President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

#580 above
As a foreigner and neither a democratic or a republican, just an unbiased observer, I note that you have no defence of these economic fails. While you quite rightly point out the democrats are silent on these issues it is equally valid for me to point out that so are the republicans.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Carter did not abandon anyone, in fact his promotion of the Shaw might have aggravated the situation."

The Carter administration abandoned both the Shah in Iran and the pro-American Somoza regime in Nicaragua, only to see them both replaced by virulently anti-American dictatorships: the theocratic Islamic mullahs who continue to rule in Iran, and the Marxist-Sandinistas who tried unsuccessfully to turn Nicaragua into another Cuba/Venezuela.

"There was a whole lot more to the issue than just the above."

Jimmy Carter's weak leadership left the United States paralyzed. We did everything that Switzerland could have done had the Iranians instead seized the Swiss embassy! But we're a superpower, whereas Switzerland is a tiny country with a tiny military! Carter left the U.S. looking humiliated, which made it easy for Reagan to landslide him out of office in November of 1980!

"Ok this one is so funny, that people actually believe Obama gave US Government money to Iran."

OK, this is funny - I never SAID it was U.S. Government money - but Barack Obama nevertheless secretly released billions of dollar's worth of frozen Iranian assets to the mullahs so that Iran could then fund terrorist attacks against the U.S. & Israel! Why wasn't a HUGE portion of those frozen assets given to those 52 Americans who had ILLEGALLY been held hostage by Iran for 444-days?

"It was The Iranians own money, illgotten perhaps, but theirs!"

Do you know how STUPID that sounds, Fuzzy? "That money belonged to terrorists, ill-gotten-money, perhaps - but THEIR money nonetheless!" You sound just like one of Barack's foreign policy advisors who caused so many world leaders to hold him in complete contempt by the time he left office!
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Carter did not abandon anyone, in fact his promotion of the Shaw might have aggravated the situation."

The Carter administration abandoned both the Shah in Iran

No he did not abandon them, he tried to support the Shaw. Maybe you didn't approve of what he did, and that would be a fair statement. After all hind site is perfect, but Carter made the decision, himself, he never decried the decision, nor made excuse's for how he acted in the whole Iranian deal. However, he did not just sit down one day and say " well I give up on Iran, they are on their own". As I said, there were a lot of moving pieces at the time.

"There was a whole lot more to the issue than just the above."

Jimmy Carter's weak leadership left the United States paralyzed.

I never saw the US as weak in that time period, however that is MY opinion. Again though Carter was president, he made the decisions. if you don't like them that is too bad HE was the president, not you or me.

"Ok this one is so funny, that people actually believe Obama gave US Government money to Iran."

OK, this is funny - I never SAID it was U.S. Government money[/quote]

Note, I never said you directly above, did I? I said people.

- but Barack Obama nevertheless secretly released billions of dollar's worth of frozen Iranian assets to the mullahs so that Iran could then fund terrorist attacks against the U.S. & Israel!

It was released because that was part of the deal. Now that Trump gave up on the deal, the Iranians no longer need to stop their nuclear program, but they have extra cash to inject into. Good move by Donald.

Why wasn't a HUGE portion of those frozen assets given to those 52 Americans who had ILLEGALLY been held hostage by Iran for 444-days?

I don't know, but they did suffer, of that their is no doubt. How come the government of the US didn't do something back in Reagan's time, or Clinton's time, or either of the Bush's, or Obama, or why has Trump not stepped up to champion it?

"It was The Iranians own money, illgotten perhaps, but theirs!"

Do you know how STUPID that sounds, Fuzzy? "That money belonged to terrorists, ill-gotten-money, perhaps - but THEIR money nonetheless!" You sound just like one of Barack's foreign policy advisors who caused so many world leaders to hold him in complete contempt by the time he left office!

Well I am not claiming to be the sharpest knife in drawer here, not by a long ways. Still the release of the frozen assets was part of the deal no matter where the money came from, or how it would be dispersed by Iran. From my perspective ( read my Opinion) on how the world leaders viewed Obama, in regard to the deal, was praise. Not contempt. So feel free to list any G-7 or Nato world leaders who voiced contempt to Obama.
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Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, & Adam Schiff have become the new faces of the Democratic Party. That party would probably have been better off with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & Ilhan Omar being their public face. It would be less embarrassing.

