
I unfortunately don't have time this week to do the kind of research I'd need to do to find more articles, or even to get the paper I wrote on the subject off of my old and decomissioned PC. I hate to ask folks to just trust that a lot of corroborating evidence is out there, but it really is. Once I get back from a two weeks' stay in Toronto, I will probably have the time to garner more info, if people are truly interested.

However, I will most likely do what I have already done: Post titles of works or URLs of things that seem to be historically accurate and without too much bias. As an historian, I would prefer that people draw their own conclusions based on what they read. If I report my findings to you, you get only what I think you should know (though I know I'd try to be as unbiased and factual as possible). It's always best to go to the source yourself, rather than relying on someone to tell you things.
dr_mabeuse said:
No. Depite your protests, the lynch mob is here. That is an unbelievably callous statement.

Just what discoveries did "scientists" make during the various genocides that have been conducted around the world? I'd like to see these.


DrM: The discoveries made by the Nazis and the Japanese during their experimentation of camp victims and POWs paved the way for the landing on the moon. Experiments on decompression and hypothermia led to a lot of the theories that won the space race and the research doubtless cut the time required too prove such things by doing away with normal ethics.

NB. I don't condone this at all; my grandfather was in a Japanese POW camp. You just asked for the discoveries made from genocide.

The Earl