President Trump will be re-elected in 2020 and this is why...

It might surprise some to know that in the RealClear average, Obama’s approval rating at this stage of his presidency is almost identical to Trumps. Obama’s approval / disapproval rating at this stage was 43.5% / 50.8%. Trumps is 44.3% / 52.8%. Swing state polling suggests he’s benefitting from the impeachment proceedings as well. The 2020 outlook is bright for Trump and the GOP’s congressional prospects.
BabyBoomer50s writes: "The 2020 outlook is bright for Trump and the GOP’s congressional prospects."

Yes, and this whole impeachment fiasco is only going to hurt Democrats even MORE than it might normally have with voters, as that party has shown that its efforts have NO CHANCE whatsoever of succeeding in the U.S. Senate, as the American people are now seeing this as the partisan witchhunt that President Trump has been calling it right from the very beginning! And no, the American people do NOT enjoy watching their tax-dollars wasted on this kind of crap.

The House Democrats haven't done a damn thing since Trump was elected except try and impeach him. Nancy Pelosi has just shot her speakership in the foot by allowing it to get this far. Again, if they had a serious case to make, the public would be more understanding, but these impeachment hearings haven't convinced anyone, and certainly not any Republicans in the U.S. Senate. It's a huge waste of time & money!

Furthermore, the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidates are a sorry lot that even the progressive-lefties here on this forum hesitate to talk about or openly support! Seriously, NOBODY here is happy seeing Joe Biden continuing to lead in most of the polls! Creepy-Sleepy Joe embarrasses them even more than Mrs. Clinton did in 2016!
#558 above
PJ Media are noted as having poor fact checking and a strong right wing bias. Any material quoted from them should be taken with a grain of salt.
#558 above
PJ Media are noted as having poor fact checking and a strong right wing bias. Any material quoted from them should be taken with a grain of salt.

Is this the only argument you now ever have, to attack the cited source, not the facts it presents? I guess you have been humiliated too many times arguing the substance of issues to dare do it anymore.



J. Knutson, Poll: Impeachment is helping Trump in 3 key battleground states, Axios (Dec 9, 2019).
Thank you President Trump for everything.

BOO ! - Judges blocking border security wall.
Is this the only argument you now ever have, to attack the cited source, not the facts it presents? I guess you have been humiliated too many times arguing the substance of issues to dare do it anymore.



J. Knutson, Poll: Impeachment is helping Trump in 3 key battleground states, Axios (Dec 9, 2019).

So this is a Poll done by Firehouse Strategies

( and inserted into an article by Jacob Knutson, who if you research his articles, tends to report Republican outcomes.

For those who don't bother following links.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "For those who don't bother following links."

Wow, Fuzzy - you're like the FIRST progressive-lefty on this entire Literotica forum who doesn't dread the prospect of Joe Biden being the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidate! Everybody else seems to feel that Creepy-Joe will be a DISASTER for their party!

The LAST TIME the Democrats picked a former vice-president as their candidate was way back in 1984, when they gave the nomination to Walter Mondale. The Democrats had high hopes that Jimmy Carter's former V.P. would defeat incumbent Republican president Ronald Reagan. On election night, Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota & the District of Columbia. It was the biggest Electoral landslide in our nation's history, with President Reagan winning an all-time record 525 electoral votes!

I'd LOVE to see "Gropin' Joe" following in Walter Mondale's footsteps! In an incredibly weak field of candidates, he's really the BEST the Democratic Party has to offer! Of course, Hillary Clinton might step in at the last minute to challenge him! I'd REALLY love seeing that happen!
CNN's Chris Cillizza recently mocked Republicans' "fealty" to Donald Trump, citing a poll in which a minority of party members said that Trump is a better president than George Washington. Cillizza's analysis IGNORED the fact that twice as many Democrats said the same thing of Barack Obama.

"Overall, 7 in 10 say that George Washington was the better president while 15% picked Trump," the Fake News CNN editor wrote Wednesday of a recent Monmouth University poll. "But among GOPers it's far closer — with 44% choosing Washington and 37% naming Trump."

That same Monmouth poll found Democrats far more likely than Republicans to say that their own party's most recent president was superior to the Father of the Nation, with more than 60 percent of Democrats calling Barack Obama superior to Washington, while only 29 percent thought that Washington was the better president.

At NO POINT in Cillizza's analysis does he mention the results among Democrats - criticizing only Republicans' views of the president.

"Stop for a minute," Cillizza intoned. "Almost 4 in 10 Republicans told a pollster that Donald Trump is a better president than George Washington. The same George Washington who led the country's armed forces to victory over the British, helped found our country and then walked away from office after two terms even though he could have kept getting elected for as long as he wanted."

