to respond to someone, I will do it here or elsewhere. I will not validate this silliness by bumping up another unpleasant thread. I would hope there are others in this forum with the maturity to let it die, too.

It shows lack of respect for the forum, for the individuals who post here seriously and to the 2 parties involved in their own struggles.
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A Desert Rose said:
There is no killing these unpleasant threads. Not as long as we have people coming over from the Playground and other sites to educate us scumbags and throw support to their commrade. I have resigned myself that these threads will continue ad nauseum, because people cannot avoid posting to them. They just have to keep answering back.

I for one, will not post to them in any way. If I feel a need to respond to someone, I will do it here or elsewhere. I will not validate this silliness by bumping up another unpleasant thread. I would hope there are others in this forum with the maturity to let it die, too.

It shows lack of respect for the forum, for the individuals who post here seriously and to the 2 parties involved in their own struggles.

I happen to know exactly how you feel and sympathize with you too. No matter what your intentions are, good, bad or indifferent, those threads will rise to the top until someone lets the other have the last word. I've seen it in this forum over and over and over in the few months I've been here. Welcome to my world Rose.

Oh and I just wanted to also say thanks for reposting that joke. "710" that's really funny.

dixicritter said:
I happen to know exactly how you feel and sympathize with you too. No matter what your intentions are, good, bad or indifferent, those threads will rise to the top until someone lets the other have the last word. I've seen it in this forum over and over and over in the few months I've been here. Welcome to my world Rose.

Oh and I just wanted to also say thanks for reposting that joke. "710" that's really funny.


~Last Word~

Hi dixi.

Trying to be a team player

My drama:
Sore neck and shoulders, in need of massage, my boy is at band practice.

Helena :rose: