prayers and thoughts for Boo

BooMerengue said:
Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts. I do appreciate them. My brother is still alive, and possibly improving, but it's a mixed blessing. He was moved to Vanderbilt today to undergo tests to rule out his having Lou Gehrig's. Unfortunately, even if it isn't ALS it's something equally as bad, so I'm wondering what's the point. But we're following his wishes, so in the end, I guess thats the point. Today is his 60th birthday. I do hope he'll be around to appreciate many more. We'll just have to wait and see.

Again, thank y'all so much. You're all a terriffic bunch of Imaginary Friends!
:rose: :rose: :rose:

Don't take that wrong; I mean it as high praise!

Hugggggsssss Doll! We are not figments of your Imagination. We are all REAL friends here!! HUGGGGGGSSS
Hi Boo,

I was just wondering if you would be willing to share your brother's first name? I have a small artificial healing tree I have used for 5 years, which has paper doves attached to it with the names of people who need to be healed. I would very much like to put your brother's name on this....for now, I have simply written "Boo's Brother."

Sack :rose:
PS- If anyone else has a relative or friend they want on this tree, please PM me. Pretty amazing things have happened since I started this, including a friend coming out of a coma!
sack said:
I was just wondering if you would be willing to share your brother's first name? I have a small artificial healing tree I have used for 5 years, which has paper doves attached to it with the names of people who need to be healed. I would very much like to put your brother's name on this....for now, I have simply written "Boo's Brother."

Sack :rose:
PS- If anyone else has a relative or friend they want on this tree, please PM me. Pretty amazing things have happened since I started this, including a friend coming out of a coma!

That would be really great, Sack! Thanks! His name is Greg. He also has a sister who is on the razor's edge- you could pray for her- her name is Beth, and she can use all the magic this season she can get!

Blessings to you, pal. :rose:
thinking about you, sweet lady. somebody sure is turning the thumbscrews at the moment eh. sounds like the goddess is still sorting some stuff out. hang in there. you're doing good and i love you.

wildsweetone said:
thinking about you, sweet lady. somebody sure is turning the thumbscrews at the moment eh. sounds like the goddess is still sorting some stuff out. hang in there. you're doing good and i love you.



I am shameless, though, aren't I?

I can't say things are getting better, because they are not. Perhaps the cloud of acceptance is hovering a bit closer- I don't know. But I feel calmer. Do you think Sack got those doves hung up already??
darn, and there was me thinking you were feeling calmer because you liked looking at my new av. *sigh*


i'm praying he got dozens of them hung up for you. :rose:

gotta go make dindins before i get hung up ;)
I have Greg as the star of the tree.....

if that doesn't make a difference, nothing will!

Sack :heart:
we could all

sack said:
if that doesn't make a difference, nothing will!

Sack :heart:
go outside hug a tree for 144 seconds and chant greg's name to the elements...joining in love..and peace...I shall find a tree today...hugZentrees... :rose:
A song for Boo

Lou Reed - Dimestore Mystery

He was lying banged and battered, skewered and bleeding
talking crippled on the Cross
Was his mind reeling and heaving hallucinating
fleeing what a loss

The things he hadn't touched or kissed his senses
slowly stripped away
Not like Buddha not like Vishnu
life wouldn't rise through him again

I find it easy to believe
that he might question his beliefs
The beginning of the Last Temptation
Dime Story Mystery

The duality of nature, Godly nature,
human nature splits the soul
Fully human, fully divine and divided
the great immortal soul

Split into pieces, whirling pieces, opposites
From the front, the side, the back
the mind itself attacks

I know the feeling, I know it from before
descartes through Hegel belief is never sure
Dime Store Mystery, Last Temptation

I was sitting drumming thinking thumping pondering
the Mysteries of Life
Outside the city shrieking screaming whispering
the Mysteries of Life

There's a funeral tomorrow
at St. Patrick's the bells will ring for you
Ah, what must you have been thinking
when you realized the time had come for you

I wish I hadn't thrown away my time
on so much Human and so much less Divine

The end of the Last Temptation
The end of a Dime Store Mystery

With Love-

Terry. :heart: :heart:
BooMerengue said:
ee? I don't understand what you are saying here...

See the bold print- my silly notion that Divine Inclination has its roots in poetry and for all us humans, there is never enough time from a purely physical view, thus the sentiment that "I" long for more of it, time that is, and that is folly.

Im not religious, but I revel in the mysteries of life, thus I thought the words of Lou Reed may shed some sense of surrender, to a Godlike acceptance of all that is good and certainly I meant nothing by it, other than You are in my thoughts sorry for the confusion.

Im getting ready to shovel snow and may be a tad addled.

