President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

Thank you for at least posting something, but it seems to me those are all intended as opinion rather than news coverage, and very clearly identifiable as such.

They are direct quotes and expressions of adoration.
YDB95 writes: "Not necessarily. But if he were brilliant, he probably would have made a much better leader."

When was the last time the Democratic Party had a more brilliant Speaker of the House than was Newt Gingrich? Oh, right - he was a Republican so that means he couldn't possibly have been brilliant? And because I don't share your political views I must be either a racist and/or a bigot? Isn't that your worldview, YDB95? You're so predictable!

"But we know the answer: because they hated Clinton's guts."

Bill Clinton was a dishonest man who regularly treated women like crap, both as governor of Arkansas AND as the president of the United States! And when he was cornered, he got people like his dishonest wife to lie for him!

Everything that the Democrats accuse Trump of being, they defended Bill Clinton for doing the exact same thing! The difference is, back when Trump was behaving like a wealthy celebrity he WASN'T an elected official.
Hypocrites and liars always do well in politics. The "profession" seems to attract those with a narcissistic flaw. They always seem to attract a core support of about 30% of the population, doesn't matter whether they are liberals, conservatives or good old middle of the roaders. The key element, and this where trump fails, is the ability to fake sincerity. Although he has tried hard many times he always comes across as faking it. It will be his downfall.
YDB95 writes: "Not necessarily. But if he were brilliant, he probably would have made a much better leader."

When was the last time the Democratic Party had a more brilliant Speaker of the House than was Newt Gingrich? Oh, right - he was a Republican so that means he couldn't possibly have been brilliant?

No, it wasn't because he was a Republican. It was because he got to the top mostly through bullying and manipulation, and once he was there, his biggest "accomplishment" was triggering a backlash that coast his party seats in a sixth-year election (when under almost any other circumstances the Republicans would have made big gains).

I could turn the tables and ask you why you DO think Gingrich was brilliant. Like the man himself, you just keep saying it's so again and again with no explanation. Just what did he do that was so great?

And to answer your question about the Democrats, I'd say most of their recent leaders were smarter than. him.
YDB95 writes: "But we know the answer: because they hated Clinton's guts."

Bill Clinton was a dishonest man who regularly treated women like crap.

Dump, you are the poster boy for hilarious irony!

I had to read your comment three times just to make certain you were actually using that sentence about Bill Clinton as some kind of defense for Newt. And damned if you weren't!

You know...NEWT...the same guy that lost his Speakership due to ethics charges and getting caught actually BEING dishonest. That would also be the SAME Newt that rivaled 45's record for constantly cheating on wives and then trading them in every couple of years for a new model with about as much empathy and concern as he would have if they were just something to sign over the title to in exchange for whatever had caught his eye on the showroom floor of a Cadillac dealership. Now THAT is some serious "treating women like crap" right there.

No, BC wasn't a guy that could walk on water, but come on. Even you can see that you could swap out Clinton's name with Newt's in that comment of yours and it would fit Gingrich just as well if not better.

Good job, Dump! Keep those laugh lines coming! :D

magicalmoments writes: "Hypocrites and liars always do well in politics."

The last hypocrite/liar to run for re-election here in the U.S. received 3,580,921 fewer popular votes in 2012 than he'd received in 2008.

YDB95 writes: "I could turn the tables and ask you why you DO think Gingrich was brilliant."

Newt Gingrich is a brilliant historian. He started out as a college history professor, and has since written or co-authored 27 books.

"And to answer your question about the Democrats, I'd say most of their recent leaders were smarter than him."

Except that your definition as to what qualifies as "smart" is dismal, YDB95.

"Good job, Dump! Keep those laugh lines coming!"

Thanks, Jay-Kendall - you make me laugh, too!
Economist Andy Puzder says that the August jobs numbers continue to show a strong economy — which is very bad for Democrats in their efforts to topple President Trump in 2020!

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of people employed in August increased by a very impressive 590,000, to a record-high of nearly 157.9 million. The percentage of employed Americans is now 60.9 percent, the highest percentage since December 2008. The unemployment rate remains at 3.7 percent, with unemployment among African Americans and Hispanics at all-time lows, proving that the ongoing economic boom is still creating unprecedented opportunity for all U.S. workers.

Average hourly earnings increased by 3.2 percent - the 13th month in a row that wages increased by at least 3 percent year over year. That’s tremendous news for American workers. With more money in their pockets, consumers are spending. The imminent recession that Democrats keep predicting requires two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. That's just not happening.

Just before the 2016 presidential election, when President Obama’s economic defeatism was still the order of the day, the Congressional Budget Office 10-year economic projections predicted the economy would add about 2 million new jobs from the end of 2016 through the end of 2019. Instead, we've gained an impressive 6.1 million new jobs since end of 2016.

Regrettably, there are some who still refuse to give President Trump the credit he deserves for rebuilding our economic engine. Many point to the current trade war with China as slowing business investment. This may be slowing what would otherwise be more impressive economic growth, but slower growth is still growth and far different from a recession.

Sadly for Democrats and the media, the August jobs report offered confirmation that the U.S. economy is not going to cooperate with their political strategy. Whatever far-left extremist the Democrats nominate to run in 2020 will have to contend with the daunting prospect of running against an incumbent president who can justifiably claim credit for an economy that's putting real dollars into voters' wallets — and right as they head to the polls.
I'm going to selectively cherry-pick and plagiarize what Economist Andy Puzder says about the August jobs numbers in this Faux Noise OPINION piece.

Had to fix that for you Dump. Just trying to help you find your way to intellectual honesty at some point. ;)

Dumpington said:
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of people employed in August increased by a very impressive 590,000, to a record-high of nearly 157.9 million.

Besides the fact that almost every one of those numbers in your post are full of false hype and spin, it's interesting that Puzder never bothers to mention the ultimate BLS number that is considered to be most important on all labor reports: the number of jobs added in any given period. For August 2019, that would be an anemic 130,000 as found in the official BLS report linked below for your edification.

Official BLS News Release 09.06.2019

Dump, you do understand the difference between the significance of "jobs added" and "number of people employed" don't you? Do you also understand that 397,000 of those 590,000 Pudzer is slobbering over, are part-time jobs and 25,000 of the actual increase is due to temporary hires for next year's census? CONTEXT means everything, bro.

And that YUGE 3.2% figure he is throwing around as "wage growth" is actually eleven cents an hour. WOO~HOO! :nana: Everybody run down to the Mercedes dealership and snatch up a new 650 SLC Roadster before they're all gone!

That BLS report I linked above is 39 pages long. Puzder cherry-picked some numbers from it that he could use as spin for those of you gullible enough to eat it up...and you bellied right up to the buffet and gorged yourself from someone who's last real job was pushing hamburgers and fries for Hardee's and Carl's Jr. :rolleyes:
Had to fix that for you Dump. Just trying to help you find your way to intellectual honesty at some point. ;)

Besides the fact that almost every one of those numbers in your post are full of false hype and spin, it's interesting that Puzder never bothers to mention the ultimate BLS number that is considered to be most important on all labor reports: the number of jobs added in any given period. For August 2019, that would be an anemic 130,000 as found in the official BLS report linked below for your edification.

Official BLS News Release 09.06.2019

Dump, you do understand the difference between the significance of "jobs added" and "number of people employed" don't you? Do you also understand that 397,000 of those 590,000 Pudzer is slobbering over, are part-time jobs and 25,000 of the actual increase is due to temporary hires for next year's census? CONTEXT means everything, bro.

And that YUGE 3.2% figure he is throwing around as "wage growth" is actually eleven cents an hour. WOO~HOO! :nana: Everybody run down to the Mercedes dealership and snatch up a new 650 SLC Roadster before they're all gone!

That BLS report I linked above is 39 pages long. Puzder cherry-picked some numbers from it that he could use as spin for those of you gullible enough to eat it up...and you bellied right up to the buffet and gorged yourself from someone who's last real job was pushing hamburgers and fries for Hardee's and Carl's Jr. :rolleyes:

Where do you get that eleven cents? A wage of $15.00 per hour, increased by 3.2% is an increase of 48 cents per hour, which amounts to about 19 dollars per week.
Where do you get that eleven cents? A wage of $15.00 per hour, increased by 3.2% is an increase of 48 cents per hour, which amounts to about 19 dollars per week.

