Public Comments and YDD


SavgeWolf said:
Tathagata...Your in luck, my friend....
Satans buying....
So what'll ya have...
sit right down
on a burning stool
pull up a chair to the bar of hell

you want it...we got it...and best of all
it's for free
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

welcome to don't get no crazier then here...
we're killin and dyin in Iraq...for the mythical WMD's

name your poison...ol' Wolf took charge of hell
and now it's heaven.

~Where there is carrion lying, meat-eating birds circle and descend. Life and death are two.
-Thomas Merton in "Zen and the Birds of Appetite"

:cool: :D :devil: :devil:
damn....maybe I should have published YDD would have a field day with it! If I thought he'd critique this I'd misspelled a few more words };-) :D

HEHEHEHEHE..WOW That was entertaining...
Thanks savage...needed a laugh,...


I'm not a drinking man but in keeping with the
atmosphere ....
I'll take a whiskey sour...laughing so hard I got a tear
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your mighty welcome Tiger

Every now and then I overcome my lack of "edumacation!" Truly though....I gotta laugh...every day, all day....other wise...with eye's that see this 'fricken' world we live in...I'd already have stared down a colt 44....beam me up Scotty! There's no intelligent life down here!!!!
Re: Lady Shianne...

SavgeWolf said:
You make me feel at home, even though this thread "should" make me ill at ease. I thank you sweet lady for your kindness. Now...since ya got such a sweet heart....could ya find someone to edit a short erotic story???? It seems I've been black listed since my YDD poem...go figure...I got the balls to write what I think in a non censorship group....and the members censor me...what a lady Shianne...nice to meet ya!
Wolf:p :devil: :cool: :kiss: :heart:

I "edit" in my spare time, just ask My Erotic Tail.. *grin*..
You were censored? And here I thought I saw them advertise "free speech" on the forum? Anyway...It's lovely to meet you. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon.

Re: Re: Lady Shianne...

LadyShianne said:
I "edit" in my spare time, just ask My Erotic Tail.. *grin*..
You were censored? And here I thought I saw them advertise "free speech" on the forum? Anyway...It's lovely to meet you. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon.


Hey Shi~

"Oh Yes...she has been a tremendous help
to my tail...I mean tales...hehehehehehe
Thanks sweetie...glad to see ya hanging
with the poets now...smiles... It's not so bad...
got a few thorns on a rose ya know......

But you gotta write more goodies.....
and don't fret the critics its their job...:rolleyes:

wow love your signature..hehehe
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Re: Re: Re: Lady Shianne...

My Erotic Tail said:
Hey Shi~

"Oh Yes...she has been a tremendous help
to my tail...I mean tales...hehehehehehe
Thanks sweetie...glad to see ya hanging
with the poets now...smiles... It's not so bad...
got a few thorns on a rose ya know......

But you gotta write more goodies.....
and don't fret the critics its their job...:rolleyes:

wow love your signature..hehehe

Well, you know...I like the Literary I'll try to work on more "goodies"... & Thank you, I love my signature too.. LOL

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Wolf, I've had my share of hate email. I don't get it much anymore, but when I first started posting here I used to get it all the time. I was told I have no talent, that whatever it is I write isn't poetry. There was some pretty ugly personal invective too.

Mostly people thought I was trying to he high-falutin because I'm "edjumacated" and I like big words. I took a lot of crap for that at first, which I found pretty funny, like some kind of weird reverse discrimination. I'm not trying to impress anybody. I talk this way in the real world, too. It's just who I am--someone who loves words.

I don't try to put my expectations for myself on anybody else; I'm just trying to live my life according to what I believe, but yknow each person has his or her own agenda and people see what they want to see. That's ok. :)

Oh, and I got A LOT of shit for my antiwar stance in a thread I started some months ago. Got some very threatening email over that. I don't worry about it. I'm here because I love to write poetry and I get inspired by and learn from other writers' poems here. Also, there are people here I've come to know personally, whom I consider friends. I like being around them. That's it. I don't much care about the other stuff. I've lived in the world long enough to know the only person I can change is me.

Gave me a good chuckle Seattle:)))

I leave milk and a plate of cookies out on the mantle every night with a little note,

Dear YDD,

I have been a gud--- I mean goodgirl.
Do you like my poem?
Please say something nice,

I hope you like the cookies.

Am I your favorite?



good policy !!!


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I'm finding this forum addictive

People in here writhe and beat their desks and scream with all the thoughts running through their minds--all the half-formed poems floating in the air around them - it's very detailed - some nights I sit staring at the screen and can't write a word--have less creativity than the squirrels on the lawn--ruminating about compound interest on their nuts.

this is kind of a prose poem which prolly doesn't fit on literotica - since it's not 750 words (prose) and not in poetic form.

You can see where I came back to it later and feebly attempted to take it forwarfd--but then I just fell over sideways like the laugh-in monkey--totally trapped in my yellow slicker


He went up into Kansas in the darkling of the year and lay with her. She opened slowly, her petals a sunflower in the first heat. His dark featherwings enfolded and contained her; brought her into his healing. Her aura swelled and pulsed with her need to take wing. She was new-minted, like the young deer at the watering place. He was lately returned from the Plain of the Wolves where he had spent a season painting clouds with her. His rough sheepskin bloodied her skin as he breathed life.

When she rides out in the morning she feels the life within; growing with each skitterstep of her mount over gopher holes. She enters her cabin in the woods with faltering step and waits for her flower to come.

Out of her writhe-sweat he comes again…out of her…new-minted in his first squalling….suckling to her breast.

Out on the prairie he floats lightly, her nectar purple on his tongue…….feeling his calling home.


Kingston, Ontario, Canada Groundhog Day 2004

The child has big glorious eyes – hypnotic in their plea for safety yada yada


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Re: I'm finding this forum addictive

this is kind of a prose poem which prolly doesn't fit on literotica - since it's not 750 words (prose) and not in poetic form.
A prose poem is still a poem. There's nothing to prevent you from posting. I myself have maybe 5 or 6 prose poems here. :)

I have no Idea what that was...
the squirrel with a brown nose darts
from a dig up its treasure
and savor its pleasure then scampers to a
tree for the wolf of the tundra is near...
instilling fear in even the deer...the wood
ghost steps with ever caution it takes..
as the bear wakes from a hybernate...
then the wolf savage and feared will not
run like a dear...while the brown nose squirrel
darts to a branch ...the man with sheepskin
pulls its lance...for the bite of a serpent that
needs bled. takes effect and blurs his head.
Now a prose I don't know but a squirrel with
its nose to the ground may soon be a dinner
for a watchfull hound..while the crow chatters
a chanting speak for the ones in the woods
who are weak. As a woodsmen I can tell that
the woods is distant from your feet for the
bear is not always so meek. The birds that flap
their wings and chatter of the passing of
the latter. The circle of life in the woods I know
but what in the heck is a prose???????
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Sweet Angeline, lil SeattleRain, JC, TigerArt....

~Angeline...Thank you for sharing. Many thoughts in your posting. When one writes, they write for a specific audience or for themselves. Using "Big" words is fine, if the audience your writing for is an educated group. I can't spell most of those "big" words, but years ago I would carry a dictionary with whatever book I was reading...wasn't long before I didn't need the dictionary to comprehend what I was reading....I've taught myself many of the "big" words. If your hate mail was about that. Don't worry, you struck a sensitive nerve that has to do with the readers own inferiority's. You just got hit with misdirected animosity, they were really striking back at themselves. You are wise though Angeline. Your last sentence shows years of wisdom. Truly, the only person anyone can change is themselves. I would only add, "why try to change anybody or anything...all is as it should be, was meant to be."
~Lil' Seattlerain...Enjoy the cookies yourself honey. I've got a suspicion YDD loves things sour, not sweet. Don't worry for a second about what he just keep writing little one...someday I look forward to reading your works. Don't sweat the spelling, princess, those who read your work (for it's meaning) will know what you mean. It's not like you were writing for an income anyway (leave those fantasies to the deluded who flatter themselves as professional writers, you'll find they are a dime a dozen at this site.) In fact...don't seek anyone's approval, do what you do to please yourself. You'll find out later in life, the only person you will ever truly please is yourself, that's how it should be. By the way, lil' budding author, Seattlerain is a beautiful name. I've felt the Seattle rain, while stationed at Ft.'s cool, fresh, slightly salty from the Pacific sea mist, smells of earth, moist and damp, pervade it.
Keep writing little one.
~JC, Art the Tiger.....liked the prose. Anything with glimpses of nature is beautiful, not to mention the references to wolves, deer etc... When I think of prose, I think of the writings of Walt Whitman and Arthur Rimbaud. The first time I laid my hands on "Leaves of Grass" along with "A Season in Hell" I was a bit confused about what poetry was. They wrote much different from the usual group of poets I'd learned in school. But....I loved what they wrote. Prose, poetry....whatever, they wrote simple ideas with eloquent yet plain words I could feel. Of all the versus I've read, my favorite is from Whitman's "Song of Myself"....
The spotted hawk swoops by and accuses me, he complains of my gab
and my loitering.

I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable,
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.

The last scud of day holds back for me,
It flings my likeness after the rest and true as any on the shadow'd
It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

I depart as air, I shake my white locks at the runaway sun,
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.

I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love,
If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.

You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fiber your blood.

Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
ahhhh...... Now that's writing!!! Roll's off the tongue like the taste of a good steak, or the kiss of a confident woman who needs no makeup or glamor to be beautiful, or (true to my nature) a shot of Johnny Walker Gold label.

Anyway.....that's enough for now.
Peace to you all, in a world that still doesn't see the beauty of peace.
~SavgeWolf;) :devil: :cool:

Slides a bottle of Johnny Walker Gold to

"Carry on my friend...I enjoy your words!"

I loved the poem of the Hawk...
I live way out in the woods and got two
hawk nests out my back door and the shrilling
cries they let out can be heard over the TV.
I think their mocking me and I I truely
understood that poem. Their young hop along
my back yard and they're a sight, learning to
live and fly and give the crows a run for their
money. I feel inspired now may have to write
a poem about it....hehehehehe...thanks...Art

Only I still don't know what's a
I guess its related to the crows....
Re: Intrigued~


Art dude, thank you much my friend. That Bottle of Johnny Walker Gold gives new meaning to the word "fire." I'm pouring you a glass to enjoy also my friend.

What is prose??

My dictionary says;
:eek:rdinary language
1:write in prose
2:write or speak in a prosaic manner

I then looked up prosaic;

so I guess, Art my friend, prose is not what it's all cracked up to be. Maybe we could give it a new Literotica meaning!
Prose....trying to give an insult above and beyond (which is pretty much a humorous thought....kind of like Napoleon at Waterloo), with composed "dull" words, only to find your little dagger was no match for honed cold steel. It's like a chipmunk smirking at a wolf, far from their safe hole in the ground. It's like a city boy, used to the streets, being transplanted to the deep woods...where the rules of nature reigns...kill or be killed. It's like (I hope your not bored) a lamb, dreaming it's larger then Wolves or Tigers, opening it's mouth to snarl, to bite...and to it's utter amazement....all that comes out is "BAAAAAA."

Or maybe your right's just something to do with the crows.

:devil: :devil:

I hate to roll in the gutter, but whenever I have to...I keep my eye's on the stars above.
Peace to you all:cool:
~SavgeWolf......:devil: :devil:
~Angeline...Thank you for sharing. Many thoughts in your posting. When one writes, they write for a specific audience or for themselves. Using "Big" words is fine, if the audience your writing for is an educated group. I can't spell most of those "big" words, but years ago I would carry a dictionary with whatever book I was reading...wasn't long before I didn't need the dictionary to comprehend what I was reading....I've taught myself many of the "big" words. If your hate mail was about that. Don't worry, you struck a sensitive nerve that has to do with the readers own inferiority's. You just got hit with misdirected animosity, they were really striking back at themselves. You are wise though Angeline. Your last sentence shows years of wisdom. Truly, the only person anyone can change is themselves. I would only add, "why try to change anybody or anything...all is as it should be, was meant to be."

Thank you. :)

I use words because I love the way they look and/or sound. I have to look up stuff, too. If I think a poem is worth the effort--if I'm enjoying it--I don't mind. I love learning as much as I love writing.

Yes, you understand. And if I make some adjustment in the way I write or live, that was meant to happen, too.

Re: Re: Intrigued~

SavgeWolf said:
My dictionary says;
:eek:rdinary language
1:write in prose
2:write or speak in a prosaic manner

I then looked up prosaic;

Mine says:


Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin prosa, from feminine of prorsus, prosus, straightforward, being in prose, contraction of proversus, past participle of provertere to turn forward

1 a : the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing b : a literary medium distinguished from poetry especially by its greater irregularity and variety of rhythm and its closer correspondence to the patterns of everyday speech
2 : a prosaic style, quality, or condition



Etymology: Late Latin prosaicus, from Latin prosa prose

1 a : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : FACTUAL b : DULL, UNIMAGINATIVE


prose poem

: a composition in prose that has some of the qualities of a poem
I posted this in the Poem-a-Thon thread but it seems appropriate here at this time.

