Proposal to "The Poets"

Reading this, I know what I'd offer probably wouldn't be up to standards. Seriously, I can only tell you what works for me and how I approach poetry, forms, etc. I'd like someone else to start the terzanelle thread, and I'll just add in all my tips. I've already taken notes and filled up one word doc page. :D Oh, god, a little while ago I even wrote a terzanelle about terzanelles! I'm happy to be a teacher's assistant, though.
I don't think we should apply standards to any one of our guest lecturers ;). The joy of giving each other insight into the formula of each structured poem is that we don't really need to teach the form... just link to where someone else has already spent years writing an essay blog about it. Thank heaven for the interweb.

I think a lecture given by the Queen of Terzanellia (Her Royalness, WickedEve) would be vastly entertaining, insightful as hell, and hugely informative. :D
Reading this, I know what I'd offer probably wouldn't be up to standards. Seriously, I can only tell you what works for me and how I approach poetry, forms, etc. I'd like someone else to start the terzanelle thread, and I'll just add in all my tips. I've already taken notes and filled up one word doc page. :D Oh, god, a little while ago I even wrote a terzanelle about terzanelles! I'm happy to be a teacher's assistant, though.

I don't think we should apply standards to any one of our guest lecturers ;). The joy of giving each other insight into the formula of each structured poem is that we don't really need to teach the form... just link to where someone else has already spent years writing an essay blog about it. Thank heaven for the interweb.

I think a lecture given by the Queen of Terzanellia (Her Royalness, WickedEve) would be vastly entertaining, insightful as hell, and hugely informative. :D

As you both know I'm pretty comfortable teaching because I am a teacher. And you poets couldn't possibly be more difficult to deal with than seventh or tenth graders. Well, most of you. :D

But I don't feel like an "expert" on any kind of poetry. I know what works for me. I don't know that it necessarily works for others. Actually the one thing I do feel expert about is editing. I think I could teach a decent class on editing one's writing.

Anyway, I think Champ has it right. We say what we know, we link to resources we think are good and others join in to share advice on what works for them.

So how many poets does it take to teach a form poem, anyway? ;)
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Dibs on any leftover Strawberry Blintzes! :)

There just has to be a punch line to a statement like that!

For about the first 15 years of my life I had cheese blintzes and bananas with sour cream for dinner every Friday night. Not a Sabbath dinner (we didn't do Sabbath), but a "dairy" dinner. Jewish culture without the religious trappings--not a bad way to go, actually. And my mother made the best blintzes.

And when I wrote that how many poets question, I was trying to figure out a light bulb joke answer, but I guess I was too tired. :)
[...] So how many poets does it take to teach a form poem [...]

[...] And when I wrote that how many poets question, I was trying to figure out a light bulb joke answer, but I guess I was too tired. :)

So how many poets does it take to teach a form poem
Ange asked people even though she didn’t know ‘em
When there was no reply
Ange just had to ask why
And the only answer came from a poor spelling lesbiem

(OMG - I am so ashamed - again. I am sorry sorry Ange. There is just no acceptable excuse for posting limericks like this.
So how many poets does it take to teach a form poem
Ange asked people even though she didn’t know ‘em
When there was no reply
Ange just had to ask why
And the only answer came from a poor spelling lesbiem

(OMG - I am so ashamed - again. I am sorry sorry Ange. There is just no acceptable excuse for posting limericks like this.

No sweat, babes. Remember, I'm the one who wrote the disco zombie sonnet and the Pillsbury Doughboy poem? :eek:
No sweat, babes. Remember, I'm the one who wrote the disco zombie sonnet and the Pillsbury Doughboy poem? :eek:

Both of which I am STILL waiting to read!

tic, tic, tic, tic *sound of SB's drumming fingernails as she sits PATIENTLY waiting*
Both of which I am STILL waiting to read!

tic, tic, tic, tic *sound of SB's drumming fingernails as she sits PATIENTLY waiting*

Can't find the zombie sonnet (though it's probably in some old thread here), but here:

Dear Dough-boy:

Why you so happy
in that little chef hat?
Marchin around like
King Spoon of Cup kitchen.

You smug little brat.
You flour-paste thing
come wigglin alive to giggle
some lyin' Mad Avenue jive
in my face!

Better get on outta my place,
evil toddler, and don't dare
ask me how to bake a square cake
in a round pan.

I got your pan right here.
Bend over .

Mr. Spatula thinks
you need a new career.

Enough happy laughs
and insincere words.
Gonna bake you to biscuits,
feed you poppin fresh
to the birds.

I don't like the doughboy. Can you tell? :)
Poor Dough Boy! :(
Ange, you're a monster! :mad:

I love the dough boy! Yet I shamefacedly admit, I cackled at that evil little piece of poetry, then laughed harder at the gingerbread man.:)
Poor Dough Boy! :(
Ange, you're a monster! :mad:

I know, but my priorities are good! I hate cutesy corporate symbols and I love Lester Young. And so do you, Lady Day. ;)

Here. This is a much nicer poem.


I love the dough boy! Yet I shamefacedly admit, I cackled at that evil little piece of poetry, then laughed harder at the gingerbread man.:)

I know, but my priorities are good! I hate cutesy corporate symbols and I love Lester Young. And so do you, Lady Day. ;)

Here. This is a much nicer poem.


Prez poetry! Yay! :D Is that PhotoShop? I know not of these things. :eek:
The picture reminds me of "BIRD", the biographical movie on Charlie Parker
(Clint Eastwood directed) They shoot several scenes on a reconstructed set of 52nd st. in that era. That's the first thing that pic brought to mind.

Mind you , I've no aversion to anti-cutesy poems. I'm just partial to the dough boy (and a few others). When Snood assassinated Barney,(his confession can be found somewhere in bistro archives) I petitioned that he should be given the keys to his city. Alas, the powers that be, dismissed my lunatic rantings. :rolleyes: Snood the Brave had to settle for drinks at the bistro. Taking Barney down, did get him a picture on the bostro wall though. :)
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Prez poetry! Yay! :D Is that PhotoShop? I know not of these things. :eek:
The picture reminds me of "BIRD", the biographical movie on Charlie Parker
(Clint Eastwood directed) They shoot several scenes on a reconstructed set of 52nd st. in that era. That's the first thing that pic brought to mind.

Mind you , I've no aversion to anti-cutesy poems. I'm just partial to the dough boy (and a few others). When Snood assassinated Barney,(his confession can be found somewhere in bistro archives) I petitioned that he should be given the keys to his city. Alas, the powers that be, dismissed my lunatic rantings. :rolleyes: Snood the Brave had to settle for drinks at the bistro. Taking Barney down, did get him a picture on the bostro wall though. :)

I have lots of Prez poetry. You have no idea lol. I've probably written more about him than any other subject. Let's just say I see him as a metaphor for uh almost everything.

I did that in this old photoediting program that came with this scanner I used to have. I actually just made a big rectangle, colored it black, turned it around and drew all the stuff on it, then put added the poem, which I had written long before I did the illustration. I've seen Bird (after film though Round Midnight is my fave jazz movie--Clint did that one, too). Well that and Last of the Blue Devils. But I was trying to get the feel of 52nd Street into the poem, which is why I did the street and traffic lighty things and used the club names. You don't miss much, girlfriend!

I'm right with you and Snood on the Barney thing. He was pretty dissed in my house. When my kids were little they made up a song that was something about chopping off Barney's head and flushing it down the toilet. Lol, no I did not suggest any of it to them although I do admit to laughing alot when they sang it. And to think I used to march for peace.
Tsk I just knew you'd go and start something interesting when I wasn't here ... from the REAL blonde
Tsk I just knew you'd go and start something interesting when I wasn't here ... from the REAL blonde

ha, Ha, HA! I knew that would get you! :D

Welcome back UYS! :rose::rose::rose:

I haven't been tsk'ed since you left! (although I have been threatened with a few "clouts." ) :devil:
When my kids were little they made up a song that was something about chopping off Barney's head and flushing it down the toilet. Lol, no I did not suggest any of it to them although I do admit to laughing alot when they sang it. And to think I used to march for peace.

