
Thanks Boo, Du, eagle, Liar and sperling. Me's happy too! I'll take a bunch of roses anytime. Thanks! ;)

Eve, it's about time you put up an AV again. You're back and addicted - face it. Tee hee. Thanks so much for the support. :rose:

Believe it or not, she's only been home for two days. I went down to the hosp so many times to pick her up and they changed their minds. Nothing grew from the mass and they're calling it Osteomyelitis which is a bone infection. They're just guessing. It's a bit frustating because the antibiotics she's using hasn't changed the size of the lump. It could take up to 3 mos to change if they diagnosed her correctly. She's out of school and has a PICC line in, which is like an IV but it's a stringy thing that goes up her arm and goes close to her heart. Freaks me out!

S = saline flush
A = antibiotic time
S = saline flush again
H = Heparin

This is done every 8 hours. I hate it. It scares me, but at least she's home and happy. Right now she's outside flirting with the neighbor boys, but made damn sure her long IV is covered up.

Yup. Things are slowly getting back to normal. So cool. So happy. Indeed. Time to get back to poetry. :)
You are quite welcome, from the heart, and my sense is your daughter will be fine.

Take care of yourself, she needs you as you need her, rest and know that all good goes out to you and yours.

:rose: :rose:
saldne said:
Right now she's outside flirting with the neighbor boys, but made damn sure her long IV is covered up.
Um... I think she's better. :D
saldne said:
Eve, it's about time you put up an AV again. You're back and addicted - face it. Tee hee. Thanks so much for the support. :rose:
You probably saw the face av. I have moved on to America. Which I stuck a copyright on. I'm copyrighing my photo, not all of America! By the way, that's my hick cousin's ex. He's now in jail--after divorcing my cousin and shacking up with her mom. Nothing like redneck relatives to inspire poetry. :)
WickedEve said:
You probably saw the face av. I have moved on to America. Which I stuck a copyright on. I'm copyrighing my photo, not all of America! By the way, that's my hick cousin's ex. He's now in jail--after divorcing my cousin and shacking up with her mom. Nothing like redneck relatives to inspire poetry. :)

Cues the banjo
and boils the Armadillo.


crazy broad- your a gem in this mudpuddle.

;) :rose:
eagleyez said:
Cues the banjo
and boils the Armadillo.


crazy broad- your a gem in this mudpuddle.

;) :rose:

I thought armadillos were in Tejas and thereabouts??? Does Evie have armadillos?

Nice av, handsome. :)

My God, Eve, you crack me up. :D

And yes, she's definitely better. She took my watch, stayed on the block and I told her to be back at 2:50 for her meds. She's now done and out woo-hooing the boys. I called her a little hussy in joke when she walked out and she slapped me. :catroar:
eagleyez said:
Cues the banjo
and boils the Armadillo.


crazy broad- your a gem in this mudpuddle.

;) :rose:
Do they scream when you boil them?
Besides, this is possum country. Did I tell you people about the possum/dollhouse/cop incident? I may have. I can't keep up with all my stories.
And Saldne, my aunt is from WV (not saying there's anything wrong with that, bless those WV hearts) but she's soooo stereotypical WV. Everyone in the family is upset that she spent all her money on a lawyer to keep boy toy out of prison, instead of buying herself some new teeth. But... now they both have no front teeth and even though she's 30 years older than he is, well... they kind of match up real nicely.

(the aunt is no blood relation. :))
Angeline said:
I thought armadillos were in Tejas and thereabouts??? Does Evie have armadillos?

Nice av, handsome. :)


My specs need to be cleaned.

But the soup looks delish. I'll keep it simmering for you Angel Eyes.

sperling said:
Hi Saldne, :rose:
how are you and how's Sam?

Oh, wow! My thread just got a bump. Thanks so much for your concern!

Sam is doing much better. Her lump has gone down 75%, and as you may know, it wasn't cancer after-all. I'm happy about the diagnosis, but at the same time a little sad because she has a bone disease that will cause her pain on and off for the rest of her life. It's called Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. No one really understands what causes this.

I've had a muscular skeletal disorder since the age of thirteen, and it's a bit upsetting to know she has to go through the same - way too young. She has her good days and bad days like myself. We're survivers and miracles, I know it. We have overcome a lot. There are so many other people out there in the world with worse conditions, so I consider both of us incredibly blessed.

Thank you, once again for your thoughts and concern. A :rose: for you.
saldne said:
Oh, wow! My thread just got a bump. Thanks so much for your concern!

