President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

You gave me another reason to root for the 49ers this week.

Go 9ers, beat the Cheese heads!
President Trump, like Bill Clinton, will be impeached by the House. But, as Michael Goodwin writes in today's New York Post, the Democratic Party's efforts to remove him from office are doomed to failure, with this whole thing very possibly biting them in the butt!

Impeachment trial is the ace up President Trump’s sleeve

Goodwin's slam-dunk choice for the 2019 Quote of the Year is: “I want a trial.”

The President of the United States said those words on Friday morning of this week, and assuming that Trump survives the Democratic Party's ongoing effort to remove him, he would become the first impeached president to face voters again. Andrew Johnson, impeached in 1868, was later denied his party’s nomination for a second term, while Bill Clinton had already won his second term before he was impeached.

While there’s some skepticism that Trump really wants to put everything on the line over allegations involving his dealings with Ukraine, Goodwin says he's convinced that the president is *serious, calling Trump "crazy like a fox.!" Given the flimsy allegations and the unfair, one-party nature of the House process, beating impeachment in the Senate is pretty much a sure thing. And such a victory would dramatically boost Trump’s chances of getting four more years.

Indeed, it’s highly probable that: as impeachment goes, so goes the election.

First, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff need to muster 218 impeachment votes after five long days of public testimony and hyperbolic assertions that the president is an existential threat to the world. If that fails to happen then Trump will have been exonerated. And the Democrats certainly CAN'T allow THAT to happen! And so the House will vote to impeach in December, with a trial in the U.S. Senate getting underway in January!

Once it's in the Senate, the president will enjoy all of the the advantages that Schiff denied him in the House’s kangaroo court. Most importantly, Trump opens the senate trial with 53 GOP senators in the jury, with a super-majority of 67 votes required for conviction, Dems need to flip 20 Republicans, assuming they can hold all of the Democrats (which is by no means certain!)

In addition to Trump having home-field advantage, a Senate trial, presided over by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, would be expected to follow federal rules on evidence and procedures. Trump could 'compel' Adam Schiff to testify in the impeachment trial! NO hearsay testimony would be admissable. Thus, most of Schiff's case would not even be permitted in the *Senate.

Also, Trump’s lawyers would have wide latitude in a witness list and could very likely use it to turn the tables on Democrats and the Bidens. Trump likes nothing more than being on offense, and his aim would be to put his accusers on trial. Already the president has named three people he wants to grill, beginning with Hunter Biden and his lucrative gig on the board of Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian energy company, while his father was vice president. Some sample questions Hunter Biden can expect to be asked:

Is it true you were discharged from the Navy for cocaine use months before being named to Burisma in 2014?

Do you even speak Ukrainian?

What do you know about energy exploration and markets?

How many board meetings did you attend?

 Is it true you were paid more than $3 million over five years?

How much more?

Did you ever discuss the job with your father?

Did you ask your father to intercede in Ukrainian politics to help Burisma?

Moreover, there are legitimate questions about the 2016 anti-Trump campaign waged by Ukrainian officials and oligarchs, which included millions of dollars in contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Were the payments to Hunter Biden and the foundation aimed at buying Democrats’ silence over Ukrainian corruption? What does Joe Biden know about that effort?

Trump also wants to call Schiff, and GOP lawyers believe there is ample precedent. They note that Bill Clinton’s lawyers grilled independent prosecutor Ken Starr during Clinton’s Senate trial. Schiff acted as chief prosecutor against Trump and his dealings with the whistleblower would make him a key witness to the initial allegations.
President Trump, like Bill Clinton, will be impeached by the House. But, as Michael Goodwin writes in today's New York Post, the Democratic Party's efforts to remove him from office are doomed to failure, with this whole thing very possibly biting them in the butt!

Impeachment trial is the ace up President Trump’s sleeve

Goodwin's slam-dunk choice for the 2019 Quote of the Year is: “I want a trial.”

The President of the United States said those words on Friday morning of this week, and assuming that Trump survives the Democratic Party's ongoing effort to remove him, he would become the first impeached president to face voters again. Andrew Johnson, impeached in 1868, was later denied his party’s nomination for a second term, while Bill Clinton had already won his second term before he was impeached.

While there’s some skepticism that Trump really wants to put everything on the line over allegations involving his dealings with Ukraine, Goodwin says he's convinced that the president is *serious, calling Trump "crazy like a fox.!" Given the flimsy allegations and the unfair, one-party nature of the House process, beating impeachment in the Senate is pretty much a sure thing. And such a victory would dramatically boost Trump’s chances of getting four more years.

Indeed, it’s highly probable that: as impeachment goes, so goes the election.

First, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff need to muster 218 impeachment votes after five long days of public testimony and hyperbolic assertions that the president is an existential threat to the world. If that fails to happen then Trump will have been exonerated. And the Democrats certainly CAN'T allow THAT to happen! And so the House will vote to impeach in December, with a trial in the U.S. Senate getting underway in January!

Once it's in the Senate, the president will enjoy all of the the advantages that Schiff denied him in the House’s kangaroo court. Most importantly, Trump opens the senate trial with 53 GOP senators in the jury, with a super-majority of 67 votes required for conviction, Dems need to flip 20 Republicans, assuming they can hold all of the Democrats (which is by no means certain!)

In addition to Trump having home-field advantage, a Senate trial, presided over by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, would be expected to follow federal rules on evidence and procedures. Trump could 'compel' Adam Schiff to testify in the impeachment trial! NO hearsay testimony would be admissable. Thus, most of Schiff's case would not even be permitted in the *Senate.

Also, Trump’s lawyers would have wide latitude in a witness list and could very likely use it to turn the tables on Democrats and the Bidens. Trump likes nothing more than being on offense, and his aim would be to put his accusers on trial. Already the president has named three people he wants to grill, beginning with Hunter Biden and his lucrative gig on the board of Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian energy company, while his father was vice president. Some sample questions Hunter Biden can expect to be asked:

Is it true you were discharged from the Navy for cocaine use months before being named to Burisma in 2014?

Do you even speak Ukrainian?

What do you know about energy exploration and markets?

How many board meetings did you attend?

 Is it true you were paid more than $3 million over five years?

How much more?

Did you ever discuss the job with your father?

Did you ask your father to intercede in Ukrainian politics to help Burisma?

Moreover, there are legitimate questions about the 2016 anti-Trump campaign waged by Ukrainian officials and oligarchs, which included millions of dollars in contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Were the payments to Hunter Biden and the foundation aimed at buying Democrats’ silence over Ukrainian corruption? What does Joe Biden know about that effort?

Trump also wants to call Schiff, and GOP lawyers believe there is ample precedent. They note that Bill Clinton’s lawyers grilled independent prosecutor Ken Starr during Clinton’s Senate trial. Schiff acted as chief prosecutor against Trump and his dealings with the whistleblower would make him a key witness to the initial allegations.

Although I agree with you, this factually incorrect. Johnson did run in 1868, but as a Dem.
The Democratic National Convention was held in New York City between July 4, and July 9, 1868. The front-runner in the early balloting was George H. Pendleton, who led on the first fifteen ballots, followed in varying order by incumbent president Andrew Johnson, Winfield Scott Hancock, Sanford Church, Asa Packer, Joel Parker, James E. English, James Rood Doolittle, and Thomas A. Hendricks. The unpopular Johnson, having narrowly survived impeachment, won sixty-five votes on the first ballot, less than one-third of the total necessary for nomination, and thus lost his bid for election as president in his own right.

Meanwhile, the convention chairman Horatio Seymour, former governor of New York, received nine votes on the fourth ballot from the state of North Carolina. This unexpected move caused "loud and enthusiastic cheering," but Seymour refused, saying,
Last edited:
Boxlicker101 writes: "Although I agree with you, this factually incorrect."

I stand corrected. Thank you for that history update, Boxlicker!

Roger L. Simon has penned a column in The Epoch Times about what could very possibly be a major upheaval underway in American politics - the BLACK VOTE is currently shifting AWAY from the Democratic Party! It seems that most black voters actually prefer good JOBS to a lifetime of dependence on federal government hand-outs by the Democratic Party!

Simon points out that, while the media remains obsessed with impeachment, two new polls are showing that President Trump has gained significant popularity with African-Americans! Both polls - Rasmussen, which usually tilts Republican - and Emerson, which is considered even-handed - have come out almost exactly the same, putting Trump’s support among blacks at a surprising, almost astonishing, 34 percent. Typically, Republicans poll no better than single digits with black voters.

Game Changer” may be one of the great clichés of our our time, but this one is for REAL! If even remotely true, Democrats should be having a nervous breakdown. They depend more than ever on African-Americans for success in elections. If Trump were to garner even 18 percent of the black vote, he would easily win in 2020. If he gets anything close to the 34 percent, it would be a runaway disaster for the Democrats.

This remarkable political shift is all about is a turning away from the “identity politics” (actually a modern form of segregation) so beloved by the Democrats, and instead returning back to the color-blind society as envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the idealism of those days was finally realized with the help of Donald Trump? Stranger things have happened.
Independants are who swing elections: 40% for impeachment; 47% against.

Opposition by independents to the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry jumped 10 percentage points in the last week, according to a Politico–Morning Consult poll released Tuesday.

The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent....​

J. Coleman, Poll: Opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points, The Hill (Nov. 19, 2019).
Independants are who swing elections: 40% for impeachment; 47% against.

Opposition by independents to the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry jumped 10 percentage points in the last week, according to a Politico–Morning Consult poll released Tuesday.

The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent....​

J. Coleman, Poll: Opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points, The Hill (Nov. 19, 2019).


Data exclusive to Vanity Fair shows impeachment could be a losing issue for Democrats hoping to recruit Independents in 2020. “Lots of people who don’t like Trump who are still prepared to vote for him,” says one political science expert.​

K. Stern, “It Is Hard to Read this as Anything but a Warning”: New Polling Suggests Democrats’ Impeachment Push Could Alienate Key Voters, Vanity Fair (Nov. 21, 2019).


D. Keene, If the presidential election depends on Wisconsin, Trump supporters are ready, Washington Examiner (Nov. 25, 2019).
Nate Cohn and Claire Cain Miller have just penned the following in the liberal New York Times about a key block of Democratic Party voters:

They Voted Democratic. Now They Support Trump.

Success in the 2018 midterms might not mean as much for Democratic Party presidential candidates as that party might wish to believe. Nearly two-thirds of voters in six battleground states who voted for President Trump in 2016 — but then supported Democrat congressional candidates in 2018 — say they intend to back the president against each of his top rivals, according to recent polling by The New York Times Upshot/Siena College.

The results suggest that the party’s winning formula in last year’s midterms may not be so easy to replicate in a presidential election. The Democrats’ relatively moderate House candidates succeeded in large part by flipping a crucial segment of voters who backed the president in 2016. Many of the white working-class voters in the Rust Belt who supported the president in 2016 were traditionally Democratic voters who backed President Obama in 2012 and even continued to vote Democratic down-ballot in 2016. Democrats generally held on to these voters in 2018, but the reasons many of them voted for Mr. Trump, like his promises on immigration or the economy, are STILL relevant.

Michael Townsend, 38, a high school-educated construction worker in Dunmore, Pa., was a lifelong Democrat — until he voted for Mr. Trump. “In the last couple years, the Democrats had kind of been losing the work, and I thought Trump might get us that work,” he said. “And to be honest, I’ve been in construction 21 years and the last two years were the best years I’ve ever had.”

