President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

YDB95 writes: "...if you hate abortion so much, there are ways we could greatly reduce the risk of an unwanted pregnancy in the first place..."

We have laws in this country against the taking of human life. Planned Parenthood is the closest thing we have in this country to Nazi death camps!

By providing birth control and counselling to help reduce the demand for abortion in the first place? By providing STD screenings and treatment for women who otherwise couldn't afford it?

Now, you DO understand there has NEVER been a time in human history - not in the 1950s, not in the Victorian era, not in the Massachusetts Bay colony in the Puritan era, never - when people didn't have extramarital sex and unintended pregnancies, don't you? And until VERY recently, there was never a time when unwed mothers weren't openly shamed and shunned. Not fathers, just mothers. Is that what you want to go back to?

"Clinton was acquitted by a Republican-controlled Senate."

And your point is...?
You brought it up, not me.

"The Republicans almost lost a seat..."

And Hillary ALMOST won the presidency in 2016, right?
In 2016, she lost NC-09 by 12 points. Last week, the Dems lost it by about 2 points. You don't need me to tell you what will happen if that shift happens everywhere.

"No, the crazy left does. To compare all Democrats to them would be like comparing all Republicans to you. And that would be deeply unfair to most Republicans!"

Seriously? You're now going to belittle me by telling me that I'm NOT a Republican?

I'm not even going to pretend how you read that into what I said. What I did say was most Republicans don't share your delusional, ultra-right-wing worldview. Just like most Democrats don't share the view of a handful of gadflies on the left that it's OK to be anti-white.

"...whites are the only ethnicity you listed there who weren't traditionally treated as inferior."

And THAT'S why white people need to be punished by the Democratic Party? I can understand better now why Democrats are doing so poorly with white voters!

Nope. Didn't say that. Not even close. (If you feel "punished" by the Dems, maybe you should ask yourself why you feel that way?)

"Feel free to show me where Christ said to deny health care to the poor..."

If Jesus had embraced socialism then the modern Democratic Party wouldn't be so increasingly anti-Christian & pro-atheist with each new year!

Respecting the separation of church and state is not "anti-Christian". Besides, a lot of what Christ said could very easily be interpreted as socialist.

"Actually, Dump, the way Trump is treating transsexuals and immigrants is a whole lot like the way Hitler treated not only the Jews, but also gays and ethnic minorities..."

And HOW MANY transsexuals & immigrants has Trump had murdered in death camps since becoming president?


That was my point going over your head, Dump. The point is, Hitler didn't start out by murdering the Jews either. He built his base up to the point where they were willing to look the other way on it at best, and actively support it at worst. But he started the process by treating them largely the way Trump is treating Muslims and Latinx now.

Now compare that number with how many unborn babies have been murdered by Planned Parenthood in their clinics since January of 2017! The difference is staggering!
Since at least a few people have actually died in Trump's border camps whereas not a single baby has been murdered by Planned Parenthood...yes, the difference is indeed staggering.
JKendallDane writes: "Then there's that pesky First Amendment thingy and all, too."

The modern Democratic Party and it's militant Antifa arm dislike that "pesky First Amendment" because it allows for free-speech by conservatives (which Antifa regularly opposes at American college campuses!)

As for our Founding Fathers demanding separation of church & state, that goes back to the King of England being in charge of the Anglican Church (today's Episcopalian Church here in America), and NOT because they were in any ways pro-atheist! America was (and remains) a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles & traditions. But yes, as today's Democratic Party grows increasingly pro-atheist (and pro-Islamic), the progressive-left is trying to put an end to all of that!

YDB95 writes: "...there has NEVER been a time in human history - not in the 1950s, not in the Victorian era, not in the Massachusetts Bay colony in the Puritan era, never - when people didn't have extramarital sex and unintended pregnancies"

And there has NEVER been a time in human history - not in the 1950s, not in the Victorian era, not in the Massachusetts Bay colony nor in the Puritan era, never - when people didn't commit violent crimes, exhibit racial prejudice, abuse drugs & alcohol, and break our nation's laws. What is your point?

"Last week, the Dems lost it by about 2 points."

Election results are the same when you lose by two-points as when you lose by TWENTY-TWO points - you still lose!

"What I did say was most Republicans don't share your delusional, ultra-right-wing worldview."

Perhaps not, but most Republicans (and many NON-REPUBLICANS) will be sharing my support of President Trump next year over the neo-socialist lefty who ends up winning the Democratic Party's 2020 nomination!

"Besides, a lot of what Christ said could very easily be interpreted as socialist."

