Purple Paint Poem Challenge

first poem submitted. I'm thinking about doing another.
Victorian Amethyst

Her eyes look off to distant thoughts
outside the ornate frame
and something else
a sadness too.
lips apart and slightly curved
not smiling but at peace
“Acceptance” – she would say later
as her hand caressed the same
purple stone at her neck.
perks said:
first poem submitted. I'm thinking about doing another.

good god not only is she intelligent and talented,
she is early and ambitious!

if I give you my pass word can you submit your second one under my name?

annaswirls said:
good god not only is she intelligent and talented,
she is early and ambitious!

if I give you my pass word can you submit your second one under my name?


No fair you!! :mad: Put in the HAT poem!! :D :heart:
Lavender Spike

Trafalgar Square – August noon
“Wot chew starin’ at?”
Tourist attractions by accident
they preen and pose never smiling
often snarling poseurs menacing
At night back at the squat
they laugh at the “Yanks an’ Japs”
With their Hasselblatts and Nikons
“Like bein’ at the zoo.” Said Spike
as he washes out his lavender hair.
I only wrote the one, so don't look for a second. I ended up slacking instead. *grin*

I'm going to check them out now. I can't wait to see what everyone came up with.
Lilac Dreams

Good Morning Purlple Poetry People!

I admit to being a poetry drop out.:(

And I didn't get to write for this challenge.:eek:

But Lilac Dreams is one of my favorites.:)

And it lost its little H.:mad:

So I will shamelessly ask you all to go read it.:D

Since today is Purple Poetry Day!:cool:

Thanks :rose:

Syn :kiss:
um er
today is the day to submit the purple poems, so we have an extended celebration! And another day to put one together-- Syn, why not post the fun one you wrote?? It would be fun for others to read it, many many people do not read the boards.

I will review them all tomorrow, I am supposed to be cleaning right now,

damn it

okay running down the stairs.....
which are already swept

the poems today are so damn good, are they always this good?
Please submit poems on Thursday July 7th so they appear on Friday.

see, that's the confusion.

It's the 8th, and it's thursday. The ninth is Friday. *smile*

Sorry for the mix up. I paid attention to the number and not the day.
Okay, can someone please hit me in the head? I am such an idot.

I can't believe after two weeks of procrastinating, I stayed up way too late last night writing something at the last minute since I thought it was due today. Actually slap in the head once for procrastinating and once for thinking ( in my own little alternate world) that yesterday was Thursday.:eek:

Sorry to add to any confusion Seattle, it was just my own stupid mistake.:rose:
*Catbabe* said:
Okay, can someone please hit me in the head? I am such an idot.

I can't believe after two weeks of procrastinating, I stayed up way too late last night writing something at the last minute since I thought it was due today. Actually slap in the head once for procrastinating and once for thinking ( in my own little alternate world) that yesterday was Thursday.:eek:

Sorry to add to any confusion Seattle, it was just my own stupid mistake.:rose:


want more?

*Catbabe* said:
Okay, can someone please hit me in the head? I am such an idot.

I can't believe after two weeks of procrastinating, I stayed up way too late last night writing something at the last minute since I thought it was due today. Actually slap in the head once for procrastinating and once for thinking ( in my own little alternate world) that yesterday was Thursday.:eek:

Sorry to add to any confusion Seattle, it was just my own stupid mistake.:rose:
yours was fucking fantastic, so shaddup. I was in awe of it.

plus, I made the same mistake. *grin*
*g* Umm, okay shutting up now.BTW, thank you for the fucking fantastic feedback. ;) I think you had some valid points and I will eventually, edit and re-submit it .

You should be aware Uppy that I may hit you back...:p :devil:
Last edited:
Tara's Purple Hatband


Purple slash
on black fedora,
on my bedroom floor,
tossed at a bedpost,
Is that my shirt?
It never looked so good on me.
That is my tie
my tie
yes my belt,
buckle ringing
call to service,
cool snake
on bare skin,
bare, cool flesh
to bite
and lick
flicking out and back
across my back
like prairie lightning,
cracking like thunder
in purple mountains,
pelting down
like hot rain
in the dust
on my bedroom floor.

SeattleRain said:
um er
today is the day to submit the purple poems, so we have an extended celebration! And another day to put one together-- Syn, why not post the fun one you wrote?? It would be fun for others to read it, many many people do not read the boards.

I will review them all tomorrow, I am supposed to be cleaning right now,

damn it

okay running down the stairs.....
which are already swept

the poems today are so damn good, are they always this good?

Ok, just for fun I'll post the funny purple poem.