Danny Destival, 56, who runs a greenhouse supply business in Panama City, Fla., said he’s “been a Southern Democrat all my life.” But in 2016, he cast his first Republican vote because he liked that Mr. Trump was a businessman, not a politician — and he disliked Hillary Clinton. His main priority was voting for “the person who’s going to get more done” — that’s why he stuck with the Democrats in the midterms — but at the national level, he said, the Democrats have disappointed him on that front. “If you’re going to Washington, you need to do something,” he said. “If the only thing you’re going to do the whole time you’re there is try to get rid of the president, that’s a problem. I mean, Trump is not a great person, but you’ve got to get some work done.

In the survey, 7 percent of those who supported Mrs. Clinton in 2016 said they now approve of the president’s performance — despite his personality and his Twitter account. "In 2016, I hated both candidates," says Juli Anna California, 57, a nurse from Coral Springs, Fla. “I went with Hillary because Trump had no history as a politician.” Mr. Trump has convinced her, though — not with his character, but with his policies.

The Democratic Party fell apart on the heels of Trump winning,” says 41-year old Michigan small-business owner Matthew Headley. “The harder they’re going after Trump, the more they’re just alienating people and pushing them away.”
This past week was NOT a good one for pro-impeachment Democrats! To put it mildly, things haven't gone as planned. According to the Real Clear Politics polling aggregation, since the end of October, Trump’s approval rating has ticked up, while his disapproval has ticked down. And according to FiveThirtyEight, support for impeachment has declined over the last month.

These small shifts might not seem earth-shattering, yet the failure of the hearings to dump Trump seems to have been shattering to some Democrats. Hence this November 22 headline in Politico: “Vulnerable Democrats panic amid GOP impeachment ad onslaught.” It would appear that “Ukraine-gate” hasn’t been the Watergate II they were hoping for.

To be sure, the Democrats and their allies fervently believe they have made their case, that President Trump attempted to manipulate U.S. foreign policy for political advantage - despite the fact that he ultimately delivered to Ukraine the very military aid that the Obama administration had denied.

As Mark Hemingway wrote for The Federalist, the House Democrats & their witnesses were mortified by the fact that Trump administration policy was made by…Trump.

Needless to say, this president does not do things their way. He is instead remarkably freewheeling, unbureaucratic, and certainly not always consistent when it comes to making policy. But he generally always has a big goal in mind, and in any event, he is the president of the United States. He, and not the bureaucrats, sets U.S. foreign policy.

So now we begin to see how the Democrats made their mistake. Having gotten their inspiration in the first place from that Deep State whistleblower, they then assumed they could carry on their “investigation,” relying on still more Deep Statists. So lotsa luck, Democrats, if you pass impeachment in the House. That Senate trial, dominated by Trump Republicans, won’t be in the least bit woke, but it sure will be lit.
President Trump signs bills backing Hong Kong protesters into law, despite of Beijing’s objections

I signed these bills out of respect for President Xi, China, and the people of Hong Kong, the president said in a White House statement. "They are being enacted in the hope that Leaders and Representatives of China and Hong Kong will be able to amicably settle their differences leading to long term peace and prosperity for all!”

Hours later, China issued statements slamming the bills, saying they highlight the “sinister intentions and hegemonic nature of the United States,” according to a CNBC translation. “These two bills are an obvious intervention of Hong Kong’s internal affairs, they are unnecessary and without grounds, they will also harm the relationship and interests between Hong Kong and the U.S.,” the Chinese government announced.

Congress sent the bills to the president’s desk last week, after both chambers passed the legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support.

Hong Kong, a former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997, has been engulfed in months of anti-government protests, initially sparked by a bill that would have enabled extradition to mainland China, the protests have morphed into broader anti-government demonstrations, including a wider range of demands such as greater democracy and universal suffrage. As the protests more frequently lapsed into violence, U.S. lawmakers increasingly criticized China’s response.

Trump’s Wednesday statement echoes his earlier comments that China should handle the situation itself. Though he has also warned that harsh treatment of the people in Hong Kong could derail trade negotiations. Over the weekend, Hong Kong democrats swept district council elections as 2.94 million cast their ballots, a record turnout of about 71.2%.
DawnONight writes: "Only 34 Percent Of Independents Support Impeachment"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi KNEW that this was going to happen, but Adam Schiff & "the Squad" were hell-bent on impeaching Trump and so Pelosi reluctantly allowed them to have their way!