If that were in any ways true, the Democratic Party wouldn't be moving steadily towards atheism and against Christianity.

"The point is, Hitler didn't start out by murdering the Jews either."

Hitler & his Nazis were ALWAYS murderous killers, YDB95 - and they certainly did NOT adhere to the Judeo-Christian values embraced by President Trump & the U.S. Republican Party! Trying to somehow link the two just makes your entire argument sound ridiculous!

"...not a single baby has been murdered by Planned Parenthood"

That's not unlike writing: "not a single Jew was murdered at Auschwitz!" You're only straining your credibility when you post such double-talk.
JKendallDane writes: "Then there's that pesky First Amendment thingy and all, too."

The modern Democratic Party and it's militant Antifa arm dislike that "pesky First Amendment" because it allows for free-speech by conservatives (which Antifa regularly opposes at American college campuses!)

As for our Founding Fathers demanding separation of church & state, that goes back to the King of England being in charge of the Anglican Church (today's Episcopalian Church here in America), and NOT because they were in any ways pro-atheist! America was (and remains) a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles & traditions. But yes, as today's Democratic Party grows increasingly pro-atheist (and pro-Islamic), the progressive-left is trying to put an end to all of that!

"Besides, a lot of what Christ said could very easily be interpreted as socialist."

If that were in any ways true, the Democratic Party wouldn't be moving steadily towards atheism and against Christianity.

"The point is, Hitler didn't start out by murdering the Jews either."

Hitler & his Nazis were ALWAYS murderous killers, YDB95 - and they certainly did NOT adhere to the Judeo-Christian values embraced by President Trump & the U.S. Republican Party! Trying to somehow link the two just makes your entire argument sound ridiculous!


Yet once again, Dump, you go on a long rambling screed using cherry-picked comments to quote and multiple repetitions of "Judeo-Christian traditions" and "family values" inserted but never once actually saying what those include. Just pop off a short list of five or ten of those for all of us. That should be simple for you, right?

In spite of you WANTING to believe what you've been told to believe, the overwhelming majority of Democrats are NOT "embracing and promoting atheism and Islam" nor are they anti-Christian no matter how many times you regurgitate that hyperbole.

JKendallDane writes: "Yet once again, Dump, you go on a long rambling screed using cherry-picked comments to quote and multiple repetitions of "Judeo-Christian traditions" and "family values" inserted but never once actually saying what those include."

Are you seriously asking me to go through a litany of what Judeo-Christian values entails, and how they built America and made us the nation that we are today? You want an entire history lesson here on this political forum?

"Just pop off a short list of five or ten of those for all of us. That should be simple for you, right?"

You want TEN? Okay, how about the Ten Commandments? Our American system of laws are largely based upon the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament in the Bible! Stealing & murder are crimes, as is lying (although lying under oath about sex is apparently acceptable if you are a Democrat president!)

"In spite of you WANTING to believe what you've been told to believe, the overwhelming majority of Democrats are NOT "embracing and promoting atheism and Islam" nor are they anti-Christian no matter how many times you regurgitate that hyperbole."

Modern liberal Democrats are increasingly HOSTILE to Christianity, while increasingly friendly towards both atheism & Islam. The only Christians still tolerated by modern progressives are BLACK Christians (because black Christians remain a key voting block necessary for Dems to remain politically powerful in urban America!) But the Democrats have made it clear to black Christians in their party that they must remain silent on issues like abortion & same sex marriage if they want poor black families to continue receiving federal government entitlements! The Democrats want black Christian VOTES, but NOT their moral values!
JKendallDane writes: "Yet once again, Dump, you go on a long rambling screed using cherry-picked comments to quote and multiple repetitions of "Judeo-Christian traditions" and "family values" inserted but never once actually saying what those include."

Are you seriously asking me to go through a litany of what Judeo-Christian values entails, and how they built America and made us the nation that we are today? You want an entire history lesson here on this political forum?

"Just pop off a short list of five or ten of those for all of us. That should be simple for you, right?"

You want TEN? Okay, how about the Ten Commandments? Our American system of laws are largely based upon the Ten Commandments from the Old Testament in the Bible! Stealing & murder are crimes, as is lying (although lying under oath about sex is apparently acceptable if you are a Democrat president!)

So you're offering up the almost universal standard of BASIC traditional values. Mmm~kay.