The eleven cents per hour is the August increase straight from the BLS report.

In August, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 11 cents to $28.11, following 9-cent gains in both June and July. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. In August, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 11 cents to $23.59. (See tables B-3 and B-8.)

So, yes, 3.2% would be about $19 and change per week on an annualized basis. Puzder doesn't make that distinction in his opinion piece, probably because in the overall scheme of things, that piddly total increase being trickled-down on workers over a twelve month period, is worth maybe a dollar or two more a week than 45's highly acclaimed "massive middle class tax cuts" that weren't noticeable to most people either.

When you factor in 45's "tariff taxes" that $988 per year goes POOF before your payroll check clears the bank and all "Fifteen Dollar-An-Hour Frank" knows is that he is still just barely making it from one pay day to the next...or more likely, only constantly falling behind a little less slowly.

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JKendallDane writes: "Just trying to help you find your way to intellectual honesty at some point."

I knew that you wouldn't want me posting that, Jay-Kendall - because it's PROOF that our current president understands economics & growing our nation's prosperity far-better than the simpleton who occupied the White House before him! You didn't seriously dispute ANYTHING that economist Andy Puzder had to say!

Boxlicker101 writes: "Where do you get that eleven cents? A wage of $15.00 per hour, increased by 3.2% is an increase of 48 cents per hour, which amounts to about 19 dollars per week."

Jay-Kendall is just frustrated, is all. He KNOWS that President Trump is succeeding beyond all expectations, while the candidates that he pretends to support are all pushing for a ruinous "Green Deal" that even the Trump-haters don't really want to see passed!

Jay doesn't want to see Joe Biden win his party's 2020 nomination, NOR does he have any desire to watch Colin Kaepernick & Megan Rapinoe appear on stage at the Democratic Party's convention with Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford & Sandra Fluke, but he KNOWS it's going to happen because his party has completely lost its senses!
President Trump will be re-elected because American citizens are sick of people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer calling the border situation, a "manufactured crisis". And, disgusted with the "Russia collusion" nonsense.
JKendallDane writes: "Just trying to help you find your way to intellectual honesty at some point."

You didn't seriously dispute ANYTHING that economist Andy Puzder had to say!

Let's take a quick walk through "economist" Andy Puzder's biography.

Year and a half of college before dropping out to play guitar and perform in bands. Finally went back and eventually ended up with a history degree in 1975 and a JD in 1978. (Nope. Nothing about advanced economics education there.)

Perhaps his working career will shed more light? That consists of thirteen years as a commercial trial lawyer in St. Louis, which included about ten years of being a prominent pro-life zealot in Missouri. In 1991 he moved to California to become the personal attorney for the founder of Carl's Jr. Within a few years he was Executive VP of the company that now owned Hardee's in addition to Carl's. In 2000, he became President & CEO of the company and held onto that position until he was shown the door and replaced in 2017. (I'm still searching for that economist tie-in)

Ah, we haven't looked at his political activity yet! Now you might have something to celebrate with. The right amount of campaign cash got Puzder the "official" title of Economic Advisor to Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012. (But even that didn't make him an "economist.")

Sidebar but in a very similar vein. the $332,000 he & the wife contributed to 45's 2016 campaign got him nominated for the Labor Secretary cabinet slot. (That's the perfect spot for such a brilliant economist...not something like Treasury or heading up OMB)

But even Moscow Mitch couldn't pull that rabbit out of the hat because of Puzder's atrocious stances on unions, minimum wage, and advocating automation in the workplace over of job creation. The Turtle managed make 45 understand those issues...and the little problem with having an undocumented immigrant housekeeper he never bothered paying Social Security and payroll taxes on...were insurmountable obstacles. Mitch coldly told 45 the two options were to have Puzder withdraw or face an embarrassing certain defeat. Of course, Puzder was convinced to choose the former. (Maybe he was just SO MUCH of an "economist" 45 and Mitch didn't understand him? Nah!)