My best for peace and understanding for you and yours.

eagleyez said:
Lou Reed - Dimestore Mystery

He was lying banged and battered, skewered and bleeding
talking crippled on the Cross
Was his mind reeling and heaving hallucinating
fleeing what a loss

The things he hadn't touched or kissed his senses
slowly stripped away
Not like Buddha not like Vishnu
life wouldn't rise through him again

I find it easy to believe
that he might question his beliefs
The beginning of the Last Temptation
Dime Story Mystery

The duality of nature, Godly nature,
human nature splits the soul
Fully human, fully divine and divided
the great immortal soul

Split into pieces, whirling pieces, opposites
From the front, the side, the back
the mind itself attacks

I know the feeling, I know it from before
descartes through Hegel belief is never sure
Dime Store Mystery, Last Temptation

I was sitting drumming thinking thumping pondering
the Mysteries of Life
Outside the city shrieking screaming whispering
the Mysteries of Life

There's a funeral tomorrow
at St. Patrick's the bells will ring for you
Ah, what must you have been thinking
when you realized the time had come for you

I wish I hadn't thrown away my time
on so much Human and so much less Divine

The end of the Last Temptation
The end of a Dime Store Mystery

With Love-

Terry. :heart: :heart:

I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, ee. Two reasons- my other brother is in a very bad way, and because you hit dead on something I've been coming to terms with for a while.

My first thought was that you were chiding me, for in fact I have been doing a lot of very human things, and neglecting my spiritual duties. But this is what I have come to believe: It is only by immersing ourselves in Humanity, that will we ever even begin to touch the Divine. At least its that way for me. I can't speak for others. Just as the Sun is sometimes hidden by the moon, so has the Divine hidden from me, leaving only humanity to deal with. And I am in over my head working with humans at this time. (And thats why I thought you were chiding me- but how could you have known??) I have been drowning in death and loss for a solid year now, and when I try to pray it is only empty words.. beads rattling in the dark like skeletons dancing.

However it has to end. And this New Years- the best of all Pagan Holidays, I have made up my mind to celebrate this past year, and to make all things positive in the one coming up!

So... there you are. I am pleased you were thinking of me, and not a bit offended. Just a bit puzzled, but thats all fixed now.

Love to you and Whats-her-name! LOL

BooMerengue said:
...I have been drowning in death and loss for a solid year now, and when I try to pray it is only empty words.. beads rattling in the dark like skeletons dancing.

the words might sound empty to you, but they are still being heard.

BooMerengue said:
I wish every one of my friends here lived on my street!
I live at 1982 Merengue Drive. Stop by if you don't mind mango sorbet and papaya jelly ... oh, and tea. I like tea.
champagne1982 said:
I live at 1982 Merengue Drive. Stop by if you don't mind mango sorbet and papaya jelly ... oh, and tea. I like tea.

I like tea. But I've decided to take up drinking again. I was much more fun before I ever put it down. Did it to raise a kid- wronnnng reason! Do they sell Crown Royal on that street? Frozen? It has to be frozen. Makes it slide so smoooooth!! :devil:
Boo, we've hardly met- and I wish it had been at a better time for you. Oh, how I am sending my hopes and wishes and strength your way
(and a double shot of C.R. too, if' you'd like)
Stella_Omega said:
Boo, we've hardly met- and I wish it had been at a better time for you. Oh, how I am sending my hopes and wishes and strength your way
(and a double shot of C.R. too, if' you'd like)

Ohhh, I like!

*raises a toast to Stella...erm... Omega... What should I call you darling? Something short and sweet- I'm a 2 finger typist. But not SO- we have a WSO who causes enough trouble.

So... I hear you wrote a poem. Is it any good? Do I want to hear it?

*whispers... Ya know what, honey? Any time is a good time to meet a new person.

Oh! I just read your sonnet! Ever been called A Breath Of Fresh Air? Well, you have now!! Good job!
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BooMerengue said:
Ohhh, I like!

*raises a toast to Stella...erm... Omega... What should I call you darling? Something short and sweet- I'm a 2 finger typist. But not SO- we have a WSO who causes enough trouble.

So... I hear you wrote a poem. Is it any good? Do I want to hear it?

*whispers... Ya know what, honey? Any time is a good time to meet a new person.

Oh! I just read your sonnet! Ever been called A Breath Of Fresh Air? Well, you have now!! Good job!
"a breath of fresh air"... hmm, no... that's a first :cool:
Read the other one, huh, huh? I put it back in my siggy :D

can't use SO? Stella then, or Stel if you want it shorter... And "Boo Merengue" is a great handle- makes me wish I'd thought of it first- sort of like a fluffiness that can strike with deadly force ;)
Stella_Omega said:
"a breath of fresh air"... hmm, no... that's a first :cool:
Read the other one, huh, huh? I put it back in my siggy :D

can't use SO? Stella then, or Stel if you want it shorter... And "Boo Merengue" is a great handle- makes me wish I'd thought of it first- sort of like a fluffiness that can strike with deadly force ;)

Fluffiness? Did you say Fluffiness?

Me? Ohhh goddd, son, pass me that bottle again.

Hey! Maybe thats whats been wrong with me Lo! These many years. I haven't owned my fluffiness! You might have a point, Stel.