Course that would be the same ones the self-anointed "Chosen One" and official leader of your cult uses as a bucket list to keep track of which ones he breaks on a daily basis. I'll look past that glaring irony and just say I doubt if you can find more than a very few Dems anywhere that would argue against anything found in the Ten Commandments. You get a "B" for effort but gotta hand you a "D" for substance and overall relevancy. (The really cheap shot attempt with Bill Clinton whataboutism cost you points too. ;) )

You're more than welcome to try again and I'll even make it easier on you: How about just five "sacred traditional values" beyond the too-easy gimme of the Ten Commandments?

Dump said:
"In spite of you WANTING to believe what you've been told to believe, the overwhelming majority of Democrats are NOT "embracing and promoting atheism and Islam" nor are they anti-Christian no matter how many times you regurgitate that hyperbole."

Modern liberal Democrats are increasingly HOSTILE to Christianity, while increasingly friendly towards both atheism & Islam. The only Christians still tolerated by modern progressives are BLACK Christians (because black Christians remain a key voting block necessary for Dems to remain politically powerful in urban America!) But the Democrats have made it clear to black Christians in their party that they must remain silent on issues like abortion & same sex marriage if they want poor black families to continue receiving federal government entitlements! The Democrats want black Christian VOTES, but NOT their moral values!

So now you've expanded to bashing any Christian that doesn't follow YOUR flavor of Christianity? I also understand what the Bible (and the Constitution) says about "Free will" in regards to atheists and other religions...apparently you don't. Plus, there's some pretty serious "bearing of false witness" in there too. Wow. Just WOW!

Ya' know, Dump, I'm still not quite ready to paste the "racist" tag on you, but you sure waddled right up to the line and squatted down on it with that mess. I'll leave any other comments on that truly sad post for YDB to grace you with. ;)

JKendallDane writes: "Then there's that pesky First Amendment thingy and all, too."

The modern Democratic Party and it's militant Antifa arm dislike that "pesky First Amendment" because it allows for free-speech by conservatives (which Antifa regularly opposes at American college campuses!)
Antifa is not affiliated with the Democratic Party in any way.

As for our Founding Fathers demanding separation of church & state, that goes back to the King of England being in charge of the Anglican Church (today's Episcopalian Church here in America), and NOT because they were in any ways pro-atheist! America was (and remains) a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles & traditions. But yes, as today's Democratic Party grows increasingly pro-atheist (and pro-Islamic), the progressive-left is trying to put an end to all of that!

In other words, "They couldn't have REALLY meant it." But they did, Dump.

YDB95 writes: "...there has NEVER been a time in human history - not in the 1950s, not in the Victorian era, not in the Massachusetts Bay colony in the Puritan era, never - when people didn't have extramarital sex and unintended pregnancies"

And there has NEVER been a time in human history - not in the 1950s, not in the Victorian era, not in the Massachusetts Bay colony nor in the Puritan era, never - when people didn't commit violent crimes, exhibit racial prejudice, abuse drugs & alcohol, and break our nation's laws. What is your point?

My point is that what you implied earlier, about promiscuity becoming common only after Roe v Wade, is nonsense. It doesn't surprise me in the least that it went about five miles over your head.

"Last week, the Dems lost it by about 2 points."

Election results are the same when you lose by two-points as when you lose by TWENTY-TWO points - you still lose!
Then you agree that if the ten-point shift we saw there happens again in 2020, Trump will lose NC by about 7%. Good.

"What I did say was most Republicans don't share your delusional, ultra-right-wing worldview."

Perhaps not, but most Republicans (and many NON-REPUBLICANS) will be sharing my support of President Trump next year over the neo-socialist lefty who ends up winning the Democratic Party's 2020 nomination!

Sad but true that they'll be supporting Trump, but tell me, what does "neo-socialist" even mean?

"Besides, a lot of what Christ said could very easily be interpreted as socialist."

If that were in any ways true, the Democratic Party wouldn't be moving steadily towards atheism and against Christianity.

The people who think Dems are "anti-Christian" are by and large utterly ignorant of the teachings of Christ themselves. Just for starters, he never said a single word against abortion or homosexuality.

"The point is, Hitler didn't start out by murdering the Jews either."

Hitler & his Nazis were ALWAYS murderous killers, YDB95 - and they certainly did NOT adhere to the Judeo-Christian values embraced by President Trump & the U.S. Republican Party! Trying to somehow link the two just makes your entire argument sound ridiculous!

Not to anyone who knows their history it doesn't. You of course, have repeatedly bragged that you don't.

