Privacy reminder - think about what you're willing to disclose

Great stuff in this thread and put across well with some humour. I’m OK with geek stuff but having read this I’m expecting most of you to turn up at my door😱. Please give me notice so I can get in beers, wine etc😂
thanks for all the input.
I agree with @onehitwanda re protonmail, they have a good rep for keeping stuff private and it’s free But you can pay for more service etc. I started with the usual “free” gmail accounts many, many years ago and I’m still tryingto get away from it. I just decided to keep it for the registration sites and nothing important. Other stuff is well away from Google.
If you use Apple they have “hide my email” which seems useful. Also I keep one email for my online financials that I never use anywhere else. just my two pennysworth.
I agree with @onehitwanda re protonmail, they have a good rep for keeping stuff private and it’s free But you can pay for more service etc. I started with the usual “free” gmail accounts many, many years ago and I’m still tryingto get away from it. I just decided to keep it for the registration sites and nothing important. Other stuff is well away from Google.
If you use Apple they have “hide my email” which seems useful. Also I keep one email for my online financials that I never use anywhere else. just my two pennysworth.
Protonmail is interesting. I don't pay for it so it won't work in apps. Telegram is an encrypted text app for phones. With that I found it has not only an apple app but windows. Texting from your laptop or computer is not only for iMessage anymore. But it does reveal your number if the recipient looks for it. As for mail when I was a network admin in the olden days 1999ish, I ended up with multiple email accounts. My discovery was, if you did not give an email to someone that will send you a joke it stays relatively clean. I started a new email for many logins after that. Dedicated specific email to phones... So many email accounts quickly became very difficult. First, find an encryption app that saves the file locally and encrypt the folder you save it in. But do track your passwords. I tend to change most of them once a year like a ritual at tax time. For the email, emusoft has a fairly cheap app you only need to pay for when there is a major upgrade. I paid once after the initial purchase ~16 years ago. Poppeeper puts all the email in in one box. Simple to hit and delete what you don't need. Has a good level of protection. Meaning its spam choices are pretty good and use a blacklist whitelist feature as well. Accounts are the color you choose so they stand out when sorted by date newest at top. And all mail is text only if you open it. You have to double click to view html, drop down and accept a button to download an attachment... Mailboxes can be sorted. Folders work in the individual boxes. Initially it does take a little set up. Like you have to go in options and tell it if you delete something to delete it on the webmail account, yahoo gmail... Anyway has been useful to separate id's and user names. Also makes it so email from what ever resource is in a single account. Look in that particulr account and it can sort all those messages in one place. My archive goes back to 2008 on some accts. I back it up. As a test I have loaded my back up. The search function in the app works great too. Or you can grep the archive.
Complexity does arise at times. Like if the email account needs to be logged into the browser. If there are multiple login's needed you need to use multiple browsers. FFox edge goggles version of chrome...
So far I have been able to always find a way to not log in with email to Windows OS v10 and 11 are boring they ask for an amail so difficult to avoid, Office apps or the edge browser. I refuse to be tracked by Microsoft. At work of course you have to, but home I try to do nothing cloud related where your data becomes their data or I feel I am completely trusting them to secure the account, my PII. Think if LifeLock got hacked and you had provided them bdate SS phone email and all your financial account information including logins. It is all in one place to be exploited. Why would anyone do that?
I've thought about doing this thread. I'm constantly amazed and appalled at the lack of brains people post all over this site. Not only the stuff mentioned, but pictures of their car, or what they wear. They talk about businesses or tourist sites near their homes along with places they shop or eat. They talk about their job and leave all sorts of information about where they work.

Hell, other than the obvious inferences based words and phrases I use, no here even knows what continent I'm on.
Not so fast, Mr. Confidence Man, I just narrowed your location down to five of six continents ... Keep writing, and I'll have your plot of grass in about ... what's the usual time limit used on the television shows before they hang up?:nana::devilish:
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Something else to watch - metadata in any file you send for review /editing. If it was created by MS-Word, there's a good chance you or your company's name is there.
In MSWord, under Tools, Protect Document, a check box says 'Remove personal information upon save.'

I don't know if this is helpful info. I check that box when sending a story to edit or post. [Not sure what metadata is. Have to look that one up.]
[Not sure what metadata is. Have to look that one up.]

You probably already did. It's data about data. In the case of MSWord, we're referring to the personal data that's in a hidden header in the .doc/.docx file.
Protonmail is interesting. I don't pay for it so it won't work in apps. Telegram is an encrypted text app for phones. With that I found it has not only an apple app but windows. Texting from your laptop or computer is not only for iMessage anymore. But it does reveal your number if the recipient looks for it. As for mail when I was a network admin in the olden days 1999ish, I ended up with multiple email accounts. My discovery was, if you did not give an email to someone that will send you a joke it stays relatively clean. I started a new email for many logins after that. Dedicated specific email to phones... So many email accounts quickly became very difficult. First, find an encryption app that saves the file locally and encrypt the folder you save it in. But do track your passwords. I tend to change most of them once a year like a ritual at tax time. For the email, emusoft has a fairly cheap app you only need to pay for when there is a major upgrade. I paid once after the initial purchase ~16 years ago. Poppeeper puts all the email in in one box. Simple to hit and delete what you don't need. Has a good level of protection. Meaning its spam choices are pretty good and use a blacklist whitelist feature as well. Accounts are the color you choose so they stand out when sorted by date newest at top. And all mail is text only if you open it. You have to double click to view html, drop down and accept a button to download an attachment... Mailboxes can be sorted. Folders work in the individual boxes. Initially it does take a little set up. Like you have to go in options and tell it if you delete something to delete it on the webmail account, yahoo gmail... Anyway has been useful to separate id's and user names. Also makes it so email from what ever resource is in a single account. Look in that particulr account and it can sort all those messages in one place. My archive goes back to 2008 on some accts. I back it up. As a test I have loaded my back up. The search function in the app works great too. Or you can grep the archive.
Complexity does arise at times. Like if the email account needs to be logged into the browser. If there are multiple login's needed you need to use multiple browsers. FFox edge goggles version of chrome...
So far I have been able to always find a way to not log in with email to Windows OS v10 and 11 are boring they ask for an amail so difficult to avoid, Office apps or the edge browser. I refuse to be tracked by Microsoft. At work of course you have to, but home I try to do nothing cloud related where your data becomes their data or I feel I am completely trusting them to secure the account, my PII. Think if LifeLock got hacked and you had provided them bdate SS phone email and all your financial account information including logins. It is all in one place to be exploited. Why would anyone do that?
My free proton mail account does work in their app on an iPhone and IPad. If you want it to work with Apple Mail in MacOS you need to use Bridge and for that you need to pay. I agree there's a lot of work to do to keep private. Paying though probably means they won't need to sell your info to make an income.
But are we just talking in general on here about keeping location and RL names etc off Lit? Its a whole can of worms as you say, if you want to be private on the net. I just do what I can to try and not be scammed and keep my personal stuff personal - you don't really have much choice about being online now - especially at work:(
I can't remember who said it. It was around 2008 I think the facebook guy.
If you don't want people to know, don't put it on the net.
My free proton mail account does work in their app on an iPhone and IPad. If you want it to work with Apple Mail in MacOS you need to use Bridge and for that you need to pay. I agree there's a lot of work to do to keep private. Paying though probably means they won't need to sell your info to make an income.
But are we just talking in general on here about keeping location and RL names etc off Lit? Its a whole can of worms as you say, if you want to be private on the net. I just do what I can to try and not be scammed and keep my personal stuff personal - you don't really have much choice about being online now - especially at work:(
Never thought of an app for Proton. I mostly use it for the free calendar. I can create a meeting and send it to myself to add it to the calendar on the iphone/ipad. One day I will buck up and buy a crazy expensive powerful MBPro.
I'd like to run fusion on it and move the primary virtual machines to it. One is this one where I do all this pervy risky stuff so if I make a mistake and get some kind of dos-ware I can go back. The other is exclusive to my personal stuff. One click and the connection to the net or network can be on/off. Better than a firewall if something simply does not exist...
The 19" flavor has an amazing screen and would make me mobile. Now I remote the systems via laptop from my couch. I haven't taken the time to set up my VPN. Don't need it, the risk, or the slowness it would have. Nerd stuff. I don't play games but enjoy building the machines.
Great stuff in this thread and put across well with some humour. I’m OK with geek stuff but having read this I’m expecting most of you to turn up at my door😱. Please give me notice so I can get in beers, wine etc😂
thanks for all the input.
Oh, well, if there's going to be beer and wine . . .
I can't remember who said it. It was around 2008 I think the facebook guy.
If you don't want people to know, don't put it on the net.
We say that here on Literotica occasionally. Few seem to absorb it.

I'm taking that not having/using a smart phone is taking some of the worry about this from me.
You probably already did. It's data about data. In the case of MSWord, we're referring to the personal data that's in a hidden header in the .doc/.docx file.
My computer skills are Macintosh-based, so it's a 'no-brainer' level of experience to use.

