Public Service Announcement

Oh, I dunno, I am bored. It seems like time to bump this lit-lit-literary twine of comment.

Can we all say pastiche?

(Oh, then look here! It's from


Main Entry: pas·tiche
Pronunciation: pas-'tEsh, päs-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Italian pasticcio
1 : a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also : such stylistic imitation
2 a : a musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works : POTPOURRI b : HODGEPODGE
- pas·ti·cheur /"pas-tE-'sh&r, "päs-/ noun

As a public service the next definition may be envy.

As hounds and lusty youths set upon a wild boar
that sallies from his lair whetting his white tusks--
they attack him from every side and can hear
the gnashing of his jaws, but for all his fierceness
they still hold their ground.
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Tzara said:
Oh, I dunno, I am bored. It seems like time to bump this lit-lit-literary twine of comment.

Can we all say pastiche?

(Oh, then look here! It's from


Main Entry: pas·tiche
Pronunciation: pas-'tEsh, päs-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Italian pasticcio
1 : a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also : such stylistic imitation
2 a : a musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works : POTPOURRI b : HODGEPODGE
- pas·ti·cheur /"pas-tE-'sh&r, "päs-/ noun

As a public service the next definition may be envy.

As hounds and lusty youths set upon a wild boar
that sallies from his lair whetting his white tusks--
they attack him from every side and can hear
the gnashing of his jaws, but for all his fierceness
they still hold their ground.

Sometimes a cigar is just a metaphor! :D

that which I do not understand
is my challenge, that I may see
wisdom in another's words
astounds me. I know somewhat of
punctuation, I recognize that green
of new growth surrounds me, yet
cliches of spring- sunny, bright
buds, crunch of bugs, the hum of bees
and the fortuitous whir of wing-ed
things are welcome around me.

so drown me. Turn me green,
make it kelly, no shamrock or evergreen,
too blase, my words tres risque.

I want to write like I was denied
a Pulitzer, and God forgive me
if it seems, that jealousy is the cloak I wear-
it was abandoned, beneath a sonnet--
over there----->
Maria2394 said:

that which I do not understand
is my challenge, that I may see
wisdom in another's words
astounds me. I know somewhat of
punctuation, I recognize that green
of new growth surrounds me, yet
cliches of spring- sunny, bright
buds, crunch of bugs, the hum of bees
and the fortuitous whir of wing-ed
things are welcome around me.

so drown me. Turn me green,
make it kelly, no shamrock or evergreen,
too blase, my words tres risque.

I want to write like I was denied
a Pulitzer, and God forgive me
if it seems, that jealousy is the cloak I wear-
it was abandoned, beneath a sonnet--
over there----->

How about pasticheo?
Do I see a Pulitzer anthology in the making? How about it Bogus, your're not even eligible. Oy, your're not eligible.
twelveoone said:
How about pasticheo?
Do I see a Pulitzer anthology in the making? How about it Bogus, your're not even eligible. Oy, your're not eligible.
We probably have enough reasonable work to put together a pulls at her anthology.

No prize money, though. The rewards are merely human.
twelveoone said:
How about pasticheo?
Do I see a Pulitzer anthology in the making? How about it Bogus, your're not even eligible. Oy, your're not eligible.

1201, youre so cerebral, how do I even say I dont have a clue what you mean :confused: but it sounds cute :D
i remember Titanic winning the Oscar over As Good As It Gets, Good Will Hunting, and L.A. Confidential....

did you ever take a look at the list of Grammy winners?

when i look at the list of Pulitzer prizes for poetry, it can't be worse than those.

i remember a kindergarten pumpkin contest when one of my girls was 5. the winning pumpkin looked like it was decorated by a Hollywood studio...every member of the family had a hand in it, except the kid i bet.

it's the same everywhere - from the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters...

This an interesting place.

If you're a writer or a comic, or those entwined, there's certainly no shortage of material.
Maria2394 said:

that which I do not understand
is my challenge, that I may see
wisdom in another's words
astounds me. I know somewhat of
punctuation, I recognize that green
of new growth surrounds me, yet
cliches of spring- sunny, bright
buds, crunch of bugs, the hum of bees
and the fortuitous whir of wing-ed
things are welcome around me.

so drown me. Turn me green,
make it kelly, no shamrock or evergreen,
too blase, my words tres risque.

I want to write like I was denied
a Pulitzer, and God forgive me
if it seems, that jealousy is the cloak I wear-
it was abandoned, beneath a sonnet--
over there----->

this is gorgeous!
you should be wearing a cape that is embroidered
SUPERPOET across the back
Maria2394 said:
1201, youre so cerebral, how do I even say I dont have a clue what you mean :confused: but it sounds cute :D
i dunno know either, but so 'rre ya :rose: :rose:
'tis good to see you, again
annaswirls said:
this is gorgeous!
you should be wearing a cape that is embroidered
SUPERPOET across the back

anna, that is one hell of a compliment coming form a poet like yourself. I am truly humbled by your kind words :).