Even Schiff understood that, without U.S. Senate support, there was NO WAY his party was ever going to remove President Trump from office. His HOPE was that, by impeaching Trump in the House, the notoriety would help whatever Democratic presidential candidate wins the 2020 nomination fight get elected next November. But they never counted on this whole Ukraine business dragging down Joe Biden instead!

And now they have no choice, as to back down at THIS point would make Adam Schiff look like a clueless pinhead (which he is) - and so they've got to carry it through to the bitter end, despite a growing uneasiness among moderate House Dems that they're surrendering their re-election hopes in the process! The American public does NOT like seeing its legislators wasting time & money on failed efforts to overturn an election!
DawnONight writes: "Only 34 Percent Of Independents Support Impeachment"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi KNEW that this was going to happen, but Adam Schiff & "the Squad" were hell-bent on impeaching Trump and so Pelosi reluctantly allowed them to have their way!

Even Schiff understood that, without U.S. Senate support, there was NO WAY his party was ever going to remove President Trump from office. His HOPE was that, by impeaching Trump in the House, the notoriety would help whatever Democratic presidential candidate wins the 2020 nomination fight get elected next November. But they never counted on this whole Ukraine business dragging down Joe Biden instead!

And now they have no choice, as to back down at THIS point would make Adam Schiff look like a clueless pinhead (which he is) - and so they've got to carry it through to the bitter end, despite a growing uneasiness among moderate House Dems that they're surrendering their re-election hopes in the process! The American public does NOT like seeing its legislators wasting time & money on failed efforts to overturn an election!

Have you noticed how little activity there is on the impeachment threads here again? Most of what's left has been me posting stories about how badly it's going for the Democrats. Even the lefties here have come to realize it. Schiff could not have done more to reelect Trump if he had tried!
DawnONight writes: "Have you noticed how little activity there is on the impeachment threads here again? Most of what's left has been me posting stories about how badly it's going for the Democrats. Even the lefties here have come to realize it. Schiff could not have done more to reelect Trump if he had tried!"

icanhelp1 writes: "IMPEACHMENT FATIGUE!!"

The Democrats have over-played their hand - again!

For over two long years the never-ending mantra from the Trump-hating left was: "You just wait until the Mueller investigation is finally completed - Trump's presidency will be OVER!" - but then the Mueller Report WAS finally released, and there was nothing there to pursue! Adam Schiff had repeatedly INSISTED that Trump/Russia collusion was very real (and he had PROOF) - but then, all-of-a-sudden it wasn't.

And now it's happened again - the House Democrats began a purely-partisan impeachment inquiry, insisting that: "This is worse than Watergate!" - except that it wasn't even close! The Democrats have no case, but they DO still have the necessary votes to impeach this president - and so that's what they'll do, because to do otherwise would make Pelosi & Schiff look like complete bumbling FOOLS! The problem remains that they KNOW they're going to lose BIG in the U.S. Senate, but there's nothing they can do about that now! They've seriously damaged their party's credibility in the vain hope of getting Creepy-Sleepy Joe Biden elected president in 2020. But now that's NOT going to happen!
The Trouvere writes: "The only way he could possibly win would be to get a majority in the Electoral College. To do this twice in a row would be to deprive Trump and the Electoral College of legitimacy."

History doesn't support your claims, Trouvere.

The only way for the current Democratic Party to still win a majority of the popular vote in 2020 would be for them to FLOOD America with illegals, promising them endless taxpayer-funded entitlements (e.g. foodstamps, welfare, public housing, etc.) in exchange for their voting Democrat. In those states already dominated by Democrats there are NO voter-photo-ID laws preventing illegals (non-U.S.-citizens) from participating in our democracy! But President Trump's border-security/enforcement efforts are NOT helping Dems any!

During the Obama presidency, the Democrats were able to bring in enough Muslim refugees to states like Minnesota & Michigan to elect our first-ever ISLAMIC members to the U.S. House of Representatives (Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar, & Rashida Tlaib), and they're fervently hoping to repeat that now with Mexican nationals!

One serious problem that the Democrats face with President Trump is their belief that he won't win the popular vote in 2020. Republican presidents tend to do MUCH BETTER when running for re-election than do Democratic Party presidents. In 2012, Barack Obama won 3,580,921 FEWER popular votes than he'd won four-years earlier, in 2008! Compare that with President George W. Bush (who LOST the popular vote in 2000!) In 2004, Bush won 11,577,160 MORE votes than he'd won four years earlier! Or take President Reagan, who in his 1984 re-election won 10,552,242 MORE popular votes than he won in 1980!
Earlier this month two major polls were released showing President Trump doing better with BLACK VOTERS than any Republican presidential candidate on the ballot since 1960! In one poll, he had eclipsed over 30% black support! If this was not devastating enough news for Democrats to digest, this week Kamala Harris also called it quits, leaving the ONLY candidates qualifying thus far for that party's next round of presidential debates to be ALL WHITE!

Two of the top new contenders are wealthy white billionaires: Tom Steyer & Michael Bloomberg! You don’t have to have supported Kamala Harris’ candidacy — or even liked her very much — to understand why her dropping out now is bad news for the Democratic Party. Our political system is massively imperfect; that’s a given. But that party's current leadership has designed a primary system in such a way that the most diverse candidates don’t seem to have a fair fighting chance. It's bad for the party and it’s bad for voters. And whomever win the 2020 nomination is going to find black voter support to be even MORE shallow than it was for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

And a LOT of black voters are going to want another four years of President Trump, and the record-low black unemployment rates that's been a direct result of his economic policies!
Earlier this month two major polls were released showing President Trump doing better with BLACK VOTERS than any Republican presidential candidate on the ballot since 1960! In one poll, he had eclipsed over 30% black support! !

Links to or names of the polls?
Fuzzy1975 asks: "Links to or names of the polls?

Two polls, one by Emerson College and one from Rasmussen, puts black support for President Trump at or above 34 percent. Those soundings so alarmed Trump-critics that a horrified CNN host described both polls as “fake” - sarcastically suggesting that perhaps only Kanye West and other black Trump surrogates had been surveyed.

The Emerson poll showed 34.5 percent of black registered voters supported the president, up from 17.8 percent a month earlier. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 8.3 points. Rasmussen, meanwhile, showed the president with 34 percent approval from blacks.

According to the findings of another, brand new Hill-HarrisX poll, a shocking 32 percent of black male voters say they would prefer to vote for Donald Trump over a generic Democrat opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

Not only is this jump in support startling in and by itself, but with the constant drumbeat of Democrat black political leaders referring to the president as a “racist,” it's a slap in the face to the credibilty of those leaders, their media cheerleaders, and to the Democratic Party itself.
Fuzzy1975 asks: "Links to or names of the polls?

Two polls, one by Emerson College and one from Rasmussen, puts black support for President Trump at or above 34 percent. Those soundings so alarmed Trump-critics that a horrified CNN host described both polls as “fake” - sarcastically suggesting that perhaps only Kanye West and other black Trump surrogates had been surveyed.

The Emerson poll showed 34.5 percent of black registered voters supported the president, up from 17.8 percent a month earlier. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 8.3 points. Rasmussen, meanwhile, showed the president with 34 percent approval from blacks.

According to the findings of another, brand new Hill-HarrisX poll, a shocking 32 percent of black male voters say they would prefer to vote for Donald Trump over a generic Democrat opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

Not only is this jump in support startling in and by itself, but with the constant drumbeat of Democrat black political leaders referring to the president as a “racist,” it's a slap in the face to the credibilty of those leaders, their media cheerleaders, and to the Democratic Party itself.