LMAO! My eyes watered when I read this. Send your kids shout outs from NYC for me. :D
Where will I find the Poetry Classes Thread(s)?

Greetings, Lit Poets!

This is my first time exploring the Poets' forum, although I've posted stories on this site in the past.

Poetry is my first writing format love, since I go through life seeing everything in images. A few of my poems have been published in mainstream magazines. My poems are usually free verse, but I've done a fair amount of Haiku, using the traditional 5-7-5 sound form.

I've written a couple of NaNoWriMo novels -- one of which is appropriate for Literotica, if I ever finish editing it. I'm an editor of (other people's) novels, write non-fiction, and have experience in critique groups.

I'd love to participate in the poetry classes as a student/poet, offering what I can to help. I read the posts to this thread, and have a couple of questions:

1. When the First Poetry Class starts, will it be under this thread, or will it have its own thread, with an identifiable title? I can see myself getting very sidetracked reading lots of other posts and not find the one I'm looking for specifically.

2. Will selecting "daily email notification" mean I'll get each new Poetry Class thread, or only additional posts to the existing thread?

I am amazed at the quality and quantity found on the Lit site, as well as the willingness to share expertise. Some of the best writing advice I've ever seen is available here.

So, apologies for sounding so serious and literal; I'm spinning off in a dozen directions right now -- and probably don't need another big project -- but, have you Poets captured my excited attention!

Annie! Welcome home! :kiss:

Awwww thankyou this messageboard was the first place I came when I got back online!

Greetings, Lit Poets!

This is my first time exploring the Poets' forum, although I've posted stories on this site in the past.

Poetry is my first writing format love, since I go through life seeing everything in images. A few of my poems have been published in mainstream magazines. My poems are usually free verse, but I've done a fair amount of Haiku, using the traditional 5-7-5 sound form.

I've written a couple of NaNoWriMo novels -- one of which is appropriate for Literotica, if I ever finish editing it. I'm an editor of (other people's) novels, write non-fiction, and have experience in critique groups.

I'd love to participate in the poetry classes as a student/poet, offering what I can to help. I read the posts to this thread, and have a couple of questions:

1. When the First Poetry Class starts, will it be under this thread, or will it have its own thread, with an identifiable title? I can see myself getting very sidetracked reading lots of other posts and not find the one I'm looking for specifically.

2. Will selecting "daily email notification" mean I'll get each new Poetry Class thread, or only additional posts to the existing thread?

I am amazed at the quality and quantity found on the Lit site, as well as the willingness to share expertise. Some of the best writing advice I've ever seen is available here.

So, apologies for sounding so serious and literal; I'm spinning off in a dozen directions right now -- and probably don't need another big project -- but, have you Poets captured my excited attention!


Hi there Goddess and welcome I am sure you will find this lot are helpful, educational, sassy,rude , nutty and completely incorrigible
Greetings, Lit Poets!

This is my first time exploring the Poets' forum, although I've posted stories on this site in the past.

Poetry is my first writing format love, since I go through life seeing everything in images. A few of my poems have been published in mainstream magazines. My poems are usually free verse, but I've done a fair amount of Haiku, using the traditional 5-7-5 sound form.

I've written a couple of NaNoWriMo novels -- one of which is appropriate for Literotica, if I ever finish editing it. I'm an editor of (other people's) novels, write non-fiction, and have experience in critique groups.

I'd love to participate in the poetry classes as a student/poet, offering what I can to help. I read the posts to this thread, and have a couple of questions:

1. When the First Poetry Class starts, will it be under this thread, or will it have its own thread, with an identifiable title? I can see myself getting very sidetracked reading lots of other posts and not find the one I'm looking for specifically.

