President Biden Being Presidential In Kentucky

I suppose you think that your post-spreading stupid cartoons change anything about Biden having shown today yet again that we are all so, so very fortunate that a caring and decent man, Biden, is president and the board Trumpette-supported criminal/treasonous loser Donald Trump isn't. Guess again. :)
How truly wonderful for the health of the United States that a caring, decent man, Joe Biden, is president and Donald Trump isn't. Biden's trip to Kentucky today masterfully showed up what a total loss as a president and human being Donald Trump was. :)
The CUbaNTripod doesn't get it.

President Biden isn't PERFECT, but he is orders of magnitude BETTER than the racist, sexist, classist, corrupt, traitorous rapist that occupied the Oval office before him.

Maybe that ^ will help clarify things for The CUbaNTripod.


You are that naive. You just described two of the same thing.
This visit was poorly advanced: No rolls of paper towels for the President to chuck into the crowd. :cool:
I suppose you think that your post-spreading stupid cartoons change anything about Biden having shown today yet again that we are all so, so very fortunate that a caring and decent man, Biden, is president and the board Trumpette-supported criminal/treasonous loser Donald Trump isn't. Guess again. :)

Bud Spencer, aren't you the fucker who posted a photo of Biden consoling his granddaughter at the funeral of her father/Biden's son in the context of suggesting some sort of sexual perversion? Aren't you that asshole?

Yes, Dud Pudsucker is that asshole
JUDGE: You are charged with murder. Are you guilty, or were you brought up in Kentucky?

-- Ambrose Bierce

President Biden reaffirmed to Kentucky and the world that the soul of America is still basically good.

What an upgrade from the despicable POS that polluted the Oval Office the previous four years.

Hopefully people recognize the stark contrast in class and dignity between President Biden and the corrupt, criminal, traitorous, one term disgrace who continues to threaten democracy.

Thank You President Biden!!!



Did he shit himself like he did in front of the Pope? Did he, being so damned “Presidential,” fart continuously like he did in front of Prince Chuck’s FWB Camilia?
My trumpy neighbor a bottle of bourbon that Biden wouldn't be President by Jan 1.

I can't wait to collect
My trumpy neighbor a bottle of bourbon that Biden wouldn't be President by Jan 1.

I can't wait to collect
Oh, he’ll probably come up with some crazy theory that Biden died secretly, and a body double appears in his place.
My trumpy neighbor a bottle of bourbon that Biden wouldn't be President by Jan 1.

I can't wait to collect

I'd never make that bet. They're going to keep that applesauce-brained emptysuit propped up in the Oval Office as long as they can.
I'd never make that bet. They're going to keep that applesauce-brained emptysuit propped up in the Oval Office as long as they can.

Yah, objective.reality would prevent me from making any bet like that.

He's a good guy...he's just screwed up in the head like you Trumpies

He actually quit his job rather than get vaxxed....and he had a really good management he's got a contracting job.

Might result in shitter bourbon