pretty planes

That was the Hawaii plane?
The Starfighter was always a good looking bird IMHO. Especially so in high-vis livery and the wing tip tanks. But it needed a lower wing loading to be more agile.
It was one of Kelly Johnson's and the Skunk Works planes. It was intended to be an interceptor back in the 50's. It holds the low altitude speed record to this day.
"The world low-altitude speed record was set by Darryl Greenamyer in a rebuilt F-104 on 24 October 1977 at 988.26 mph (869.67 kts; 1,590.45 km/hr) "1725525387849.png
Percival Mew Gull (Replica) G-HEKL
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Percival Mew Gull Original G-AEXF
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The beautiful, Dassault Rafale
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"Because we were inverted"
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It was one of Kelly Johnson's and the Skunk Works planes. It was intended to be an interceptor back in the 50's. It holds the low altitude speed record to this day.
"The world low-altitude speed record was set by Darryl Greenamyer in a rebuilt F-104 on 24 October 1977 at 988.26 mph (869.67 kts; 1,590.45 km/hr) "View attachment 2387296
Canadian Air Force had quite a few, meant to blow up Russian nukes before they landed I believe?
Ah, yes, the "widow maker" due to its low-speed handling characteristics.
The 104 certainly had it's flaws. They did get rid of the downward ejection seat! I heard a story at Eglin that they landed one and the flaps were not working and it landed at 200 knots. I read that German pilots were not trained properly, that was probably from Lockheed!
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