"...not a single baby has been murdered by Planned Parenthood"

That's not unlike writing: "not a single Jew was murdered at Auschwitz!" You're only straining your credibility when you post such double-talk.
The victims of Auschwitz were living, breathing, sentient human beings. An embryo in the early stages of pregnancy is a clump of tissue. If you look at the two and see the same thing, that's your problem.
JKendallDane writes: "So now you've expanded to bashing any Christian that doesn't follow YOUR flavor of Christianity?"

If I was a modern Democrat I would probably be in favor of bashing Christianity, as that party has grown increasingly pro-atheist & anti-Christian in recent years. But, as you know, I'm NOT a modern Democrat. I believe that that party has a screw loose somewhere, Jay-Kendall!

YDB95 writes: "Antifa is not affiliated with the Democratic Party in any way."

In the 100-years following the U.S. Civil War, the Ku Kux Klan was the "militant arm" of the Democratic Party in the American south. Today, ANTIFA fills that role (only NOT just in the south), committing acts of violence on behalf of progressive Democrat causes in liberal cities like Portland, Oregon.

"In other words, "They couldn't have REALLY meant it." But they did, Dump."

I repeat, America is a mostly Christian country founded on Judeo-Christian values & traditions, as per the wishes of our Founding Fathers! Modern liberal Democrats are attempting to turn us more anti-Christian & pro-atheist (and ALSO pro-Islamic, for some unexplained, bizarre reason!)

"My point is that what you implied earlier, about promiscuity becoming common only after Roe v Wade, is nonsense."

The Roe vs. Wade decision was never about promiscuity - it was about a LACK OF RESPECT for the value of human life!

"Trump will lose NC by about 7%. Good."

The Democrats LOSE an election in North Carolina, and you interpret that to mean that they will now win that state in 2020? That's completely ass-backwards, YDB95 - you're supposed to want your party to WIN elections, NOT lose them!

"Sad but true that they'll be supporting Trump"

All kinds of people (Republicans, Democrats, & Independents) will be supporting President Trump in 2020, because the man knows how to be president!

"The people who think Dems are "anti-Christian" are by and large utterly ignorant of the teachings of Christ themselves."

If your party adopts policies that are anti-Christian, then you'll probably do poorly with Christian voters. If you support abortion, atheism, Islam, and you express your displeasure when some small town puts up a nativity scene at the courthouse square during the Christmas season, then you're probably anti-Christian (and a Democrat!)

"Not to anyone who knows their history it doesn't."

Hitler & his Nazi Party, like the Ku Kux Klan in America, were ALWAYS brutal racist thugs not afraid to murder those who stood in their way. The closest thing we have to Nazi Brown Shirts in the U.S. today are those thugs who have joined Antifa, and participate in their increasingly violent protests to silence free speech!

"The victims of Auschwitz were living, breathing, sentient human beings. An embryo in the early stages of pregnancy is a clump of tissue."

A "clump of tissue" with a beating heart is an unborn baby. It is a human life. A clean & sterile Planned Parenthood clinic is not unlike a Nazi death camp in that regard. It is a place where human life has NO VALUE.
JKendallDane writes: "So now you've expanded to bashing any Christian that doesn't follow YOUR flavor of Christianity?"

If I was a modern Democrat I would probably be in favor of bashing Christianity, as that party has grown increasingly pro-atheist & anti-Christian in recent years.

I'm sure you have plenty of credible citations and examples backing up that claim, Dump. I'll look forward to reading them when you post them.

YDB95 writes: "Antifa is not affiliated with the Democratic Party in any way."

In the 100-years following the U.S. Civil War, the Ku Kux Klan was the "militant arm" of the Democratic Party in the American south.

Since you're so fond of Nazi analogies, it's worth pointing out that you're using a strategy they excelled at: repeating lies consistently until they're presumed true. The Klan was never affiliated with either major party (although there were elected officials from both parties who were members), and neither is Antifa. Nor does Antifa deserve to be compared to the Klan.

Today, ANTIFA fills that role (only NOT just in the south), committing acts of violence on behalf of progressive Democrat causes in liberal cities like Portland, Oregon.

Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that.

"In other words, "They couldn't have REALLY meant it." But they did, Dump."

I repeat, America is a mostly Christian country founded on Judeo-Christian values & traditions, as per the wishes of our Founding Fathers!

Most of whom were Deists.

"My point is that what you implied earlier, about promiscuity becoming common only after Roe v Wade, is nonsense."

The Roe vs. Wade decision was never about promiscuity - it was about a LACK OF RESPECT for the value of human life!

No, it was about a right to privacy and about putting an end to back-alley abortions. Which WILL come back if Roe is overturned. Do you want that?