Thanks for this bit of info, but I have no idea what hidden headers in .doc/.docx file means or how one looks for that 'stuff.'

I have limited knowledge about computers. I can type, save, print [sometimes], and recently learned to attach something to an email. What lies beneath the magic that makes those things happen remains blissfully or perhaps woefully out of mind, sight, and imagination.

My iPhone can take pictures. I've tried to get them into my computer, but that's not been successful. I've connected a wire, and something says it's linked, but I have no idea where in the iCloud they went since I don't recall a password. Some tentacled alien may have them, or a sentient cloud is perusing the metadata in another galaxy.

A course for old guys over 80+ might help. It would take several sessions in my case to stick in memory [my memory] to congeal.
My computer skills are Macintosh-based, so it's a 'no-brainer' level of experience to use.

Thanks for this bit of info, but I have no idea what hidden headers in .doc/.docx file means or how one looks for that 'stuff.'

I have limited knowledge about computers. I can type, save, print [sometimes], and recently learned to attach something to an email. What lies beneath the magic that makes those things happen remains blissfully or perhaps woefully out of mind, sight, and imagination.

My iPhone can take pictures. I've tried to get them into my computer, but that's not been successful. I've connected a wire, and something says it's linked, but I have no idea where in the iCloud they went since I don't recall a password. Some tentacled alien may have them, or a sentient cloud is perusing the metadata in another galaxy.

A course for old guys over 80+ might help. It would take several sessions in my case to stick in memory [my memory] to congeal.
Mac is very unforgiving for those who don't want to know.
That "no-brainer" "Mac is intuitive", pretty much means the masses are blindly forging on.
It also is why people like me buy their stock. Many to most who have no idea where in the iCloud they went don't help themselves either. Just buy more space when told to do so... I hope you don't do things that should be secured with your phone.
To limit icloud you do have to read what is on the screen and make choices. For simplicity I keep contacts up there, notes and iMessage, which is cleaned if I do get anywhere near the end of "free" space. For music iTunes is on the desktop and Apple Match is cloud access where the actual 140+GB of music is hosted and backed up locally. The apple devices MAC, iThosethings are each backed up locally with a cool tool called iMazing. You do have to purchase occasionally and backups are per license specific to the device. However it does provide a simplistic method to manage data locally without sending it to and from the 'cloud' and not having it up there. Nice interface too. It opens in a window with the backup defaults and independent settings. The backup is oepned and manipulated in an interface that is pretty much like being on the phone but more sortable and less locked into the appleDOM. Simple to get stuff out of the backup/device and on to a desktop or mac too. It does upgrades too. Pretty much like having the icloud on your own machine.
In your case you may not know your password but your device is still connected to iCloud. Gonna be a bummer when apple decides you should verify you are you or you need to type password to update or install an app. The way they have it set up it is very easy for you to separate yourself from your data "you don't know" you have in the cloud. Then reset your phone and create a new account.
Those things always seem to happen at the most inopportune time. I know first hand as I try to keep the 91 year old mom connected.
In MSWord, under Tools, Protect Document, a check box says 'Remove personal information upon save.'

I don't know if this is helpful info. I check that box when sending a story to edit or post. [Not sure what metadata is. Have to look that one up.]
THANK YOU!!! I just spent a significant amount of time trying to understand how to manage personal info in Word, with several posts ot their (very good) user group. This is great!!!
Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?
Has anyone ever reliably heard of that happening?

I'm reminded of a meeting I went to when my kids were little about how to protect children from kidnapping. I asked the policeman who was giving the talk how many kids had been abducted in his town by non-relatives in the last ten years. None.

I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't be careful. But I do think we could get a little paranoid too.
Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?
Has anyone ever reliably heard of that happening?

I'm reminded of a meeting I went to when my kids were little about how to protect children from kidnapping. I asked the policeman who was giving the talk how many kids had been abducted in his town by non-relatives in the last ten years. None.

I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't be careful. But I do think we could get a little paranoid too.
That's basically how I feel, for my own purposes at least. I don't anticipate being stalked by a crazed reader or AH poster. The risk may well be greater for other people, and I don't begrudge anyone their precautions. But most of my efforts to "hide" what I'm doing - i.e. private browser window, dedicated email address - is so someone doesn't stumble on my computer and find all my dirty little stories.
That's basically how I feel, for my own purposes at least. I don't anticipate being stalked by a crazed reader or AH poster. The risk may well be greater for other people, and I don't begrudge anyone their precautions. But most of my efforts to "hide" what I'm doing - i.e. private browser window, dedicated email address - is so someone doesn't stumble on my computer and find all my dirty little stories.
Exactly. Me too.
Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?
Has anyone ever reliably heard of that happening?