Pelosi went in from of the cameras today wearing a black dress and talking about being a good Catholic (who opposes abortion) - she stood in front of a cardboard American flag and recited the pledge of allegiance. It would have been more honest of her if she'd pledged her allegiance to a Democratic donkey.

Pelosi could have stopped this clown show, but she saw the writing on the wall after realizing that her own House Democrats were going to dump her ass as Speaker unless she gave in, and so she caved. Publicly and privately, Pelosi had earlier opposed it, arguing that it would tear America apart unless there was a bipartisan consensus. There was none.

She had hoped that the Mueller Report would give her a good reason, but it came up empty. Behind the scenes, the intra-party civil war raged, with the most virulent Trump haters twisting the arms of those who merely disliked him. By late September, Pelosi suddenly flip-flopped on impeachment. And now, she has no choice but to see it through to its disappointing end, when the U.S. Senate slams the door in her party's face.

In the end, President Trump is vindicated, and the voter backlash drop-kicks the entire Democratic Party out of contention in 2020!
Trump may be acquitted but he'll never be vindicated. He is the impeached president trump forever, in the same place of shame as Clinton.

As for backlash... 11 months to go to find out which way the backlash goes.
Trump is only the third President to be Impeached, so a record for him. Such winning, how can he stand it?:D
Trump is only the third President to be Impeached, so a record for him. Such winning, how can he stand it?:D

He's also the first one to be impeached because (D)'s just didn't like how the election went and democracy got them pissed off.
magicalmoments writes: "Trump may be acquitted but he'll never be vindicated. He is the impeached president trump forever, in the same place of shame as Clinton."

JackLuis adds: "Trump is only the third President to be Impeached, so a record for him. Such winning, how can he stand it?"

Impeachment was ALL ABOUT damaging Trump's chances of winning re-election in 2020, and in this areas it's already FAILED! Trump's base is holding together (and has even been greatly ENERGIZED), while the Democratic Party lacks the strength to see it through in a U.S. Senate trial! This unsuccessful effort to remove a freely-elected president from office will only trigger a voter-BACKLASH against Nancy Pelosi and the House Dems!

The BIGGEST loser in all of this is MELANIA TRUMP - as history has shown that NO WIFE of an impeached American president has EVER gone on to win the presidency herself! Ask Hillary Clinton if you don't believe me!
Let's not forget that President Trump is a "Russian Agent" << haha democrats- sheesh !
Matt Mackowiak (writing in the Washington Times) says that impeachment was NEVER about actually removing President Trump from office, but simply a political-ploy to damage his re-election chances next year! But in THAT regard the House Democrats really didn't think this thing through!

Democrats first announced plans to ultimately impeach Trump right after he was elected president in November of 2016. Of course, back then they also assumed that their party would have won back control of the U.S. Senate (which DIDN'T happen!) Right now, EVERYBODY understands that a Senate trial will only VINDICATE this president! So WHY pursue it in the first place? The answer to that question is simple: 2020!

The Dems are somehow hoping & praying (well, Nancy Pelosi is praying) that impeachment will HURT this president with voters! And so the House Democrats, in an act of desperation, held hands and jumped off of the impeachment-cliff together, believing that this unsuccessful effort of theirs might somehow benefit Creepy-Sleepy Joe Biden when he faces Trump in the general election (yes, it's going to be "Gropin' Joe") next November!

While the legal case for impeachment never developed, they got their small moment of success. For President Trump, impeachment is unpleasant and must feel deeply unfair, but it has HELPED him politically. Republicans have never been more unified than they are right now. Democrats are divided, with vulnerable members in particular wanting to put this whole thing behind them before facing the wrath of their voters in 2020! The Trump campaign has amassed an astounding 600,000 new donors since impeachment began. There is new enthusiasm for the president because of this whole impeachment debacle. Public polling has shown an uptick in the president’s job-approval rating.

President Trump should keep one thing in mind: Success is the best revenge!

