
pues yo no he hecho nada... nunca hago nada... yo siempre espero hasta que los demas trabajan para mi...
yo? no... pues claro, siempre soy la culpable, pero siempre hecho la culpa en otra persona.
ElPila said:
Ah. So were you insulting me?

So now we are bilingual?? Ok, Of course I'm insulting you. You said that redheads should wear arm bands to tell them apart. Like hair color is not enought to do so? At first I tought you were being sarcastic (in which case your comment would have been funny). But I was then informed that was not the case and you were dead serious. That would be like asking black people to wear white hats so we can see who is black and who is not. Fliping retarded.

edit; se que este foro es en espanol. Pero cuando me enfogono pienso mejor en ingles.
jeeee se van a pelear? yay *get's popcorn* *sits down comfortably to watch the fight*

jiji y todo por algo que he dicho yo... no sabia que tengo tanto poder...
firstimer_guy said:
That would be like asking black people to wear white hats so we can see who is black and who is not.

And what's wrong with that?
ElPila said:
And what's wrong with that?

If you cant understand why is idiotic to have black people wear white hats so we can recognise them as blacks. I am not going to waste my time talking to you.

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Munachi said:
jeeee se van a pelear? yay *get's popcorn* *sits down comfortably to watch the fight*

jiji y todo por algo que he dicho yo... no sabia que tengo tanto poder...

Siento aruinar tu delirio de grandesa. Pero hubiese sido tu u otro el que me informara que el no estaba bromeando. Yo huibera dicho lo mismo.
There's no need to be so angry about it. If you think white is a bad idea, how about if they wore blue instead?
That's cute. Now do one with a room full of kittens. Please.
A fucking bunny? What's special about that? Everybody knows bunnies fuck constantly.
tres tristes triges, tragaban trigo en un trigal. Agua pasa por mi casa. Pepito tenio un clavito.Cate de mi corazon. El que no me lo adivine.En la calba de un calbito. Es un burro cabeson. El clavito estaba en la calba de un calbito.
ah, you solamente sabia el primero. y pepito clavo un clavito... en aleman tenemos:

Fischers Fritze fisch frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.
Pa bajo la bola pa arriba. Tu no pegas tarros no me digas. mentirosa. tu sabes ma que nadie que tu eres loca. ahora baila y quitate la ropa. de puerto rico a cuba, cuba hast la yuma todas las mujeres, dont stop get it, get it. Sucia, yo tengo esa gasolina que te gusta. olvidate de tu marido y disfruta. dejala entragate a la amiga tu yo y ella tremenda paella, deja, los juegos pa los nenes de la escuela si lo tienes a capela ensename no tengas penas.
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Munachi said:
ah, you solamente sabia el primero. y pepito clavo un clavito... en aleman tenemos:

Fischers Fritze fisch frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.

My german is kind of rusty,

Fisherman Fritz is fishing fresh fish, fresh fish is fisherman Fritz fishing

is the best I could make out. Is that sure thats how it went tho? I could have swore the sentence is a bit off