But I still want ya'all to go read Lilac Dreams.;) link in sig

Syn :heart:
perks said:
Please submit poems on Thursday July 7th so they appear on Friday.

see, that's the confusion.

It's the 8th, and it's thursday. The ninth is Friday. *smile*

Sorry for the mix up. I paid attention to the number and not the day.

yeah and Seattle is numerically differently abled.

we tried to post the correction earlier but you know lit and the great meltdown

you know, there are so many worser things that could happen, lets make it purple week, hell why not,


no better place for it

I am dying with these poems so far!

Maybe we should do blue next.... I can pick up some samples at the depot....
Hey, this is not about the color, I just took one of your titles, is that ok?

...and I should submit it the regular way, right?

Purple Heart

Flak smatter
hums like hornets
and the night, almost eradicated,

heavy metal hymns,
Harmageddon immortalised
for a tomorrow
that can not listen.

"So this is what it looks like,"
he thinks,
and draws another breath
through a glowing cigarette.

To go out in other flames,
James Dean style.

Lying down,
watching new stars
zig zag swirl
in an insane display
of beauty.

He closes his eyes
and probes the perimeter
of imagination.

towards roaring bumblebees
and shrieking stingers,
delivering the goods
to every man

Through occupied air
and missile whistle
he pictures
death and dead
falling alike,
battery acid rain
from a reluctant sky.

"It came to this,"
he mumbles to the stars.
"And with each turn
of holy noble intentions
we rust and fall."

"But my legacy is this:
To be the one
who grabbed no rifle
and shot no man,
no hate to no end."

The cigarette burns out.

He still have minutes.

And the sky
spews stars,
so pretty.
Randi Grail said:
Hey, this is not about the color, I just took one of your titles, is that ok?

...and I should submit it the regular way, right?

Purple Heart

Flak smatter
hums like hornets
and the night, almost eradicated,

heavy metal hymns,
Harmageddon immortalised
for a tomorrow
that can not listen.

"So this is what it looks like,"
he thinks,
and draws another breath
through a glowing cigarette.

To go out in other flames,
James Dean style.

Lying down,
watching new stars
zig zag swirl
in an insane display
of beauty.

He closes his eyes
and probes the perimeter
of imagination.

towards roaring bumblebees
and shrieking stingers,
delivering the goods
to every man

Through occupied air
and missile whistle
he pictures
death and dead
falling alike,
battery acid rain
from a reluctant sky.

"It came to this,"
he mumbles to the stars.
"And with each turn
of holy noble intentions
we rust and fall."

"But my legacy is this:
To be the one
who grabbed no rifle
and shot no man,
no hate to no end."

The cigarette burns out.

He still have minutes.

And the sky
spews stars,
so pretty.

Wow. :rose:
Randi Grail said:
Hey, this is not about the color, I just took one of your titles, is that ok?

...and I should submit it the regular way, right?

Randi darlin' I have a feeling you never do things the regular way I bet you have figured out a unique way to submit your poems...

mine has nothing to do with the color either :cool:

Seattle said something about anarchy

If Uncle Pervey doesn't do one about purple nerples I will be quite disappointed.

shush and answer the girl's question

submit it today so it shows up tomorrow... I will review them so liar is not submerged in purple prose and poetry, although he might enjoy it.

whatever that means

my inuendo ain't what it used to be


hey, Anna...what did Seattle dig that knife out of the basement for you? :eek:

This is quite a shift!

What happened to the flowers between your toes? :D

I am trying to change my peacefull hippie image


scissors now

watch out

I am goin' troll hunting

lipsticksunset1984 said:
hey, Anna...what did Seattle dig that knife out of the basement for you? :eek:

This is quite a shift!

What happened to the flowers between your toes? :D

annaswirls said:
I am trying to change my peacefull hippie image


scissors now

watch out

I am goin' troll hunting

I gotta feeling that when you do find the trolls, you will feel bad for them and help them prune all their bushes!! I like your hippie image, dont change unless you have to :p

purple passion

I saw him as a concord
deep purple, grape
and grand
his aura sweeter ripened
than any other living man
and I felt his purplivity
bound across the ground
attacked my sadness
with a vintners gravity
afterall, wine
is a serious business
and this could be
a very good year
Maybe mine will make it tomorrow. One of the two is Ange's fault. :p
The_Fool said:
Maybe mine will make it tomorrow. One of the two is Ange's fault. :p

I should have challenged you to JUDO's gunfight. But not that marathon thingy you suggested--I kept thinking "They Shoot Poets, Don't They?" :D