And CNN wonders why their ratings are perpetually in the toilet!
Fuzzy1975 writes: "For those who don't bother following links."

Wow, Fuzzy - you're like the FIRST progressive-lefty on this entire Literotica forum who doesn't dread the prospect of Joe Biden being the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential candidate! Everybody else seems to feel that Creepy-Joe will be a DISASTER for their party!

First off I am not a lefty, I don't know why you (all) seem to think so. I am also not an american, you guys can elect whomever you want. All I am doing is posting my outside view/opinion of what I see. Oh and also fact checking, which I do to all the posts. Seems though it's the Republicans who make up the most bull.

The LAST TIME the Democrats picked a former vice-president as their candidate was way back in 1984, when they gave the nomination to Walter Mondale. The Democrats had high hopes that Jimmy Carter's former V.P. would defeat incumbent Republican president Ronald Reagan. On election night, Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota & the District of Columbia. It was the biggest Electoral landslide in our nation's history, with President Reagan winning an all-time record 525 electoral votes!

Yes i recall that election, I actually met him too ( Walter Mondale that is),I had a pretty good opinion of Reagan, he did alright for the US in many ways. Fucked up in others, just like every leader does.

I'd LOVE to see "Gropin' Joe" following in Walter Mondale's footsteps! In an incredibly weak field of candidates, he's really the BEST the Democratic Party has to offer! Of course, Hillary Clinton might step in at the last minute to challenge him! I'd REALLY love seeing that happen!

Well if she did, I am sure the boards would light up...but I think Trump will keep it moving along just fine if she doesn't.
Fuzzy1975 writes: " guys can elect whomever you want."

Thanks, Fuzzy - and that's exactly what we intend to do next year when we return President Trump for a second term!

"Fucked up in others, just like every leader does."

Yeah, President Obama's massive "fuck-ups" are what paved the way for President Trump's election in 2016, and put Republicans in control of the U.S. Senate (which will keep this president in the White House after this impeachment clown show moves to that legislative body!)

"Well if she did, I am sure the boards would light up..."

I think that most Democrats are completely HORRIFIED at that idea, but WHO could stop her if she decides to go after a second nomination? Biden? Bloomberg? Bernie? More like "none of the above!" Hillary senses that it's hers for the asking!
I suspect, absent some major disruption between now and November, this week's Tory landslide in the UK portends what will happen in next year's Presidential and Congressional elections.

The USA's Left has so conspicuously ignored this development, I found it worthy of its own thread here.
I recently read an

Trump will win in 2020 because Americans (and Canadians) like to re-elect incumbents.

Pelosi, however, might become more powerful than him: age seems to be doing her some good.

A Democrat will win in 2024—though even if Pence loses, a POTUS candidacy might help with speaker fees and book deals.

May Clinton gracefully learn from her loss. May all Democrats—and others—learn from her loss—as I kind of think they are doing.

What’s Hillary gonna do when she gets beat in a rematch like an unfaithful bitch again. The Electoral College is stacked against her ass.
Unfaithful? She stood by her man!

Btw, congrats-in-advance to you too on your 9000th :D

Are you aware three of the last seven incumbents lost a reelection bid? Ford, Carter and GHW Bush.

3 out of 11 elections. Incumbents ran 32 of 40 years. Ford had 2 years previous. Trump has had 2 years since, and will likely get 6 years more. Then a Democrat will win in 2024: probably someone we haven't heard of, nor perhaps will hear of for a few years.

Started before he was elected so why should it stop now?

I know there is a list!:D
I dislike Trump, but for me the legal stuff is almost a sideshow.

I hear Trump's thinking of retaliating.

Yeah, right—almost like to see that happen.

The worse thing so far to happen to Trump since November 2016 is what happened in November 2018.

Again, I predict he'll win in 2020—Americans (and Canadians) love their incumbents, but the Democrats will win in 2024; and if Obama was a lame duck for 4 months, Trump might be a lame duck for 4 years.

Also the celebrating is over something limited—all the details aren't out. I don't think such will end his presidency, but they will injure him politically a bit.

Not happy about it, not sad.

The more they open their mouths, the greater the probabilty Trump gets re-elected.

Mueller report: Collusion by the news media, not Donald Trump, but don't expect apologies
My ad-blocker is on.

The more they open their mouths, the greater the probability Trump gets re-elected.

Mueller report 'is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media'
He's going to be re-elected anyway—like most incumbents.

