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Scalywag said:
I've often felt that guts that wear speedos do so because they don't have anything to hide. :rolleyes:
i HAD to quote this because i think there's a valid and hysterical freudian slip here. LMAO!!!!
Scalywag said:
four foot black snake eh? you trying to turn this into a size thread? :rolleyes:
and of course it has to be black... not only a size thread but a bit stereotypical too wouldn't ya say?
Scalywag said:
definitely. I wasn't going to go there though.
fortunately for all of us, i have just the lack of class necessary to go there. ;)
EJFan said:
fortunately for all of us, i have just the lack of class necessary to go there. ;)

And we love you for it, EJ. ;)

As for pets, I have one very temperamental she-bitch of a cat who is almost 12 years old. She hates me, but I love her. She loves MrB who is totally unimpressed with her. It's a very strange threesome.
EJFan said:
i have recently become pet-free... but have almost always had a dog in my life (save the time i was in college) and will probably have one again next fall or winter. i love dogs. it's that simple. the training and bullshit during puppy-hood kinda sucks but once that's over with there's nothing better. they give companionship, unconditional love, encourage exercise, make you laugh, keep you warm and attract women. what else do ya need from life?

answering the pet question..I just got a chinchilla hes adorable...and I have a red earred slider turtle... :rolleyes:
Scalywag said:
Question for all:

Do you have pets? If so, what? If not, is there a particular reason?

I have a beta fish and an outdoor cat.

I like a simple life. ;)

Cats used to be inside until they decided the window sill in my kitchen was the perfect place to bird watch. Regardless of the fact that was where my favorite crystal vase was sitting with flowers...it was almost a kitty homicide but, I controlled my anger and turned them into outdoor cats. One didn't like the idea and adopted my neighboor. The other greets me every morning when I leave for work and she is waiting on my doorstep every night when I get home.

Eventually, I would like to get a dog for the very same reasons EJ mentioned (aside from the attracting women part :eek:) but, I live on a frequently traveled road and no fenced yard. Totally unfair to do that to a dog so, I will wait on that.
Eilan said:
You should've seen the four foot long black snake that had wrapped itself around the grill of our storm door a couple of years ago. The fucking cats were too busy sleeping to care.
4 foot, aww that's so cute. ;)
No animals...allergic to cats and dogs. Never grew up with them...not overly attached to them. Prefer my freedom. I raised my kids...what more do you want from me?
Like WW, I'm allergic to pet dander but I'm stuck as the primary caretaker of our immense mutt anyway. :rolleyes: I told the kids I wanted a pet rock when they begged for a dog, but no one would listen.
DLL said:
answering the pet question..I just got a chinchilla hes adorable...and I have a red earred slider turtle... :rolleyes:
I thought the fashion thread was down the hall to the left. :p
Scalywag said:
with a tip of my hat to midwestyankee for the idea:

for those of you that have pets in your household:
who was supposed to be the primary caregiver when the pests first arrived at your home, and who has become the actual caregiver?

One dog, two cats, one rabbit. All bought for the children in the first place. Dog (thank God!) left with ex and the children (after I had to walk the bugger every day for 6 months because the ex 'was not ready' to have him/her - I don't even know, haha -). One cat died in the meantime and the other one has moved to live with someone else. The children have not even made ONE remark about missing them; hell, they still think the are around somewhere!

Leaves the rabbit. They NEVER look at it. It's in the garden and they can see it from the house. Nothing. M usually feeds the rabbit and cleans the 'cage'. I feed him the fresh stuff like apple, brocoli and cucumber leftovers. I wonder if the children will ever notice if at one point the rabbit is gone too.

Isn't it always the same with children and animals? Well, almost always? (I hear a lot of stories like this).
our cat was actually a present to my wife, so she's always been the caregiver. :>

btw: sassygirl, if you're still reading, chapter 2 of the beth story is up as of now. :>

Scalywag said:
with a tip of my hat to midwestyankee for the idea:

for those of you that have pets in your household:
who was supposed to be the primary caregiver when the pests first arrived at your home, and who has become the actual caregiver?
I was supposed to be the primary caregiver, but my husband's doing it. I was taking care of the puppies, but they respond better to my husband. :eek:

It all started when I was pregnant and couldn't change the litter box.
Eilan said:
It all started when I was pregnant and couldn't change the litter box.
there's a joke in here somewhere but it's just not coming to me.
midwestyankee said:
I thought the fashion thread was down the hall to the left. :p

very funny..this chinchilla I cant wear...... :cool:
silverwhisper said:
sassygirl: thanks! i'm not sure which series you want to see continued but if you're asking about beth, you should see chapter 2 later this week. :>


Your welcome Ed! I don't remember the title - but it was the one where the couple found out children would not be possible and got very erotic from there.....

I will have to go and check out chapter 2 then -
Scalywag said:
Question for all:

Do you have pets? If so, what? If not, is there a particular reason?

Yes - I love dogs! I have a spitz / cocker mix that is currently enjoying the countryside of PA with my sister. She will be 15 next month.

My friend that is letting me stay with her has 4 dogs, 1 cat and 1 bird so I was not able to bring Buffy with me.
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