Wait! Wait! I know where the "economist" tag comes from! He is a frequent guest on Faux where he spews the approved lines about economic issues, in spite of everything in his background that says he is anything BUT an economist. But I guess playing an economist on television is almost like actually being one, right?

Face it, Dump, your calling a guy an "economist" whose biggest accomplishment in life has been talking Kim Kardashian into sitting in a bubble bath letting Carl Jr secret burger sauce dribble down her chin and cleavage for a TV commercial. You sure pick some mighty strange hills to plant your flag on. :rolleyes:

Ah, we haven't looked at his political activity yet!

Well, in a way, you did do that before you got to this point, by mentioning his long affiliation with Carl's Jr. As you may know, Carl Karcher was a big supporter of right wing causes in California for decades.
President Trump will be re-elected because American citizens are sick of people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer calling the border situation, a "manufactured crisis". And, disgusted with the "Russia collusion" nonsense.

And there you have it. An accurate assessment of the intellectual level of the majority of yanks.
No regard to policies or election promises. They'll vote for trump because plays to their fears.
jp55665566 writes: "President Trump will be re-elected because American citizens are sick of people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer calling the border situation, a "manufactured crisis". And, disgusted with the "Russia collusion" nonsense."

Exactly right - you NAILED it!

JKendallDane writes: "Let's take a quick walk through "economist" Andy Puzder's biography."

You go right ahead and do that. It's called "attacking the messenger" while ignoring his message!

"You sure pick some mighty strange hills to plant your flag on."

And what candidate are YOU supporting to win the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, Jay-Kendall?

YBD95 writes: "As you may know, Carl Karcher was a big supporter of right wing causes in California for decades."

The man is a successful businessman, YDB95 - so OF COURSE he's hated by the socialist Democrats on the far-left!

magicalmoments writes: "And there you have it. An accurate assessment of the intellectual level of the majority of yanks. No regard to policies or election promises. They'll vote for trump because plays to their fears."

We Americans have built the world's most powerful, prosperous, & free nation that has attracted European migration since the 1700's - and we STILL have people from all over the planet trying to move here (legally & illegally!) I'm thinking that we must be doing something right!
Adre writes: "Will you be suicidal if he should lose?"

No - I'm pro-life, Adre - I'd never commit suicide!

Do you believe that ANY Hillary Clinton supporters committed suicide when Trump defeated her in 2016? I never heard of that happening, but Trump Derangement Syndrome makes people do weird things! - (TDS afflicts millions of Americans today!) - (Don't try and deny it - Trump Derangement Syndrome is VERY REAL!) - (Stage Four TDS - warning: this is disturbing!) - (I can't look at this without feeling nauseous!)
JKendallDane writes: "Let's take a quick walk through "economist" Andy Puzder's biography."

You go right ahead and do that. It's called "attacking the messenger" while ignoring his message!

I'm not the one trying to attach a credibility tag of "economist" to someone who isn't one and never has been one.

And yes, I am attacking the message also because the Puzder piece you plagiarized is full of cherry-picking, distortions, half-truths, and completely ignores the MOST important number on the August Jobs Report from BLS that shows job growth SUCKED last month.

Dumpington; said:
YBD95 writes: "As you may know, Carl Karcher was a big supporter of right wing causes in California for decades."

The man is a successful businessman, YDB95 - so OF COURSE he's hated by the socialist Democrats on the far-left!

Karcher can only be considered a "successful" businessman because Andy Puzder (his attorney, not his "economist") got him a sweetheart deal when he was teetering on bankrupting the whole company and kept him from ending up pushing his burgers through a drive-thru window instead of in TV commercials.

JKendallDane writes: "I'm not the one trying to attach a credibility tag of "economist" to someone who isn't one and never has been one."

Be that as it may, his comments about why President Trump will be re-elected next year are spot-on! Your efforts to paint our economy as somehow "sputtering" are just absurd!

"Karcher can only be considered a "successful" businessman because Andy Puzder (his attorney, not his "economist") got him a sweetheart deal when he was teetering on bankrupting the whole company and kept him from ending up pushing his burgers through a drive-thru window instead of in TV commercials."

