Purple Paint Poem Challenge

Angeline said:
I should have challenged you to JUDO's gunfight. But not that marathon thingy you suggested--I kept thinking "They Shoot Poets, Don't They?" :D
I don't know if you saw this one on the Gunfighter II thread, but here ya go ;)

Death of a punfighter

Standing in the middle of a dusty,
windblown street, refuse scuttled
into shady corners. Lately, misery
has been my closest friend.

That happens when you've turned
into something you can't change
or bury deep inside an outer skin.

Where do I begin
and the page leave off?
Maybe we're all just ink
inside the pen.

and......... I'm still waiting for a challenger, c'mon.. Right Here
Dang... I can't do anything right. I submitted my Purple Poem on Thursday evening along with a note that it should go in with Friday's other Purple Poems... it's still pending!! Now I don't know if I should leave it alone, or change or delete the little note. :confused:
BooMerengue said:
Dang... I can't do anything right. I submitted my Purple Poem on Thursday evening along with a note that it should go in with Friday's other Purple Poems... it's still pending!! Now I don't know if I should leave it alone, or change or delete the little note. :confused:

Mine's still pending, too, Boo. In fact I see no new poems today.

It's anarchy!

Syn :kiss:
champagne1982 said:
I don't know if you saw this one on the Gunfighter II thread, but here ya go ;)

Death of a punfighter

Standing in the middle of a dusty,
windblown street, refuse scuttled
into shady corners. Lately, misery
has been my closest friend.

That happens when you've turned
into something you can't change
or bury deep inside an outer skin.

Where do I begin
and the page leave off?
Maybe we're all just ink
inside the pen.

and......... I'm still waiting for a challenger, c'mon.. Right Here

Do you know this film? They Shoot Horses, Don't They? I had this image of me and Fooly writing sestinas until we dropped. :D
Ange?? Teach me to write a sestina... After you kick my ass tomorrow I'll be recuperating a long while...

BTW- Tell me what you think...

Gunfighters (duelists) should choose seconds. If by chance I cant make it tomorrow- and I am now pretty sure theres no more hassles... (I killed all my trouble makers) Wouldn't it be a good idea to have another ready to step in?
Syndra Lynn said:
Mine's still pending, too, Boo. In fact I see no new poems today.

It's anarchy!

Syn :kiss:

shit, I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to have like a bazillion poems to review tomorrow. I'll die. I only have apprx. 2 hours to do it.
perks said:
shit, I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to have like a bazillion poems to review tomorrow. I'll die. I only have apprx. 2 hours to do it.

perks, you can skip the purple ones if you want, they should have been up today-- so Seattle can get them.

I don't have much time either, actually none until after the guests leave the house (omg I will be drunk)

should be interesting

By The Way: if you wrote a purple poem Seattle will at least mention it, if she don't please let me know. I have ways of dealing with her.

god is anyone else as annoyed as I am about this stupid anna talking for seattle bullshit? somebody stop me, I feel even more ridiculous than I really am. Or maybe no one even noticed (god I hope)
lipsticksunset1984 said:
hey, Anna...what did Seattle dig that knife out of the basement for you? :eek:

This is quite a shift!

What happened to the flowers between your toes? :D


okay I got another flower coming.

what the heck you are already avatar ready? it seems like you just arrived on the scene, you are a busy naughty girl!

~anna on the fence taking pictures of her sunflowers
I submitted two Thursday, and they're still pending, must be a long line at the concession stands...anywhooo they will show when they show.
Have a good weekend all :)
Merrymaker said:
I submitted two Thursday, and they're still pending, must be a long line at the concession stands...anywhooo they will show when they show.
Have a good weekend all :)

Hey MM

enjoying the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG weekend??
Tathagata said:
Hi Sis!!!

:heart: :heart: :heart:
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Things Ok??

Yes love. Miss all my friends here, but you most. Life got in the way of my poetry (insert pouty smilie)

But other than that I am quite well.;)

Y tú?

Syn :heart:
Miss you too.

Syndra Lynn said:
Yes love. Miss all my friends here, but you most. Life got in the way of my poetry (insert pouty smilie)

But other than that I am quite well.;)

Y tú?