"Trump will lose NC by about 7%. Good."

The Democrats LOSE an election in North Carolina, and you interpret that to mean that they will now win that state in 2020? That's completely ass-backwards, YDB95 - you're supposed to want your party to WIN elections, NOT lose them!

You DO understand that the election was only in one congressional district, out of 13 in NC, don't you? You probably don't understand that in that one district, the margin shifted ten points in Democrats' favour from 2016, because I'm sure that wasn't mentioned in the sources you get your news from; but it did. Again, if that happens statewide next year, the Dems will carry it easily. (I don't really expect a 10% shift statewide, but then the Dems only need 4%. That is very doable.)

"The people who think Dems are "anti-Christian" are by and large utterly ignorant of the teachings of Christ themselves."

If your party adopts policies that are anti-Christian, then you'll probably do poorly with Christian voters. If you support abortion, atheism, Islam, and you express your displeasure when some small town puts up a nativity scene at the courthouse square during the Christmas season, then you're probably anti-Christian (and a Democrat!)

Thank you for proving my point for me.

"The victims of Auschwitz were living, breathing, sentient human beings. An embryo in the early stages of pregnancy is a clump of tissue."

A "clump of tissue" with a beating heart is an unborn baby. It is a human life. A clean & sterile Planned Parenthood clinic is not unlike a Nazi death camp in that regard. It is a place where human life has NO VALUE.

I'll join the chorus here: if you hate abortion so much, what are you willing to do to reduce the demand for it in the first place?
JKendallDane writes: "I'm sure you have plenty of credible citations and examples backing up that claim, Dump. I'll look forward to reading them when you post them."

Being pro-atheist is NOT pro-Christian, Jay-Kendall. Being pro-abortion is NOT pro-Christian! Being pro-socialist is NOT pro-Christian (if it WAS, then the Democratic Party would immediately abandon its warm affection for Islam and immediately endorse Christianity!)

YDB95 writes: "The Klan was never affiliated with either major party..."

You are stretching the truth mighty thin with that statement, YDB95 - I mean, that's very much like claiming that "Planned Parenthood was never affiliated with either major party," was it? Both the KKK & the abortion providers are Democratic Party creatures!

"Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that"

Only you & the violent crazies at Antifa define a white supremacist as: "anybody who didn't vote for Barack Obama!"

"Most of whom were Deists."

Our nation's Founding Fathers were white male Christians, which goes a long ways towards explaining why anti-American progressives applaud people like Colin Kaepernick when he claims that the U.S. flag is a symbol of slavery.

"No, it was about a right to privacy and about putting an end to back-alley abortions."

During the Holocaust, SOME Jews were murdered in gas chambers at death camps like Auschwitz, while others were shot in the back of the head by Nazi extermination squads at places like Babi Yar near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. With ABORTION, some infant-lives are terminated in sterile Planned Parenthood clinics, while others are killed in back-alley abortions. Which is better? It's all the same thing to those being murdered!

"You DO understand that the election was only in one congressional district, out of 13 in NC, don't you?"

You DO understand that the Republicans WON the seat in that NC congressional district, right? The Democratic Party candidate LOST that race!

"Thank you for proving my point for me."

There's nothing to prove - the Democratic Party IS the preferred party of atheists & Islam here in the U.S., while the Republicans are the party of Christians. Traditionally Democrat-leaning Jews & BLACK Christians are also fast-abandoning the Democrats!

"...if you hate abortion so much, what are you willing to do to reduce the demand for it in the first place?"

You don't lessen the number of abortions here in the U.S. by funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars! If anything, the quicker they put an end to that, the better!
JKendallDane writes: "I'm sure you have plenty of credible citations and examples backing up that claim, Dump. I'll look forward to reading them when you post them."

Being pro-atheist is NOT pro-Christian, Jay-Kendall. Being pro-abortion is NOT pro-Christian! Being pro-socialist is NOT pro-Christian (if it WAS, then the Democratic Party would immediately abandon its warm affection for Islam and immediately endorse Christianity!)

1) ~ "pro-atheist" is a completely false claim and total histrionics

2) ~ "pro-abortion" (see #1 above)

3) ~ "pro-socialist" (see directions in #2)

4) ~ "and immediately endorse Christianity" (so I'm guessing you're saying that whole "Freedom of religion" thing in the First Amendment is just window dressing?)

That part of your comment I bolded, really does concern me, Dump. The Freedom of (and freedom from if one so chooses) religion clause is the literal foundation of the Bill of Rights, yet you are saying political parties and candidates...and therefore the elected government, by rational extension of that position...should be endorsing one specific faith and beliefs? Really?

