prayers and thoughts for Boo

BooMerengue said:

First, thanks again to all of you, and if my unresponsiveness has hurt anyone I am truly sorry. I have just run out of words. I don't know if you can understand that.

Yes, I can understand that - more than you know.

BooMerengue said:
Greg has come home after nearly a month in Vanderbilt, and is slowly dying. He's on a respirator and a feeding tube, though how this happened I do not know because he has a DNR and a living will. He has 24/7 RN Care, but it is the saddest thing to watch. He was so vibrant- now he's a shriveled old, old man. And he just turned 60 on Dec 2.

I have watched the same and oh, how I know! No one should have to suffer in this amount of pain or amount of time. It's sad to think this, but it's time God does something about it. It's hard for everybody, I know. Please don't take any offense to what I said here. It's just how I feel, and I hate hearing about the suffering. Many :rose: :rose: :rose:

BooMerengue said:
I'm better. Y'alls prayers are working. I'm glad cuz it's been too cold for me to get naked under the full Moon and dance my prayers. Thank you.

Still keep that sense of humor. Laughter is the best medicine.

BooMerengue said:
I'll probably be offline for the next month but like a bad penny, I will be back.
That's great. Try to keep that chin up in the meantime, and know you're in our thoughts. (((hugs)))
saldne said:
Yes, I can understand that - more than you know.

I have watched the same and oh, how I know! No one should have to suffer in this amount of pain or amount of time. It's sad to think this, but it's time God does something about it. It's hard for everybody, I know. Please don't take any offense to what I said here. It's just how I feel, and I hate hearing about the suffering. Many :rose: :rose: :rose:

Still keep that sense of humor. Laughter is the best medicine.

That's great. Try to keep that chin up in the meantime, and know you're in our thoughts. (((hugs)))

Hey Saldne! Thank you, sweety! I know you know and I appreciate hearing from you. How is your little demondarling doin? Well, I hope.

RYBBY!!! I figgered it out!! You look like Tom Hanks! You do!


BooMerengue said:
. . .

RYBBY!!! I figgered it out!! You look like Tom Hanks! You do!


Boo dear, Considering that I am the elder, is it not more appropriate to state that he looks like me? After all, he was named after me. ;) :p ;)
Rybka said:
Boo dear, Considering that I am the elder, is it not more appropriate to state that he looks like me? After all, he was named after me. ;) :p ;)

How big a sap am I?!? I just thaw when you say Boo, dear. :rolleyes:

I guess you're right, baby, but as I hadn't seen you first what could I say? I have received a packet of sexy pics in the mail. hhmmm....

Ohgawwd, I'm biting my tongue! I could put a zillion mischievous remarks here, but then I'd feel sooooo guilty!! I think you're a hunk!! And to the others who doubt?? He is way up there tall!! Yehaaaaaaaaaa!!! Tall men make me feel safe and cozy! Oh, yeah...
Now comes the dark
on padded feet;
His name is Morpheus,
The Harbinger.
I saw him in your eyelids
as your face smoothed
pain and fear subsiding
I held you close
your trembling awakening
a fearful loss.
He brought you ease
taking mine with Him
under his cloak
and now I wait and watch
fearing, not for the first time,
what the wee hours will bring
and what they will take
from you
from me
for whom?

and yet again I find
myself overwhelmed
with love, and joy
and envy.
BooMerengue said:
Now comes the dark
on padded feet;
His name is Morpheus,
The Harbinger.
I saw him in your eyelids
as your face smoothed
pain and fear subsiding
I held you close
your trembling awakening
a fearful loss.
He brought you ease
taking mine with Him
under his cloak
and now I wait and watch
fearing, not for the first time,
what the wee hours will bring
and what they will take
from you
from me
for whom?

and yet again I find
myself overwhelmed
with love, and joy
and envy.

This needs a LOT of work. Doesn't come close to saying what I wanted the way I wanted. It's a good spare time job for me. Busy work.

My brother Greg passed today at 3:19pm. No, I didn't play those numbers but together w/ my lucky number 7 they hit the Cash 4 tonight. I'm not kidding... 3197 in that order. And I didn't have a fucking ticket. Its true- my ship came in and I wasn't anywhere near the dock.

I am going into a complete vegetative state for as long as a month or more. No phone, no emails, and hopefully, few visitors. I need to find me, and I am doing it through a massive attack of diet, exercise, prayer, and then listening for my Guides to bring me the answers. No, I probably won't be writing. For me it's ineffective as therapy.

However... watch the news. You may hear a tale of a woman gone mad. One just never knows.

Bye, everyone!!
I see you've opted out of receiving Private Messages in here so, in case you're checking in from time to time, my thoughts are with you Beth.

Thank you, honey. Yeah, mine tend to fill up quick, so I shut it down til I return, You write me something beautiful, ya hear?


I'm following my muse...
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i am sorry for your loss Boo,
and happy for his release... i think
your ship came in, but not
in a monetary form. *smile*
it reminds me of the Lord
of the Rings ending
where Frodo sails off into the golden
sunset. heartbreakingly sad
and yet utterly and completely beautiful.

may Greg rest in peace now. :rose:

and Boo, don't you go sneaking
choccy bikkies on that diet. ;)
i'll know you know.
take care lovely lady.