Stage Fright

by Wislawa Szymborska

Poets and writers,
or so it is said,
so poets aren’t writers, then what are they –

Poets are poetry, writers are prose –

Prose can have anything, even poetry,
but poetry can have only poetry –

According to the poster announcing it
with a capital P in art nouveau filigree
written into the strings of a winged lyre,
I should have descended, not walked in –

And wouldn’t it be better barefoot,
than in these cheap shoes
clomping, squeaking,
an awkward substitute for an angel –

If only this dress were longer, trailed more,
and the poems pulled not out of the purse, but thin air,
all done for effect, a fest, a bell-ringing day,
ding to dong
a b a b b a –

And on the platform already lurks a séance
table, sort of, on gilded legs
and on the table a lone candle smolders -

Which means
I will have to read by candlelight
what I have written by common bulb
tap tap tap on the typewriter –

Not worried ahead of time
whether it’s poetry
or what kind of poetry –

Is it the kind where prose is inappropriate –
or the kind that’s appropriate in peose –

And what is the difference
visible only in half-darkness
against the crimson curtain
with purple fringe?
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Thank you~

Ok, so prose is like talking
only it can be poetry,
and ordinary wording,
with a flare or sorting.

Wait.. wait to much ryhming
more like a coversation
with of course some meaning
with a topic Im sure like what is a prose.

I feel I learned something and
now I'll play with it and
see what I can read on it and
maybe try it out.

Thank you!!!
someone said...

...."wolf sweetie, you do need a spellchecker though." so I hit ebay...picked up a franklin, LM2200 for a cheap $10 plus I find out it ain't worth a damn? I give up! Back to misspelling words!
:confused: :devil:
Spell checker?

Not sure what you need there wolf~

But ladyShianne Was editing for me for a long
time till one day I explained I didn't have spell
check and I really appreciated her help...

She enlightened me that my mail (when sending mail)
had a spell checker...I felt about 2 inches tall
but hey I got spell check well I had it all along...
not sure what mail service or IP You use but you
might see if your outlook or send mail has one...

Re: someone said...

SavgeWolf said:
...."wolf sweetie, you do need a spellchecker though." so I hit ebay...picked up a franklin, LM2200 for a cheap $10 plus I find out it ain't worth a damn? I give up! Back to misspelling words!
:confused: :devil:
What's a franklin LM22o0? not familiar with it, or maybe the english term eludes me. Anyway, there are lots of free software out there that does good spellchecking. I use RoughDraft and Open Office.

Greetings Liar...

Franklin LM2200 is an electronic handheld jobber. Built in spell checker, synonyms, thesaurus, confusables, inflections and Meriam-Webster dictionary.
The gadget even has a few built in games, hangman, anagrams, word builder and a few other goodies. But after seeing Lauren's dictionary, it seems hopelessly inadequate.
Art's email suggestion works with my ISP, aol has a spell checker built into the emails. I've been playing with the Microsoft Word/Document program in windows. Trying to find a way to use that for doing the same job. I've noticed, while working on my short story....the program seems to underline word/words that don't fit or are misspelled. I have an editor working with me on my I haven't delved into the various capabilities of MS word yet. Saving that for my weekend (Tues/Weds).
Have a great day all. Rainy and cool here in Minnesota, love this type of weather.
Re: someone said...

SavgeWolf said:
...."wolf sweetie, you do need a spellchecker though." so I hit ebay...picked up a franklin, LM2200 for a cheap $10 plus I find out it ain't worth a damn? I give up! Back to misspelling words!
:confused: :devil:

You can always do what I do--tell people they're new words you made up. If you say it with enough confidence they'll believe it, you know. ;)

P.S. Don't tell anyone I do that.

Yeah like "Confuzzled" my favorite word
since so many seem to be that way..
don't get me wrong I get that way to...
Nor the concrete jungle...just the library...hehehe
WOW--OK I will Lauren

A prose poem is still a poem. There's nothing to prevent you from posting. I myself have maybe 5 or 6 prose poems here.

thanks for that Lauren

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