While I am not debating the numbers. I can't find either the Emerson poll, nor the Rasmussen poll, nor can I find any poll but this one for Hill-HarrisX,

Though this poll is only from Oct 2019.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "While I am not debating the numbers. I can't find either the Emerson poll, nor the Rasmussen poll, nor can I find any poll but this one for Hill-HarrisX"

I can promise you, Fuzzy, that NONE of the major news media outlets are going to be publicizing any of these polls! CNN didn't even want to believe that the one they reported on was real!

If the Democratic Party doesn't continue winning close to 10% of the black vote every election, they'll cease to be a serious political organization here in the United States! When Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, her black support was noticeably SHALLOW, but Trump only managed to reel in only about 8% of the black vote. If he manages to double or triple that in 2020, the Dem candidate (whomever it may be) is going to be landslided.

Right now, candidates like Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, & Pete Buttigieg have very little black support within that party. Joe Biden has more, but that's ONLY because he was Barack Obama's vice president! Biden's currently lead in the Democrat-polls appears increasingly shaky as his gaffes on the campaign trail increase! Today he called a retired farmer at an Iowa town hall event a "dirty liar," and even challenged the man to do push-ups against him!
Fuzzy1975 writes: "While I am not debating the numbers. I can't find either the Emerson poll, nor the Rasmussen poll, nor can I find any poll but this one for Hill-HarrisX"

I can promise you, Fuzzy, that NONE of the major news media outlets are going to be publicizing any of these polls! CNN didn't even want to believe that the one they reported on was real!

If the Democratic Party doesn't continue winning close to 10% of the black vote every election, they'll cease to be a serious political organization here in the United States! When Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, her black support was noticeably SHALLOW, but Trump only managed to reel in only about 8% of the black vote. If he manages to double or triple that in 2020, the Dem candidate (whomever it may be) is going to be landslided.

Right now, candidates like Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, & Pete Buttigieg have very little black support within that party. Joe Biden has more, but that's ONLY because he was Barack Obama's vice president! Biden's currently lead in the Democrat-polls appears increasingly shaky as his gaffes on the campaign trail increase! Today he called a retired farmer at an Iowa town hall event a "dirty liar," and even challenged the man to do push-ups against him!

Dump, I was searching online, in general I do not watch TV, I don't subscribe to it, have not since 1988. So my sources of news are found in print/radio or online, only.
Thanks to the noise of the Democrats’ divisive and destructive impeachment drive, hardly anyone is noticing just how good we have it right now. We’re in a Golden Age. Here are four pieces of great news that benefit all Americans.


Unemployment stands at a historic low – just 3.6%. To a degree not seen in previous strong economies, all boats are truly being lifted by the rising tide. Black and Hispanic unemployment are shattering records. You don’t have to listen to me or to President Trump. This is CNN:

The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month's rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.
Unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino also fell in August to 4.2%, which matched a record low set earlier this year.

Minority unemployment has been tracked by the Labor Department since the early 1970's. Both black and Hispanic or Latino unemployment numbers have traditionally been higher than white unemployment, and it remains so today. White unemployment was 3.4% in August, up from 3.3% previously. But this is the smallest gap on record between the respective unemployment rates for blacks and whites.​

This "is the smallest gap on record...”....

Affordable Energy

What’s driving the low unemployment? Two things come readily to mind: attitude and policy. President Donald Trump is not openly hostile to economic development and job creation. He cut taxes. He encourages growth and doesn’t scold creators by saying “You didn’t build that.” Trump has also encouraged U.S. energy development and that’s paying off. The United States is now the world’s top energy producer and a net petroleum exporter for the first time in about 70 years....

Violent Crime Is Down

Here’s something else good that we’re not hearing about. Violent crime rates are down. In fact, American streets have rarely been safer than right now....