Voters will have the final say on impeachment, as they will either ratify it by not re-electing Trump or invalidate it by re-electing him. Demonstrating popular support for his agenda and an endorsement of the direction of the country will undermine any meaning of impeachment. At the same time, Congressional Republicans should make House Democrats OWN what they did and hold them accountable for ignoring the problems facing the country in pursuit of their own hyperpartisan goals.

The cost of impeachment is not insignificant. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, needlessly delayed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement for more than a year as a bargaining chip with moderate Democratic members in return for supporting impeachment. No meaningful legislative progress has been made toward an infrastructure bill or other key legislative priorities. And next year will be worse, as legislation traditionally dies in election years.

And what exactly do House Democrats have to show for their majority? Their two years in control have been dominated by impeachment, which has made no one’s life better and was not even a promise they made to the electorate in 2018. Impeachment was an overreach, much like Obamacare was in 2009 - and let's not forget that in 2010, Nancy lost her majority. The question now is WILL that happen again in 2020?

In history, this impeachment chapter will appear small and meaningless. There was no crime, no victim and the Ukrainians even said they weren’t pressured. Democrats claimed bribery and extortion, but never came close to proving it and chose not to pursue articles of impeachment of these accusations. Democratic Party crocodile tears over the Ukraine are absurd. They made no defense of Ukraine when the Obama administration refused to provide defensive weaponry to Ukraine after Russia seized Crimea.

While Mr. Trump cannot formally erase the House impeachment vote, he CAN erase its significance.

Trump's winning re-election in 2020 will permanently state public opposition to this impeachment.
Drumpf Will Win?

Only Because The Lying Motherfucker Cheats!

Fuck Drumpf!🖕🏿🤢🤮
No wife of an impeached American president has ever been elected president!

Trump's impeachment spells bad news for Melania Trump's presidential aspirations, as history shows us that NO spouse of an impeached president has EVER successfully won the White House afterwards!

Andrew Johnson's wife, Eliza (who actually taught her husband how to read), never actually RAN for the presidency, but if she HAD, her husband's 1867 impeachment would have ended any chance of her succeeding!

In 2016, impeached president Bill Clinton's wife attempted to break the curse, but her efforts came up short - and on the morning of November 9, 2016, she was forced to concede victory to Donald Trump!

And now that Trump's been impeached, it looks highly doubtful that his wife Melania will succeed where Eliza Johnson & Hillary Clinton both failed.
No wife of an impeached American president has ever been elected president!

Trump's impeachment spells bad news for Melania Trump's presidential aspirations, as history shows us that NO spouse of an impeached president has EVER successfully won the White House afterwards!

Andrew Johnson's wife, Eliza (who actually taught her husband how to read), never actually RAN for the presidency, but if she HAD, her husband's 1867 impeachment would have ended any chance of her succeeding!

In 2016, impeached president Bill Clinton's wife attempted to break the curse, but her efforts came up short - and on the morning of November 9, 2016, she was forced to concede victory to Donald Trump!

And now that Trump's been impeached, it looks highly doubtful that his wife Melania will succeed where Eliza Johnson & Hillary Clinton both failed.

Melania is not a natural born US citizen, I don't think she could run period.
As to Eliza, pretty sure that would have been denied, even if her husband had not been impeached. It was back in 1870's women were still husbands chattel in those days.

That is a pretty weird post, even from you Dump, you feeling ok?
I have learned not to over estimate the intelligence of the poorly educated, lower income whites who trudge to the polling places every election day like zombies to vote against their economic interests by voting Republican. Trump may win in the Electoral College next time like he did last time. I doubt very much that he will win the popular vote. I expect him to lose by a bigger margin than he did last time. Too many Americans are sickened by Trump's lies, his vulgarity, his flagrant immorality, and his lack of gravitas. He is just not presidential.

Trump's ignorance and impulsiveness have done a lot of structural damage to the U.S. Economy. I do not want the Democrats to be blamed as they were when Obama had difficulty cleaning up the mess Bush II left him with.

It would be best for the Democrats for the a long deep recession to begin during the first year of Trump's second term. That was how the New Deal started. We need a Second New Deal.
The accounts were frozen Iranian assets

Yes and.

