Public Comments and YDD

CharleyH said:
But that's one of my best features, little girl ;)

Take care of the tiger's claws, the bars aren't that close together.

I'm just watching out for your safety.

Damnit Tristesse!

Will you please change your postings picture! I can't think or write a word with that photo hangin there!!! My two off days from the post office should not be spent, completely };-), with a rigid thing growing towards my knees within my jeans, nor with a tongue that all the sudden is struck with "Cement-a-tidis"( don't bother looking that one up in's my own creation for "growing hard") The lose of saliva to my mouth and blood to "elsewhere" is making it impossible to speak and write.
Thanks for listening.
Wolf:p :nana: :nana: :devil:
Re: Damnit Tristesse!

SavgeWolf said:
Will you please change your postings picture! I can't think or write a word with that photo hangin there!!! My two off days from the post office should not be spent, completely };-), with a rigid thing growing towards my knees within my jeans, nor with a tongue that all the sudden is struck with "Cement-a-tidis"( don't bother looking that one up in's my own creation for "growing hard") The lose of saliva to my mouth and blood to "elsewhere" is making it impossible to speak and write.
Thanks for listening.
Wolf:p :nana: :nana: :devil:

:) Okay, but I'll have to explain why it disappeared if anyone asks. Your life may be in danger. (jk)

I'll go take my knickers off right now. :eek:

Danger? There is no one...I do mean NO ONE....I fear at this site or in life (two divorces, three marriages, countless times before a judge and prosecutor and four years in the well as eight months in the county jail....whats left to fear?)....The worst that could happen to any of us is death...and he will visit all of us someday. Forgive the bravado...but...I fear no one and nothing ;) Thanks for changing the picture...I can think again! The blood is back in the correct
Wolf:devil: :rose:
oh! So (jk) means Joking!

got it now! Though (jk) was some new bad ass dude I was going to have to fight! I get it now! virgins to Literotica have a lot to learn in a short spell of time:p :devil: :rose: :cool: :rolleyes:
YDD is da Man

He's a gray eminence who never says more than necessary--like Kane--the kung-fu guy.



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I always thought that was a big fat cookie Lauren had down her top (and I've looked at it enough times to know - [it is the hidden which generates the longing--not the revelation])

but now I see it's a tablet bearing the answers to her exam questions in armaic - least that's what it looks like from here

(revelling in his virginity)


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Re: oh! So (jk) means Joking!

SavgeWolf said:
got it now! Though (jk) was some new bad ass dude I was going to have to fight! I get it now! virgins to Literotica have a lot to learn in a short spell of time:p :devil: :rose: :cool: :rolleyes:

*giggle* Don't worry about it, Wolf.... we were all virgins at one time....(me not so long ago)... But LIT will take care of that in no time. Welcome to LIT. Hope you enjoy your time here immensely.
Lady Shianne...

You make me feel at home, even though this thread "should" make me ill at ease. I thank you sweet lady for your kindness. Now...since ya got such a sweet heart....could ya find someone to edit a short erotic story???? It seems I've been black listed since my YDD poem...go figure...I got the balls to write what I think in a non censorship group....and the members censor me...what a lady Shianne...nice to meet ya!
Wolf:p :devil: :cool: :kiss: :heart:
SavgeWolf, you're blacklisted? Censored? Where and how? By whom? :confused:
Easy Tiger!!!

Looks at Liar*

"Here we go again..."

"Hey Shi~
love your siggy....(snickers)
wow it come out good....smiles
Re: Lady Shianne...

SavgeWolf said:
You make me feel at home, even though this thread "should" make me ill at ease. I thank you sweet lady for your kindness. Now...since ya got such a sweet heart....could ya find someone to edit a short erotic story???? It seems I've been black listed since my YDD poem...go figure...I got the balls to write what I think in a non censorship group....and the members censor me...what a lady Shianne...nice to meet ya!
Wolf:p :devil: :cool: :kiss: :heart:
You better be kidding.

MET, just drop it. Until you develop the balls to apologize to YDD in every fora where his name was dragged through the mud, I don't even want to look at you. This is just me being personally disgusted, not the moderator.
Re: Easy Tiger!!!

My Erotic Tail said:
Looks at Liar*

"Here we go again..."
Huh? We do?

:rolleyes: No we don't. Not trying to defend anything here. Censored and blacklisted is not the same as being disagreed with or even being shouted at and called names. Real censoring is something much more serious.

If someone is really restricting participation (blacklisting) or edits what is said (censoring) for the sake of a poem that clearly followed the site's rules, then it's plain wrong.

And that has, as far as I can see, not happened.


Yes--the forums are another rocket science challenge. When ppl finally find them they find it's not possible to comment on a message by message basis (say like usenet/newsgroups are presented in AOL).

Then--not being a rocket scientist myself; despite sometimes being out in space--it took me awhile to track down the <SUBSCRIBE> button. Then there's the issue of figuring out whether the msgs are presented newest one first or whatever - so yeah.

So, I find the forums hard to navigate althogh the functinality is rich--sigs, ability to upload images etc.

Re YDD - I find him discerning - he doesn't seem like a man or woman who wastes their time commenting on drivel.

I shrink from commenting on ppl's poetry because most of what a read is drivel (Literotica has proved an exception--all the ppl who have commented on my couple dozen poems have some good work of their own).

However, young poets--with rare exceptions--tend to whine - they're still getting over their first or sixth love and reeling from the discovery that life is unfair (it SHOULD be fair--stamps foot/pouts etc) or they try to be clever with convoluted constructions and artsy stuff.

Artsy stuff is fine when it has been squeezed, wrenched wrung and wrestled down but in the hands of an amateur it's like obe wan kenobe's light sword - indiscrimate use tends to decimate the family (oops mom--did I slice your head off--sowwyyyy)

Exploring the Net for poetry is like being told--all the world's art is in this warehouse - even thos execrable paintings on velvet that the tourists buy in Virginia Beach - the warehouse is 80 miles long by 40 miles wide and the old Masters are in there - alls ya gotta do is go through everything till you find them.

OK--I'm rambling--wondering why I'm not out in the sun clearning land or building a dock or exploring the foundations of abandoned pioneer houses in the hope of discovering a long lost diary



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A warm hand shake to you all...with a kiss to the ladies

Greetings all:D
Relax people:cool: my comment about blacklist and censorship was in reference to a few recent private emails I've received...damn....this world has a few too many freaks in it!
I wrote "for the GOD that failed" off the cuff, after a few drinks, just to shed the emotions I was feeling at the time. Seems some how, there's a few "christians" who are members of this place, emails said I was one of "satan's demons". Another email said they were close friends with the owners of Literotica, and would make sure I would never have another poem...etc... published here. (figure they were full of shit because I've had a dozen published since.) Then I wrote my two latin named of the titles was, in english, advocate of the devil....the same person who called me satan's demon wrote back again...I guess I'm on the religious hit list now...along with the abortion doctors...oh least I'm being read:D
As for Joking....
I'm always lighthearted...I think those of you who have read my pieces know...If "Wolf" won't have to guess if he's joking or not, the blood, the teeth, the snarls will be evident. But I'm wondering, do you folks receive "hate" email about your writngs?? As most of you know...I love being read, and if I stir anger or love, it don't matter as long as I've awakened something in someone, with words, enough to comment or write me, about something I've written. We all send our scribbles to this site for that...I believe. I think, maybe I'm wrong....or right, that all of us writers here at Literotica, are alike. We revolt against the common. In many ways, we've all felt like outcasts of society. Most importantly, to me anyway, we all stake out our piece of ground and say..."I stand here, this is how I feel, this is how I think...if you don't like it "go fuck yourself". I don't write to be loved, I write to be read. I don't write to please, I write to cleanse my heart. I don't write to be praised, I write to get my readers off...whether it be in spirit or in the physical aspect. I write, to take one individual, for a walk...into the netherworld which is my thoughts. My mind is a scary place, since I don't have many friends to go in there with me...I travel it alone with a ballpoint pen that fires like an M-16.
As for my request for an editor for my story....a lil' Alpha "she" Wolf has written me and volunteered. As soon as I send this comment off....I'm sending her the story. I gotta say....Tristesse had a picture tag that kept my mind from writing...the Alpha SheWolf has a pic that has my neurons sending words so fast I can't keep up with the signals my fingers are receiving!!! Kind of funny in a way...Way back, in H.S., when I took typing...there were three of us guys in a class of 26 girls...all three of us took the class for two reasons.....the typing teacher was a babe...and what better way to have a room full of gals to yourself. Damn good thing I took that class! Writing you folks would be a bitch if I hadn't.
Anyway....I see I am rambling. Thank you all for spending time reading this comment...if you've read this far, you damn well deserve the thanks. Liar, and the rest of you...STAY COOL! Peace to you all...
Growls and smiles from....the Wolfman:devil:

Lauren Hynde said:
You better be kidding.

MET, just drop it. Until you develop the balls to apologize to YDD in every fora where his name was dragged through the mud, I don't even want to look at you. This is just me being personally disgusted, not the moderator.

Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.

As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!"

"Brother," the second monk replied, "I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her."
Edited to try and maintain peace and tranquility..
for verbal lashings only show your limitations....
Last edited:

Tathagata...Your in luck, my friend....
Satans buying....
So what'll ya have...
sit right down
on a burning stool
pull up a chair to the bar of hell
ya want bourbon?
we got the stuff to shut a liver down
ya want scotch?
it's aged ten centuries if it's day
ya want beer?
we put the pisser in germany
you want it...we got it...and best of all
it's for free
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Welcome to hell....where birth is to be regreted...
we gave the abortion doctors the suction
welcome to havoc...the dogs are loose..
be careful where you step...they got the shits
welcome to don't get no crazier then here...
we're killin and dyin in Iraq...for the mythical WMD's
welcome to the here ever after...
sorry if you obeyed the catholic rules...your priest is down the hall
gettin head from the altar boy
thank god we all made it! The gangs all here!
all your friends welome you...
pull up a chair,
round up a stool,
the life you live
that is hell....
but I'm sure you already knew
So what will it be Tathagata
a gin and tonic?
a whiskey and water?
want some sugar in your tea?
just ask and you shall receive...
name your poison...ol' Wolf took charge of hell
and now it's heaven.
To the door on your left...charlies angels...
only now...they don't solve crime...
but they suck like your paying them a dime...
to your there's some bush!!!!!
Jr. and daddy...putting the Colon in the Powel!
next door down from that....
just imagine! we got Lennon preaching Marx....go figure!
the door past that across the hall...
Lee Majors! don't worry...we can rebuild him...
WE have the technology!
I could go on listing
all the doors....
but don't worry about all that....
have some drinks on me!

~Where there is carrion lying, meat-eating birds circle and descend. Life and death are two.
-Thomas Merton in "Zen and the Birds of Appetite"

:cool: :D :devil: :devil:
damn....maybe I should have published YDD would have a field day with it! If I thought he'd critique this I'd misspelled a few more words };-) :D