Privacy reminder - think about what you're willing to disclose

I asked a passing Iguanodon. He gave me two thumbs up in answer.

I will never, ever get tired of this joke.
That's basically how I feel, for my own purposes at least. I don't anticipate being stalked by a crazed reader or AH poster. The risk may well be greater for other people, and I don't begrudge anyone their precautions. But most of my efforts to "hide" what I'm doing - i.e. private browser window, dedicated email address - is so someone doesn't stumble on my computer and find all my dirty little stories.
I believe this risk for 'other people' is far greater for female writers. I am astounded by how viscous some stalkers are when they go after their prey. I concur with Bramblethorn's initial post.
I've been physically stalked from discussion boards twice--once to the extent of "I'm vacationing near you and want to meet," and although I demured, she showed up on my doorstep and I had to call the police. But that was on a writing site where I was going true name as I was running a publishing consultancy service. The other time was from a true-name participation on the same writing site. That one lasted longer, but it didn't result in an actual visitation and a police intervention.

(The poster who outed me privately here--and may still be around; moved to the poetry board--also wanted to meet face to face with planned travel for a conference to where I lived, but didn't press the matter.)
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Yikes! Just reviewed my Lit profile. There were more items in there than I should have entered. Removed several items. Even if you are legit, you really don't need to know that stuff...

And A.I. is not far behind...
I see this thread has now been infested too , so ...


Too bad cuz it cudda' bin good.
I was reviewing this thread for long off topic back-and-forths. I found some at the end, but nothing before you posted this. Were you talking about off-topic replies? What ones were you thinking of?
I've been thinking about this a fair amount, and I think the point about being careful what you reveal in stories is also a good one. I know that there is information in a few of my stories, that if the data points were combined, could easily narrow my identity to one of a dozen or so people.

I do think that how much internet/social media presence you have changes this calculus somewhat. I comment and post here, and under a different alias, linked to a different email at one major newspaper, and I have a pinterest account I haven't looked at in years. But other than that, I have no social internet presence, so there are fewer clues to link together.

So, I'm basically middle of the road with this. I'm cautious about what I'll answer, but not so worried that I'd try to completely obscure my identity. But! I kind of do like the idea of judicious misinformation, just to muddy the waters some. And I'm definitely going to be more careful about what I mention when I write.
So, I'm basically middle of the road with this. I'm cautious about what I'll answer, but not so worried that I'd try to completely obscure my identity. But! I kind of do like the idea of judicious misinformation, just to muddy the waters some. And I'm definitely going to be more careful about what I mention when I write.
For me, in my stories, it's a matter of vaguing it up, making up street names, locations, writing descriptions of cities that might sound real, but have impossible geographies. Also writing stories that can't easily be pinpointed in time or are set sufficiently far back in time as to render any true information meaningless. And writing my totally fictional characters well enough that people can't tell the difference between fact and fiction. That's a pretty good discombobulator.