Public Comments and YDD

ydd gets around!

well i feel bad that my 1st reaction to ydd was insulting, but i had assumed he was the 1 trying to lower my stats..i thought the 2nd time around was abit more helpful and actually took the advice..he/she was right, and i want help improving writing bring on the critics..i'll put my leathers on to create thicker skin! haha!
i actually thought the same, to have a critic actually reading my stuff isn't a bad thing, especially if they come back..right??
anyhow, i did already retract my original insult..ydd..i'm sorryyyyyyyy! humbly yours, lol, fawnie
Re: ydd gets around!

fawnie said:
well i feel bad that my 1st reaction to ydd was insulting, but i had assumed he was the 1 trying to lower my stats..i thought the 2nd time around was abit more helpful and actually took the advice..he/she was right, and i want help improving writing bring on the critics..i'll put my leathers on to create thicker skin! haha!
i actually thought the same, to have a critic actually reading my stuff isn't a bad thing, especially if they come back..right??
anyhow, i did already retract my original insult..ydd..i'm sorryyyyyyyy! humbly yours, lol, fawnie
tell him i said thank you!;)
My Erotic Tail's Ying Yang!

I find YDD's anal retentiveness somewhat refreshing, grin. Now if he will only begin coping with the poet's license of word-twisting and some deliberate mispelling, I for one will be much pleased! His first comment to one of my first submissions was so bad, I actually deleted it, but I regretted this action later as I began to understand YDD a little more. Now I just accept what he says, and mostly appreciate it too! Uncle Pervey.
Oo WickedEve, you are too!

Well lovely Lady, I for one find much of the non-eroticism you put out very erotic, at least to me, grin! I almost always get
sex-cited when I read your wonderful stuff! Keep doing it your way, and keep that erotic tail shaking! Uncle Pervey,
"Dirty Old Man Extrordinaire!"
Throws away fire stirring stick...

Well since you mention the poem....

I'll try to say as little about him as possible...
He critics the opposite of me, therefore ...I...
am his ying yang...or versa...yang ying..hehehe

I do want to say....
I do appreciate good critics...
wicked eve
Joseki ko
jim and others...

The thing about writing storys, poems
or comments...your mentality comes out
in your words...
U R Right lovely Erotic Tail!

I just love that handle, "My Erotic Tail!" It causes such wondrous and beautiful pictures to form in my depraved dirty old mind, grin! I'd have to say that to be a constructive critic has to be an
Oxy-moronic statement in itself, wouldn't you? I've yet to meet an engineer so good he or she can build something up by tearing it down! To me, constructive criticism should be a form of encouragement to higher achievement! Anyways, I get you and WickedEve mixed up, or do I? I don't know, grin, and it doesn't really matter anyways as I love the both of you! You both write erotic non-erotic poems really well! Keep it up and if that dog tries to bite that lovely erotic tail, shake it so hard he can't get a bite no matter how he tries! (Hahaheha!) Uncle Pervey.