2. Will selecting "daily email notification" mean I'll get each new Poetry Class thread, or only additional posts to the existing thread?

I am amazed at the quality and quantity found on the Lit site, as well as the willingness to share expertise. Some of the best writing advice I've ever seen is available here.

So, apologies for sounding so serious and literal; I'm spinning off in a dozen directions right now -- and probably don't need another big project -- but, have you Poets captured my excited attention!


Hello there Goddess from a fellow editor. Nice to meetcha :)

This is really Safe_Bet's proposal and I don't want to speak for her, but I'm thinking that we should probably have a separate thread for each "class." So if we start with the terzanelle, for example, we have a thread called something like "Poetry Class: Terzanelle." If we stuck everything in one thread, or this thread, it would be harder to find specific information on a particular form (as you note in your Point 1). This way, if we subscribe to the threads we want, we'll get the email notifications when they're up and when new posts are added to it. I'm guessing though that when we're discussing form whatever, its thread will get a lot of posts (I hope!) and will be prominent on the first page of the forum. Another option would be to stick the thread for the time (one week, two weeks) we're actively discussing it and writing in that form, so it would be at the top of the forum. I'm happy to do whatever people want and either I (or Eve or Lauren Hynde) can make a thread sticky. Also, whether a thread is sticky or not it's easy to do an advanced search and just type in the form name, select the option for searching for it in the thread title and limit the search to this forum. It should be very easy for any of us to keep up with the forms we want.

And I'd very very interested to hear what people think about also sharing info on how to do critique as we discuss these forms. My experience here has been that many people are uncomfortable offering detailed critique of a poem because they're not sure how to do it. That's an issue that has come up over and over in this forum. Maybe if people felt more confident that their feedback was really helpful (as opposed to just praising or criticizing), they'd be more inclined to do it.

I have another question (for everyone not just you--don't mean to sound so pointed here lol): What about forms like illustrated poetry? What about specific aspects of writing poetry like using metaphors and imagery or how people make decisions about line breaks? Are people interested in sharing ideas about those as well? I've seen a fair amount of interest in how people produce illustrated poems, for example, and there are people here who are very good at that (Liar, Lauren, Eve and Jamison come to mind). As far as the tools of writing poems, like using images and metaphors, etc., I feel like it's not enough to just learn how to do a form but to remember that using these tools well actually (to me) has more impact on producing good poetry than following some form's rules correctly.

Anyway that's all the stuff that's running through my fevered brain, and I'm always eager to hear others' opinions about it.

[...] This is really Safe_Bet's proposal and I don't want to speak for her [...]

LOL. Don't worry - I speak Ange. What that translates to in English is "SB pulled a wild idea out of her ass, now let me get this flipping mess she created organized!" Ange, you're the teacher - teach!

[...] but I'm thinking that we should probably have a separate thread for each "class." [...]

The only thing I would like to be sure of is that there are not concurrent "classes." I would like to be able to concentrate on one at a time. (NO blonde jokes or BOTH Annie and I will kick your butt!)

[...]Another option would be to stick the thread for the time (one week, two weeks) we're actively discussing it and writing in that form, so it would be at the top of the forum. I'm happy to do whatever people want and either I (or Eve or Lauren Hynde) can make a thread sticky. [...]

Sticky threads are GOOD!

[...] And I'd very very interested to hear what people think about also sharing info on how to do critique as we discuss these forms. My experience here has been that many people are uncomfortable offering detailed critique of a poem because they're not sure how to do it. That's an issue that has come up over and over in this forum. Maybe if people felt more confident that their feedback was really helpful (as opposed to just praising or criticizing), they'd be more inclined to do it. [...]

I would sign up for that "class" in a heartbeat. Being trapped here in inane "Love / hate your poem" land sucks.

