Pubs try to boot Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism from UW facilities

I will say that the people who are decrying the action of the WI Legislature are people I consider to be little better than traitors.

:rolleyes: The John Birch Society is still at it, eh?

Soros, would like to drastically change this nation to the US Soviet Socialist Republic.

Not even you believe that.

Actually, what you or I think is moot anyhow. The people of WE, through their elected representatives, have voted to give the boot to the WCIJ. This is every bit as true a statement as saying the people of the USA have voted for Obamacare.

Well, not quite yet, the measure just got voted out of committee.
Good thing you brought your A game. Anything less would have been incoherent.

I knew it! You're a damned liberal! And here's the extremely liberal interpretation of the word incoherent.

That conservative love affair with the mainstream media in the wake of the "AP scandal" was as short-lived as are most sex acts involving conservatives.
That conservative love affair with the mainstream media in the wake of the "AP scandal" was as short-lived as are most sex acts involving conservatives.

What love affair? :confused: Except for Fox, the mainstream practically worships Obama and has almost nothing negative to say about liberals. :eek:
What's wrong with "Pubs"? It's simply the convenient-one-syllable-shorthand counterpart to "Dems." And far preferable to "Repugs," "Rethuglicans," "Repukes," etc., as "Dems" is far preferable to "Dhimmicrats," "Dummocrats," "Demonrats," "Democrat Party," etc.
This is a pub.

This is not.
What love affair? :confused: Except for Fox, the mainstream practically worships Obama and has almost nothing negative to say about liberals. :eek:


Guy, you gotta warn me next time tears like yours start gushing because it's a rare purity of artisanal-based water outside of election time that Perrier can't match! :D