We’re Defeating Terrorism

Also falling is transnational terrorism. The Islamist radical who recently attacked London was a recycled terrorist. He had been caught and imprisoned on terrorism charges, released by a foolish criminal justice system without being reformed in any way, and launched an attack on innocent civilians as soon as he could. The fact that he was a recycled terrorist and the fact that civilians were able to take him down with a big, sharp narwhal tusk demonstrates another piece of good news: We have largely won the war on terrorism. The enemy are reduced to the dregs of recruitment. President Trump has led the way in crushing ISIS and killing their leadership....​

B. Preston, Here are Four Pieces of Great News for America and President Trump, PJM (Dec. 3, 2019).


Unemployment stands at a historic low – just 3.6%. To a degree not seen in previous strong economies, all boats are truly being lifted by the rising tide. Black and Hispanic unemployment are shattering records. You don’t have to listen to me or to President Trump. This is CNN:

The unemployment rate for black women fell to a record 4.4% from 5.2% in July. The unemployment rate for black men crept up to 5.9% from 5.8%. But the previous month's rate was a record, so the rate is still near its historic low.
Unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino also fell in August to 4.2%, which matched a record low set earlier this year.

Minority unemployment has been tracked by the Labor Department since the early 1970's. Both black and Hispanic or Latino unemployment numbers have traditionally been higher than white unemployment, and it remains so today. White unemployment was 3.4% in August, up from 3.3% previously. But this is the smallest gap on record between the respective unemployment rates for blacks and whites.​

This "is the smallest gap on record...”​

B. Preston, Here are Four Pieces of Great News for America and President Trump, PJM (Dec. 3, 2019).

Those were old numbers. As established elsewhere, things are even better going into this election year:

The jobs market turned in a stellar performance in November, with nonfarm payrolls surging by 266,000 and the unemployment rate falling to 3.5%, according to Labor Department numbers released Friday....

Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, while the average workweek held steady at 34.4 hours....

A separate gauge of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and the underemployed declined as well, falling to 6.9%, one-tenth of a percentage point below October.

In addition to the robust November gains, revisions brought up totals from the two previous months. September’s estimate went up 13,000 to 193,000 and the initial October count increased by 28,000 to 156,000....

The unemployment rate of 3.5%, down from 3.6% in October, is back to the 2019 low and matches the lowest jobless rate since 1969.​

J. Cox, Jobs growth soars in November as payrolls surge by 266,000, CNBC (Dec. 6, 2019).
Joshua Green wrote this for Bloomberg Businessweek:

Don’t Look Now, But Things Are Getting Brighter for Trump

Fears about the economy have quieted, and impeachment hasn’t been the body blow that Democrats were hoping for

For a guy who’s about to be impeached, President Trump is looking like he’s in better and better shape to be re-elected.

A year ago, the Federal Reserve was about to make its fourth interest rate hike. Stock markets were plummeting. Trump had just declared himself “Tariff Man,” and the Mueller Report still seemed like it might be a mortal threat to his presidency. Fears of a recession were rising, driven by worries about Trump’s trade war and the effect it was having on jobs and economic growth.

Today, things don’t seem nearly so bad. Friday’s blockbuster jobs report showed that 266,000 jobs were added last month and unemployment fell to 3.5%, trouncing even the most bullish forecasts and sending the S&P 500 soaring near another record high - of which there have been 26 this year. The economy appears to be in a much better place than experts feared!

Trump’s superpower has been to polarize absolutely everything - it’s the key to his political survival. That’s how he got through the Mueller Report without incurring any meaningful Republican defections. Currently, there’s no reason to think he won’t be able to pull the same trick when the House and Senate vote on impeachment. So far, his poll numbers have barely budged.

Even amid a litter of polls highlighting Trump’s unpopularity relative to other recent presidents, he appears to be trending in the right direction in the places that matter most. In Wisconsin, which many political analysts expect to be the tipping point state in the 2020 presidential election, the latest poll from Marquette University Law School shows opinion moving toward Trump both on the matter of impeachment and in head-to-head matchups with the top Democratic hopefuls. In October, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders were all leading Trump in Wisconsin. By late November, he had pulled ahead of all three and was beating Pete Buttigieg, too.