Sam is doing much better. Her lump has gone down 75%, and as you may know, it wasn't cancer after-all. I'm happy about the diagnosis, but at the same time a little sad because she has a bone disease that will cause her pain on and off for the rest of her life. It's called Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. No one really understands what causes this.

I've had a muscular skeletal disorder since the age of thirteen, and it's a bit upsetting to know she has to go through the same - way too young. She has her good days and bad days like myself. We're survivers and miracles, I know it. We have overcome a lot. There are so many other people out there in the world with worse conditions, so I consider both of us incredibly blessed.

Thank you, once again for your thoughts and concern. A :rose: for you.
Hopefully, she'll never have it as bad as she did this time.
saldne said:
Oh, wow! My thread just got a bump. Thanks so much for your concern!

Sam is doing much better. Her lump has gone down 75%, and as you may know, it wasn't cancer after-all. I'm happy about the diagnosis, but at the same time a little sad because she has a bone disease that will cause her pain on and off for the rest of her life. It's called Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis. No one really understands what causes this.

I've had a muscular skeletal disorder since the age of thirteen, and it's a bit upsetting to know she has to go through the same - way too young. She has her good days and bad days like myself. We're survivers and miracles, I know it. We have overcome a lot. There are so many other people out there in the world with worse conditions, so I consider both of us incredibly blessed.

Thank you, once again for your thoughts and concern. A :rose: for you.

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it's not serious - right - she has a disease that will keep giving her pain and its cause is unknown. Sounds like a bad good news/bad news joke.

Reminds me of the newest discovery about Alzheimer's - all this time medicine's had if half-ass backwards. They've been seeing parts of the brain die and didn't know why, then noted that the brain sent less oxygen to those dead brain elements. Now it's been discovered that it's the other way around. The brain doesn't send enough oxygen to parts of the brain and then those parts start to die off. Just a minor detail!

Anyway, glad to hear Sam's so much better and hope the only problem you'll have with her health in the future will be her raging hormones over the next 5 years or so!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
saldne said:
I can only hope, too. Thank you, Eve. :rose:

You probably know from your own experience that these things can go into very long remissions between acute outbreaks. I have a disease, sarcoidosis, that does that. No cure though it can go away for years at a time. I've had it for about 25 years and only had three acute periods between long remissions.

They thought I had cancer first, too, before it was originally diagnosed. Finding out it wasn't cancer was a miracle to me.

She'll be ok because she has you. :)
LeBroz said:
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it's not serious - right - she has a disease that will keep giving her pain and its cause is unknown. Sounds like a bad good news/bad news joke.

Reminds me of the newest discovery about Alzheimer's - all this time medicine's had if half-ass backwards. They've been seeing parts of the brain die and didn't know why, then noted that the brain sent less oxygen to those dead brain elements. Now it's been discovered that it's the other way around. The brain doesn't send enough oxygen to parts of the brain and then those parts start to die off. Just a minor detail!

Anyway, glad to hear Sam's so much better and hope the only problem you'll have with her health in the future will be her raging hormones over the next 5 years or so!

:rose: :rose: :rose:

That's a good way to word it: bad good news/bad news joke. Exactly how I see it.
Raging hormones??! Sam?? Never!! <dripping with sarcasm>

Hey, and thanks yourself on informing me about their new discovery about Alzheimer's. I wonder what they'll come up with next. Jeez! I used to work with people who had the disease. It's very sad and frustrating - not only was it for me, but for them as well. Oh, I remember such anger in some of the patients. Hmm...getting kicked too. :confused:

Angeline said:
You probably know from your own experience that these things can go into very long remissions between acute outbreaks. I have a disease, sarcoidosis, that does that. No cure though it can go away for years at a time. I've had it for about 25 years and only had three acute periods between long remissions.

They thought I had cancer first, too, before it was originally diagnosed. Finding out it wasn't cancer was a miracle to me.

Wow, 25 years! I'm so sorry to hear that. That's almost as long as I had FMS and CFS. I believe we're the same age too. You're a tough cookie, Ange!

My cousin has sarcoidosis. I remember the doctors thinking he had cancer too. I don't talk to him much but saw him the other day at the bowling alley. I wanted to ask some questions about it but didn't want to embarrass him. I heard it was an auto-immune disease but I'd like to know about the acute periods. What happens? How do you feel? I may look this one up. I'm very curious.

Angeline said:
She'll be ok because she has you.

Thanks! You just gave me the biggest smile. You guys have been wonderful! :heart:
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