I'm reminded of a meeting I went to when my kids were little about how to protect children from kidnapping. I asked the policeman who was giving the talk how many kids had been abducted in his town by non-relatives in the last ten years. None.

I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't be careful. But I do think we could get a little paranoid too.
I traded email with someone I met here. And later rendezvous at the exit off the highway I was traveling. We talked a while. She showed me 'home', cooked me dinner and I ended up spending the night.

Not all people are bad. You just have to pay attention. Those that are 'a lot' paranoid may never know.
That's basically how I feel, for my own purposes at least. I don't anticipate being stalked by a crazed reader or AH poster. The risk may well be greater for other people, and I don't begrudge anyone their precautions. But most of my efforts to "hide" what I'm doing - i.e. private browser window, dedicated email address - is so someone doesn't stumble on my computer and find all my dirty little stories.
Lets just say we don't leave a popcorn trail.
However, I have thought a little about.... What happens if I died. Not much you can do. Since the main level is a virtual machine all they need to do is hack into the right one. If they can find their way in my password cache they can impersonate me. Or in the email aggregator that is open no password. But they would need to know where to find the icon. It does not auto start.
Other systems will be simpler for them to access. Or remove the disk and own them somewhere else. I have all the family photos and movies as archivist. No one else ever took the time.
And my browser cache.... If I am dead I won't be able to hear what they say about my perceived perversions....
Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?
Has anyone ever reliably heard of that happening?
I think @KeithD mentioned being doxed. Might have that wrong.
I'm reminded of a meeting I went to when my kids were little about how to protect children from kidnapping. I asked the policeman who was giving the talk how many kids had been abducted in his town by non-relatives in the last ten years. None.

I'm not suggesting that people shouldn't be careful. But I do think we could get a little paranoid too.
It’s a scale. A lot of people here seem to be retired. If you have an employer, there was a recent case (can’t recall the details) of a relatively senior person being fired as they made amateur porn in their spare time.

Companies are scared about reputational damage. Also I’d prefer not to have to explain to mom and dad about my hobby.

So it makes sense to be careful. I’ve probably put out too much information about me here in the past. However, while I am blonde (PII), I’m not terminally stupid and some of the information is disinformation, or tweaks on reality [cue some snide comment as it’s me]. I do obfuscate some stuff.

There is also a difference between what you put in public and what you might talk to established friends (who you know are who they say they are) about in private.

When I’m a retired old lady, the number of fucks I’ll give will be much less I’m thinking.

Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?

Yes. I've identified one poster (first and last name and I think some business details plus state) based on something they posted in this forum. I looked at it, thought "that seems a bit revealing, am I being paranoid?", checked the info and confirmed that yes, it was very easy to identify them from what they'd shared. (Much, much simpler than the fictional scenario I gave above.) No hostile intent and I've never shared the info I found.

As discussed in my second example here, another poster had provided enough information that it would've been straightforward enough to get his full name and address had enough information about another poster that I could have IDed him with a little bit of effort, though in that case I didn't go through with it.

I recall @KeithD has mentioned that another poster figured out who he was IRL based on things he'd posted. I'm not sure whether that was solely from forum posts or if it also included material from his stories.
Has anyone here actually identified someone IRL from info they found here?
Has anyone ever reliably heard of that happening?
The RL person BT mentioned at #72 did share a lot. He sufficiently described a girlfriend in the ecosystem of the Naval Dockyard he worked at - as did my Grandfather - for me to identify her. I met her incidentally in the course of her business. I exercised and socialised with her younger brother.

On another occasion, he described the view from his front window with sufficient particularity to enable his home to be located within 100/200 yards on Google Maps.
I do obfuscate some stuff.
I recall @KeithD has mentioned that another poster figured out who he was IRL based on things he'd posted. I'm not sure whether that was solely from forum posts or if it also included material from his stories.
From material in my stories. I think where I'd gone too far was giving a real given name (even though a fake surname) to an embassy deputy ambassador at a time when both she and I were serving in that country and certain events covered by the story happened. From there the events and chronology of other stories I think helped someone who also had a diplomatic/Intel background surface my name and able to see that I was, as I've claimed, a mainstream author.

I have delighted too much, I think, in slipping real personal events/experiences in stories because I get a kick out of readers (and some posters to the discussion board--including you, I think) picking those--what are real--out as implausible either in my stories or in my background.