Okay, so there might not have been (provable) collusion, but there was/is some co-ordination based on understandings—cui bono and all that—wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more.



The most powerful politician on the planet: A.M.G. - "Go Hard Like Vladimir Putin" с переводом [Made by K1TV]

(Indeed, I'd say Xi's also more powerful than Trump.)

Wasn't Bill one of the "Seven Dwarfs?"

I guys there weren't enough angry Gary Hart supporters who voted for Papa Bush in November to insure a GOP in the White House.

Maybe a lot of them voted for Bill in 1996, too.

I'm pretty sure Gary voted for him in both elections.

Still, I think Trump will win in 2020, as per the apparent tradition of re-electing incumbents, though he might be among the lamest ducks to occupy the White House—Nancy got some moxy in her elder years, and like Bill, Obama, and Carter, the Democrat who wins in 2024 will likely be some dark horse that essentially nobody will have heard of until perhaps 2022 at the earliest.

(my bold)
FWIW, I predict.

a. Congress going Democrat, though not as overwhelming as they figure.
b. Trump not being impeached: this would require boldness (and perhaps an obvious mean-spiritness—such as the Dems suing Wikileaks).
c. Trump getting stalled by Congress and possibly replaced by another GOP—likely Pence.
d. Come 2024, a Democrat will be elected president: probably someone who, like Obama, Clinton, and Carter, +95% of Americans never heard of until less than two years he, or she, is elected.
e. A few years after that, GOPers will spur Trump like they have Reagan or Bush. Few will admit they voted for him.

The problem are the voters, and to an extent the Democratic Party.
What a load of crap. The premier problem is DonaldGrabEmbythePussy Trump. The voters are sheep, yes. You're full of shit on fingering the Democratic Party as part of the current problem. Wake up and smell the Republican un-American shit.

You've let yourself be brainwashed over the past two decades, and look where it's gotten us. Wake the fuck up.
You're right KeithD, the Democrats weren't at all part of the problem.

Thanks to the noise of the Democrats’ divisive and destructive impeachment drive, hardly anyone is noticing just how good we have it right now. We’re in a Golden Age. Here are four pieces of great news that benefit all Americans.​

Ditto Liberal Canada, and 2019 is a bigger number than 2018.



Affordable Energy

What’s driving the low unemployment? Two things come readily to mind: attitude and policy. President Donald Trump is not openly hostile to economic development and job creation. He cut taxes. He encourages growth and doesn’t scold creators by saying “You didn’t build that.” Trump has also encouraged U.S. energy development and that’s paying off. The United States is now the world’s top energy producer and a net petroleum exporter for the first time in about 70 years....
The states are interesting, but they seem to be part of a trend that started early in the Obama years.

Violent Crime Is Down

Here’s something else good that we’re not hearing about. Violent crime rates are down. In fact, American streets have rarely been safer than right now....
Toronto has twice the population of Dallas, yet fewer than 100 murders a year.

We’re Defeating Terrorism

Also falling is transnational terrorism. The Islamist radical who recently attacked London was a recycled terrorist. He had been caught and imprisoned on terrorism charges, released by a foolish criminal justice system without being reformed in any way, and launched an attack on innocent civilians as soon as he could. The fact that he was a recycled terrorist and the fact that civilians were able to take him down with a big, sharp narwhal tusk demonstrates another piece of good news: We have largely won the war on terrorism. The enemy are reduced to the dregs of recruitment. President Trump has led the way in crushing ISIS and killing their leadership....
Mali Says 54 Are Killed in Jihadist Attack on Army; ISIS Claims Responsibility

'cause the USA has the strongest, most vibrant economy in history.
It's the biggest; others might be stronger and more vibrant; and this has been the case for decades—long before Trump.
Frank Miele has posted an interesting commentary on the web-site, in which he says that this whole impeachment push is rapidly running out of steam for the Democrats, with the process damaging both the credibility of the House AND that party's 2020 presidential candidates!

Miele says he was surprised when a recent round of surveys showed President Trump firmly ahead of every one of his Democratic Party opponents in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. And while the voters in ultra-liberal California may still support seeing Trump impeached for coloring outside the lines, the people of the Midwest, South and Mountain West (who voted for him to be the Great Disruptor) no doubt view things very differently. After watching Congress do nothing for two years except try to unseat the people’s president on a host of trumped-up charges, it is very likely that there will be hell to pay in 2020. That means not only a Trump victory, but also a larger Republican majority in the Senate and a House of Representatives that will very likely flip from the Democrats back to the Republicans!