Syn :heart:

Life has a way of taking center stage when you least expect it.
There's a gunfight going on ...might lift your spirits. Nothing like a little verbal carnage to lighten the spirits.
I miss your voice.
:rose: :cool:
Re: Miss you too.

tungtied2u said:
Life has a way of taking center stage when you least expect it.
There's a gunfight going on ...might lift your spirits. Nothing like a little verbal carnage to lighten the spirits.
I miss your voice.
:rose: :cool:

Thanks TT! It is so nice to know people care. Kinda restores faith in this world.

Damn there are some fine folks at Lit!

Syn :heart:
BooMerengue said:
Ange?? Teach me to write a sestina... After you kick my ass tomorrow I'll be recuperating a long while...

BTW- Tell me what you think...

Gunfighters (duelists) should choose seconds. If by chance I cant make it tomorrow- and I am now pretty sure theres no more hassles... (I killed all my trouble makers) Wouldn't it be a good idea to have another ready to step in?

I can show you how to write a sestina--but you already know, silly girl! Should we start a sestina thread? :)
A sestina thread?? That might work. What I did one time, and should try again, is similar to what Lauren did for us last night. I picked 6 words that were both verbs and nouns and somehow related to each other. I wrote a 1st stanza, then listed the end words down the page in the order required for a sestina. Sounds simple, huh? Then I went blank as to what to put in the lines... LOL

But maybe I will try again.

What has happened w/ the New Poems? Is Laurel sick? I have a feeling of dread... when they finally appear there will be a bazillion. I have so far refrained from reviewing cuz of my own time limits, and cuz there are some topics I won't read, and have such limited experience. But I guess we'll all have to pitch in this time. I can't believe I did it again, but I wrote a Bob... and I want feedback as to how I did. I guess fair is fair. Is there someone else who can cut loose and post the new poems?

edited to add... "Oh! The new poems are up!!"
Last edited:
Lo and behold. They have arrived... all 83 of them. (some on page 2)

About which ones are the purple ones, I have only a faint hunch.

list and SR's memorable picks

Very impressed with the Purple Paint game. Thank you for playing along and to those who left comments on my contributions.


Everyone of the 25 poems met and surpassed the challenge! There were so many I want to give my favorites, based on which ones touched me enough to remember them even at this hour:

(note duh I made my mark purple and could not be seen, so I am changing it to a scarlet letter what the hell it will show up)

~A~ mountain magesty
by perks ©

~A~ Lavendar Spike
by *Catbabe* ©

violets'n blue
by bluerains ©

by The Mutt ©

dark secrets
by fawnie ©

Lavendar Trumpet
by Angeline ©

~A~ Lavender Spikeby Tristesse ©

Splended Cornelia
by WickedEve ©

Purple Heart
by Randi Grail ©

~A~ Violent Violet
by champagne1982 ©

Victorian Amethyst
by Tathagata ©

by SeattleRain ©

Lace Lavender
by Mr_Mescalito ©

~A~ Smoky Violet
by Merrymaker ©

lavender spike
by SeattleRain ©

Dark Plum
by Tathagata©

the purple promise of Seattle
by lipsticksunset1984 ©

Fashion Plum
by neonurotic ©

~A~ Violet Cast
by neonurotic ©

Opening Night
by Liar ©

Playful Purple Poets
by Syndra Lynn ©

black raspberryby annaswirls ©

Victorian Amethyst
by The_Fool ©

~A~ Purple Pearl
by BooMerengue ©

Purple Eternity
by Merrymaker ©

I am sure I missed some and it is inexcusable. Forgive....


I finally had time to read through all the purple-goodness that was posted...wow!
*I bow to the masters*
Also, wanted to thank everyone who commented and left remarks and helpful tips. I have to say, this was a difficult one for me, since I usually write and Then come up with a title....working in reverse threw me for a loop de loop, but it was fun :)

back to the grindstone now
Merrymaker said:
I finally had time to read through all the purple-goodness that was posted...wow!
*I bow to the masters*
Also, wanted to thank everyone who commented and left remarks and helpful tips. I have to say, this was a difficult one for me, since I usually write and Then come up with a title....working in reverse threw me for a loop de loop, but it was fun :)

back to the grindstone now

Hey MM