[...] What about forms like illustrated poetry? What about specific aspects of writing poetry like using metaphors and imagery or how people make decisions about line breaks? Are people interested in sharing ideas about those as well? I've seen a fair amount of interest in how people produce illustrated poems, for example, and there are people here who are very good at that (Liar, Lauren, Eve and Jamison come to mind). As far as the tools of writing poems, like using images and metaphors, etc., I feel like it's not enough to just learn how to do a form but to remember that using these tools well actually (to me) has more impact on producing good poetry than following some form's rules correctly [...]

Thanks Angeline! You just spilled the entire SB Master Plan. Once I got you folks teaching me "forms" I was going to start sneaking in the "How Tos". Geeze, now everybody will learn and poetry writing wont be a secret art any longer! Next thing you know this place will be awash in well-written poems, beautifully illustrated pieces and EVERY poem will illicit fantastic imagery and use mind-boggling metaphors (properly). Oh, yeah, BTW I'd like that a lot.

Bottomline: To me, everything Angeline says makes perfect sense and will make the "Community" much better. I also think that it will give us all an opportunity to interact on a different basis and for the "better" poets amongst us to be acknowledged, appreciated and thank'ed.
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Greetings, Lit Poets!

This is my first time exploring the Poets' forum, although I've posted stories on this site in the past.

Poetry is my first writing format love, since I go through life seeing everything in images. A few of my poems have been published in mainstream magazines. My poems are usually free verse, but I've done a fair amount of Haiku, using the traditional 5-7-5 sound form.

I've written a couple of NaNoWriMo novels -- one of which is appropriate for Literotica, if I ever finish editing it. I'm an editor of (other people's) novels, write non-fiction, and have experience in critique groups.

I'd love to participate in the poetry classes as a student/poet, offering what I can to help. I read the posts to this thread, and have a couple of questions:

1. When the First Poetry Class starts, will it be under this thread, or will it have its own thread, with an identifiable title? I can see myself getting very sidetracked reading lots of other posts and not find the one I'm looking for specifically.

2. Will selecting "daily email notification" mean I'll get each new Poetry Class thread, or only additional posts to the existing thread?

I am amazed at the quality and quantity found on the Lit site, as well as the willingness to share expertise. Some of the best writing advice I've ever seen is available here.

So, apologies for sounding so serious and literal; I'm spinning off in a dozen directions right now -- and probably don't need another big project -- but, have you Poets captured my excited attention!


Hello Goddess. As Angeline said, Safe Bet will be able to rell you what she has in mind. I just wanted to roll out the welcome wagon. I'll likely be sitting in the back of a few classes myself. The bistro is our cafeteria (by day, afterhours spot, by night) The lunch lady/hostess is pretty cool, as are the regulars
(as per Annie's description, I guess I'd be th sassy one). I'm sure you'll make yourself at home on campus. Enjoy the stay. :)
LOL. Don't worry - I speak Ange. What that translates to in English is "SB pulled a wild idea out of her ass, now let me get this flipping mess she created organized!" Ange, you're the teacher - teach!

The only thing I would like to be sure of is that there are not concurrent "classes." I would like to be able to concentrate on one at a time. (NO blonde jokes or BOTH Annie and I will kick your butt!)

Sticky threads are GOOD!

I would sign up for that "class" in a heartbeat. Being trapped here in inane "Love / hate your poem" land sucks.

Thanks Angeline! You just spilled the entire SB Master Plan. Once I got you folks teaching me "forms" I was going to start sneaking in the "How Tos". Geeze, now everybody will learn and poetry writing wont be a secret art any longer! Next thing you know this place will be awash in well-written poems, beautifully illustrated pieces and EVERY poem will illicit fantastic imagery and use mind-boggling metaphors (properly). Oh, yeah, BTW I'd like that a lot.

Bottomline: To me, everything Angeline says makes perfect sense and will make the "Community" much better. I also think that it will give us all an opportunity to interact on a different basis and for the "better" poets amongst us to be acknowledged, appreciated and thank'ed.

Oh dear. Famous last words. :eek: