
Re: Re: Richard49....

Richard49 said:

Yes I have been and am having "difficulties"

life sucks

Reality sandwichs?
isn't there enough reality without having to eat it

The sandwich is just a way to re-distribute reality as much as possible.

Some folks haven't gotten their daily recommended allowance yet, and others have too damn much of it to stay sane and happy, so we try to balace it as much as we can. Kind of "Robin Hood" it, iff you will. Take from those who have too much, give to those who have not enough.

As to the palatability of these sandwiches, Levity makes a great thinning agent/accent for reality, like a splash of wine in tomato sauce. I try to include some in all my reality sandwiches.

Notice, I asked if you wanted to help us serve them out; i rather suspect you've gotten a bit more reality than you need for quite a while
Re: Re: Re: Richard49....

SpectreT said:

The sandwich is just a way to re-distribute reality as much as possible.

Some folks haven't gotten their daily recommended allowance yet, and others have too damn much of it to stay sane and happy, so we try to balace it as much as we can. Kind of "Robin Hood" it, iff you will. Take from those who have too much, give to those who have not enough.

As to the palatability of these sandwiches, Levity makes a great thinning agent/accent for reality, like a splash of wine in tomato sauce. I try to include some in all my reality sandwiches.

Notice, I asked if you wanted to help us serve them out; i rather suspect you've gotten a bit more reality than you need for quite a while

now I got it :D so often happens, Shadowsdream has come up with a great topic for discussion......any recent additions?

Catalina :rose:
I think for me the mind goes in several directions when thinking of this topic, so I will try and narrow it to the most prevalent one for now. With or without a Dominant I have developed a healthy sense of self in that I now know my capabilities, and acknowledge I have more than once survived, for want of a better word, where many have admitted themselves they would have thrown in the towel. It is not a sense of pride in an arrogant or showy fashion, more a quiet sense of knowing, of acknowledging I am fortunate to have been blessed with the strength to go forward when many would not, and knowing that strength has brought me to where I am today, who I am.

As half of a 24/7 TPE relationship, that pride is in his every word, his actions, and his support in my less than magnificent moments. He does not worship me, nor place me on a pedestal, but acknowledges those things which made me the only one he has ever considered both marrying, and making his slave. The feeling is mutual for us in that.

The security our relationship offers is something I have never felt before. As he says, no matter what he may put me through, what I do, he will always have pride in owning me....that can never change. I in turn can have pride in knowing I have earned such a place in his life that he can make that admission, and pride in him that he is so unique and capable of dealing in the deep realities, not the superficial trivialities of life. It gives him enormous power as I know I can believe him when he tells me he is the only one who needs to be proud of me, the only one who can make it matter. His pride and love are like a protective shell around our life.

Catalina :rose:
My writing is so much less elequent, but here are my thoughts:

I have so much pride for my Master. I am so proud of his accomplishments, and I applaud him for continuing to reach all the goals he has set for himself. I see his conviction and can't help feeling proud. As for his pride in me, I know that he is proud of my accomplishments. He knows that I've had to overcome so many things in my life, and he is amazed by my strength. He once said that I am a fighter, and he liked that as long as I didn't fight with him, lol. I know that whether or not we remain friends after we end the relationship, I will always be proud of him, and I hope that he will always be proud of me.