My own spirituality is well grounded in Christianity, but the last thing I ever want to see is the government pushing me or anyone else towards a singular choice. That's a slippery slope caked with ice and covered in motor oil.

The Founding Fathers and the Constitutional Convention definitely endorsed religion (as they should have) but they certainly didn't specifically endorse Christianity.

J.Kendall: "Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that".

WoW. I'm so glad I don't know you. How do you identify "white supremacists"? Maybe by the clothes they wear?
J.Kendall: "Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that".

WoW. I'm so glad I don't know you. How do you identify "white supremacists"? Maybe by the clothes they wear?

Ya' know, JP5-etc...I tend to ignore your posts because they rarely are actually on-topic and tend to not make a lot of sense, but I do have to speak up when you can't even manage to properly attribute a quote to the correct person.

Those were NOT my words and I'd appreciate you correcting it.

Off topic a little but others have been debating this above so I thought I'd ask a few questions and venture an opinion.

Abortion in the USA: I've often wondered what the driving force behind the pro life crowd is? Is it the constitutional, self evident right to life? or is it some sort of religious belief derived from the judeau/Christian heritage?

Either way how do pro lifers justify killing abortionist?

If the pro belief is religious based what text is this based on? How are the contradictory words of God reconciled. It seems to me that Islam and judeau/Christianity have opposing points of view, given they both believe in the same God.

If it is constitutionally based, where is what constitutes life defined?

As an atheist I reject anything written as "the word of God" as nothing more than the dubious opinion of some very mortal priest with a vested interest in strengthening his control over his parishioners.
From a constitutional perspective it seems to me that life begins when a baby is able to survive outside the womb without medical intervention. If it can't, it's just s bunch of cells.
As to who has the right to decide to have an abortion, I believe that decision rests with the mother and her alone. She is not obligated to justify her choice to anyone, least of all a man!
J.Kendall: "Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that".

WoW. I'm so glad I don't know you. How do you identify "white supremacists"? Maybe by the clothes they wear?

It is their clothing. They dress all in black, including masks. Whenever you see people who look like that, kill them, because they are bad people.
Originally Posted by jp55665566 J.Kendall: "Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that".

WoW. I'm so glad I don't know you. How do you identify "white supremacists"? Maybe by the clothes they wear?

(Box says) It is their clothing. They dress all in black, including masks. Whenever you see people who look like that, kill them, because they are bad people.

Once again, those are **NOT** my words.

JP5-etc doesn't know how to operate the quote button. :rolleyes:

magicalmoments writes: "Either way how do pro lifers justify killing abortionist?"

WHO said anything about killing abortionists? Sure, they're despicable people, not unlike the senators & congressmen who vote to give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, but NOBODY here is advocating murdering them! The whole idea of being PRO-LIFE is to stop allowing legalized murder to take place!

"It seems to me that Islam and judeau/Christianity have opposing points of view, given they both believe in the same God."

Islam does NOT believe in the same God - for one thing, Islamic Sharia Law is NOT at all compatible with our U.S. Constitution, nor is Islam compatible with our traditional American morals & values. Atheists here in the United States are free to create disparaging "artworks" with Christian symbols (e.g. crucifixes & paintings of the Virgin Mary), putting them into jars of urine and flinging elephant feces onto them, respectively - but DON'T try doing that with the Muslim Koran or they will KILL you! Seriously, try drawing a picture of the prophet Muhammed and see if you can get it published in your local paper!

"From a constitutional perspective it seems to me that life begins when a baby is able to survive outside the womb without medical intervention. If it can't, it's just s bunch of cells."

A "clump of cells" with a human heartbeat. The Democratic Party & its Planned Parenthood partners are turning back the clock to a time when the ancient Spartans left unwanted babies on a hillside to die. Germany's Nazis called them "useless mouths."
It is their clothing. They dress all in black, including masks. Whenever you see people who look like that, kill them, because they are bad people.

Zombie apocalypse. Aim for the head. It's the only way.
J.Kendall: "Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that".

WoW. I'm so glad I don't know you. How do you identify "white supremacists"? Maybe by the clothes they wear?

I was the one who said that, not J.Kendall, and I don't apologise for it.

YDB95 writes: "The Klan was never affiliated with either major party..."

You are stretching the truth mighty thin with that statement, YDB95 - I mean, that's very much like claiming that "Planned Parenthood was never affiliated with either major party," was it? Both the KKK & the abortion providers are Democratic Party creatures!

Neither was ever affiliated with either major party. I have no doubt you've read otherwise, but we've long since established that your sources are worthless.

"Acts of violence against white supremacists? Quite frankly, I'm okay with that"

Only you & the violent crazies at Antifa define a white supremacist as: "anybody who didn't vote for Barack Obama!"

You have never been able to point to a single time I or anyone else said that. You've had numerous chances, too.

"Most of whom were Deists."
Our nation's Founding Fathers were white male Christians, which goes a long ways towards explaining why anti-American progressives applaud people like Colin Kaepernick when he claims that the U.S. flag is a symbol of slavery.

Right, Dump. It has nothing to do with the indisputable fact that they were slaveowners. It's just because they were white male Christians, even though most of them were not in fact practicing Christians.

"No, it was about a right to privacy and about putting an end to back-alley abortions."

During the Holocaust, SOME Jews were murdered in gas chambers at death camps like Auschwitz, while others were shot in the back of the head by Nazi extermination squads at places like Babi Yar near the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. With ABORTION, some infant-lives are terminated in sterile Planned Parenthood clinics, while others are killed in back-alley abortions. Which is better? It's all the same thing to those being murdered!

I'll ask again, if you are so convinced that abortion is murder (when science shows otherwise), what are you doing to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in the first place? Nothing, from what we've seen.

"You DO understand that the election was only in one congressional district, out of 13 in NC, don't you?"

You DO understand that the Republicans WON the seat in that NC congressional district, right? The Democratic Party candidate LOST that race!

No one disputes that, but that's not the point. And since you've avoided answering my question, I'll assume the answer is no, you don't understand that it was NOT a statewide race, and that if the numbers shift statewide the way they did in that district, Trump is toast. But it wasn't, they could, and if so, he is.

Traditionally Democrat-leaning Jews & BLACK Christians are also fast-abandoning the Democrats!

And yet you can never point to any evidence whatsoever of that.

"...if you hate abortion so much, what are you willing to do to reduce the demand for it in the first place?"

You don't lessen the number of abortions here in the U.S. by funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars! If anything, the quicker they put an end to that, the better!

Neither Planned Parenthood nor any other organisation can spend taxpayer dollars on abortion, due to the Hyde Amendment. But you haven't answered the question (and I even asked it again above): what are you willing to do to reduce unwanted pregnancies? Planned Parenthood provides affordable contraception, counselling, STD testing, and educational services to teach teenagers and young adults about safer sex. What have you got against that?
Probably not the right thread for this question but here goes.

Who else on here believes that the God of Islam and the God of the Jews/Christians are different entities.
Should be no one, as the god of all three is grounded in the exact same scriptures.
YDB95 writes: "I was the one who said that, not J.Kendall, and I don't apologise for it."

Yes, and you seemingly believe that anybody who doesn't support ObamaCare is a white supremacist.

"I have no doubt you've read otherwise, but we've long since established that your sources are worthless."

Yes, and you seemingly believe that neither the Democratic Party nor Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had EVER heard of the Ku Kux Klan!

"You have never been able to point to a single time I or anyone else said that."

You believe everything that Antifa believes, but claiming to support that neo-fascist hate-group would NOT support the narrative that you're so desperately attempting to maintain for yourself, and so you'll understandably deny doing so.

"Right, Dump. It has nothing to do with the indisputable fact that they were slaveowners."

In the eyes of Antifa & the politically-progressive far-left, ALL of America's Founding Father (except for the non-Christian ones) were racists.

"I'll ask again, if you are so convinced that abortion is murder (when science shows otherwise), what are you doing to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in the first place? Nothing, from what we've seen."

Abortion most certainly IS murder, and it's NOT supposed to be used as some form of birth control (although Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger certainy DID view it as one way to keep the black population here in the United States in check!)

"...if the numbers shift statewide the way they did in that district, Trump is toast."

And if Hillary maintains her "blue wall" - and she wins Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, & Michigan (which have all voted straight Democrat since the 1980's) then she will defeat Trump and win the White House in 2016!

"And yet you can never point to any evidence whatsoever of that."

Black unemployment under the Trump presidency is at its LOWEST LEVELS in recorded history!

"Neither Planned Parenthood nor any other organisation can spend taxpayer dollars on abortion, due to the Hyde Amendment."

Congressional Democrats vote to give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood to pay that corporation's administrative costs, allowing the abortion-provider to remain in the black, while then giving much of that money BACK to the Democratic Party in the form of campaign donations! All that the Democrats ask in return is for Planned Parenthood to CONTINUE performing abortions, while PP asks the Dems to thin-out their own party's ranks of pro-life legislators!