Back in 1980, Ronald Reagan asked Americans to vote based on whether they were better off today than they were four years ago. For the vast majority of Americans today, that answer is a resounding YES! Sure, lots of voters still dislike Trump’s bluster and bravado, but as Bill Clinton so pointedly noted in '92: "It's the economy, stupid!"

Another factor benefitting the president in 2020 is the U.S. Supreme Court! Almost everyone agrees that Trump’s promise to appoint conservatives to the Supreme Court energized his base in 2016 and helped to cement his victory. And while liberals will also try and use that issue to their advantage, it's a safe bet that taking the court back from activist liberal judges will play well for this president in the battleground states.

Another factor that makes Trump the favorite next year is that he has proven himself to be a problem solver whereas the Democrats are living up to their party symbol and acting like obstructionist donkeys.

And finally, you can’t overestimate how important it is that President Trump has connected to minority communities in ways that are extraordinary for Republicans. Rasmussen announced late last month that 34% of blacks now support the president. The same result was confirmed by Emerson polling just a few days later. If that holds true, it would be impossible for him to lose re-election. Remember, he only got 8% of the black vote in 2016.

ALL the Democrats will have to run on in 2020 is a failed impeachment effort, while the president can point to successes in the economy, trade, and foreign affairs! This is how electoral LANDSLIDES are created!
#576 above
Election 2020, Speculating on successes trump can claim on the campaign trail.

The economy: national debt is soaring out of control imposing a massive burden on future generations. GDP tanked at 1.9% in the last quarter, which trump himself has said is a disaster for the economy.
Trade: the trade deficit is unchanged from when he took office. Again, In his own words this is totally ruinous for the economy
Foreign affairs: he's managed to piss off every other major player in the world, the USA under him has become the cause of sniggers and outright laughter. He's made the country a bigger joke than it was under Obama. He promised they'd stop laughing under him.

No. Can't use those. He'll have to lie, again!
magicalmoments writes: "The economy: national debt is soaring out of control imposing a massive burden on future generations."

Not ONE Democratic Party 2020 presidential candidate EVER brings-up our soaring national debt - NOT A ONE! And WHY do you suppose that is, magicalmoments? Could it be because they're all boasting about how much additional spending & debt they plan on inflicting upon this country with their massive plans involving "free health care for everybody" and "free college tuition" for American students?

No - I'm afraid that mentioning soaring national debt is NOT something that any Democrats want to call attention to at this time!

"GDP tanked at 1.9% in the last quarter, which trump himself has said is a disaster for the economy."

Yeah... funny how all of those Democratic Party presidential candidates don't seem to want to bring that up, either! It's almost as if nobody in that party understands anything involving basic economics!

"Trade: the trade deficit is unchanged from when he took office. Again, In his own words this is totally ruinous for the economy"

President Trump has actually addressed and attempted to fix our nation's unfair trade deals with other nations. No Democratic Party candidates (including Presidents Clinton & Obama) ever attempted to do anything about that. Again, that party simply doesn't understand dealing with economic matters!

"Foreign affairs: he's managed to piss off every other major player in the world, the USA under him has become the cause of sniggers and outright laughter. He's made the country a bigger joke than it was under Obama. He promised they'd stop laughing under him."

Yes, IRAN had it good under President Obama - I won't deny that! Under President Trump, we're squeezing Iran's balls, and their Russian allies can't stop it! There's rioting in the streets of Tehran! Those nations & leaders who have always disliked the United States HATE our President Trump. Anti-Americans worldwide LOVED Barack Obama - there's no denying it! And the entire world now watches as the Democratic Party IMPEACHES this president, only TO NO EFFECT - Trump's not going anywhere, and he only keeps getting STRONGER as we approach the 2020 presidential elections!
Yes, IRAN had it good under President Obama - I won't deny that! Under President Trump, we're squeezing Iran's balls, and their Russian allies can't stop it! There's rioting in the streets of Tehran! Those nations & leaders who have always disliked the United States HATE our President Trump. Anti-Americans worldwide LOVED Barack Obama - there's no denying it! And the entire world now watches as the Democratic Party IMPEACHES this president, only TO NO EFFECT - Trump's not going anywhere, and he only keeps getting STRONGER as we approach the 2020 presidential elections!

Iran has been a hot bed of riots since, well a long time, these are just the latest.
Dumpington;91691219 [ President Trump has actually addressed and attempted to fix our nation's unfair trade deals with other nations. No Democratic Party candidates ([I said:
including Presidents Clinton & Obama[/I]) ever attempted to do anything about that. Again, that party simply doesn't understand dealing with economic matters!