We should have kept it, spent it on women and dogs just to offend them in the worst way possible, because we had no good reason to give them anything but the finger.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Melania is not a natural born US citizen, I don't think she could run period."

That may be true, Fuzzy, but now that her husband's been impeached she couldn't win if she legally could!

Back in 2016, the wife of impeached President Bill Clinton attempted to run for the White House, not yet realizing that NO WIFE of an impeached president has ever succeeded in accomplishing that feat! Perhaps if Eliza Johnson (wife of impeached president Andrew Johnson) had still been around, she could have WARNED Hillary!

"That is a pretty weird post, even from you Dump, you feeling ok?"

Really, Fuzzy - you're asking me if I'm okay that the curse of presidential wives following impeachment continues in America today? Are YOU okay with that?

The Trouvere writes: "Trump may win in the Electoral College next time like he did last time."

Yeah, I'm guessing that Trump will win BOTH the electoral college AND the popular vote in 2020. George W. Bush won only the electoral vote in 2000, but then won both that and the popular vote four years later! Republican presidents tend to do much better running for re-election than do Democrats. When Obama ran for re-election in 2012, he actually won over three-&-a-half-million FEWER popular votes than he'd won in 2008!

"It would be best for the Democrats for the a long deep recession to begin during the first year of Trump's second term."

You're not alone, Trouvere - a LOT of Trump-haters are desperately hoping for an enormous recession in 2020 that will cause immense suffering to millions of Americans (especially to women & minorities), in the hope that it will stop Trump from being re-elected president!

"You're not alone, Trouvere - a LOT of Trump-haters are desperately hoping for an enormous recession in 2020 that will cause immense suffering to millions of Americans (especially to women & minorities), in the hope that it will stop Trump from being re-elected president!"

Are you close to "a lot of trump haters"?? Can you list 10 that want to see "an enormous recession"?? No, of course you cant because you are paid to make this stuff up.
Melania is not a natural born US citizen, I don't think she could run period.
As to Eliza, pretty sure that would have been denied, even if her husband had not been impeached. It was back in 1870's women were still husbands chattel in those days.

That is a pretty weird post, even from you Dump, you feeling ok?

Weird indeed, but you have to admit well researched.
Mind you, I didn't have to spend much time figuring out that no former presidents wife has ever been elected to president, let alone impeached presidents.
On the basis of that the odds seem to favour spinsters.
"You're not alone, Trouvere - a LOT of Trump-haters are desperately hoping for an enormous recession in 2020 that will cause immense suffering to millions of Americans (especially to women & minorities), in the hope that it will stop Trump from being re-elected president!"

Are you close to "a lot of trump haters"?? Can you list 10 that want to see "an enormous recession"?? No, of course you cant because you are paid to make this stuff up.

How about all 7 Democrat presidential candidates and all four of the "squad"? There are 11 off the bat.
magicalmoments writes: "On the basis of that the odds seem to favour spinsters."

Hillary Clinton TRIED to run for president in 2016 claiming to be a spinster.

But then people in the media who were curious about her last name reported that she had at one time been married to an IMPEACHED president, and it was all over for her! She lost that November to Donald Trump! Democrats were outraged, and immediately began making plans to impeach Trump so that his wife Melania could also never win the White House! And now they have succeeded!

Naughty69M2M writes: "How about all 7 Democrat presidential candidates and all four of the "squad"? There are 11 off the bat."

There are MANY House & Senate Democrats who would prefer to see a stock market crash and massive suffering inflicted upon the American people (mostly women & children) if that's what it takes for their party to have a chance of defeating Donald Trump in 2020 so that they can then turn America into a Marxist-Socialist state (similar to what happened in Venezuela!) The progressive-left has NEVER liked this country very much!
"That is a pretty weird post, even from you Dump, you feeling ok?"

Really, Fuzzy - you're asking me if I'm okay that the curse of presidential wives following impeachment continues in America today? Are YOU okay with that?

I don't see a curse, the only president's wife to run was Hillary, and she lost.

Eliza couldn't and Melania can't.

But if your talking about Hillary, then I must be mistaken and you are feeling ok...:)