"What have you got against that?"

And what have YOU got against Planned Parenthood using ALL of its resources providing for affordable contraception, counselling, STD testing, and educational services to teach teenagers and young adults about safer sex INSTEAD of participating in the horrific practice of murdering unborn children?

magicalmoments asks: "Who else on here believes that the God of Islam and the God of the Jews/Christians are different entities."

KeithD answers: "Should be no one, as the god of all three is grounded in the exact same scriptures."

Wrong - the religion of Islam itself labels all other religious followers as being INFIDELS - with Shi'ite & Sunni Muslims continuing to this day to murder one another!
YDB95 writes: "I was the one who said that, not J.Kendall, and I don't apologise for it."

Yes, and you seemingly believe that anybody who doesn't support ObamaCare is a white supremacist.

The only one who has ever said a thing like that is you.

"I have no doubt you've read otherwise, but we've long since established that your sources are worthless."

Yes, and you seemingly believe that neither the Democratic Party nor Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had EVER heard of the Ku Kux Klan!

The only one who has ever said a thing like that is you.

"You have never been able to point to a single time I or anyone else said that."

You believe everything that Antifa believes, but claiming to support that neo-fascist hate-group would NOT support the narrative that you're so desperately attempting to maintain for yourself, and so you'll understandably deny doing so.

Neo-fascist? You do understand that "Antifa" is short for "Anti-Fascist", don't you?
And no, I don't believe everything they believe. But I sure as heck don't believe anything you have to say about them.

"Right, Dump. It has nothing to do with the indisputable fact that they were slaveowners."

In the eyes of Antifa & the politically-progressive far-left, ALL of America's Founding Father (except for the non-Christian ones) were racists.

By today's standards, more than likely. If you don't get that, you probably don't know anything about that era of history. Granted, it's really not fair to judge yesterday's people by today's standards, but if they owned slaves...

"I'll ask again, if you are so convinced that abortion is murder (when science shows otherwise), what are you doing to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies in the first place? Nothing, from what we've seen."

Abortion most certainly IS murder, and it's NOT supposed to be used as some form of birth control (although Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger certainy DID view it as one way to keep the black population here in the United States in check!)

You know that's not true. I know you know, because I have repeatedly provided proof of it. That you're still clinging to it just shows you've got nothing in this fight.

"...if the numbers shift statewide the way they did in that district, Trump is toast."

And if Hillary maintains her "blue wall" - and she wins Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, & Michigan (which have all voted straight Democrat since the 1980's) then she will defeat Trump and win the White House in 2016!

She lost NC by less than 4%. If it shifts 10% to the left, the Dems will win it by over 6%. Even you can do that math, Dump.

"And yet you can never point to any evidence whatsoever of that."

Black unemployment under the Trump presidency is at its LOWEST LEVELS in recorded history!

Continuing a trend started under Obama.

"Neither Planned Parenthood nor any other organisation can spend taxpayer dollars on abortion, due to the Hyde Amendment."

Congressional Democrats vote to give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood to pay that corporation's administrative costs, allowing the abortion-provider to remain in the black, while then giving much of that money BACK to the Democratic Party in the form of campaign donations! All that the Democrats ask in return is for Planned Parenthood to CONTINUE performing abortions, while PP asks the Dems to thin-out their own party's ranks of pro-life legislators!

I'll ask again: where is your evidence that PP is anywhere near that flush with cash? It's absurd.

"What have you got against that?"

And what have YOU got against Planned Parenthood using ALL of its resources providing for affordable contraception, counselling, STD testing, and educational services to teach teenagers and young adults about safer sex INSTEAD of participating in the horrific practice of murdering unborn children?

Simple: I don't want to return to the days of back-alley abortions. You can hate abortion all you want (although it's worth noting you will never, under any circumstances, be faced with an unwanted pregnancy), but you're not going to stop it from happening. What you WILL stop, if Roe is overturned, is SAFE abortion. If women die - and they will - their blood will be on your hands.

magicalmoments asks: "Who else on here believes that the God of Islam and the God of the Jews/Christians are different entities."

KeithD answers: "Should be no one, as the god of all three is grounded in the exact same scriptures."

Wrong - the religion of Islam itself labels all other religious followers as being INFIDELS - with Shi'ite & Sunni Muslims continuing to this day to murder one another!

They are no more representative of mainstream Islam than people who murder doctors in their churches are representative of Christianity.