So lets see the list? So far all I know of is the upgrade to NAFTA, which was much needed by all three countries. Trump did not get rid of the bilateral trade dispute mechanism between Canada and the US which Trump said the deal was a no go unless it was removed. If it was not he would "withdraw" from Nafta. That is a loss. Though to be fair, Canada did not get soft wood lumber into the deal which was a loss for Canada. But we did say, we would not sign a deal that did not keep the dispute panel. Trump flat out caved in on that demand.

He pulled out of the Trans pacific deal, which was between 11 nations, and has now made a deal with Japan only, which follows the Trans Pacific deal almost to the letter, but has not done anything with the other 9. So is the US ahead on this, or behind?

He has something to announce about China on a predeal agreement in principal, but if he did not get something done, the US was about to launch another round of Tariff's which is like cutting off your own nose, to spite your face ( set to go into effect Dec 16th). Sorry Mr Trump trade deals are not easy to do, and trade wars have no winners.
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Iran has been a hot bed of riots since, well a long time, these are just the latest."

President Carter abandoned the pro-western Shah of Iran shortly after taking office, resulting in the America-hating mullahs taking power in that nation. Soon after, the Islamic radicals there seized our embassy in Tehran (note: seizing another nation's embassy is an act of war), and President Carter did nothing. His weak inaction resulted in his being landslided out of office in November of 1980.

On the VERY DAY that Ronald Reagan took office, the Iranian leaders released the 52 U.S. embassy personnel they'd been holding for over 400-days. They clearly FEARED President Reagan every bit as much as they'd held our President Carter in complete CONTEMPT!

Barack Obama understood that Iran has destroyed the Carter presidency, and so he released BILLIONS of dollars of assests back to the Iranians in the dead of night, hoping that nobody was paying any attention. The Iranians IGNORED the gesture, and continued hating the United States! They now had a powerful ally in the Russians, and our President Obama ended the sanctions imposed on that nation in the hopes that Iran would LIKE him. It didn't work!

President Trump re-imposed the economic sanctions on Iran, and they're BITING! Iran's powerful ally Russia can do NOTHING to help, as the Russian economy is tiny compared with that of the United States! Whereas Obama ignored any unrest on the streets of Tehran, President Trump is encourging & supporting anti-government/pro-democracy protesters in that nation, just as he's also been doing in regards to Venezuela & Hong Kong!
Fuzzy1975 writes: "Iran has been a hot bed of riots since, well a long time, these are just the latest."

President Carter abandoned the pro-western Shah of Iran shortly after taking office, resulting in the America-hating mullahs taking power in that nation. Soon after, the Islamic radicals there seized our embassy in Tehran (note: seizing another nation's embassy is an act of war), and President Carter did nothing. His weak inaction resulted in his being landslided out of office in November of 1980.

Carter did not abandon anyone, in fact his promotion of the Shaw might have aggravated the situation. Read the link.

On the VERY DAY that Ronald Reagan took office, the Iranian leaders released the 52 U.S. embassy personnel they'd been holding for over 400-days. They clearly FEARED President Reagan every bit as much as they'd held our President Carter in complete CONTEMPT!

There was a whole lot more to the issue than just the above.

Dumpington;91691362Barack Obama understood that Iran has destroyed the Carter presidency said:
BILLIONS[/I] of dollars of assests back to the Iranians in the dead of night, hoping that nobody was paying any attention.

Ok this one is so funny, that people actually believe Obama gave US Government money to Iran.

Part of the JCPA deal was to RELEASE seized Iranian bank accounts in the United States, and free those assets. Allowing the Iranians to withdraw the money.

Following the issuance of a IAEA report verifying implementation by Iran of the nuclear-related measures, the UN sanctions against Iran and some EU sanctions will terminate and some will be suspended. Once sanctions are lifted, Iran will recover approximately $100 billion

It was The Iranians own money, illgotten perhaps, but theirs!!

The link to JCPA for those who wish to educate themselves.
Ok this one is so funny, that people actually believe Obama gave US Government money to Iran.

Part of the JCPA deal was to RELEASE seized Iranian bank accounts in the United States, and free those assets. Allowing the Iranians to withdraw the money.

Following the issuance of a IAEA report verifying implementation by Iran of the nuclear-related measures, the UN sanctions against Iran and some EU sanctions will terminate and some will be suspended. Once sanctions are lifted, Iran will recover approximately $100 billion

It was The Iranians own money, illgotten perhaps, but theirs!!

The link to JCPA for those who wish to educate themselves.

Long story short....Obama gave them a bunch of OUR money.