Premenstrual board syndrome

KillerMuffin said:
Let's try plain English. [...]
Small dog pissing under elephant's leg is nothing new, you cheap slanderer, fusty KillerMuffin, an eternal poor student.
Re: Re: Premenstrual board syndrome

Senna Jawa said:
As long as there is a negative perception of straight comments about poems combined with a tolerance for rude, PERSONAL attacks, it is hard to discuss poetry here.
perfectly stated. I have tried to be civil and discuss poetry but there are some here who belong in a clique and if you dont agree with them, you are flamed. Apparently, my writings are not good enough for that crowd.
No, de Sade, people flame you because when they did give you feedback, you attacked them.

Senna, it might not have occured to you, but there's a difference between "honesty" and "viciousness". You partake of the latter.
I guess this means my questions won't get answered.

Should I have phrased them in harsher language? Were the images not vivid enough?


Cordelia said:
I guess this means my questions won't get answered.

Should I have phrased them in harsher language? Were the images not vivid enough?



see, now, I'm just gonna randomly run in and tackle cordie... :D

HomerPindar said:
see, now, I'm just gonna randomly run in and tackle cordie... :D


Heh heh.

How can I be serious when I have Homer all over me?


KillerMuffin said:
No, de Sade, people flame you because when they did give you feedback, you attacked them.
bullshit KM. I want insightful feedback which few have given. You need to get off your high horse and stop thinking you are superior simply because you are published.
They're all just jealous, Mr de Sade.

They are scared by talent, for example, I posted the epic -


Cats chase mice and
Eat them cuz they
Taste nice

They all said it sucked and I knew they were all just up their own arses and just a buncha bitches who wouldn't know a poet if one crawled up 'said' arses and died there. (maybe Robin Williams is there too, who knows)

"Oh, I'm pub-lished da'hing" ... Stanza this and enjambment that.

Like, hello???

WTF do they know, huh?
Personally, I love your work. All of it. I think it's really really good and it deserves to be published.

PS ... I know it's not exactly poetry related, but ...
I was snooping around in my loft this morning and found the original hand-written edition of The Bible. Which was nice.
...although my spelling licks balls.

Darkmaas - there, just before I get ticked off.

lemme get this straight. darkmaas, kate, and lauren are having a friendly chat--though darkmaas appears to have been reduced to onomatopoeia by kate's last comment (she often has that effect on people, daarling).

I am sooo doomed, lol. :D
Re: Ok

Angeline said:
lemme get this straight. darkmaas, kate, and lauren are having a friendly chat--though darkmaas appears to have been reduced to onomatopoeia by kate's last comment (she often has that effect on people, daarling).

I am sooo doomed, lol. :D

On the basket ride to hell the in flight movie will be Airplane '77....