President Biden Being Presidential In Kentucky

How truly wonderful for the health of the United States that a caring, decent man, Joe Biden, is president and Donald Trump isn't. Biden's trip to Kentucky today masterfully showed up what a total loss as a president and human being Donald Trump was. :)

Presidents aren't friends they are leaders. Funny but when Trump does it it's called a photo op but when Biden does it it's called caring . LOL

When Trump closed the boarders he's called racist and xenophobic but when Biden does it it's called presidential..

President Biden reaffirmed to Kentucky and the world that the soul of America is still basically good.

What an upgrade from the despicable POS that polluted the Oval Office the previous four years.

Hopefully people recognize the stark contrast in class and dignity between President Biden and the corrupt, criminal, traitorous, one term disgrace who continues to threaten democracy.

Thank You President Biden!!!



He hasn’t been β€œPresidential” once since taking the oath. He’s a fraud, a fake and WAS fraudulently β€œelected!”
Presidents aren't friends they are leaders. Funny but when Trump does it it's called a photo op but when Biden does it it's called caring . LOL

When Trump closed the boarders he's called racist and xenophobic but when Biden does it it's called presidential..

The fact that YOU can't discern a difference says more about YOU than anything else.


Presidents aren't friends they are leaders. Funny but when Trump does it it's called a photo op but when Biden does it it's called caring . LOL

When Trump closed the boarders he's called racist and xenophobic but when Biden does it it's called presidential..

Biden closed the borders?