There you go again - in typical liberal Democratic Party fashion, you belittle the investors & the capitalists - the very people who build businesses and create jobs, making this nation the economic giant that it is worldwide! You seemingly believe that it's government spending that creates wealth instead of the private sector! You know ZILCH about basic everyday economics!

Getting away from politics for just a second, are you in any ways related to Jeannie & Royce Kendall, who had a #1 country music hit in 1977 with their song: "Heaven's Just a Sin Away" - along with several other lesser hit? - (The Kendalls: "Heaven's Just a Sin Away" - runs 2:40)
JKendallDane writes: "I'm not the one trying to attach a credibility tag of "economist" to someone who isn't one and never has been one."

Be that as it may, his comments about why President Trump will be re-elected next year are spot-on! Your efforts to paint our economy as somehow "sputtering" are just absurd!

His comments are biased opinion (at best) of someone who is NOT an economist. I prefer the opinions and assessments of people who are actual economists and the majority of them are using the same "sputtering" language in their descriptions of the economy.

Make no mistake, I am NOT in favor of seeing a major downturn, but when warning flags are flying and alarms are going off, pretending they aren't isn't a rational position.

Dumpington said:
"Karcher can only be considered a "successful" businessman because Andy Puzder (his attorney, not his "economist") got him a sweetheart deal when he was teetering on bankrupting the whole company and kept him from ending up pushing his burgers through a drive-thru window instead of in TV commercials."

There you go again - in typical liberal Democratic Party fashion, you belittle the investors & the capitalists - the very people who build businesses and create jobs, making this nation the economic giant that it is worldwide! You seemingly believe that it's government spending that creates wealth instead of the private sector! You know ZILCH about basic everyday economics!

I spent most of my working life as a rabid capitalist and also was doing 45-style real estate investing beginning when I was 20 (I just did it with 5 and 6 digit dollars instead of his 8 and 9 digit deals). Add in that I've most likely taken more econ courses in college than 45 (and your buddy Puzder too) ever did, so I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that entire reply yours.

Dumpington said:
Getting away from politics for just a second, are you in any ways related to Jeannie & Royce Kendall, who had a #1 country music hit in 1977 with their song: "Heaven's Just a Sin Away" - along with several other lesser hit? - (The Kendalls: "Heaven's Just a Sin Away" - runs 2:40)

Nope, no relation at all. I've never been much of country music fan, but I have been naked with Connie Smith. Course, I was all of a year old and she was my babysitter, but that's still something I bet you can't brag about. :D

I like to think she may have even sang this one to me while changing my diaper way back when.... Connie Smith ~ Once A Day

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JKendallDane writes: "Make no mistake, I am NOT in favor of seeing a major downturn..."

There are SOME Hillary Clinton supporters who have been praying for an economic downturn ever since Trump's 2016 election win - and boy, have they ever been DISAPPOINTED! And seeing those record-low black unemployment rates especially outrages them!

"I spent most of my working life as a rabid capitalist..."

That almost sounds like somebody saying "I spend my entire life loving the United States... but then I became a Democrat!" Capitalism built America - it's what's made this country wealthy & prosperous. But modern liberal-progressives now prefer socialism. Go figure.

"Nope, no relation at all. I've never been much of country music fan, but I have been naked with Connie Smith. Course, I was all of a year old and she was my babysitter, but that's still something I bet you can't brag about."

It would have sounded hotter if you'd left out the part about you only being a baby at the time.
YBD95 writes: "As you may know, Carl Karcher was a big supporter of right wing causes in California for decades."

The man is a successful businessman, YDB95 - so OF COURSE he's hated by the socialist Democrats on the far-left!

*sigh* You got our number again, Dump. It's got nothing to do with his shovelling money to anti-choice campaigns, or bankrolling the Briggs Initiative (a move so homophobic even Reagan opposed it), it's all about his being a successful businessman. Even though, as JKD pointed out, he wasn't all that successful. (Who the heck can go broke selling junk food to Americans anyway? That's right up there with going bankrupt with a Trump did.)